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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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that tomorrow you will have assault operations in general, in the big tomorrow, in the big tomorrow there will also be assault operations, no, well, fulfillment of tasks that were set by the senior commander. we will go to carry out this task, without options, without options , of course, the nature of combat operations is changing every day, new equipment, weapons, new experienced specialists are appearing, but fearless attack aircraft are still ahead.
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the terrorist attack in crocus city holly, more than 60 people have died by this minute, and this number may increase, reports the investigative committee , as the governor of the moscow region said , after long hours of fighting the fire, rescuers managed to enter the auditorium, where the temperature was high, it was there that the fire was probably located, the roof over the hall collapsed, the rubble was being cleared, the fire was basically in progress. .. patushin there are separate burning areas left, the structures are being shed. vladimir putin was informed about the progress of the investigation, this was done by the heads of law enforcement agencies, the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs, the investigative committee and the russian guard. in turn, the head of the ministry of emergency situations said that what is being done to save people. the president also listened to the head of the ministry of health mikhail murashka, the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov, and deputy prime minister tatyana gollikova. they informed vladimir putin about helping the victims. gollikova.
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ambulances transported those in need of hospitalization to hospitals in krasnogorsk, odintsovo, and dolgoprudny.
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eyewitnesses said they shot people at point-blank range, threw incendiary bombs, and two explosions were reported. all necessary actions to search for the arrest of criminals are taken by special forces units of the fsb and rosgvardia. the terrorist attack was reported to vladimir putin in the very first minutes. according to presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, the head of state receives all operational information. i have already given all the necessary instructions. the investigative committee qualified the incident as a terrorist attack, and a criminal case was opened. the investigative committee showed a video from the scene of the tragedy; department specialists confiscated weapons and ammunition. the first ballistics examinations are already being carried out, kalashnikov assault rifles, a large number of cartridges, loaded clips, including those located in the so-called unloadings, which were used by terrorists. the ministry of emergency situations published
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a list of 99 victims of the sitikholi terrorist attacks. a list of names can be seen on the ministry’s website. according to the department, 84 people are being treated in various medical institutions in moscow, the remaining 15 in hospitals in the moscow region. we are now back to what is happening at the scene of the tragedy due to the elimination of the fire and the work of the researchers , our correspondent anton potkovenko is observing, he is live. yes, roman, hello, indeed, the evacuation from trkold, where a monstrous, completely barbaric terrorist attack took place, the evacuation of the victims and survivors has now been completed, there is official confirmation of this, i’ll tell you in more detail a little later, now about what is happening directly here on the spot. there is smoke above kropus city hall, still
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smoke, of course, much rarer already such thin smoke than what happened at night, when really here... columns of fire and smoke, a huge fire with an area of ​​13 thousand km, now there is still a burning smell here, despite the wind and the increasing rain, emergencies ministry specialists continue to work in the building , firefighters continue to work, according to the latest data, fires are still present, the structure is now being watered down, an analysis is underway for... there is photographs, photographs directly from the scene of the terrorist attack, from the scene of the fire, it is clear that everything is melted , destroyed, the smoke is very strong, metal structures are melted, that is, of course, an absolutely terrible picture, the main
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department of the russian ministry of emergency situations reports that 477 specialists are now working here in crocus cityhole, too. 187 units of special equipment were involved in eliminating the fire, the remaining fires and the consequences of the fire at the concert venue, you know, there is still a cordon here, of course , a huge number of journalists, television and film crews are on duty here, and you know, there is still such a moment here, in addition to the volunteers who were there at night, with whom we talked...
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i also brought sandwiches with sausage, with cheese, apparently not with cheese, and also a flatbread for you spectator, that is, you pick it up before work, pick it up, there are still a lot of you there, that is , you decided to stop by before work or something, yes, yes, before work, yes, proof that the tragedy that happened here affected us absolutely. absolutely everyone and it is impossible to remain indifferent to it, returning to the work of rescuers, they are reported to have already entered the spectator hall, it is known that the roof collapsed there, they are now just exploring what happened to investigate the rubble,
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it was in the spectator hall that the epicenter was fire, according to one version, terrorist scattered there, most likely incendiary bombs, someone is talking about molotov cocktails, all the details... the case is currently being carried out a complex of investigative actions, investigators of the investigative committee, criminologists, experts, together with the operational services of the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs of russia are currently from they are raising the bodies of the dead, unfortunately, we
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must say that the number of deaths as a result of a terrorist attack is increasing, at the moment we can already talk about more than... more than 60 dead, and this figure may increase. besides, investigators are seizing weapons and ammunition from the crime scene, which are currently being examined; genetic, fingerprinting, and ballistic examinations have already begun to be carried out promptly on weapons, ammunition and other material evidence. in addition, from...
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what is known, it is known that the terrorists fled to moscow, an interception plan was announced, they allegedly fled in a white renault, there are photographs on the car, these nonhumans probably cannot be said in another way, the analytics that started appear, already suggests that this will be a carefully, carefully planned terrorist act, this is evidenced first of all by the dynamics of everything that happened, how it all happened... they arrived in a crocus cityhall car and started shooting, as reported in the parking lot, they
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entered with, in particular, the main entrance, they killed the guards, shot them, then these monstrous shots that we all saw that night, which is simply impossible, of course , to forget, how in faye, in the field, the terrorists shot point-blank, point-blank people, those spectators who came to the concert rock bands. a picnic, then terrorists entered the auditorium through the stalls, there were molotov cocktails or incendiary bombs, i repeat that, of course, they will clarify, there was also shooting, there is video evidence of this nightmare, then, when the building had already begun to burn, a fire began in the auditorium, one of the epicenters, the chair caught fire and the flames continued, after...
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investigative actions continue, we will monitor what is happening here on the spot. anton, thank you, our correspondent anton podkovenko was in direct communication with crocus. now there are several urgent messages from the tape , the information agent of the ministry of emergency situations reports that fires are being extinguished in the sitiho crocus. it will take about another hour and a half to 2 hours, this is reported by the main department of the ministry of emergency situations for the moscow region. in addition, at 10:00 am, a list of those killed as a result of the terrorist attack in the moscow region, who have been identified, will be published. the governor of the moscow region announced this. he also said that the dismantling of the auditorium, the removal of the rubble in the auditorium in kroku city hall, where the ceiling partially collapsed, will go on all day today. but this is another important message for relatives. a help center for relatives of deceased victims will be opened in the moscow region, it
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will open at 10:00 am in the kubik business center, it is literally five minutes from crocus, where relatives will be able to receive all the necessary information about the victims. representatives of both the moscow region and moscow governments will work at the center; they will provide the necessary assistance and answer all questions. once again at 10 am this help center will open right near crocus. moscow doctors save those wounded as a result of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. the victims were taken to several hospitals in the capital, including kalifosovsky hospital, where our correspondent, evgenia petrukhina, works. evgeniya, greetings, what do the doctors say about the condition of the wounded? yes, roman, hello, we are actually working right now at the sklifosovsky institute, this is one of the twelve moscow hospitals where victims of the bloody terrorist attack were brought throughout the night.
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really very different, there are victims in serious condition, these are those who say that the condition of victims of gunshot wounds, these are those with complex burns, those who went through the operating room, there are those victims who have a condition, thank god, take it easy, they are in the diagnostic department, that night, deputy prime minister tatyana golikova and the head of the ministry of health mikhail murashka let niskolefasovsky in, they talked with the victim. learned about their condition in person, as tatyana golikova reported in the inpatient departments there are now 115 victims, 110 of them are adults and five children, from this.
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as the head of the ministry of health mikhail murashko noted, everything necessary is now being done to provide assistance in the best possible way to those affected by this terrorist attack. mikhail murashko also noted that specialists from federal centers additionally went to medical organizations to conduct additional examinations and additional consultations, so that all medical decisions were made as quickly as possible and as accurately as possible.
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joint consultation is underway, prior to examination, some of the most severe patients will be transferred to federal clinics, everything is available in sufficient quantities, now we are at the sklifosovsky institute, all the main emergency care measures have been completed, we continue to work with severe patients, everything is moving into this stable mode. and literally in 20 minutes , the fmba blood center will begin accepting donors for donations . in addition, the ministry of health has already announced that it has opened a psychological help line, where you can also contact us, but we continue to work here next to the institute not from kalifosovsky and will monitor the condition
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of the victims during the bloody terrorist attack at crocs in city hall. thank you from not izlefosovsky. where those wounded in the terrorist attack were taken was our correspondent evgenia petrukhina. a help center for relatives of the deceased victims will open in the kubik business center near crocus city hall at 10:00 am. this was stated by the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov. he noted that there you can get all the information from your loved ones. here's what else said the head of the region. the first list is those who are in the hospital, the second is those who died or? you are now starting the difficult work of
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clearing away the rubble, what do you think is the time you need for us to gain additional clarity. this is a day, this is 12 hours , this is 6 hours, no matter what, now i need an hour and a half to two so that we can finish extinguishing the fires, then we go in, assess the situation, make a decision, i think, well, 2 hours, well, not enough, in 2 hours i will have a clear idea which one is next we will carry out sequential work, that is, as the work progresses further , we will have information at 9 o’clock, and by 9 o’clock we will understand the dynamics of clearing the rubble, that’s for sure, which means all the circumstances. who will be hidden by the investigative committee and accordingly respected by his colleagues, right? yes, that means, as follows, we need to make a headquarters, we will need to grow, because someone will call, someone will come, the first messages from the city corps appeared on the news agency’s feeds around half
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on the ninth evening, at first there was scant information about the shots, then like a snowball, the dead, the injured, the fire, the terrible numbers were only growing, it quickly became clear that this was not just a shooting, this was a terrorist attack, how it all happened, the chronology of the tragic events was restored by sergei samokha. the rogroup concert picnic was supposed to start at 8 pm, a few minutes before the third bell, when the hall was almost full, armed people burst into the crocus city hall foyer and opened aimed fire on the visitors, first at faye, and then in the hall. the spectators on the balcony... did not immediately understand what was happening, some slowly got up from their chairs, some continued to sit, but when the automatic lines started one after another, people rushed en masse to the exits, i see that some people in... in brown clothes, or brown vests, something like that, and well , there was something on their heads, i don’t know, shooting starts, it was just very far from the balcony, we were lucky in
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the sense that we were on the balcony upstairs, the shootout was below, and we saw what the line of fire goes straight towards the people, at some point, approximately at 19:45, i heard such an active noisy movement, turning around, i saw that from above, from the lobby of the main entrance to the hall, there was an active and massive burst of machine gun fire. at that moment, when another half of the spectators tried to leave the hall, the shooting died down for a while; apparently, it was then that the terrorists set fire to the room, a chair in the stalls caught fire, and harry’s acrid smell filled the area. we're at the city concert, there's some shooting going on here, a bunch of people. is running, everyone is screaming, someone is shooting here, they set the hall on fire, the hall is on fire, spectators poured out through the main emergency exits , according to eyewitnesses
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, one of the attackers was waiting for them on the flight of stairs, he fired aimed fire at those who were trying to leave the hall, about 100 people were trapped in the basement. already half an hour after the first shots, flames engulfed almost the entire concert. site, the shooting had stopped by that time, rescuers were quickly able to get inside and bring those from the basement whoever was there, some of the spectators found salvation on the roof of the building, by that time the flames had already begun to break through the roof, people were evacuated using retractable ladders. when everyone who was possible was evacuated from the building engulfed in fire, reports appeared that the terrorists could have barricaded themselves inside without waiting... the end of the extinguishing operation , special forces units entered crocus. after examining the clearing of the area
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, investigators began working inside just an hour and a half after the start of the attack. according to preliminary results according to the results, the attackers ranged from three to five people. the investigative committee publishes footage showing the weapons and ammunition of the attackers. this is a vepr hunting self-loading carbine chambered for 7.62 caliber. the same ammunition is used in the kalashnikov machine gun. in one of... unloading into six pockets, paired magazines, this is a very impressive arsenal for one person, but for one reason or another the terrorist managed to use only half of the ammunition, it is also known that the other attacker was armed with a saiga hunting carbine twelve gauge, investigators are looking for other evidence. the investigative and operational group of the central office of the investigative committee continues to work, details are yet to come. to find out all the circumstances of this tragedy, a criminal case has been opened under the article of a terrorist act. sergey samokha, maria temnikova, lead.
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the whole country is mourning the victims of the terrorist attack in moscow, on the streets of cities from vladivostok to kaliningrad, advertising on billboards is being replaced with a mourning inscription with a candle on a black background. commemorative events are held, residents bring lights to spontaneous memorial. now we are in contact with the far east, our correspondent, andrey kolesnikov. andrey, hello, how did this morning start? in primorye. greetings roman, of course, like the whole country, we are first of all shocked by what happened in the center of crocus city. i want to remind you that there is a seven-hour difference between us and the moscow region, as far as we know, all this, all these sad events took place around 20 o’clock in moscow. and, in our far east, at least in vladivostok, it was 3:00 a.m., respectively far easterners.
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we came to express our condolences, our grief together with all the russian people. just yesterday we were at the event, the opening of the far eastern spring festival was
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the philharmonic, the same crowd of people. you can see that you almost don’t have to be in the city center to see how the far east feels about what happened, even the absolute majority of all kinds of advertising banners today have changed, that is, they no longer broadcast advertising, they show only one picture, first of all this is a candle, the inscription skarbim and the date when this sad news occurred;
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i repeat, literally all regions of the far east are mourning. here is information received , also events are taking place in kamchatka , today there are banners there, just like here, almost everywhere, visible from almost any point, people, just like here in vladivostok, bring flowers to a spontaneous memorial, which is also arranged at the foot of the stele of military glory , flowers toys, as we know, unfortunately, children were also injured during this terrorist attack, and we are mourning the victims tera...
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in all regions, in almost all regions, at the direction of the authorities, it was decided to refuse any entertainment cultural events, many services for booking tickets to cinemas, theaters and so on, and have already announced that they will return the cost of the funds spent to those who tried to order something for the weekend. scarbit blagoveshchenk, residents of the capital of the amur region staged a spontaneous memorial in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack, it appeared on the embankment, on the amur embankment and... flowers and toys are also being brought there this morning, and they are holding some spontaneous rallies, discussing what happened, preparing to hold an event dedicated to the victims of the terrorist attack on sakhalin in khabarovsk, as soon as we receive a picture from there, of course, we will immediately introduce you to it, colleagues, that’s all for now, thank you, from our correspondent andrei kolesnikov was in vladivostok, digital banners with a
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grieving screensaver were included in ekaterin. these appeared in three points of the city at once, including in the area of ​​koltsovo airport. candles were also lit at the spontaneous memorial that was organized at night. residents of simferopol organized spontaneous memorials from the central square of the city in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack, in order to honor the memory of those killed, carrying flowers and lighting candles. in rostov-on-don, the façade of the stadium was illuminated by the inscription “crocus” skarbim. it was lit at night immediately after the terrible events in krasnogorsk and... irkutsk also joined the memorial campaign, they turned on a digital display with a burning candle. speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko said that the families of those killed and wounded in crocus city holly will provide all possible assistance, and those who are behind this crime will suffer a well-deserved and inevitable punishment, she wrote about this in her telegram channel. the bastards who committed this monstrous terrorist attack must be destroyed, these are the words of state duma speaker
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vyacheslav volodin. he wished the victims' families a speedy recovery. secretary of the general council of united russia andrei turchak called the terrorist attack in crocus city hall a terrible tragedy and said that retribution will inevitably come. patriarch kirill prays for the repose of the souls of the victims and those injured people, the head of the synodal department for church relations with society and the media , vladimir ligoida, wrote about this in his telegram channel. the head of the spiritual. he expressed hope that the organizers and perpetrators of this crime will soon be found and punished. president of azerbaijan ilham aliyev sent a letter of condolences to vladimir putin in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus cityhall.


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