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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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who the viper is is not so important, but on the other hand, the more the enemy of political instability rises, the more often the truth that is inconvenient for him breaks through, and the more clumsy fakes look, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stop fake program on the russia 24 tv channel . well and first of all, what became known about the tragedy in krokusekholi by that moment, as the governor of the moscow region said, rescuers , after long hours of fighting the fire, managed to enter the auditorium, where the temperature was high, it was probably there that the source of the fire, the roof over the hall has collapsed , the rubble is being cleared, the fire has been mostly extinguished, some burning areas remain, structures are being spilled, the investigative committee... reported that according to preliminary
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data, more than 60 people were killed in the terrorist attack, and this number may still increase. vladimir putin was informed about the progress of the investigation; this was done by the heads of law enforcement agencies, the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs, the investigative committee and the russian guard. the head of the ministry of emergency situations told what is being done to save people. the president also listened to the head of the ministry of health mikhail murashk, governor moscow region andrei vorobyov and deputy prime minister tatyana golikova. they informed vladimir putin about helping the victims. golikova was noted by the president. i wished all the victims recovery and thanked the doctors. many of the injured are residents of krasnogorsk, khimki and moscow. nine people are in extremely serious condition, 60 are in serious condition, and the majority are in moderate condition . more than thirty victims were helped, the victims were treated on an outpatient basis. at least eight minors were among the injured. ambulances delivered those who needed hospitalization in hospitals in krasnogorsk, odintsovo, dolgoprudny. and
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moscow. the head of the ministry of health, mikhail murashko , said that there are 115 people in medical institutions, including five children. almost all the operations they needed had already been completed. severe patients are in intensive care. this was announced by deputy prime minister tatyana gollikova. the fire in kroku holly, according to the ministry of emergency situations , has been localized; before that it was reported that the fire managed to cover almost 13. m2, part of the roof collapsed. there are almost 500 rescuers on site, about 200 units. technology, at the last hour, terrorists started shooting at the spectators right in the hall before the start of the concert. eyewitnesses said they shot people at point-blank range, threw incendiary bombs, and two explosions were reported. all necessary actions to search for and apprehend criminals are taken by special forces units of the fsb and the russian guard. the terrorist attack was reported to vladimir putin in the very first minutes; according to presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, the head of state received all operational information and gave everything.
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published a list of 99 victims in the time of the terrorist attacks in crocus cityholi, a list of names can be seen on the ministry’s website . according to the department, 84 people are being treated in various medical institutions in moscow, the remaining 15 in hospitals in the moscow region. and now again to what is happening at the scene of the tragedy, our correspondent egor grigoriev works there, he is live, egor, greetings, reports came that flames were again visible above the roof in some places. what's happening now? roman,
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hello, the flames are no longer visible, they are still working actively , firefighters are working here, but the smoke is noticeably good, i will ask the operator to now try to run into a large building, onto the roof of the building crocus sitiho, you can see how the black smoke sways, such was the area of ​​the fire and, in many ways, the speed this fire was ensured by the fact that the terrorists used special incendiary mixtures, not only kalashnikov assault rifles, not only firearms, they had a large number of cartridges with them, as stated in the investigative committee, now the territory is near the kroku cityhol is still cordoned off, and law enforcement officers are clearly working. fords for
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traffic police officers, for employees of the national guard , let's give the floor to the volunteers , listen to what they have to say, here are more sandwiches, sandwiches with sausage, with cheese, apparently, also a flatbread, that is, before work, take a lot, that is... forensic investigators continue to work now, together with employees of the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs, inside the publication they not only retrieve the bodies of the dead, unfortunately,
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there are already more than 60 of them, according to some sources there are already 80 and the numbers may increase. now they continue to confiscate the weapons they left behind. terrorists continue to confiscate cartridges, including unfired ones. let's listen to what the official representative of the investigative committee, svetlana petrenko, told us. a criminal case has been opened regarding the terrorist attack; within the framework of this criminal case , a complex of investigative actions is currently being carried out. investigators of the investigative committee, criminologists, experts, together with operational services. the fsb and the russian ministry of internal affairs are currently raising the bodies of the dead. unfortunately we must say that the number the number of deaths as a result of a terrorist attack is increasing; at the moment we can already
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talk about more than 60 dead, and this figure may increase. in addition, investigators are seizing weapons from the crime scene. the ammunition that is currently being inspected has already been assigned ; genetic, fingerprint, and ballistic examinations have already begun to be carried out on weapons, ammunition and other material evidence. in addition, investigators and specialists have already begun to study recordings from cctv cameras. at the moment, during the investigation, that’s all for now. information the main evacuation of the victims has been completed by this minute, they have been taken to hospitals in moscow and the moscow region, according to the ministry of health there are 115 people, 60 in serious condition, eight of them
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are minors, the main emergency assistance has now already been provided, as for the capture of terrorists, there is information now . the official investigative committee and other law enforcement agencies are not giving, this , of course, does not mean that no one has been caught, but for now, by this minute, announce the information, law enforcement agencies are not ready, what is known is that terrorists drove up to crocus cityhall yesterday in a white car, at least one of the terrorists, because... the exact number of people has also not yet been named, they quickly got out of the car and the first bursts of machine gun fire kalashnikov, and they rang out before the start of the concert a few tens of minutes while still approaching, they started shooting point-blank
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at those who had come to the concert of the group having a picnic right in the faye, then only a few dozen went up to the auditorium for 6,500 seats tickets were not sold out. young window workers and pensioners came to the concert, of course , people began to panic, but many for a long, long time simply did not understand what was happening and did not believe, only after they saw the first victims, after they saw these terrible , these terrible events, they saw terrorists, began to leave the auditorium, someone tried to leave through the stage, but... and the terrorists blocked all the exits at the stage in front of it, that is, they completely disconnected the perimeter of the building, i would like to note that they were clearly prepared, obviously planned everything in advance , they had a large amount of ammunition
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, there were special unloadings so that it was apparently convenient for them to reload weapons, it was convenient where to store... with cartridges and so on and so on and the amount of incendiary mixture that they they had with them and how they quickly managed to spread the fire along the entire perimeter of the building, of course,
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and the bodies of the dead continue to be taken out from there, unfortunately, the number of victims is very large and now all of russia is mourning, the world is mourning too, they bring flowers to our embassies and consulates in belarus, minsk, the united states, mexico, uzbekistan, people express words of support, and i again want to ask. operator now - show one video board next to crocus city hall,
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on it we see an image of a candle, this is a sign of grief, a sign of solidarity with the russians, solidarity with the dead, with the relatives of the dead, in this way words of condolences are now expressed throughout moscow, at bus stops, and... in the subway, these are the kind of billboards we, unfortunately, see, and, of course, today is a great mourning for all of us. roman, we continue to follow the events that unfold at crocus siticho. yes, egor, thank you, now we’ll tell you more about this, our correspondent egor grigoriev was on direct communication from crocus cityhall. all over moscow, on advertising screens now there is actually one picture, on a black background, a burning candle, this is a symbol. mourning for the victims of the city holly terrorist attacks, one of the largest shields in the area of ​​the sokol metro station, where our
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correspondent stanislav bernwald is now located, stanislav, i greet you, we are waiting for details , yes, hello, this morning cannot be called good , indeed, for all of russia and for moscow and the moscow region, today is a tragic day, today, of course, all thoughts are with the victims, the moscow region is donating blood today for victims during the emergency in krasnogorsk , well , it’s worth saying that the minister of health, murashka, said today. that there is enough blood, but there is never too much of it, so today the blood collection points will begin their work, well
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, literally in less than an hour from 8 o’clock in the morning, they will work until 14 o'clock, so anyone who has a desire, and they can come today to donate blood with them, it is necessary to take their passport isnils, donors can donate blood if 60 days have passed since the...
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burn center works, because in addition to gunshot wounds, the victims have serious burns, some reach a large percentage, and doctors are now fighting for the lives of many, it is also worth noting ordinary muscovites, who today and residents of the moscow region, who today on the eve we found ourselves next to the crocus cityhol, provided
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assistance to the victims, literally carried them out in our arms, it’s worth saying a big thank you. and the drivers who stayed next to kroku cityhall all night today, helped the victims, helped relatives who spontaneously came directly to the scene of the tragedy, took them for free, but such unity, in the grief of the entire russian people, today, of course, is a very difficult day, and we continue to monitor the situation, all the latest news is on our air, colleagues, stanislav, thank you, this was our correspondent, stanislav. the whole country is replacing advertising on street billboards with a mournful inscription with a candle, digital banners with the mourning screensaver were turned on in yekaterinburg, these appeared in three points of the city at once, including in the area of ​​​​koltsovo airport, candles were lit at a spontaneous memorial, which was organized at night. the funeral screensaver
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was turned on in blagoveshchensk, advertising was replaced on the largest screen in the city near the social and cultural center, this is a popular place among citizens, there is always important events, concerts and promotions are held, and residents of blagoveshchensk organized a spontaneous memorial in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in moscow. the memorial appeared on the amur embankment, people bring flowers there in the morning, whole families come, not only adults, but also children. well, now the chronology of events, the first reports of shots fired at crocus cityholly appeared the day before in the evening, at 21:13 the ministry of emergency situations reports that about 100 people were removed from the basement of crocus city, people are being evacuated from the roof of the building, the police and the national guard arrived at the scene, managers emergency services, an ambulance, the fsb
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reports that the shooting and fire occurred before the concert, it is already clear. press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov reports. vladimir putin constantly receives information from all services about what is happening and about the measures being taken and gives the necessary instructions. almost immediately after reports of a terrorist attack in crocus appeared from different countries. condolences began to pour in, by 5 a.m. the flames were localized, 13 meters of roofs were burned, the terrorists had not yet been found. tragedy at crocus cityhall rallied hundreds of strangers to each other, those who found themselves at the scene of the events, without hesitation, rushed to help, took the wounded from the scene of the terrorist attack, random drivers took the victims to hospitals, about courage
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and compassion. stanislav vasilchenko. was, well, we were there inside. andrey lepko is one of the eyewitnesses of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. his family's trip to a concert almost turned into a tragedy. when the terrorists opened fire on people, a bullet hit andrei’s wife in the leg. now the woman is safe and carried out operation, but andrei himself thanks those who care for this salvation. my wife was wounded, blood was flowing, they dragged her out into the street, and the first car they came across. and this is far from the only heroic act, there are too many wounded, the ambulances cannot take everyone away. although there are more than fifty cars , to get to the hospital or just to a safe place, those in need are helped by those who have transport, take someone for free, if anything,
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you’ll take two, yes, yes, yes, yes, i’m a person first, and then a taxi driver, and today, well why don’t i work for free for one day, that’s right, what’s wrong with that, for the sake of people, as if everything, a terrible tragedy united hundreds of strangers to each other, the lives of the wounded, frightened defenseless would... in the hands of those who simply acted instinctively, the girl who filmed this video noticed that the man’s clothes were covered in blood, it turned out that he was dragging the wounded away from the burning building , and are you wounded? in the hands of rescue doctors, however, the help from ordinary people does not stop, various special services are on duty at the crocus city hall, and the area is cordoned off by the police.
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news. speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko said that the families of those killed and wounded in crocus city hall will be provided with all possible assistance, and those who are behind this crime will suffer a well-deserved and inevitable punishment. she wrote about this in her telegram channel: the degenerates who committed this monstrous terrorist attack must be destroyed. these are the words of state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin. he expressed deep i wished early condolences to the families of the victims. recovery for the victims. secretary of the general council of united russia andrei turchak called the terrorist attack in crocus city holly a terrible tragedy and said that retribution
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will inevitably come. patriarch kirill prays for the repose of the souls of the dead victims. the head of the synodal department for relations between the church and society and the media, vladimir legoida, wrote about this in his telegram channel. the head of the spiritual administration of muslims of russia, mufti sheikh ravil gainuddin expressed. condolences to the families of the victims inhumane attack on visitors to the crocus city hall concert hall. he expressed hope that the organizers and perpetrators of this crime will soon be found and punished. azerbaijani president ilham aliyev sent a letter of condolences to vladimir putin in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus city holly. this was reported by the press service of the azerbaijani leader. aliyev strongly condemned the terrorist attack, emphasizing that all of azerbaijan mourns the victims. words of wishes for recovery
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, condolences and support sent to vladimir president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev to putin. he condemned the terrorist attack against wounded civilians. alexander lukashenko expressed confidence that those who attacked people in crocus city will soon be found and punished. this is a brutal murder for which there can be no justification. - the president of belarus emphasized; he sent words of condolences to vladimir putin on his behalf of the entire belarusian people. president of kyrgyzstan sadyr dzhaparov sent a telegram of condolences to vladimir putin, in which he emphasized that kyrgyzstan stands for uniting the efforts of the world community in the fight against international terrorism. on behalf of the entire kyrgyz people, sadyr japarov conveyed words of deep sympathy to the relatives of the victims. representatives of austria, great britain, italy, france, germany, greece, spain and many other
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countries have already expressed their condolences to russia regarding the terrorist attack in the moscow region. words of support come from all over the world. alika komarova will tell you more. more than twenty countries condemned the terrorist attack at the crocus concert venue near moscow city hall. news about the tragedy takes up the front pages of japanese media websites. tokyo has already reported that the country is decisive. judges an attack on civilians. the german foreign ministry called the footage of the incident horrific and called for an immediate investigation into the attack. france also expressed its condolences. emmanuel macron emphasized: paris expresses solidarity with the victims, their families and with the entire russian people. the terrorist attack in india was condemned. the country's prime minister called the tragedy monstrous and said that all of india is now prays for the russian people. and the un security council demanded immediate accountability. performers, sponsors and organizers of what happened. the terrorist attack itself was called vile and cowardly by the security council. in serbia , deputies honored the memory of those killed in the terrorist attack with a minute of silence. at the same time, the head
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of the republic spoke harshly regarding the preemptive actions of the united states and great britain. please note that on march 7, the american embassy urged its citizens not to visit shopping centers and crowded places. then the british and others gave the same warning to their citizens. this means that their intelligence services intercepted certain conversations, received information and knew. something will happen. the preliminary statements of the american embassy were commented on by the russian foreign ministry. maria zakharova said that if the united states had real evidence of upcoming events, they urgently needed to be presented to the russian side. however, at his latest briefing , state department spokesman john kirby declined to comment. about a warning to the american embassy in moscow. i am not aware of any further information regarding this terrible
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event. march, the embassy warned of an impending extremist attack in moscow. yes, yes, i guess i'll let gazdep speak on this matter, but i don't think it was related to any specific attack. according to the white house national security council, joe biden does not plan to call moscow because of what happened. in new york and washington, meanwhile, people began bringing flowers and toys to buildings of russian embassies. alika komarova, victoria koroleva, lead. condolences. governor of the primorsky territory oleg kozhimyaka expressed his feelings to the loved ones of those killed in the terrorist attack in the village. he noted that those responsible for this tragedy must suffer a well-deserved punishment. dear friends, today primorzh residents are mourning along with the whole country. the terrible events that happened in crocus city near moscow shocked each of us. we express our sincere condolences to all the relatives and friends of the victims. we wish the wounded a speedy
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recovery. we cancel for the next few days all-cultural, mass and entertainment events, this inhumane crime should not go unpunished, i am sure that the terrorists will receive the deserved punishment. governor of the sakhalin region valery lemarenko expressed words of support for the victims and families of the victims. he also noted that on this sad day the people of russia need to unite. there was a terrorist attack in kroku city. the people of sakhalin and kurel are mourning together with the muscovites, i want to say that we are with you in our thoughts, dear friends, all entertainment events saturday-sunday are cancelled, russia is strong in spirit, let's unite together in this difficult hour, and of course, victory will be ours. in st. petersburg, after the tragedy in korkus tikhol, security measures have been strengthened,
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especially in places. mass presence of people, governor alexander beglov announced this. he noted that all entertainment events in st. petersburg will be canceled over the coming weekend. due to terrorist attacks, other regions are also canceling sports, cultural and other public events, governor in the nizhny novgorod region, gleb nikitin announced the cancellation, including sporting events, until further notice. the head of dagestan, sergei melikov, also announced a similar decision. list of regions. which canceled mass events for a long time, it included the perm territory, the chechen republic, the kursk region, the leningrad, saratov, zaporozhye, ulyanovsk, voronezh regions and other regions. and at transport facilities there is a maximum third level of security, as reported by the russian ministry of transport. due to with additional measures being taken, passengers are asked to arrive at airport stations in advance and with understanding.
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relate to the conduct of inspection activities. security measures have been strengthened at transport infrastructure facilities in crowded places in the moscow region. avtodor has also strengthened safety measures along its entire road network. enhanced checks are taking place at the mikinino metro station. the capital's department of transport reported that it is working normally. in connection with the tragedy in korkusel, we changed our broadcasting schedule vgtrk media holding, as well as the first channels of gazprommedia holding. mass and entertainment events in federal cultural institutions have been cancelled, there will be no performances in the bolshoi theater, the moscow oleg tabakov theater, the chekhov moscow art theater, the satire theater, the russian academic youth theater, the mayakovsky theater and others. a message appeared on the website of moscow state university about the cancellation of the open day; it was scheduled for tomorrow, march 24. most universities have moved classes to these days.


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