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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with the president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev, the leader of the central asian republic strongly condemned the terrorist attack in the city hall building, he condolences over the tragedy. mirzeev also asked to convey words of support to the families of the victims, and wished a speedy recovery to the victims. the heads of state confirmed their mutual intention to continue.
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information about the tragedy in crocus cityhall the fsb detained 11 people, including four terrorists who attacked crocus cityhall. head of the service alexander bortnikov, reporting about the work done to vladimir putin, also noted that the security forces are identifying possible accomplices. the investigative committee, in turn, provided new information on those killed in the terrorist attack, this is 115 people, and the number may still increase. the names of forty-one dead have been identified, this was reported by the ministry of health of the moscow region. specialists examine. and
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genetic. the list of victims includes 121 people, 107 of them are hospitalized, many in serious or extremely serious condition. as moscow mayor sergei sabyanin stated, together with the region will provide support to those affected by the tragedy. compensations will be paid from... four terrorists were reportedly detained in the bryansk region, when they were only about 100 km from the border with ukraine, the white foreign car had to be stopped by shooting at the wheels, now our special correspondent igor has come into direct contact with the scene pikhanov. igor, tell us how the events unfolded, where and how the car was found? hello
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yuri, we are now on the m3 highway, which connects the bryansk region and kursk region, the border with ukraine is also nearby, terrorists tried to break through there, they were moving in an inomark late at night towards a neighboring state, here they were found by police officers and tried to stop them, but the militants tried to escape, a chase began, they lost control and. .. not far from this place, their foreign car overturned, a nineteen-year-old man was detained on the spot, three more tried to escape on foot, but it is almost impossible to do this now in the spring forest, the snow has melted, the soil turned into a mixture of mud and melted ice, soon all the militants were caught , the investigative and operational actions had just ended, the car... was evacuated to
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the impound lot, now this is material evidence, traffic was also opened on this highway for security reasons motorists, as well as local residents, traffic on this road was closed for such a long time, let's give the floor to the suspect, he said that he committed this crime for the sake of money made a massive profit, took part in a mass murder, let's listen: excerpt, he listened to the preacher, listened to the preacher, yes, and he wrote on you, his assistant wrote to me, what the assistant's name is, i don't know, no first name, no last name, no nothing , he wrote to me, only he, when he wrote to you , about a month ago, what he wrote specifically, he wrote, in short, he promised that he had started everything, what did he tell you, what should be done, where did he start? the conversation just grew more expensive
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at first, then he offered it to me, i agreed, what did he offer, did he offer money, did he offer money, for what did he offer, did he offer for money, what? fest special forces akhmad , the police, as well as the russian guard, the suspects put up fierce resistance, but nevertheless were detained alive, during the detention, as i said, they resisted and were injured,
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everyone who needed medical help was taken to medical facilities , criminals must answer before the law, now... what lights do you have by this hour? yes, yuri, greetings, we have personnel, actually from the crocus sitiho building, rescuers are now continuing to work there and firefighters are continuing to work, eliminating the remaining fires after
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that terrible fire that raged on the night of the 13th. let me remind you, there was its square, and so the governor of the moscow region was at... at the site of the terrorist attack they showed him, respectively, the consequences that are now visible and the work that firefighters are carrying out, everything is very clear and the picture is of course very memorable, almost the entire tree there was burned out , that is, it was practically clear nothing was left directly in the concert hall, in the main auditorium, it is clear that specialists are working among the fragments of bent metal, it is clear that the roof, roofing, metal mesh, which is reinforcement, which strengthens the walls, collapsed, it more or less did not survive, it is clear that it was bent from the enormous temperature, and those pieces of the roof that still remained, they seem to be overhanging now, so the climbers are conducting reconnaissance and the climbers told us
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what actually needs to be done, we need to cut them off, let's listen, these are all structures that hang, they need to be cut down quickly, now we have our climbers doing reconnaissance, right?
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and safety and, accordingly , as efficiently as possible to disassemble everything that today we see there, the pleasure of discovering everyone who may be there, there is a sub-hall, rescuers work around the clock, location and shifts, and we accordingly accompany this work and provide maximum technical support and everything necessary, also around the clock, as a rescuer and in close connection with them. specialists from the investigative committee are working with the ministry of emergency situations, experts, analysts, they have a lot of evidence, a lot of evidence that the terrorist attack that took place was carefully prepared, the terrorists, as is known, hid weapons for it in hiding places, it has already been established that for arson, in particular in
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that very main hall, main concert hall, they used a liquid, a kind of aerosol that they sprayed and a liquid that they poured. in particular, a chair, a flammable liquid, which flared up, so there was such a monstrous fire, uh, machine guns were found, automatic weapons and... which terrorists killed defenseless spectators who came to a concert of a picnic group, the night before, a huge number of cartridges were found, naturally there will be traces of shots, and a ballistic examination is being carried out, uh, four terrorists who directly committed uh these terrible things, these the murders were detained, the entire criminal group of eleven people was also detained, in the bryansk region, as my colleague just told me, they were aiming for ukraine, they had contacts there, they
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there were connections and they wanted to take refuge there, all the details of what was happening here, in particular in the bryansk region, from svetlana petrenko, the official representative of the investigative committee, her words. the investigation team, which included investigators, criminologists and experts from the investigative committee of russia , continues to work at the site of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole . inspection of the premises of the concert hall and seizure of material evidence, recordings from cctv cameras are being studied, work is underway with victims, appointed and ballistic, genetic and fingerprint examination is carried out on the material evidence left by the terrorists at the crime scene, these are automatic weapons and ammunition. according to preliminary data, the causes of death were gunshot wounds and poisoning by combustion products. follow. have also already begun working with crime suspects who were detained by intelligence services and
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law enforcement agencies in the bryansk region, near the border with ukraine. 115 dead as a result of a terrible terrorist attack, and this of course, it cannot leave anyone indifferent, despite the cordon, and it does not break the cordon; of course, such a plaque is formed here as a kind of spontaneous memorial. indifferent. i heard right from the first minutes yesterday how everything was on the screen, it’s impossible to stay away and what was happening, it’s impossible to look at these shots , i just want to honor the memory of what happened, it’s hard to talk about it, in
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fact, to honor the memory of the people who left, who came for the event, but we are paying for something, this is the price, the price of being russian, i also wanted to lay flowers and express my illness to the deceased relatives, so i really hope. that we will win and can win this war, win and get rid of all the occupiers. specialists of the investigative committee and firefighters continue to work here in crocus city hall at the site of the tragedy and, accordingly, more and more details of the terrorist act that occurred are being revealed. yuri. my colleague anton potkaenko was on direct line from crocus cityhall. in several hospitals in the moscow region and moscow at once doctors are doing everything necessary to save the life and health of victims of a terrorist attack.
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a total of 121 people were hospitalized, including five children. as the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov, told reporters, some of the victims had complex and extremely serious injuries. in the most difficult cases, people are transferred to high-tech hospitals. the queues at the blood center in moscow are not decreasing, despite the rain and bad weather. people stand for several hours, really wanting to help the victims. a lot, our correspondent sophia works in one of the centers sergieva, she is again in direct contact with the studio. sofia, what is your situation now? yes, yuri , hello, the situation is now calm , i must say that by the way, this morning there were huge queues here, just several kilometers long, people were taking up seats, everyone was just rushing to help, in some centers, in the center of gavrilov, for example, even the site crashed, technical problems appeared, because people... everyone wanted to find out as soon as possible where they could come and sign up to donate blood. it must be said that here in this
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center, the fmba center where we are now, everything happens almost automatically, the process of donating blood itself has been brought to automation, people come, sign up for a queue, they are accompanied throughout their entire stay here in the center by volunteers, representatives of a variety of social movements, they not only help them draw up documents, fill them out, and pass some questionnaires that will allow them to become a potential donor. and - of course, to keep warm in such chilly weather, they accompany them all the way, thanks to which donors feel comfortable here. here.
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it should be noted that the process of donating blood is organized almost continuously; 58 people can donate blood at the same time in different halls, plus there are 12 mobile stations that allow the staff of the mfba center to collect blood in various parts of moscow, and there is also an ambulance on duty here, which i am ready to assist everyone who came today, i repeat that there was a record turnout here today, more than 560 people have already donated their blood for the victims of the terrorist attack.
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all requests from institutions for victims are provided with stocks for issue; at the moment there are 882 liters of erythrocyte components, 9 tons of plasma,
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which can be issued to institutions for clinical use. it will go through a very multifaceted selection process, a stage of testing a variety of characteristics, but the staff of the vmbva center assures us that now donations are taking place uninterruptedly and that everyone who needs blood has received it, it should be noted that we feel here this one this one grief, and here even now you can see
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this place and on the advertising billboard there is a candle of grief, which was placed in... memory of those who died yesterday, in memory of these victims, near the city hall, near crocus city hall a spontaneous memorial has appeared, where children's toys, candles, flowers are brought in memory of these victims, and to once again remind that such disasters should not happen again. yuri, yes, sophia, sergegiva spoke about the work of blood donation collection points. donbass mourns victims of a terrorist attack in the moscow region. together with the whole country, since the very morning, the residents of donetsk have been carrying flowers of ecstasy russia. red carnations as a symbol of grief and courage. our correspondent vadim topalov is in direct contact with the studio from donetsk. vadim, the floor is yours. greetings, yuri. it is truly difficult to convey the grief and pain that the residents of donbass feel in connection with
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the monstrous, terrifying tragedy that occurred the day before in korkusel in moscow. from the very morning , residents of the capital bring flowers, lamps, and children, because it became known that among the victims of this monstrous terrorist attack were. children too, people express sincere words, sympathy, condolences to relatives who have lost their loved ones, as well as to the victims, i suggest you listen, it’s very difficult, a very difficult situation, tears in our eyes, it’s impossible to perceive it all normally, we condole, we sympathize, we live with this 10 years, so this is all very close to us, and we worry and mourn. with all the people, we express our condolences, this is all very scary, sad, a big tragedy for the whole country,
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as you know, moscow is the chief region for donetsk, the capital of russia , for the capital of donbass, for the capital of the donetsk people 's republic, it has done a lot, these are new roads, new sidewalks, renovated schools and kindergartens, because the grief that happened in moscow, for us... is a stranger, sincere words of condolences are also expressed by the deputy corps. it must be said that donbass, for all these 10 years, knows like no one else what terrorism by ukrainian militants is. we live during shelling, and we also understand and have learned understand that there is no such thing as someone else’s grief. this weekend in the capital of the donetsk people's republic in the cities of donbass, flags were lowered, all mass, cultural, entertainment events, sporting
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events were canceled, donbass is also mourning, moscow, we are with you, studio from donetsk, our correspondent vadim topalov was in direct contact, well, again we are returning to the situation in the bryansk region, where today the suspects in the terrorist attack in the svitekholi village were caught, the probable killers were captured by our special services.
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german chancellor olaf scholz stated this. foreign minister anna lena burbock also condemned the cowardly attack and expressed sympathy for the russian people. hungarian foreign minister peter szijarta sent his condolences to moscow. on the part of budapest, he promised to contribute to the fight against international terrorism. the head of the norwegian government also voiced words of support for the relatives of the victims. while western politicians and diplomats express condolences, experts are looking into who may be behind the attack on the concert hall. word to artyom krosulin. immediately bring to justice the perpetrators, sponsors and organizers of what happened, this was the call made by the un security council. at the headquarters of the united nations, the attack was called heinous. belgrade spoke in a similar vein. serbian deputies honored the memory of the victims with a minute of silence, and the head of the republic spoke harshly regarding the preemptive actions
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of the united states and great britain. please note that on march 7, the american embassy urged its citizens not to visit shopping centers and crowded places. then they gave the same warning to their citizens british and others. this means that their intelligence services intercepted certain negotiations. at home they reported that joe biden does not plan to call moscow because of what happened, they did not offer condolences to russia and the baltic countries, only the head of the lithuanian ministry of foreign affairs urged not to lose focus, without explaining what he meant.
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the south korean government has not yet condemned the terrorist attacks; they expressed hope that the organizer of the terrorist attack will be quickly identified, while diplomats in shioli usually use other formulations, in particular decisive condemnation of terrorist attacks and the inability to justify them in any way. most western experts have no doubt that the afghan isis cell is behind the attack, which is trying to take revenge on moscow for effectively fighting terrorists. not all the details are clear yet, but the pattern of the attack indicates what's behind it. it is the terrorists who are responsible, and not the special services of this or that state. for comparison, remember the attack on the bataclan theater in paris in 15, or the terrorist attack in brussels in 16, which was carried out on the same day, march 22. u isis, in particular their afghan cell, had their own motives. moscow successfully fought terrorists in syria. in addition, extremists are at war with the taliban in afghanistan. last week, their
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leadership in kabul just appointed its military atache in moscow. british politician george galway, in turn, does not rule out that isis militants could have acted at the behest of western intelligence services. if the biden regime is found to be involved in a mass terrorist murder in moscow, there will be a virtual state of war between superpowers. aggressively minded pro-western media ignore these words. bilt journalist julian röbke, known for his anti-russian rhetoric, decided to write instead of condolences. that the terrorist attack should not affect the collective efforts to weaken russia, did not best grasp the scale of the tragedy and the essence of what was happening, and sky news journalists, in their urgent reports, instead of information about the victims taken to the hospital, they broadcast a false report about the shooting near the institute of emergency medicine named after sklefosovsky, allegedly they were talking about two different incidents: artyom krosulin, alek komarov, news.
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a help center for relatives has opened next to the kroku network hall.
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how to work in such difficult situations, how to communicate with people, how to try to help them. the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov, visited the help center today, he talked with people and actually saw how the center itself works. here at the support center we have received 272 calls to date, and 30, well, about 40 relatives have come. in order to to obtain information about your loved ones, the headquarters here employs specialists who compile all the necessary lists so that they are not duplicated. moscow mayor sergei sobyanin said that together with the moscow region they decided on payments, so 3 million, and the relatives of the victims will receive a million each, the injured, those who are in
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hospitals, and also 500,000 each. and the victims who are now receiving treatment on an outpatient basis will receive monthly payments, and children registered in the moscow region, whose father or mother died, and many people are now asking not to film them , not to communicate with them, they just walk past the cameras very quickly so as not to communicate with journalists, but they are not in the right state right now, it is very difficult for them morally, and there are many people here who, unfortunately until they find their names...


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