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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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all faith is your word. spoke about spontaneous memorials in memory of the victims that arise in the far east. flags are at half-staff in st. petersburg, and the moscow train station has become the spontaneous center where holy candles are carried. dmitry akimov is in direct contact with us. dmitry, you have the floor. yes, hello, colleagues, but st. petersburg, the northern capital, along with the whole country, of course, is mourning today. we are working.
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the meeting in the city canceled all entertainment and sporting events, the governor announced this, in addition, the governor of the city, alexander beglov, said today that security measures have been strengthened in the city; indeed, in particular at the moscow station, today there is an unusually large number of police, but nevertheless, despite such an official ban on holding the event.
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i recorded this video message , let’s see, what happened yesterday was an absolutely monstrous event, but i’ll honestly say that comprehension has not come, i can’t wrap my head around how all this can happen, who these people are, what motivations they have to to do, well, such absolute evil , absolute evil in its purest form, i’ll add that these are... which you can see now behind my stage, located today absolutely throughout the city, they count in the dozens, of course, st. petersburg today, together , together with moscow, together with the victims - those affected in this terrible tragedy, such news from the northern capital, by this moment, colleagues, yes, dmitry, dmitry akimov spoke about how st. petersburg supports moscow after the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. my condolences to family and friends victims of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. expressed by
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the governor of the primorsky territory, oleg kuzhemyaka. he noted that those responsible for this tragedy must suffer a well-deserved punishment. dear friends, today primorzh residents are mourning along with the whole country. the terrible event that happened in crocus city near moscow shocked each of us. we express our sincere condolences to all the relatives and friends of the victims. we wish the wounded a speedy recovery. we are canceling for... this inhumane crime should not go unpunished, i am sure that terrorists will receive the punishment they deserve. the governor of the sakhalin region, valery limarenko, expressed words of support for the victims and families of the victims. he also noted that on this sad day the people of russia need to unite. there was a terrorist attack in croco city. the people of sakhalin and kurel are grieving together. with muscovites, i want to say
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that we are with you in our thoughts, dear friends, all entertainment events on saturday and sunday are cancelled. russia is strong in spirit, let's unite together in this difficult hour, and of course, victory will be ours. words sympathy and support in connection with the terrorist attack comes from all over the world. dozens of countries have already expressed condolences; find out more about the reaction to the tragedy. boris ivanina, boris, what do russian officials say, which world leaders sent telegrams of condolences? yes, vera , hello, well, indeed, as you rightly said, words of grief and support are now coming from all over the world, it’s even difficult to single out someone from this list from people for whom the tragedy in the moscow region was reflected in pain in the heart, these are like ordinary citizens , so and top officials of various countries. the monstrous terrorist attack in the crocus city hall concert hall is our common pain and glory. and sorrow comes
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literally from everywhere. chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko responded to the tragedy in krasnogorsk. she promised the seven dead and wounded that all possible assistance would be provided. well, those who are behind it. for a monstrous crime they will suffer a well-deserved and inevitable punishment. the same call was supported in the lower house of the russian parliament. i quote: the degenerates who committed this monstrous terrorist attack must be destroyed. end of quote. these are the words of the speaker of the state duma vyacheslav volodin. he also expressed deep condolences to the relatives of the victims and wished a speedy recovery to all those injured. at the same time, the patriarch of moscow urged not to lose faith, courage and fortitude. and all rus' kirill. the orthodox church prays for the salvation of those who are now in hospitals, patients whose lives doctors are fighting for. divine services this day are held in churches throughout russia. representatives of other faiths also express words of grief and support. chapter spiritual administration of muslims of russia, mufti
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ravil gainuddin, expressed condolences to the relatives of the victims. quote from the inhumane attack on visitors to the crocus city hall concert hall. according to him, in almost all mosques in russia during the midday service today. support is coming to russia from a variety of countries, india strongly condemns the heinous terrorist attack in moscow, prime minister narendra modi wrote on social networks. the republic, i quote, stands in solidarity with the government and people of russia at this hour sorrow. the tragedy in krasnogorsk shocked china, the chairman of the people's republic of china sidin ping. official beijing supports the efforts of the russian authorities to maintain national security and stability. earlier, residents of the middle kingdom also sent numerous words of support to everyone affected by this disaster. in fraternal belarus, people bring flowers and light candles.
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a spontaneous memorial has already formed near our embassy in minsk. and so it is now near many russian depressions around the world. well, the head of the republic alexander lukashenko expressed confidence that the attacker was attacking people. will be found soon and will be punished, this is a brutal murder for which there can be no justification,” the president of belarus emphasized. kazakhstan also condemns the terrorist attack against civilians, said the president of this country, kasym zhamar takayev, in a telegram addressed to vladimir putin. he called on un member states to declare their unanimous rejection of violence of this kind against innocent citizens. telegrams with words of condolences and support addressed to the russian leader comes from all over. cis, president of kyrgyzstan sadyr zhapparov especially emphasized that he stands for uniting the efforts of the world community in the fight against international terrorism. turkmenistan condemns in the strongest terms any manifestations of terrorism and extremism, noted the head of the republic, serdar berdy mukhamedov. he stated that he fully
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supported control and eradication measures. quote this evil. azerbaijani president ilham aliyev also sent condolences to the russian president. stressed that the entire azerbaijani people mourns for the dead, he also wished patience and strength to the relatives of the victims and a speedy recovery to everyone who suffered in this tragedy. this tragedy left no one indifferent; armenia also condemns the inhumane crime against civilians. the country's prime minister nikola pashinyan expressed his deepest pains to the russian president and wrote that he grieves together with the people of our country. he also addressed words of sympathy and support to the families and loved ones of the victims. president of uzbekistan shavkat also sent a telegram to vladimir putin mirziyoyev. he condemned the terrorist attack against civilians, wished congratulations to all the wounded and expressed confidence, quote: in the inevitability of punishment for the organizers of the perpetrators of this crime. we condemn this inhumane act of violence, for which there is
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no justification, this is a quote from the address of the president of tajikistan, mali rahmon, and i quote: i received the news of a brutal terrorist attack with a feeling of deep sadness. mournful hour, expressing to the relatives of the victims to all the people of friendly russia our most sincere condolences. end of quote. spontaneous memorials are now springing up in different cities of the cis, people bring fresh flowers and light candles. this is a day of our common pain, in which we must nevertheless remain strong in spirit. boris ivanin, about the russian and international reaction to the tragedy. and now there is an urgent message from the russian investigative committee that the suspects who committed the terrorist attack in the crocus city hall concert hall were detained near the border with ukraine. it is also reported that investigators from the investigative committee have begun working with
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suspects began interrogating those detained on suspicion of committing a terrorist attack at crocus cityhall. tragedies are now the focus of western attention. on the front pages of leading publications, photographs of a burning concert hall, details of what happened, attempts to understand who might be behind the attack, readiness to provide support in the investigation a little over an hour ago... interpol expressed, but the us reaction was not so clear. report by dmitry melnikov. when the us president left washington to go to weekend in delaware, he was already aware of the tragedy in the moscow region, and the white house said that us authorities were monitoring what was happening in russia. journalists shout questions at the president about the terrorist attack in the concert hall. biden did not respond, and as the white house later said, the russian agent did not. he does not plan to call the russian president. official washington has not yet condemned this
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bloody terrorist act. the only response is from the national security council's strategic communications coordinator, john kirby. we've all seen the video footage from moscow, which captured the brutal shooting in the concert hall. this footage is absolutely horrific and difficult to watch, our thoughts will obviously be with the victims of this horrific attack. further official reaction. the united states did not have information in advance about the tragedy in the concert hall in the moscow region and immediately began to divert suspicions from kiev. the united states had no information about the preparation of a terrorist attack in moscow. moreover, the united states sees no indication that ukraine or ukrainians were involved in the moscow attack. however, the white house then announced that at the beginning march, us authorities received data...
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the state department advises americans in moscow to avoid places with large crowds of people, and also follow further news on the official website of the department. these warnings about a possible terrorist threat in moscow were first published on the website. the us embassy, ​​then in the uk, and later other western diplomatic missions in russia began to warn their citizens about this. at the time, the us embassy said it was monitoring reports that extremists were planning attacks on major events in moscow, including concerts. and today a representative of the white house began to assure that he does not see a direct connection between these warnings and the shooting of people in crocus city hall. we don't know to what extent this is a warning from the us embassy. in early march and this terrorist attack are related, but we did have some concerns about the possibility
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of a terrorist attack in moscow and its environs earlier this month. it is necessary to obtain more information about what happened in order to put the puzzle together. the american press, without waiting for the results of the investigation, stated that one of the cells of the so-called islamic state, banned in russia, was to blame for the attack. citing sources in the government, the american media reported that they allegedly have... information about the involvement of the isis group in the terrorist attack. they also reported that information about a possible terrorist attack was transmitted in advance to the russian intelligence community through communication channels. however, no official clarification was made on this matter. on the initiative of russia, the council the un security council adopted a statement strongly condemning the cowardly terrorist attack in krasnogorsk. and immediately after the attack in moscow , people began bringing flowers and soft toys to the russian embassy in washington. having started work on tuesday, congressmen will go on a two-week easter break on friday and
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return to the capitalist hill only on april 9, and before the break the main task is to prevent another shutdown, that is , a stoppage of the work of the federal government, it is already obvious that legislators will decide for the rest of the week your inner problems, not problems of so-called allies. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. next to the croque light. there was a help center for relatives of victims of the terrorist attack. the staff is ready to give visitors all possible information about their loved ones. our correspondent anastasia ponko now works there. she's live. anastasia, what can you say about the work of the center at these moments? hello, vera, from 10 am a help center began operating in krasnogorsk, where people can find out information about the victims or. died in a terrible tragedy. the help center is located just 5 minutes from the very neighborhood of city hall, in the cuba business center, on the premises
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of the defenders of the fatherland foundation. people come here from the first minutes of the center’s work, sometimes there’s even a queue, and many ask them not to take pictures in this state, it’s difficult for people to contain their emotions, so now we’ve moved a little away from the employees, they’re just working, communicating with people in front of me, psychologists and social psychologists work here. coordinators of the fund, defenders of the fatherland, specialists, who have experience, how can you help people in such situations, how can you support them? for example, a man recently contacted the center’s specialists. he is scared because since 9 pm, since yesterday, his wife has not been in contact, she was just at the crocus, and now they are just doing it, and , unfortunately, there are a lot of people who are looking for their loved ones, and not everyone gets the answer at this moment, where are their relatives, in such cases, if the name of the missing person cannot yet be found in
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one list, then the specialists of the help center, they record data about the person, and as soon as at least... 5,000 victims who received outpatient treatment appear, children registered in the moscow region whose father or mother died in the tragedy will also receive monthly payments. by the way, you can find out information not only in person, you can call the hotline number 122.0 for calls from moscow 8 800 550 530. calls come in one after another,
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employees are on the phone all the time, and there are a lot of people who... don’t even call in order to find out about the missing relative, but in order to ask how you can help the victims. also on the streets of moscow, hotline numbers are now broadcast on the screens, this is a single helpline of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, a hotline of a moscow hospital, a hotline of the ministry of health of the moscow region, and we continue to work in the help center, vera. yes, anastasia, our correspondent anastasia was in direct contact with the center for assistance to relatives of victims of the terrorist attack. so, investigators in the bryansk region began working with suspects in carrying out a terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, four alleged terrorists were detained near the border with ukraine. earlier , the director of the fsb reported to vladimir putin about the detention of 11 people allegedly involved in the attack. as the investigative committee clarified, the terrorists used
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a highly flammable liquid to set fire to a concert hall with spectators. it was established that the terrorists used automatic weapons during the attack; they , along with ammunition, were found on the spot and seized by investigators. according to the latest data from the ministry of health has 107 people in hospitals, with a total of 121 people on the list of victims. according to the investigative committee, the number of victims has increased to 93 people, and these data may not yet be final. a help center has been opened near crocus, where you can get information about the victims and victims. there is a hotline, its number is 122.0, for calls from moscow - 8 800, 550, 50-30.
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messages. from information agent feed by message the public relations center of the fsb of russia, after the terrorist attack, the criminals intended to cross the border of russia and ukraine, and it is also reported that they had relevant contacts on the ukrainian side. children began to be evacuated from areas of the belgorod region that are most often subject to shelling. about 1,200 will be exported. human. this morning the train with the children arrived in kaluga. there are almost 300 children, they will be placed in health camps. and they expect comfortable living conditions and five meals a day.
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among the children are 133 young athletes, gymnasts, wrestlers and swimmers. in retirement they will be able to continue training. a train with schoolchildren evacuated from the belgorod region arrived in tambov, the children will be placed in the tambov artek sports and recreation camp, prepared for young belgorod residents. the regional shift called artek welcomes friends, they will be introduced to the history of the region, talk about cultural connections, traditions of the tambov and belgorod regions. belgorod was again subjected to an air attack by the ukrainian armed forces, as a result of which one person was killed five were injured, 14 multi-storey buildings and a passenger bus were damaged. from belgorod, reporting by alexander revunov. one person died, five more belgorod residents were hospitalized with injuries of varying severity. fragmentation, craniocerebral and barotrauma, the regional governor vyacheslav glodkov announced. it was a difficult morning, private houses and
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apartment buildings were damaged, there were casualties, it is now being clarified. in total, this morning, from the ukrainian side, 17 shells from the vampire rszz were fired at belgorod; they were shot down in the sky of our air defense, but the explosion, dangerous fragments fell on residential areas, this is a consequence of the detonation of one of these munitions. balconies collapsed. on three floors, the shelling happened around 7 am, naturally at that moment there were people inside the apartments, a man, the owner of one of them died, his wife was hospitalized by disaster medicine doctors in one of the hospitals in belgorod, there were raids on office buildings, shopping centers, pharmacies, private sector, a fire started in this house as a result of falling fragments, rescuers they are engaged in its liquidation, law enforcement officers are also working here, there was a hit, as i understand it, in the enclosure, and ricocheted into the house, except. at the moment when
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a regular bus was approaching a public transport stop, the driver responded to the alarm in time, the passengers managed to hide behind concrete blocks, this saved them, a telegram alert went off that there was a missile danger, we ran to the stop , dropped off the passengers and we all ran to the shelter. we sat down and after 30 seconds the arrival literally arrived. the special commission has already began assessing the damage. utility services are engaged in eliminating the consequences of the shelling. alexander ivanov, andrey kusov and mikhail shum. vesti, belgorod region. rogliol fultra oil, created using innovative gtl and pao technologies , ensures maximum engine performance. rolf ultra - a new era of motors. oils, let's do it this way, and now it's a beast, there are more ideas, of course, let's count the plastic, yur, without a qr code for a long time, with vtb online, the camera
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and you will receive 100,000 rubles. we pay everyone hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business. we continue the broadcast, the head of the state duma committee on international affairs, the head of the ldpr faction, leonid slutsky, is in touch with us now. leonid edardovich, hello, what can you say about this tragedy? "a terrible bureaucratic tragedy occurred in the crocus district of armed bandits, completely defenseless, peaceful people died and suffered, expresses deepest condolences to the relatives of the victims and most likely convalescence to those who suffered, now the main thing is to help those who find themselves in
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trouble who needs treatment. our special services are performing their work effectively , already some of the terrorists, then for the investigative operational actions, everyone who committed this incredible monstrous terrorist attack must certainly be destroyed, we have left the council of europe, we are no longer bound by any international protocols on the moratorium on the death penalty, and here only death for death. moreover, if it turns out that in addition to isis there is a connection with the kiev regime, although mikhail podalyak, zelensky’s adviser, said that they have nothing to do with this, but the investigation will show, then the special military operation must be completed with punishment, with the destruction, moreover, of everyone who was involved in this,
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everyone who took re'. who planned , who participated, and we cannot be sure that the terrorist kiev regime is not involved in this, on the contrary, there is a suspicion that this is connected with russia’s participation in the holy and noble special military operation to destroy the nazi regime in ukraine, so we will monitor, we will participate in this... incredible terrorist act a signal for us all to be even more shoulder to shoulder, all together, to be for russia for its national security in big and small ways and to be unconditionally vigilant, because such things can happen until all the terrorists are destroyed, this causes tears, this causes the deepest compassion .
12:00 pm
will the committee on international affairs appeal to an international authority in connection with this terrorist attack?
12:01 pm
you will need to make a decision with a cool head.


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