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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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suffered to the relatives of the dead, there are no words to express all the emotions that cover, well , further shoulder to shoulder, harshly, mercilessly, until the last terrorist is destroyed. leonid eduardovich, how do you assess the international reaction to these events? will the committee on international affairs appeal to an international authority in connection with this terrorist attack? we have already contacted the parliaments of the world through our contacts, you see how large a number of heads of state, public organizations, and parliaments certainly express condolences, each hour these condolences are coming, including, including to us, we, of course, need...
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we will make a decision with a cool head, perhaps, and perhaps more than once we will turn first of all to the united nations, here to the parliaments world and international parliamentary organizations, we will raise this issue at the session of the interparliamentary union, which opens today in geneva, i must say that, of course, no one remained indifferent, completely different countries of the world, including countries of the anglo-saxon world, those who, it would seem, supports the terrorist regime in ukraine, but declare their innocence and express regrets, the investigation will show everything and put everything in its place, everyone who was even on the periphery of the preparation of this monstrous terrorist act will suffer inevitable punishment, the same ones who ...
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which will be held on monday in anticipation of the government’s report to the state duma on april 3, we will certainly report our considerations to the president, the situation requires an immediate response from everyone, including parliament, of course, we must act in a professional manner, and... i am confident
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that the relevant measures in the field of national security will most likely be formulated by the president in the coming days. let’s not anticipate events; now it is necessary to systematically and i will confirm once again, professionally work in this direction before expressing any proposals and decisions in the public sphere. nevertheless, of course, this is the situation...
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the head of the state duma committee on international affairs, the head of the ldpr faction, was in touch with us, leonid slutsky. an investigator in the bryansk region is interrogating a suspect. during the crocus cityhole terrorist attacks, a car with four alleged terrorists was stopped near the border with ukraine, now from the bryansk region, where the alleged terrorists were detained, our correspondent igor pikhanov is in direct contact, we will learn all the details from him. igor, what do you know at this moment? hello, vera, let me start with the fact that about 15 minutes ago, this is the road that connects.
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bryansk region and kursk region were open to vehicle traffic , apparently, terrorists who attacked... the police tried to stop them, but they began to escape from the chase, fire was opened on the suspects, and as a result the car overturned on the spot; one of the suspects, three men, was detained tried
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to hide in the forest belt, but were soon also detained, a large number of police officers, employees of the russian guard, employees of the fsb and other operational services took part in this special operation, now on the spot investigative and operational actions are being carried out; it is reported that a pma pistol was found in the car, as well as ammunition. it is also reported that the terrorists had contacts with the ukrainian side and tried to hide on the territory of a neighboring state. vera, yes, igor, the connection was igor pikhanov. from the bryansk region, suspects of committing a terrorist attack in sitikholi were detained there. we continue to monitor what is happening at the site of the tragic events at kroka sitikholo, they will be liquidated in the near future remaining fires. rescuers began clearing the rubble
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and using service dogs to search for people. our correspondent anton potkovenko is observing the liquidation of the consequences of the terrorist attack and the work of the researchers at these moments. he's the connection. anton, over to you. yes, vera, welcome , i’ll tell you about the work of investigators and of course about the work of firefighters, you know, since we monitor everything in real time, now and visually, you can see that black smoke has appeared again above the roof of the crocus building itself city ​​hall, well this does not mean that the fire is flaring up, of course, these are just situational stories, before this there was such gray steam, because it was raining quite heavily, the rubble was being cleared, there was a spill. construction , localization of the remaining fires is underway, which actually remained after that grandiose, absolutely terrible fire that raged here at night with an area of ​​13,000 m2, most of the information
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actually comes from the work of the investigative committee, experts work here, analysts work here, they are now analyzing data from video cameras, from street cameras, they are talking. with the victims , at the moment, it has reportedly been established that 93 died as a result of a cynical terrorist act in crocus city hall, as for the causes of death, these are gunshot wounds, and this is severe poisoning by combustion products, carbon monoxide, and as for weapons used by terrorists - automatic weapons, there are samples, there is video, there are cartridges, there are traces of shots, ballistic tests will be carried out examination - all the necessary examination in order to restore the entire chronology of the tragedy that occurred - last evening in the killy building near moscow,
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to restore it literally second by second - from also the details, and why the fire actually broke out, the terrorists used - that is, there were different versions. fsb public relations center. the weapons used by the terrorists during this cynical action were hidden in a cache ahead of time, which again and again confirms the version that this terrorist attack was carefully
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planned. in the case of a terrorist attack a criminal group of 11 people was detained, as well as four terrorists themselves. participated and carried out this terrible murder of unarmed people in the crocus city hall concert hall in the shopping and entertainment complex.
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including next to croco city hall and throughout moscow in general, a mourning screensaver, a black
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field, a memorial candle, in memory of all those who died during everything that happened, in the end i will return to the fsb statement, work is underway to identify all the circumstances terrorist attack, well, it is emphasized it is already official that the terrorist attack was carefully planned, faith. anton, thank you, our correspondent anton potkovenko was on the direct line with crocus sitijo. the moscow regional blood center will work to accept donors for victims of the terrorist attack in crocus until the last person wants it. now the head of the moscow regional blood center , maria apalub, is in touch with us. maria viktorovna, hello, do you know how many victims are in need right now?
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some of the victims went to moscow clinics, some to those near moscow, which means we currently have a huge number of donors, and we thank them sincerely for their response, but we ask, nevertheless , to remain calm and understand that, especially given the burn disease, the characteristics of the burn disease, donated blood will be needed for at least another period.
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it makes sense for volunteers to continue donating blood. in this regard, please remind us what rules must be followed before donating blood? and the rules are quite simple: we invite all people who do not have chronic diseases and are already 18 years old turned, whose body weight is 50 kilograms or more and people who do not constantly take medications, these are the basic basics. which means, as for the restrictions on drinking alcohol for 48 hours
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, anti-inflammatory drugs, if god forbid you get a headache or something , please wait three days, in general , here are the main ones and you can on the website of our blood center, as well as on the all-russian website you can see a lot of useful information in order to understand in more detail. what could be contraindications, more subtly. maria viktorovna, but at the moment there is enough blood for the victims? yes, there is enough, but it makes sense that everything we have is stable. as for the victims, absolutely stable supply, in the moscow region , irreducible supplies are constantly maintained throughout the moscow region, not only in the blood center, and therefore we are always ready for emergencies, we do not want emergencies to happen under any circumstances, but we hope for the best, but we always prepare for the worst, so
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we have no problems providing for the victims it was and is not, and will not be. thank you, the head physician of the moscow regional blood center, maria apalub, was in touch with us. there's some shooting going on here. vladimir kolokoltsev immediately arrived at the scene of the terrorist attack, i want to hug you all and thank you. the initiation of a criminal case into
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a terrorist attack is a grief for the entire country, our souls are with the relatives of the victims.
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so, by this moment the fsb reported that after the terrorist attack was carried out, the criminals intended to cross the russian border. according to the latest data from the ministry of health in hospitals there are 17 people, a total of 121 people are on the list of victims, as reported by the investigative committee, the number of victims has increased to 93 people, and these data may not be final. rescuers have begun clearing the rubble at the site of the fire in crocus
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cityhole, using robotic systems and drones, and a help center has been opened next to the crocus. there you can get information about the victims, there is a hotline, its number is 1220 for calls from moscow 8 800 550-50-30. blood collection points in moscow and the moscow region are open in the morning, there are a lot of people who want to help the victims, this is what the head of the fmba said. dear colleagues, today it starts at 8:30.
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a little longer, about 40 minutes, what we see now in this center, of course, is a reflection of unanimity, unanimous support.
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where the identification of the bodies of the dead will be carried out, and this is natural, well, the most painful moment for everyone, so serious help will be required for loved ones, family members of the victims, the second detachment of eight people is deployed - to help the psychologists of the ministry of emergency situations and social psychologists, in the kubik center, located near the site of this tragedy.
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it wasn’t, the moscow region managed with the help of moscow relatives and the institute and krasnogorsk hospitals there, but the agreement with the ministry of health, with michal albertovich murashko, if you and we transport one of the seriously wounded to our place, we will do everything. the head of the just russia for truth faction sergei mironov is in touch with us now . sergei mikhailovich, hello, what can you say about this attack? sergey mikhailovich,
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hello, can you hear us? yes i hear, hello! sergei mikhailovich, what can you say about this attack? well, first of all , i want to express my deepest condolences to the relatives of the victims and wish a speedy recovery to all the victims. today, all of russia, all the people of the world, are mourning with you. this ruthless and absolutely inhuman act of cerarism, which is specifically designed to intimidate us all, will not work. we survived when there was a wave of terrorism in 2000, and we will survive now. i can’t help but remind you that the head of the ukrainian nazi intelligence service, budanov, boasted that he was ready destroy russia from the inside with the help of terrorists. and recently the head of bandera’s national security council.
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the perpetrators are absolutely clear, and here i cannot say that the death penalty must be returned for terrorists, these non-humans cannot live on our planet, and , of course, it is also necessary... serious protection of cultural institutions, and of course, schools, children's gardens, i will repeat once again, our national guard is the most professional, we need money, let’s allocate money, there is nothing more valuable than human life, and here we need more understand, there is a war going on, a war is being waged against us by the collective west and, above all, by the hands of the ukranazis, and here we must mobilize, we must understand that this is... really a war, in this war all the most prohibited techniques will be used against us, and we must defend ourselves, we will stand, victory will be ours , i have no doubt that what has already been found...
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the perpetrators, i am sure, the customers will be named, and i have no doubt that the terrorist regime in ukraine must ultimately be destroyed, and its leaders liquidated in in this connection, victory will be ours, i have no doubt. sergei mikhailovich, will the state duma and your faction change their agenda for the coming week in connection with this, that i am sure we will have to change the agenda, because it is necessary to take measures, i uh. i think that we will have a meeting with the prime ministers and deputy prime ministers; it is probably necessary to make changes to the current budget, add money, including for the protection of socially significant objects. sergei mikhailovich, thank you for joining us, the connection was the head of the fair russia faction for the truth, sergei mironov. china is shocked by the terrorist attack in the moscow region and firmly supports the efforts of the russian authorities to maintain
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the national one.
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terrorist attack in moscow, our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims, india stands in solidarity with we strongly condemn the heinous government and people of the russian federation in this hour of sorrow. authorities around the world and ordinary citizens. the russian embassy in beijing was informed in the demission that they were receiving thousands of calls from concerned residents of china, also
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the chairman of the chinese people's... sent today a telegram of condolences to the country's president vladimir putin in connection with the terrorist attack in russia, the head of china, on behalf of the government of the people of the country, expressed condolences in connection with the large number of victims and expressed sincere sympathy to the families affected. i am shocked by the news of a serious terrorist attack on a concert hall in the moscow region. which entailed great casualties. the chinese side firmly supports the russian government's efforts to maintain national security and stability. flowers at the building of our children's missions around the world, calls from all over the planet, with words of strong condemnation of this bloody terrorist attack, which is happening before the eyes of all humanity. the authorities sent telegrams of condolences today.
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acting president wothi an-hsuan sent a telegram of condolences to russian president vladimir putin in connection with the terrorist attack at crocus city hall in moscow, which left many dead and injured. on the same day, foreign minister buit hanson also sent his condolences to his russian counterpart sergei lavrov.


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