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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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open day, and in the meantime, people periodically come up to the memorial, to the spontaneous memorial in the center of yekaterinburg, to express condolences, to just be silent and say some words of support about this horrifying, shocking thing, sometimes there are simply no words that can describe those events that took place tonight in a building near moscow. vera, yes, kiril, from yekaterinburg. our correspondent kirill bortnikov was in touch. the first frightening messages from crocus city hall appeared on tapes news agent around half past eight in the evening. at first there was scant information about the shots, then it snowballed. the dead, injured, terrible numbers are only growing, it becomes clear that this is not just a shooting, this is a terrorist attack, how it all happened, the chronology of the tragic events was restored by sergei samokha. rogroup picnic concert. was supposed
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to start at 8:00 pm, a few minutes before the third bell, when the hall was already almost full, armed people burst into the foyer, crocus cityhall, opened aimed fire on the visitors, first at faye, and then in the hall. the spectators on the balcony did not immediately understand what was happening, some slowly got up from their chairs, some continued to sit, but when the automatic lines started one after another, people rushed en masse to the exits, i see that some people in brown clothes... in brown vests, something like that, and well, there was something on the head, i don’t know, shooting starts, it was just very far from the balcony, we were lucky in the sense that we were on the balcony upstairs, the firefight was below, and we saw that the line of fire was coming right among the people, at some point, approximately at 19:45, there was such an active noisy movement, turning around, i saw that from above, from the vestibule...
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the main entrance to the hall there was an active and massive burst of machine gun fire. at that moment, when another half of the spectators tried to leave the hall, the shooting died down for a while; apparently, it was then that the terrorists set fire to the room, a chair in the stalls caught fire, and harry’s acrid smell filled the area. we're at a concert in croco city, there's some shooting going on here, a lot of people are running, someone is shooting here , they set the hall on fire, the hall is on fire, spectators poured out through the main emergency exits , according to eyewitnesses, on the flight of stairs, one of the attackers was waiting for them, he fired aimed fire at those who were trying to leave the hall, about 100 people were trapped in the basement. already half an hour after the first shots, flames engulfed almost the entire concert venue and shooting area. stopped at that moment,
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rescuers were quickly able to get inside and remove those who were there from the basement, some of the spectators found salvation on the roof of the building. by that time, flames had already begun to break through the roof, people were evacuated using retractable ladders. when everyone who was possible was evacuated from the building engulfed in fire, reports emerged that the terrorists could have barricaded themselves inside without waiting for the end of the fire extinguishing process. special forces units entered, after inspecting the clearing of the territory, already an hour and a half after the start of the attack, investigators began working inside. according to preliminary results according to the results, the attackers ranged from three to five people. the investigative committee publishes footage showing the weapons and ammunition of the attackers. this is a vepr hunting self-loading carbine chambered for 7.62 caliber. the same ammunition is used in the kalashnikov machine gun. in one of the backpacks there is unloading . six pockets, twin magazines, this is
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a very impressive arsenal for one person, but for one reason or another the terrorist managed to use only half of the ammunition, it is also known that the other attacker was armed with a hunting carbine twelve-gauge saiga, investigators are looking for other evidence. the investigative and operational group of the central office of the investigative committee continues to work; all the circumstances remain to be clarified in detail.
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these are the words of state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin. he expressed deep condolences to the families of the victims and wished a speedy recovery to the injured. secretary of the general council of united russia andrei turchak called it a terrorist attack. terrible tragedy declared that retribution would inevitably overtake. the terrorist attack in the svetikhol crocus near moscow is striking in its cynicism and cruelty, said patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia. he expressed his condolences for the loss of life. the full text is published on the official website of the russian orthodox church. the patriarch emphasized that there is no need to lose faith, courage and fortitude. the primate of the russian orthodox church is confident that law enforcement agencies and intelligence services. will do everything possible to successfully and as quickly as possible solve the daring crime and bring to justice those responsible for organizing its execution. head of spiritual directorate of muslims of russia, mufti sheikh ravil gainuddin expressed condolences to the relatives of the victim of the inhumane attack on visitors
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to the crocus city hall concert hall. he expressed hope that the organizers and perpetrators of this crime will soon be found and punished. and again to the situation at the crocus city hall concert hall. our correspondent anton podkovenko is monitoring the fire extinguishing and the work of the investigators; he is in touch with us again. anton, what is your latest information? yes, vera, greetings, continue here, around in the building itself houses law enforcement agencies, experts from the investigative committee, and, of course, firefighters and a rescuer. well, by the way, now at the moment i no longer see smoke above the roof of the city hall building, but it was most likely simply blown away by the wind, it continues to smoke, because the localization of fires continues, the main flame has already been extinguished,
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it turns out several hours ago the fire was, you know, huge, an absolutely terrible picture, 13. m2, it was on fire and the upper floors, for example, were completely burned out. seven victims these lists have been published 107 victims as a result of the barbaric terrorist attack in crocus city holly, there is close interaction between law enforcement agencies, specialists of the investigative committee and fire rescuers, let's listen
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to a fragment of the dialogue at the operational headquarters, you are now starting the difficult work of clearing the rubble, how what time do you think? you need it so that we get additional clarity, this is a day, this is 12 hours, this is 6 hours, no matter what, now i need an hour and a half to two hours for us to complete the extinguishing fires, then we go in, assess the situation, make a decision, i think, well, 2 hours, well, that’s not enough, after 2 hours it will be clear to me what further sequential work we will do, that is, according to the further progress of work, the information will be at 9: 00, 9:00 we will understand where? i will also add that in the kubik business center, literally five steps from the prole, there is a center, there is also a help center, you can call there and they will provide all the latest information about the victims, about
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those wounded as a result of the terrible terrorist attack, which happened here the night before. as for the work of the investigative committee, there is footage that actually clearly demonstrates it.
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here, right next to the building of the concert venue, well, not to say that a spontaneous memorial is being formed, but you know, people are already bringing flowers, i saw a bouquet of carnations, so big enough, it... by a fence, maybe one of my friends, those experts, those specialists who are now working directly in the building, may have left this bouquet, also on screens throughout moscow, hotline numbers, hotlines of the ministry of emergency situations, a single helpline, the hotline of the regional ministry of health and on these screens, which are usually intended for displaying advertising, on large video screens, including here. next to crocus city hall, mourning headpieces, a candle on a black background with the phrase
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“we remember, we mourn.” experts say that what happened is a miraculous terrorist attack, it is a carefully planned action, judging by the dynamics of how everything happened, judging by the purposeful terrible cruelty the perpetrators of this terrorist attack , because there were no demands, because they did not take hostages, they simply shot, killed people like that... cannot go unpunished and will not go unpunished, a thorough investigation is underway, punishment is inevitable, this is emphasized at all levels. faith? yes, anton, our correspondent, anton potkovenko, was in direct communication from kroku cityhall. the maximum third level of security operates at transport facilities, the russian ministry of transport reported. due to the additional measures being taken, passengers are asked to arrive at airport stations and airports in advance, and to be understanding about security screening procedures. security measures have been strengthened at
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transport infrastructure facilities in crowded places in the moscow region. avtodor has also strengthened safety measures along its entire road network. enhanced checks are taking place at the mikinino metro station. the capital's department of transport reported that it is working normally. in st. petersburg, after the tragedy in crocus city hall , security measures have also been strengthened. in crowded places people, governor alexander beglov announced this. he noted that all entertainment events in st. petersburg were canceled on weekends. in connection with the tragedy in crocus cityhole, vgtrk, channel one and gazprom media holding changed their broadcasting schedule. mass and entertainment events in federal cultural institutions are cancelled, there will be no performances in the bolshoi theater, the moscow oleg tybakov theater, the chekhov moscow art theater, and the satire theater. russian academic youth theatre, maikovsky theater and others. on the website of moscow
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state university announced the cancellation of its open day, which was scheduled for march 24. most universities have switched classes these days to remote mode. due to the terrorist attacks on crocus cityhall, other regions are also canceling sports, cultural and other public events. governor of the nizhny novgorod region gleb nikitin announced the cancellation, among other things. events until further notice, the head of dagestan sergei melikov announced a similar decision. the list of regions that have canceled mass events is long. it included perm region, chechen republic, kursk, leningrad, saratov, zaporozhye, ulyanovsk, voronezh regions, and others. the ministry of emergency situations has opened a hotline for information support of psychological assistance in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, telephone number 8007. 7 5 17 17 now on the screen you can also see emergency phone numbers
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that may be needed, primarily for relatives and friends of the dead victims . these are the hotlines of the ministry of health, the ministry of emergency situations, including the center for emergency psychological assistance and the hotline psychological assistance from the russian red cross, which, in connection with the terrorist attack, was decided to switch to round-the-clock operation. it started working near crocus cityhall. assistance for relatives of those killed in the terrorist attack. the staff is ready to give visitors all possible information about their loved ones. our correspondent anastasia ponko now works there. she is in live communication. anastasia, what can you say about the first minutes of the center’s work? hello vera. yes, indeed, literally 40 minutes ago a help center began operating in krasnogorsk, where people can find out all the necessary information. injured or killed at 10 am published an updated list of the dead who could be identified at the moment.
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it is now known that there are more than sixty dead, and there is a possibility that, unfortunately, their number may still increase, since the removal of the rubble in the auditorium continues today, the help center is located just 5 minutes from the crocus hall itself in the kubik business center on the premises fatherland defenders foundation, people come here literally from the first minutes of work from the center, then... exactly from 10:00 in the morning, at times a queue even forms, right now in my background you can see that employees are working, we deliberately left there so as not to interfere.
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authorities of moscow and the moscow region, they will also be able to find out all the necessary information or ask a specific question. faith. yes, our correspondent anastasia ponko was in direct contact with the center for assistance to relatives of victims of the terrorist attack. azerbaijani president ilham aliyev sent a letter of
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condolences to vladimir putin in connection with the terrorist attack in kroku svetihole. this was reported by the press service of the azerbaijani leader. aliyev strongly condemned. the terrorist attack emphasized that the entire azerbaijani people mourned the victims, and also wished patience and strength to the relatives of the victims and a speedy recovery to all the victims. president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev also sent words of condolences and support to vladimir putin. he condemned the terrorist attack against civilians and wished recovery to the wounded. alexander lukashenko expressed confidence that those who attacked people in the city hall will soon be found... court punishment, this is a brutal murder for which there can be no justification, the president of belarus emphasized; he sent words of condolences to vladimir putin on his behalf of the entire belarusian people. president of kyrgyzstan sadyr japarov sent a telegram of condolences to vladimir putin, in which he emphasized that kyrgyzstan stands for uniting the efforts of the world community in
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the fight against international terrorism. on behalf of the entire kyrgyz people, sadyr japarov conveyed the words of the deep. noted that the republic strongly condemns any manifestations of terrorism and extremism, fully supports the efforts of the world community to combat this evil. berdy mukhamedov conveyed words of support to the relatives of the victims and wished a speedy recovery to the victims. in connection with the terrorist attack in the moscow region, the president of tajikistan also imaliated rakhmon. sent a telegram of condolences to vladimir putin, i quote, with a feeling of deep sadness, i received the message about a brutal terrorist attack on the crocus cityhall complex near moscow, which resulted in the death and injury of a large number of russian citizens. we strongly condemn this inhuman act of violence for which there is no justification. end of quote. there can be no justification for terrorism, this is how
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kazakh president kassym jamar takayev responded to the tragedy in moscow. he called on un members to speak out. this kind of violence against innocent citizens, and also promised to provide assistance to russian law enforcement agencies, if needed, the kazakh leader sent words of support and condolences to vladimir putin. armenia decisively condemns the inhumane crime against civilians, with these words prime minister nikol pashinyan addressed vladimir putin. in the telegram, the head of the republic emphasizes that he learned about the tragedy with sincere empathy and expresses deep condolences to the president of russia. and mourns with the people of our country, he addressed words of sympathy and support to the families and loved ones of the victims. representatives of china, great britain, italy, france, germany, greece, spain, and many have already expressed their condolences to russia regarding the terrorist attacks in the moscow region other countries. words of support come from all over the world. artyom krosulin will tell you more. beijing strongly condemns
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the terrorist attack and supports the efforts of the russian authorities. chairman of the people's republic of china xidin. noted that he was shocked to learn about the tragedy. the chinese leader expressed sincere condolences to the relatives of the victims. residents of the prc, in turn, sent numerous words of support to the russian embassy. news about the tragedy takes up the front pages of japanese media websites. tokyo has already reported that the country strongly condemns the attack on civilians. the south korean foreign ministry said that siul shares grief with the russian people. the german foreign ministry called the footage of the incident terrible and called for it. we are monitoring the situation at the meath crisis center. i express my condemnation of all forms of terrorism close to the families of the victims. france also expressed its condolences.
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emmanuel macron emphasized: paris expresses solidarity with the victims, their families and with the entire russian people. condemned the terrorist attacks in india. the country's prime minister called the tragedy monstrous and said that all of india is now praying for the russian people. viktor orban expressed his sympathy. the hungarian politician published a corresponding post. on social networks. i would like to express my deepest condolences to the people of the russian federation in connection with the heinous terrorist attack that occurred in the evening near moscow. we pray for the families of the victims. the turkish foreign ministry and the country's ruling party also expressed their deepest condolences to the russian people. politicians and diplomats called the incident a disgusting act of terrorism attacks on innocent civilians . the leading representative for... affairs and security of the european union also shared his shock at what happened. the european union is shocked by reports of a terrorist attack at kroku city hall in moscow. the eec condemns any attacks against civilians. our thoughts are with all
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the affected russian citizens. the un security council demanded that the perpetrators be immediately brought to justice. in serbia, deputies honored the memory of those killed in the terrorist attack with a minute of silence. and the head of the republic spoke harshly regarding. preemptive actions by the us and uk. please note that on march 7, the american embassy urged its citizens not to visit shopping centers and crowded places. then the british and someone else gave the same warning to their citizens. this means that their intelligence agencies intercepted certain communications, received information and knew that something would happen. however, at his latest briefing, state department spokesman john kirby declined to comment on the warning.
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all people who have a heart, all people who have who have intelligence, all people who have a conscience call it a monstrous crime, a bloody pirate attack, a terrible battle, we literally from the very first minutes, when the videos began to fly around the entire planet, we began to receive words, condolences, unconditional... condemnations from people worldwide. the white house national security council said that joe biden does not plan to call moscow because of what happened.
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the baltic countries did not offer condolences to russia either. only the head of the lithuanian ministry of foreign affairs urged not to lose focus without explaining what he meant. them at the same time, thousands of people are right now bringing flowers to russian embassies around the world. in belarus, spontaneous memorials appeared in the first hours after the tragedy was reported. words of sympathy and support were expressed. representatives of parliament, government agencies, public organizations. residents of tashkent, baku, almaty, dushan-be, chisinau come to honor the memory of the victims, bringing flowers, lamps and children's toys to the building of the russian consulate general in new york. artyom korosulin, olek kamarova and ekaterina shamaeva. news. first scary messages from kroku city-hoola appeared on informagent tapes around half past eight in the evening. at first, there is scant information about the shots, then, as the numbers only grow, it becomes clear that this is not a tender lump, dead, injured, terrible just shooting, this is a terrorist attack, how it all happened, the chronology of the tragic events, restored by sergei samokha. the rogroup concert
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picnic was supposed to start at 8 pm, a few minutes before the third bell, when the hall was almost full, armed people burst into the foyer of crocus cityhall and opened aimed fire at visitors, first in the faye, and then in the hall. on the balcony they didn’t immediately understand what was happening, someone slowly gets up from their chairs, someone continues to sit, but when the automatic lines started one after another, people rushed en masse to the exits, i see that some people in brown clothes , or in brown vests, something like that and well, there was something on the head, i don’t know , shooting starts, it was just very far from the balcony, we were lucky in the sense that we were on the balcony upstairs, there was a shootout below and we... from
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the lobby of the main entrance to the hall there is an active and massive burst of machine gun fire. at that moment, when another half of the spectators tried to leave the hall, the shooting died down for a while; apparently, it was then that the terrorists set fire to the room, a chair in the stalls caught fire, and harry’s acrid smell filled the area. we are at a concert in crocus city, there is some kind of shooting going on here.
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the entire concert venue, the shooting had stopped by that time, rescuers were quickly able to get inside and take them out of the basement those who were there, some of the spectators found salvation on the roof of the building, by that time the flames had already begun to break through the roof, people were evacuated using retractable ladders. when everyone possible was evacuated from the building engulfed in fire, reports emerged that the terrorists could have barricaded themselves inside. without waiting for the end of the extinguishing , special forces units entered the crocus; after inspecting the clearing of the territory , investigators began working inside within an hour and a half after the start of the attack, according to preliminary results according to the results, the attackers ranged from three to five people. the investigative committee publishes footage showing the weapons and ammunition of the attackers. this is a vepr hunting self-loading carbine chambered for 7.62 caliber. the same ammunition is used in the
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kalashnikov machine gun. one of the backpacks has six pockets, paired magazines, this is a very impressive arsenal for one person, but for one reason or another the terrorist only managed to use half of the ammunition. it is also known that the other attacker was armed with a hunting rifle saiga twelve gauge. investigators are also looking for other evidence. the investigative and operational group of the central office of the investigative committee continues to work.
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and this is far from the only heroic act, there are too many wounded , ambulances cannot take everyone away, although there are more than 50 cars, to get to the hospital or just to a safe place, those in need are helped by those who have transport, take someone for free, if anything is for them take it, i’m a person first, and then a taxi driver, and today, well, why
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not for one day... be free, that’s right, what’s wrong with this, for the sake of people, as if everything , a terrible tragedy united hundreds of strangers to each other, the lives of the wounded, frightened defenseless were in the hands of those who simply acted instinctively, the girl who filmed this video noticed that the man’s clothes were covered in blood, it turned out that he was dragging the wounded away from the burning building, and that you were wounded, my car was still there, show me, no, he was dragging people.
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on this day, the truly russian motto is more relevant than ever, we do not abandon our own, and it will always be so. stanislav vasilchenko, anna pogonina, lead.


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