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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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the headquarters here employs specialists who compile all the necessary lists so that they are not duplicated. moscow mayor sergei sabyanin said that together with the moscow region they decided on payments, so 3 million will be received by the relatives of the victims, by a million to the injured, those who are in hospitals, and also by 500 to the victims who are currently receiving treatment. on an outpatient basis, also monthly payments will be received by children registered in the moscow region, whose father or mother died, and many people are asking now don’t film them, don’t communicate with them, they just walk past the cameras very quickly so as not to communicate with journalists, they’re not in the right state right now, it’s very difficult for them morally, and there are a lot of people here who, unfortunately, haven’t yet found exactly their loved ones, they don’t know what’s wrong with them now... at the moment, in
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such cases, specialists make sure to write down people’s data, and as soon as at least some information appears, they immediately call their loved ones back and tell them everything. here today there are almost 100 employees, 18 psychologists, more than twenty operators who work on the telephone. these families do not need any certificates today; now the most important task is to provide maximum assistance to the victims of this terrorist attack. the center will work around the clock, that is, our phone number is 122, we accept all incoming calls, we are absolutely in sync with muscovites, with moscow, so no matter where the family is from, we will interact, representatives of the authorities of moscow and the moscow region are also at the help center, they also have you can submit your question and get detailed information, yuri. thank you
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, our correspondent anastasia ponko was in direct contact with the center for assistance to relatives of victims of the terrorist attack. the tragedy in krokul was paid for by hundreds of strangers; those who were at the scene of the events, without hesitation, rushed to help. our correspondent evgeniy nipot met with one of the heroes, and now he is in direct contact. evgeniy, tell us the details of this story? yuri, greetings. the heroism and of course, our modesty. hero , him, he asked to introduce himself as mikhail, because he fears for the safety of himself and his family, but what he told us, of course, is amazing, he came to the concert with his wife, at the time of the attack, everything took time until they were together inside the concert hall, everything took about 5 minutes, and so at the moment of the attack he was inside with his wife, and saw how the terrorists mercilessly attacked. private people
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are shot, he saw them set fire the lining of the inner hall, heard an explosion , at some point he saw that the terrorist was not far from him and his wife, seizing the moment, he, having chosen this very only successful moment, realized that right now he needed to act to save himself and, of course, the life of my beloved, at that moment i... there was only wild horror, i was afraid that they would kill me, that’s all, my life would end there, so well, it’s ridiculous, when he caught up with us, he began to reload his weapon, a second i had something to think about, i accepted the movement, i pushed my wife, i ran around him myself on the left, grabbed the machine gun with my left hand , pulled it in... and with my right hand
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began to strike him on the head, he began to fall down, i grabbed him by the neck with my left hand and also continued to strike, at that moment another man ran up to me , also dealt a couple of powerful blows, then, according to mikhail , terrible, truly terrible moments began, he lost his ... wife, but saw that in the place where he left her, before going to attack the terrorist, she was already there wasn’t, that is, there was hope that she got out, and he, along with the people who fled away from the terrorists, at the same time, as our hero notes, he saw how people help each other, those who stumbled, take people out of the building in order to find a safe place, having already found themselves outside in the parking lot, he started looking for his wife, only after... they phoned, they
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managed to meet, he says that these were, perhaps, one of the happiest moments in his life, his wife ran out at... the moment in the other direction, to the right of the exit, and the parking lot is, was on the left, it tried to see if i was running out , about 100 people ran out of the stream of people while she was looking, then we managed to talk on the phone, it turned out that i was closer to the car than she was, because she was looking out for me, and i was with a difference of in fact, 10 seconds after she ran, we met in the parking lot. a moment of happiness that we were both alive, that there was shock, hysteria, i calmed down and called the car and we left. what is surprising is not only the heroism, as i mentioned above, but also
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this natural modesty, because this is what mikhail’s boss actually found out about his feats without any involvement when mikhail called his boss. said that he had lost his jacket, lost the keys to the office , even then at that moment it was known that the man had neutralized the terrorist, his boss asked: weren’t you that same hero, and mikhail had no choice but to admit, that is when we talked to him, he really says that yes, it was an act, a moment when there was nothing left, or you will defeat this opponent, this an inhuman enemy, or you will die yourself, your wife, but of course he chose. the only correct version of the development of events, he neutralized the terrorist, ran away, he says that, of course, he didn’t see when the terrorist was unconscious, what happened to him there next, the most important thing was to find his beloved, his wife, and i would also like
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to note one moment, when he told his mother about what happened, she, of course, was very scared and asked, well, what were you doing, he says, i attacked, she called him a hero, we talked, were there any examples in a family of people like this, who are such heroic examples, he says that he took the example from his brother, who always defended the weak, and of course, books, as vladimir semyonovich vysotsky sang, you read the right books as a child, this really is true about this russian hero, about you, yes, that means the right books - numbers in childhood, yes, if you didn’t go into battle with... in front of the executioner, it means you were luckier, had nothing to do with it, nothing to do with it , something like this, and well, like mine, my brother gave me an example, he fought with those who offend weak, you hear his voice trembling,
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indeed, this is a terrible, terrible stress that he endured, but still did not lose his head, it would be without pretension to say that thanks to his... action , dozens, if not hundreds of lives were saved. yuri, i give you the floor. yes, evgeniy nipot spoke about one of the heroes who helped the victims of the terrorist attack in kroku cityhall. the first messages from kroku cityhol appeared on news agent feeds around nine in the evening. first, scant information about the shots, then, like snow, the dead casualties and terrible numbers are only growing. it becomes clear that this is not just a shooting, this is a terrorist attack. chronologists. opened aimed fire on the visitors,
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first in the faye, and then in the hall. the spectators on the balcony did not immediately understand what was happening, some slowly got up from their chairs, some continued to sit, but when the automatic queues started... one after another, people rushed en masse to the exits, i see that some... then people in brown clothes, or in brown vests, something like that, and well , there was something on their heads, i don’t know, shooting starts, it was just very far from the balcony, we were lucky in the sense that we were on the balcony upstairs, the firefight was below, and we saw that the line of fire was going straight at people, at some point, this was approximately at 19:45, i heard this... such an active noisy movement, turning around, i saw that from above, from the vestibule of the main entrance to the hall, there was an active and massive burst of machine gun fire. at that moment, when another half
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of the spectators tried to leave the hall, the shooting died down for a while, apparently, it was precisely then the terrorists set the room on fire, the seats in the stalls caught fire, and the acrid smell of burning filled the area. we are at a concert in crocos city, there is some kind of shooting going on here, a lot of people are running, everyone is screaming, someone is shooting here, they set the hall on fire, the hall is on fire, through. the main emergency exits to the outside; according to eyewitnesses , one of the attackers was waiting for them on the flight of stairs; he fired aimed shots at those who were trying to leave the hall; about 100 people were trapped in the basement. already half an hour after the first shots, flames engulfed almost the entire concert venue, the shooting had stopped by that time, rescuers were quickly able to get inside and bring those who were there out of the basement... some of the spectators found salvation on the roof of the building, by that time
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the flames had already begun to break through roof, people were evacuated using retractable ladders. despite the danger to their own lives, many of the crocus visitors were the first to come to the aid of the victims, andrey lepko. miraculously he survived a wife with a leg wound is now in the hospital; caring people did not abandon the couple in trouble. the blood was light, they dragged her out into the street, and the first car they came across stopped, well done people took her into the car and drove her away quickly. a terrible tragedy brought together hundreds of strangers; the lives of the wounded, frightened and defenseless were in the hands of those who simply acted instinctively. the girl who filmed this video noticed that the man’s clothes were covered in blood. it turned out that he was carrying the wounded away from the burning fire.
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the end of the stewing we went to the crocus special forces units. after examining
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the clearing of the area , investigators began working inside just an hour and a half after the start of the attack. according to preliminary results of the investigation, the attackers numbered from three to five people. the investigative committee publishes footage showing the weapons and ammunition of the attackers. this is a vepr hunting self-loading carbine chambered for 7.62 caliber. the same ammunition is used in the kalashnikov machine gun. in one. from backpacks, unloading into six pockets, paired magazines, this is a very impressive arsenal for one man, but for one reason or another the terrorist managed to use only half of the ammunition. it is also known that the other attacker was armed with a twelve-gauge saiga hunting carbine, and investigators are looking for other evidence. it is known that almost all the tickets for the concert were sold. the rock band picnic was supposed to perform together with
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the operational group of the central office of the investigative committee continues to work, all the circumstances of this tragedy have to be clarified in detail, a criminal case has been opened under the article of terrorism act. sergey samokh, olga armyakova and valery stepin, lead. but now, in the latest information about the tragedy in kroku svetikhol, the fsb has detained 11 people, including four terrorists who attacked the concert center. the head of the service, alexander bortnikov, reporting on the work done to vladimir putin, also noted that the security forces are identifying.
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they are interviewing the victims; it is already known that the terrorists used flammable liquid to start a fire in the croquer with etiol. forensic scientists conduct examinations, including ballistic and genetic examinations. on the list injured. 121 people, 107 of them were hospitalized, many in serious or extremely serious condition. as moscow mayor sergei sobyanets said, together with the region he will provide support to those affected by the tragedy. compensations from 500,000 rubles to 3 million will be paid. regional authorities will take responsibility for organizing the funerals of the victims. and here there is some shooting. vladimir
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kolokoltsev immediately arrived at the scene of the terrorist attack, i want to hug you all and thank you. this is grief for the whole country, our hearts are with
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apartment buildings, there are casualties , it is now being clarified, in total this morning 17 shells from the vampire rszzo were fired at belgorod from the ukrainian side, they were shot down in the sky by our air defense, but the explosions, dangerous fragments , fell on residential areas, this is a consequence. detonation of one of these munitions, balconies on three floors collapsed, the shelling occurred around 7 am, naturally there were people inside the apartments at that moment, a man, the owner of one of them died, his wife was hospitalized by disaster medicine doctors in one of the hospitals in belgorod, there were raids on office buildings, shopping centers, pharmacies, the private sector, a fire started in this house as a result of falling fragments, rescuers are engaged in eliminating it, law enforcement officers are also working here, there was a hit, as i understand it. ..
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and we all ran for cover, sat down and after 30 seconds the flight literally arrived. a special commission has already begun assessing the damage, and utility services are engaged in eliminating the consequences of the shelling. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shum. news: belgorod region. children began to be evacuated from the area in the belgorod region, which are most often subject to shelling; about 1,200 people will be evacuated. this morning the train with the children arrived in kaluga. guys, almost 300 people will be placed in health camps, they are waiting for them. comfortable living conditions, five meals a day, if necessary, psychologists will work with them. 732 children were evacuated to peenza; children were sent from the station square to seven
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temporary accommodation points, these are camps, sanatoriums and hotels of sports complexes. among children 133 young athletes, gymnasts, wrestlers and swimmers. in penzi they will be able to continue training. a train with schoolchildren evacuated from the belgorod region arrived in tambov. the children will be accommodated in the tambov sports and recreation camp. artek has prepared a local history session for young belgorod residents called artek receives friends. they will be introduced to the history of the region, told about the cultural connections and traditions of the tambov and belgorod regions. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest. and you get supercake in rubles every month, and also for free. withdraw cash from any atm, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable , we’re going on vacation, we’re going, and we’re going
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