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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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condolences, in which he emphasized that kyrgyzstan stands for uniting the efforts of the world community in the fight against international terrorism. on behalf of the entire kyrgyz people, sadyr japarov conveyed words of deep sympathy to the relatives of the victims. president of turkmenistan serdar berdimuhamedov sent a telegram of condolences to vladimir putin. he noted that the republic strongly condemns any manifestations of terrorism and extremism. fully supports the efforts of the international community. in the fight against this evil. berna mukhamedov conveyed words of support to the relatives of the victims, wished a speedy recovery to the victims. in connection with the terrorist attack in the moscow region, the president of tajikistan imam ali rahmon also sent a telegram of condolences to vladimir putin, i quote with a feeling of deep sadness, he received the message about a brutal terrorist attack on the crocus cityhall complex near moscow, which resulted in the death and injury of a large number of russian citizens. we strongly condemn this inhumane. an act of violence for which there is
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no justification, end quote. terrorism there can be no justification, this is how kazakh president kasym zhamaar takaev reacted to the tragedy in moscow. he called on un members to declare their opposition to this kind of violence against innocent citizens, and also promised to provide assistance to russian law enforcement agencies if needed. the kazakh leader sent words of support and condolences to vladimir putin. armenia decisively.
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in connection with the terrorist attack in the moscow region. i quote, we strongly condemn this inhumane terrorist act, as well as terrorism in in all its forms and manifestations. we stand in solidarity with the russian people in this sad and difficult time. end of quote. beijing strongly condemns the terrorist attack and supports the efforts of the russian authorities, and xidzenping expressed condolences over the terrorist attack at the crocus in cityhole. this was reported by china central television. the chinese leader noted that he was shocked to learn. tragedy. earlier, chinese citizens also sent numerous words of support to the affected civilians. our condolences to russia regarding the terrorist attacks representatives of austria, great britain, italy, france, germany, greece, spain and many other countries have already expressed their views in the moscow region. words of support come from all over the world. alega komarova will tell you more. more than 50 countries condemned the terrorist attack at the crocus city hall concert venue near moscow. news about the tragedy is occupied.
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the first pages of japanese media websites: tokyo has already reported that the country strongly condemns the attack on civilians. the german foreign ministry called the footage of the incident terrible and called for immediate conduct an investigation into the attack. france also expressed its condolences. emmanuel macron emphasized: paris expresses solidarity with the victims, their families and with the entire russian people. the terrorist attack in india was condemned. the country's prime minister called the tragedy monstrous and said that everything. now he is praying for russia, viktor orban also expressed sympathy, the politician published a corresponding post on his social networks. i would like to express my deepest condolences to the people of the russian federation in connection with the heinous terrorist act that occurred in the evening near moscow, we pray for the families of the victims. the turkish foreign ministry and the country's ruling party also expressed their deepest condolences to the russian people. turkish politicians and diplomats called the incident disgusting.
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guilty civilians. the leading representative for foreign affairs and security of the european union also shared his shock at the terrorist attack when nothing happened. the european union is shocked by reports of a terrorist attack in corocus city hall in moscow. the eec condemns any attacks against civilians. our thoughts are with everyone affected russian citizens. and the un security council demanded that the perpetrators, sponsors and organizers of the incident be immediately brought to justice. the terrorist attack itself was called vile and cowardly by the security council. in serbia, deputies honored the memory of those killed in the terrorist attack with a minute of silence. and the head of the republic spoke harshly regarding the preemptive actions of the united states and great britain. please note that on march 7, the american embassy urged its citizens not to visit shopping centers and crowded places. then the same thing warning to its citizens. was done
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by the british and someone else, which means that their intelligence services intercepted certain negotiations, received information and knew that something would happen, but at his last briefing, the representative of... the state department, john kirby , refused to comment on the warning of the american embassy. i am not aware of any further information regarding this terrible event. but on march 8, the embassy warned of an impending extremist attack in moscow. yes, yes, i’ll probably let gazdep speak on this matter, but i don't think it was related to any specific attack. the official representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova , said that the department is now receiving calls from ordinary people from around the world. people, they sympathize with the terrible tragedy and strongly condemn this bloody terrorist attack that occurred before the eyes of all humanity. all people who have a heart, all people who have a mind, all people who have a conscience, call this a monstrous crime, a bloody terrorist attack,
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a terrible battle, we are literally the first, the first the very minutes when the videos began to fly around the entire planet, they began to receive... and the white house national security council reported that joe biden does not plan to call moscow because of what happened. meanwhile, thousands of people are right now bringing flowers to russian embassies around the world. in memory of the victims of the attack , lanterns are lit at the fences of the diplomatic departments. alika komarova, victoria koroleva, lead. now the latest information about the tragedy in crocus vetikhol. at 10:00 am near crocus in the premises of the fatherland defenders foundation a help center will open. there, relatives will be able to receive all the necessary information about the victims and dead. hotline number 122.0. this was announced by the governor of the moscow region
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andrei vorobyov. at the same time , a list of those killed who have been identified will be published. meanwhile, rescuers finally managed to enter the auditorium, where the fire was likely located. the roof above it has collapsed and the rubble is being cleared. the fire has been largely extinguished, with isolated areas being shed. it was previously reported that the fire managed to cover almost 13 thousand square m2. part of the roof collapsed. almost 500 rescuers and about 200 pieces of equipment are working on site. the number of victims, according to preliminary information from the investigative committee, is more than 60, and it may rise further. the heads of the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs, the investigative committee and the national guard reported to vladimir putin. during the investigation, the minister of emergency situations about what is being done to save people. the head of the ministry of health, mikhail murashka, the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov, and deputy prime minister tatyana golikova informed the president about assistance to the victims. she noted that vladimir putin thanked the doctors and wished all the victims recovery. many of them are residents of
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krasnogorsk, khimoki and moscow. nine people are in extremely serious condition, 60 are in serious condition, and the majority are in moderate condition . more than thirty more victims were helped on an outpatient basis. there are children among the injured. according to information at this hour , terrorists started shooting at the audience right in the hall before the start of the concert. eyewitnesses said they shot people at point-blank range and threw incendiary bombs. reported in two explosions, special forces of the fsb and the russian guard are looking for the criminals. vladimir putin was informed about the terrorist attack in the very first minutes. according to presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, the head of state receives all operational information and has already given the necessary instructions. the investigative committee qualified the incident as a terrorist attack, and a criminal case was opened. and now again , our correspondent, anton potkovenko, is observing what is happening at the scene of the tragedy, extinguishing the fire and the work of the investigators. he is in touch with us again.
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anton, what is your latest information? yes, vera, greetings, information is updated literally every minute. visually, what we see actually continues to rise. smoke above the crocus cityhall building, this is confirmation that firefighters continue to work to eliminate, probably, the last fires, because 2 hours ago they said that there were some fires that had been localized, now the structure is already being watered, then there are firefighters who continue to work, about five thousand specialists from the ministry of emergency situations and about 200 units of special equipment, here... of course, the cordon remains, all the necessary security measures have been taken, this is what can be said about the latest operational information from the operational headquarters , which is deployed right there behind the cordon, next to tropus city hall,
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this operational center has several tasks , in particular, to clarify all the information on the wounded victims, at the moment, what the official telegram channels provide, in particular. vorobyov live 115 victims and wounded as a result of the terrorist attack, including including five children, will also begin work at 10 o’clock. help center - very close to cropus cityhall, 5 minutes, as they say , literally a walk away, business center kubik, this center will be located there, including a call center, and there you can get all the information about the dead, the injured, the wounded, about everything that is happening now here in crocus city hall, telephone number, if calling from moscow, 8 800 550. 50:30 also at 10:00 a list of the dead of those who have been
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identified, who died as a result of this barbaric and completely monstrous in its own way, will be published the cruelty and cynicism of the terrorist attack in cropus city holly, which occurred the night before, now the work of the fire department, as i already said, continues in the auditorium, in particular they are working, presumably this was the epicenter of the fire, the highest temperature, the strongest... fire was exactly where the terrorists scattered incendiary bombs or molotov cocktails; all this remains to be determined by the investigator exactly how it all happened. as for the work of rescuers, the work of firefighters, andrei varablyov, the governor of the moscow region, is talking directly with specialists, receives information in real time, we are with him, let's listen to a fragment of this conversation. you are now starting the difficult work of clearing out the rubble. what do you think, what time do you need for us to get additional clarity? this is a day, this is 12 hours,
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this is 6 hours, no matter how much, now i need an hour and a half to two for us to finish extinguishing the fires, then we go in and evaluate situation, we make a decision, i think, well, 2 hours, well, that’s not enough, in 2 hours it will be clear to me what’s next we will carry out the work sequentially, that is, as the work progresses further , we will have information at 9:00. yes, at 9:00 we will understand the dynamics of clearing the rubble. together with firefighters and rescuers , specialists from the investigative committee are working at the scene of the attack ; they have a lot of work to do, to find out all the details of what happened, how it all happened, they collect evidence and all the evidence, weapons were found, an automatic weapon of a kalashnikov assault rifle, which the terrorists abandoned on the spot of his... monstrous crime, also whole bags of shell casings, that's actually personnel of the investigative committee, whole bags
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of shell casings, which also have to be analyzed, there will be a ballistic examination, of course , there will be a dachtoscopic examination, some more fragments, you can see in the video that they are being studied by specialists, maybe fragments of explosive devices that the terrorists brought and actually activated in the crocus city ​​hall that's all. remains to be found out, because eyewitnesses said , among other things, that there were explosions, information from svetlana tetrenko, official representative of the investigative committee, let's listen: the initiation of a criminal case into a terrorist attack; within the framework of this criminal case , a complex of investigative actions is currently being carried out, investigators of the investigative committee, criminologists, experts, together with the operational services of the fsb and... the ministry of internal affairs of russia is currently raising the bodies of the dead.
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unfortunately, we must say that the number of deaths due to terrorist attacks is increasing. at the moment we can already talk about more than 60 dead. and this figure may increase. in addition, investigators weapons and ammunition are confiscated from the crime scene. which are currently being examined, genetic, fingerprint, and ballistic examinations have already begun to be carried out promptly on weapons, ammunition and other material evidence. in addition, investigators and specialists have already begun to study recordings from cctv cameras. at the moment, this is all the information about the progress of the investigation.
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weekends will cancel all entertainment events. in connection with the tragedy in krokutikhol they changed their broadcasting schedule vgtrk, channel one and gazprom media holding. mass entertainment events at federal cultural institutions have been cancelled, there will be no performances at the bolshoi theater, the moscow oleg tobakov theater, the chekhov moscow art theater, the satire theater, the russian
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academic youth theater, the maikovsky theater and others. a message appeared on the website of moscow state university. about the cancellation of the open house, it was scheduled for march 24. most universities have switched classes these days to remote mode. because of the rokus terrorist attacks city hall and other regions are also canceling sports, cultural and other public events. governor of the nizhny novgorod region gleb nikitin announced the cancellation, including sporting events, until further notice. the head of dagestan, sergei melikov, also announced a similar decision. the list of regions that canceled mass events is long, it includes the perm territory, the chechen republic, kursk, leningrad, saratov , zaporozhye, ulyanovsk, voronezh regions and others. the ministry of emergency situations has opened a hotline for information support of psychological assistance in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. phone number - 8 800 775-17-17. and now
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you can also see emergency numbers on the screen . which may be needed primarily by the relatives of the deceased victims is the hotline of the ministry of health, the ministry of emergency situations, including the center for emergency psychological assistance and the psychological assistance hotline of the russian red cross, which, in connection with the terrorist attack, it was decided to switch to round-the-clock operation. donor blood preparations for there are enough victims in crocus , minister of health mikhail murashko stated this on our tv channel, but... if people want to donate blood for those wounded as a result of the terrorist attack, then this can be done in several centers at once, our correspondent works near one of them , sofya sergieva, she is in direct contact. sophia, what is the current situation at the point, is there already a first donor, are there many of them? davira, hello, for victims of
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the terrorist attacks at crocus cityhall in krasnogorsk , there are points in the capital from 8:30 am. blood and its components all united in the face of trouble, look, early in the morning in bad weather, despite the day off , dozens, even hundreds of people, caring, ready to help not only in word, but also in deed, gathered here. there are a large number of people here, everything is organized perfectly, there is a mobile transfusion point, this is a queue for those who have already donated blood, and the queue is huge, by the way, for those who donate blood for the first time, in this way... moscow reacts to events in terrorist attack, this is a great tragedy, and we should not remain in side, there are a lot of victims, and you see how many muscovites responded and are here now, because we must now unite, be together in every possible way to help the victims. according to the employees of the blood center and the fmba, where we
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are now, all victims are provided with blood components in full, and donations occur uninterruptedly. and on the site. an ambulance is cheering, there are representatives of a variety of social movements, volunteers, doctors, dobro ru, the red cross, the young guard, volunteer company, let's talk to them now, hello, tell us how the first day of blood collection is going? good afternoon, well, the day is going well, despite the bad weather, there are a lot of people, it’s good that many people remained not indifferent to such a tragedy, so i think that even more people will come now, specifically from our movement. there are already 200 people specifically on this site, that is, from the volunteer company of the combat brace, and the young guard of united russia is also here with us, how do you help donors? uh, donors, look, the guys there, firstly, help fill out some documents, the guys also stand there, provide hot tea, cookies, that is, small snacks after the donation, that’s what’s very important so that the guys
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there don’t fall into a panic, which can happen someone’s blood sugar will drop or something like that, so our guys direct the queue, as it were, that is, those who have already donated shelter several times go to the same queue, those who donate for the first time, because there are more documents to fill out , go to another line, like this format and we are also trying to convey to people that what is the list of standards, what to donate blood, that is, what could not be done before donation, if a person there, for example, drank or something else, then we naturally inform him about this, what to donate he won’t be able to give blood today, otherwise it will come another day. thank you very much, and specialists from another blood center named after gavrilov also note an active interest in donating blood for victims of the terrorist attack, because of this , there were even technical problems and glitches on the organization’s website, so many people wanted to know the addresses and contacts of organizations where they could donate their blood. it is worth noting that, as a rule , blood donation occurs quite quickly, it takes 5-10 minutes and anyone over 18 years old, a healthy person, which is worth noting, weighing more than 50
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kg can become a dollar. you only need to have a passport or any other document proving your identity with you, and you can donate blood both in moscow and in the moscow region; the addresses of blood collection points can be found at website of the russian ministry of health, we will continue to monitor... what happened in crocus city near moscow shocked each of us. we express our sincere condolences to all the relatives and friends of the victims. we wish the wounded a speedy
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recovery. we are canceling all cultural, public and entertainment events for the coming days. this inhumane crime must not go unpunished. i am confident that the terrorists will receive the punishment they deserve. governor of the sakhalin region valery lemorenko expressed words of support.
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how everything happened, the chronology of the tragic events, was restored by sergei samokha. the ro group picnic concert was supposed to start at 80
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pm. a few minutes before the third bell, when the hall was almost full, armed people burst into the façade of crocus city hall and opened aimed fire on the visitors, first in the façade, and then in the hall. the spectators on the balcony did not immediately understand what was happening. someone slowly gets up from their chairs, someone continues to sit on... i see that some people are in brown clothes, or brown vests, something like that, and well , there was something on the head, i don’t know, shooting started, it was just very far from the balcony, we were lucky in the sense that we were on the balcony upstairs, the shootout was below, and we saw the fact that the line of fire goes straight towards people, at some point this is approximately in 1940. again, such an active noisy movement was heard, turning around, i saw that from above, and from the side of the vestibule of the main entrance to the hall,
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uh, it’s coming... active and massive automatic fire. at that moment when half of the spectators tried to leave the hall, the shooting died down for a while, apparently, it was then that the terrorists set fire to the room, a chair in the stalls caught fire, and the acrid smell of burning filled the area. we are at a concert in crocos city, there is some kind of shooting going on here, a lot of people are running, everyone is screaming, someone is shooting here, they set it on fire. was burning, spectators poured out through the main emergency exits, according to eyewitnesses, one of the attackers was waiting for them on the flight of stairs, he fired aimed fire at those who tried leave the hall, about 100 people were trapped in the basement. already half an hour after the first shots, flames engulfed almost the entire concert venue, the shooting had stopped by that time, and rescuers
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were quickly able to get inside. and bring those who were there out of the basement. some of the spectators found salvation on the roof of the building. by that time, flames had already begun to break through the roof, people were evacuated using retractable ladders. when everyone who was possible was evacuated from the building engulfed in fire, reports appeared that terrorists could have barricaded themselves inside. without waiting for the end of the extinguishing, special forces units entered the crocus, after an examination from... according to the preliminary results of the investigation, the attackers were from three to five people. the investigative committee publishes footage showing the weapons and ammunition of the attackers. this is a vepr hunting self-loading carbine chambered for 7.62 caliber. the same ammunition is used in the kalashnikov machine gun. one of the backpacks has six pockets for dual
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magazines. it's very impressive. arsenal for one person, but for one reason or another the terrorist managed to use only half of the ammunition. it is also known that the other attacker was armed with a twelve-gauge saiga hunting carbine. investigators are also looking for other evidence. the investigative and operational group of the central office of the investigative committee continues to work. it is necessary to clarify in detail all the circumstances of this tragedy. a criminal case has been initiated under this article. terrorist act. sergey samokha, maria temnikova, lead. the tragedy brought together hundreds of strangers in svetihol. those who were at the scene of the event, without hesitation, rushed to help, took the wounded out of the scene of the terrorist attack, and random drivers took the victims to hospitals. about courage and compassion stanislav vasilchenko. there was panic, well, we’ll be there inside. andrey
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lepko, one of the eyewitnesses of the terrorist attack in croca. his family's trip to a concert almost turned into a tragedy when terrorists opened fire on people, and a bullet hit andrei's wife in the leg. now the woman is safe and the operation was performed, but andrei himself thanks saving those who care. the wife was wounded, the blood was flowing, they dragged her out into the street, and the first car they came across stopped, well done people took her into the car and took her quickly. and this is far from the only heroic act , there are too many wounded, ambulances cannot take everyone away, although there are more than fifty cars, to get to the hospital or just to a safe place, those in need are helped by those who have transport, they can take anyone for free, if you take anything, yes, yes, yes, yes, i am a man first, and then a taxi driver, and today, well why not work for free for one day, that’s right, what’s wrong with that, for the sake of
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people, everything is terrible. the tragedy united hundreds of strangers to each other, the lives of the wounded, frightened defenseless were in the hands of those who simply acted instinctively, the girl who filmed this video noticed that the man’s clothes were covered in blood, it turned out that he was dragging the wounded away from the burning building, and are you wounded, my car is still there, show me, no, he was dragging people, show me, come here, now the victims are in the hands of doctors rescuers, however, help... from ordinary people does not stop , various special services are on duty at crocus city hall, the area is cordoned off by police to keep people in shape, local residents offer them hot tea, blankets, water and food. what happened is, of course, a terrible tragedy, it seems to me that my motivation does not need explanation, if any help is suddenly needed, i am ready. on this day for real.


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