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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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a bloody terrorist attack, a terrible battle, we literally the very first, the very minutes when videos began to fly around the entire planet, we began to receive words of condolences of unconditional condemnation from people around the world, the white house national security council reported that joe biden does not plan to call moscow because of what happened, meanwhile, thousands of people right now are carrying holy words to the russians. embassies around the world, in memory of the victims of the attack , lanterns are lit at the fences of diplomatic offices. alek komarova, victoria koroleva, lead. now the latest information about the tragedy in crocus cityhole. at 10:00 am , a help center will open near crocus in the premises of the fatherland defenders foundation. there, relatives will be able to obtain all the necessary information about the victims and victims. hotline number 122.0. the governor announced this.
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there was probably a source of fire, the roof above it finally managed to go into the auditorium, where it collapsed, the rubble is being cleared, the fire has been mostly extinguished, some burning areas are being shed, before this it was reported that the fire managed to cover almost 13 thousand km, part of the roof collapsed, almost 500 rescuers and about 200 pieces of equipment are working on the site. the number of victims, according to preliminary information from the investigative committee, is more than 60, and it may increase further. the heads of the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs, and the investigative committee of the russian guard reported to vladimir putin on the progress of the investigation, and the minister of emergency situations reported on what was being done to save people. the head of the ministry of health mikhail murashka, the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov and deputy prime minister tatyana gullikova informed the president about assistance to the victims. she noted vladimir putin thanked the doctors for...
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there are children; according to information at this hour, terrorists started shooting at the audience right in the hall before the start of the concert. eyewitnesses said they shot people at point-blank range and threw incendiary bombs.
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the consequences of the terrorist attack and the work of the researchers are observed by our correspondent, anton potkovenko, he is live. anton, what is known about the evacuation of people from croco city hole and what is the overall situation? yes, vera, greetings, well, the situation is of course tense, and as already mentioned, the majority, all of them, suffered as a result terrorist attack wounded with gunshot wounds. from poisoning with heavy carbon monoxide, they have all been evacuated from crocus city cola, the operational headquarters is working here, rescuers are working here, firefighters are working here, at the moment it is known that there are still fires, there are still flames inside the building, so we see that in fact there is still smoke, of course, well discharged enough, but nevertheless there is still smoke, despite... the intensifying downpour
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, now firefighters continue to clear the rubble and watering structures, about 200 emercom specialists are working and even several hundred emercom specialists are working here and about two hundred special equipment have been deployed , the operational headquarters and the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov are now communicating.
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fire, then we go in, assess the situation, make a decision, i think, well, 2 hours, well, that ’s not enough, after 2 hours i will have a clear idea of ​​what kind of work we will carry out next sequentially, that is, according to the further progress of the work. it turns out we will have information at 9:00, yes, at 9:00 we will understand the dynamics of the analysis the collapse, also what else was able to be made out from these frames, from this recording, we are talking about possibly creating an operational call center so that everyone who wants to know the fate of the victims and those evacuated from here from kropus seahall, where the barbaric terrorist attack took place , could obtain all the necessary data in this regard, rescuers and firefighters are now working, including in the auditorium, where the epicenter of the fire itself was, where the temperature was the highest, the terrorists were scattering either molotov cocktails or incendiary bombs, according to various sources , right now
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the investigative committee is working very hard, there is a video of this work itself, it shows that, firstly, samples were confiscated. something was seized, or rather not seized, weapons were found with which the terrorists shot the spectators who came to the concert of the rock band picnic, korkuho, kalashnikov assault rifle, presumably, at least, so to speak, whole bags of shell casings were already collected by investigators and interrogators, now examination is carried out accordingly, also ballistic examinations will certainly be carried out, and telescopic examinations will certainly be carried out here, apparently, the fragments are being collected. it was either checkers, or ground cocktails, or possible devices, because some eyewitnesses say that there were two explosions, that evening, when the terrorist attack actually took place in crocus city hall, in a word, very, very intensive work by the investigators , it continues now and will continue
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to go on, apparently for quite a long time, let’s listen to svetlana petrenko directly information from the investigative committee on... unfortunately, we must say that the number of deaths as a result of a terrorist attack is increasing, at the moment we can already talk about more than 60 dead, and this figure may increase. in addition, investigators
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are seizing weapons and ammunition from the crime scene, which are currently being examined ; genetic, fingerprinting, and ballistic examinations have already begun to be carried out promptly on weapons, ammunition and other material evidence. in addition, confiscations have already begun investigators and specialists study recordings from cctv cameras. at the moment , this is all the information about the progress of the investigation. the list of those killed as a result of the terrorist attack in korkul will be published. published approximately at 10:00 am, the list is incomplete, since information on the number of deaths as a result of this barbaric terrorist act is still being clarified and more and more new data will be received, also information on the number of victims
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also continues to be clarified, it is known that all the necessary measures to provide emergency assistance to the injured and wounded, all this... this assistance has already been provided, now we are working with patients in such a stationary, stable mode, as doctors say, including with serious patients, and there are such as doctors note that as for the actual investigation of what is happening, the terrorists fled in a white renault, now a search is underway accordingly, an interception plan has been announced in moscow, analyst. they say that everything that happened is very similar to a carefully planned terrorist attack, considering how everything this shooting of civilians and spectators who came to the concert of the rock band pitnik in crocus city
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fall took place dynamically and horribly, we just saw how the cars of the national guard drove by and are now passing us, the cordon continues to be maintained here, people are working here... a huge number of journalists, smoke is still visible in the network hall, the elimination of fires continues. we are monitoring what is happening from above. yes, anton, in direct communication from crocus sitijo. russia published a list of 99 victims of the crocus attacks sithole, a list of names can be seen on the ministry’s website. according to the department, 84 people are being treated in various medical institutions in moscow, the remaining 15 in hospitals in the moscow region. all the victims who required operations had already been performed, serious patients were placed in the intensive care unit of the krasnogorsk odintsovo dolgoprudny khim hospital.
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emergency assistance to the victims has been completed, now they are focused on stabilizing their condition, stabilizing the condition of patients, of course, patients are now all necessary assistance is being provided, specialists from federal centers came to medical institutions for additional consultation, for additional examination, so that at this moment all medical decisions are made as constructively as possible, all necessary assistance is provided as quickly as possible, today the main task: providing assistance upon admission is completed, now
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work is ongoing to stabilize patients, blood transfusions are being carried out for patients who have lost blood, everything is available in sufficient quantities, plus specialists from the federal additional medical organizations have visited the centers, joint consultation is underway, prior to examination, some of the most severe patients will be transferred to federal clinics, everything is available in sufficient quantities, now we are at the sklifosovsky institute, all the main emergency care measures have been completed, work continues with severe patients , everything goes into such a stable mode. since the very morning today there have been queues at blood donation points, muscovites
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are trying their best in every possible way to support the victims of this terrorist attack, and now we will show you a picture, this is the fmba blood center, there are a lot of people who want to help the victims, it has been open since the morning, in addition, there is a collection point for donated blood, they work at shabolovka, there is a center in addition to gavrilov and not only. here we see queues everywhere, in addition, there are donation blood collection points, of course, in the moscow region, in almost all urban districts, there is quite an extensive list, these are ievpodolsk, orekhovo, zuevo, shchelkovo, voskresensk, mytishche, sergiev posad, narfaminsk, khinki, korolev, lyubertsy, ramenskaya, there are blood collection points everywhere, so everyone who wants to help the victims can come to these blood collection points today in the morning, but we continue to work here next to...
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on on street billboards across the country, instead of advertising, there is one picture: a burning candle on a dark background, this is a symbol of grief for the victims of the terrorist attacks in crocus city hall. in blagoveshchensk, a funeral sign is burning at... the social and cultural center. this is the largest screen in the city in the center near a popular place among townspeople. important events, concerts and promotions are always held there. the residents of blagoveshchensk also staged.
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residents of the southern regions offer condolences to the families of those killed in the terrorist attack. words of sorrow appeared on the central screen of the rostov arena. in vladivostok, a spontaneous memorial was organized in the central square near the stele of military glory. candles are burning at the foot, people bring bright red roses and carnations. the color of the advertising banners is muted
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; words of grief and the date of the terrorist attack are displayed on digital screens. on all government buildings primorye. flags were flown. services were held in the churches of the novosibirsk diocese, praying for those killed and for the speedy recovery of those wounded in the terrorist attack in a concert hall near moscow. like all over the country, billboards broadcast a burning candle instead of advertising. ksenia klimena is in direct contact with the studio from novosibirsk. ksenia, over to you. yes, hello, siberia is mourning today along with the whole country in novosibirsk due to the time difference. tragedies in the moscow region, many residents found out only early in the morning, city billboards were painted black instead of advertising, memorial candles are lit, flags at government buildings are lowered, memorial services for the dead are held in city churches. many siberians today have already expressed words
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of condolences to the families of the victims, words of support and wishes for a speedy recovery. those who are now in hospitals, i suggest you listen, we only found out about this this morning, so we are grieving, so we came to church, light candles and we can help everyone, russians, condolences, may god help the loved ones of the dead people, those who are still in hospitals today, maybe many people, god is merciful.
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today candles of memory were lit on billboards , probably in all cities of russia in krasnoyarsk, in tyumen, ponychids are also held in buryat, and this is footage from the irkutsk region, the village of chuna, where a spontaneous memorial and memorial event were organized near the eternal flame. an endless line of people comes there with flowers. i suggest listening to what residents of the irkutsk region say. i watched the news today and saw that dozens of countries have already expressed condolences to our country and the events in moscow united the people of russia and i also watched on news channels how people
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helped each other, i think that this tragic event will once again unite us, i... am very shocked. meanwhile, novosibirsk residents have strengthened security measures in transport, at the railway station, at the airport, in city theaters, conservatories, philharmonic societies, and canceled all public events and concerts. the city's creative teams also express their condolences, as does the entire region as a whole. colleagues, yes, ksenia, our correspondent was in touch. from novosibirsk ksenia klemina. the first frightening messages from crocus cityhola appeared on the news agency's tapes in the evening. first , there was scant information about the shots, then a snowball, the dead, the injured, the terrible numbers are only growing, it becomes clear that this is not just a shooting, this is a terrorist attack, how it all happened, the chronology of the tragic events was restored by
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sergei samokha. the rogroup picnic concert was supposed to start at 8 pm. a few minutes before the third bell, when the hall was almost full, armed people burst into the foyer of crocus city hall and opened aimed fire at visitors, first in the faye, and then in the hall. rely on it! the spectators on the balcony did not immediately understand what was happening, some slowly got up from their chairs, some continued to sit, but when the queues automatically started one after another, people rushed en masse to the exits. i see some people in brown clothes, or brown vests, something like that and well , there was something on their heads, i don’t know, shooting starts, it was just very far from the balcony, we were lucky in that regard that we were on the upstairs balcony, there was a shootout below. and we saw that the line of fire was going straight towards the people, at some point, approximately at 19:45, there was such an active noisy movement, i
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turned around, i saw that from above, and from the side of the lobby, the main entrance to the hall , there is active and massive fire - machine gun fire, at the moment when another half of the spectators tried to leave the hall, shooting at some... time died down, apparently, it was then that the terrorists set fire to the room, a chair in the stalls caught fire, the area was filled with the acrid smell of gary . we are at a concert in krokos city, there is some kind of shooting going on here, a lot of people are running, everyone is screaming, someone is shooting here, they set the hall on fire, the hall is on fire. spectators poured through the main emergency exits outside, according to eyewitnesses, on the flight of stairs, one of the attackers was waiting for them, he fired aimed shots at... everyone who tried to leave the hall, about 100 people were blocked in the basement. already half an hour after the first shots,
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flames engulfed almost the entire concert venue, the shooting had stopped by that time, rescuers were quickly able to get inside and lead those who were there out of the basement. some of the spectators found salvation on the roof of the building. by that time, flames had already begun to break through the roof. were evacuated using retractable ladders, when everyone possible was evacuated from a building engulfed in fire, reports appeared that the terrorists could have barricaded themselves inside without waiting for the end of the extinguishing, special forces units entered the crocus, after inspecting the clearing of the territory, already an hour and a half after the start of the attack inside started work investigators, according to preliminary results of the investigation, the attackers were from three to five people. the investigative committee publishes footage showing the weapons and ammunition of the attackers. this is a vepr hunting self-loading carbine chambered for 7.62 caliber. the
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same ammunition is used in the kalashnikov machine gun. one of the backpacks has six pockets and paired magazines. this is a very impressive arsenal for one person, but for one reason or another the terrorist only managed to use half of the ammunition. it is also known that another the attacker was armed with a hunting carbine
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. his family's trip to the concert almost turned into a tragedy when the terrorists opened fire on people, a bullet hit andrei's wife in the leg, now the woman is safe, she underwent surgery, but andrei himself... thanks those who care for this salvation , my wife was wounded, she was bleeding, they pulled her out into the street, and the first car they came across stopped, well done, people took her and took her ambulance, and this is not the only heroic act, there were too many wounded, ambulances cannot take everyone away, although there are more than fifty cars, to get to a hospital or simply to a safe place, those in need are helped... for free, that’s right,
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what’s wrong with that, for the sake of people, as if that’s all, a terrible tragedy has united hundreds of strangers to each other people, the lives of the wounded, frightened defenseless were in the hands of those who simply acted instinctively, the girl who filmed this video noticed that the man’s clothes were covered in blood, it turned out that he was dragging the wounded away from the burning building on himself, and what about you? my car was left there, show me, no, i was dragging people,
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on this day, the truly russian motto is more relevant than ever, we don’t abandon our own, and it will always be so. stanislav vasilchenko, anna pogonina, lead. speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko said that the families of those killed and wounded in kroku sitikholi will be provided with all possible assistance. and those who are behind this crime will suffer a well-deserved and inevitable punishment. she wrote about this in her telegram channel. the bastards who committed this monstrous terrorist attack must be destroyed, these are the words of the state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin, he expressed deep condolences to the relatives of the victims and wished a speedy recovery to the injured. secretary of the general council of united russia andrei turchak called the terrorist attack in crocus city hall a terrible tragedy and said that retribution would inevitably come. the terrorist attack in svetiholi near moscow is striking in its cynicism
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and cruelty. said patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill. he expressed words of condolences in connection with the loss of life. the full text is published on the official website of the russian orthodox church. the patriarch emphasized that there is no need to lose faith, courage and fortitude. the primate of the russian orthodox church is confident that law enforcement agencies and special services will do everything possible to successfully and as soon as possible solve the daring crime and bring to justice those responsible for organizing its execution. the head of the spiritual administration of muslims of russia, mufti sheikh ravil gainuddin expressed condolences to the relatives of the victims of the inhuman attack on visitors to the crocus city hall concert hall. he expressed hope that the organizer and perpetrator of this crime will be found and punished in the near future. the csto secretary general condemned the terrorist attack in crocus city hall in a telegram to vladimir putin. he also expressed condolences
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to the relatives of those who died and described what happened. cruel, unjustifiable crimes. azerbaijani president ilham aliyev sent a letter of condolences to vladimir putin in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus holly. this was reported by the press service of the azerbaijani leader. aliyev resolutely condemned the terrorist attack, emphasizing that the entire azerbaijani people mourned the victims, as well as i wished patience and strength to the relatives of the victims and a speedy recovery to all the victims. sent words of condolences and support. uzbekistan, shavkat mirziyoyev, he condemned the terrorist attack against civilians and wished recovery to the wounded. alexander lukashenko expressed confidence that those who attacked people in crocus city will soon be found and punished. this is a brutal murder for which there can be no justification, the president of belarus emphasized. he sent words of condolences to vladimir putin on his behalf of the entire belarusian people. the president
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kyrgyzstan sadyrov. in connection with the terrorist attack in the moscow region, the president of tajikistan, imam ali rahmon, also sent a telegram of condolences to vladimir putin, i quote with a feeling of deep sadness, he received the message about a brutal terrorist attack on the crocus cityhall complex near moscow, which resulted in the death and injury of a large
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number of russian citizens. decisively. let's discuss this inhumane


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