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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev expressed deep condolences over the tragedy in crocus. in a telephone conversation with vladimir putin, he strongly condemned the bloody terrorist attack in krokulia and asked to convey words of support to the families of the victims and wishes for a speedy recovery to the victims. earlier , vladimir had a telephone conversation with alexander lukashenko. the president of belarus deeply sympathizes with the attack. lukashenko wished the relatives of the victims courage and perseverance, and the victims a speedy recovery. number of victims of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall has reached 115 people, and it is likely to grow, the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov, warned about this. according to his information, in hospitals in the capital and moscow region. there are 121 people, among them
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many very serious patients. the victims, their loved ones, as well as the relatives of the victims are provided with all the necessary assistance. open a help center next to the crocus, where you can get all the latest information. it will work around the clock. rescuers are clearing away the rubble, the concert hall where the tragedy occurred, almost destroyed by fire, the roof collapsed. investigators are also working at the scene of the terrorist attack, inspecting the premises, seizing material evidence, and studying records. surveillance cameras are interviewing eyewitnesses. anyone with any information is asked to contact the investigative committee. meanwhile, the fsb managed to detain 11 people allegedly involved in the terrorist attack. the head of the service reported this to the president. among those detained are four terrorists who directly carried out the attack. terrorists were detained in bryansk region, just a few tens of kilometers from the border with ukraine. the criminals refused to ask questions; their car had to be stopped by shooting at the wheels. said
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one of the detainees, for the execution of innocent people, the curators offered half a million rubles. our correspondent, igor pikhanov, again came in direct contact with the details. igor, how did events develop? hello, yuri, we are now on the m3 highway, which connects the bryansk and kursk regions, this is where the suspects tried break into the territory of a neighboring state. just finished. investigative operational actions, the car of the criminals was evacuated to the impound lot, the route was recently, traffic on the highway was recently restored for the safety of the driver, as well as local residents, traffic on it was stopped at 12:00 at night, the police noticed the criminals not far from this place, today at night when asked to stop. they
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refused, a chase began, but the militants lost control and overturned, onto a nineteen-year-old criminal was detained there, the other three tried to escape, but now it is almost impossible to hide in the forest on foot, the snow has melted, now the soil has turned into a mess of ice and mud , as a result, they were soon caught, one of them in order to escape, even tried to... climb up a tree, but it didn’t help him, now they are testifying, one of the criminals told, one of the suspects even said that he committed this mass murder in order to earn a little extra money, let’s listen - readings suspects, listened to the preacher, and he wrote on you, did his assistant write to me?
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he wrote, in short , he promised about a million rubles, what he started with, what he told you what to do, how the conversation started, he just said hello first, then he offered me, i agreed that he offered, that he offered money, he offered money, for what, what did he offer, for money did he offer, what kind of deals, what kind of things, specifically, what did he say, such murders, what to kill someone, that’s the place, the place is everything, they threw it away, they did they say? specifically who to kill what kind of people , it doesn’t matter, in short, he’ll come in there, said ber , come in, kill him, did you meet him where when when and where did you meet when
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you bought the car and where is the car? the criminals put up fierce resistance, but thanks to the professionalism of our fighters, everyone was detained alive, now the detainees are confessing, investigators are working with them, those who needed medical
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help from the militants were taken to medical institutions, this is necessary in order to the criminals gave evidence, now the most important thing is to establish. tragedy to the crocus cityhall concert hall, my colleague anton podkovenko works there, he also joined us live. anton, what information do you have up to this hour? yes , yuri, updates are happening constantly, now we have a new picture, directly from the crocus city hall, there
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are fire trucks, fire crews, according to the latest data from the ministry of emergency situations, 500 km are still on fire, that is, the fire in such an area continues, the second floor. this is the third floor roof, now it’s clear why all this time there was smoke above the city hall building, now it’s really not visible, it’s covered in rain, but nevertheless , this work on watering the structure and extinguishing the remaining fires, on eliminating the remaining fires, it continues, too . specialists are now clearing away the debris , including in foe, including in holley, there is evidence that in general the city of holley is now. 41 cubic meters of rubble were cleared. this is the terminology that experts use. the point is that the work will continue several days. this is exactly. rescuers are searching for the bodies of the dead under the rubble. now
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there is a comment from the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov, who visited the scene of the tragedy, experts, fire rescuers told him how things stand in the future, listen, the rescuers went directly into the concert hall itself, which was completely burned out and there was a very significant collapse, a lot of work there is a lot of engineering work ahead to deal with the savals, where it is necessary to ensure both safety and, accordingly, and the maximum to effectively dismantle everything that we see there today in order to ensure that everyone who may be there is taken care of.
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that it was bent from the heat in some places, here is the roof, the roof, it collapsed, but not entirely , but partially, it still seems to hang over the working specialists, this is dangerous, therefore, according to the climbers who carried out reconnaissance, it is necessary remove, cut down these structures, here is a fragment of a conversation with the governor, all these structures that are hanging, they will need to be climbed, now we have, exactly the same in
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specialists of the investigative committee work around the clock like firefighters, like rescuers, they have a huge amount of material ahead of them that needs to be analyzed, there are weapons that the terrorists left behind, with which they killed defenseless people, there are shell casings, whole bags, each of which... is needed analyze traces of shots, respectively, and this will be a ballistic examination; in connection with weapons, this will be an acloscopic examination, all evidence must be collected in order to restore the chronology of those of the terrible events of the past evening and night that took place here in crocus city hall, there were a lot of traces left, a lot of orders, despite the absolutely monstrous fire that was raging, the strongest columns of fire and smoke, the fire area was 13 thousand square meters. meters, four terrorists who directly participated in
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the terrorist act in the building were detained, the entire group of eleven people suspected of carrying out this terrorist attack was detained, they were detained, as my colleague igor pikhanov noted in the briansk region, they were heading to ukraine, there were contacts there, apparently they were expected on the other side, all this will be established by the investigation, now... the investigation team , which included investigators, criminologists and experts from the investigative committee of russia, continues to work at the site of the terrorist attack in crocus cityholi, the premises of the concert hall are being inspected and material evidence is being seized, recordings from cctv cameras are being studied, work is being carried out with victims, appointments are being made and carried out. ballistic, genetic and fingerprint examination of material evidence left
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by terrorists at the crime scene, such as automatic weapons and ammunition. according to preliminary data, the causes of death were gunshot wounds and poisoning from combustion products. investigators have also already begun working with crime suspects who were detained by intelligence services and law enforcement agencies in the bryansk region, not far from the border. just now a helicopter flew over us, that is, the site of the tragedy is patrolled from the air, and what i would like to separately note is, of course, that people come here to the cityhall rock and they come here with flowers, more and more people of all ages, a lot of young people, including older people, of course, middle-aged people with their families come here to express their human attitude, their grief and sympathy for those who lost loved ones, the victims, the seven who died as a result of this terrible terrorist attack, we
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talked to people, let's listen, see these eyes, i myself am in krasnogorsk i live, so i literally left here at 7:30 yesterday, and from vegas, i, i was just in shock, why did i still have to go to the bar and didn’t have time to eat, i wanted to eat, then this... “mom, what happened here, then i also wanted to go here, and they are already sending me these videos, i ’m in shock that this happened, to bring my grief to the people who suffered, their family suffered, we are sorry for everyone, well, at least somehow hold the flowers, here they have been brought, that everything is the same, memory, pay attention to them too.” says watch, yes right now for of course, for everything every second , here is a notification, we immediately look, they brought
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flowers, candles, we put them up now, shock and sympathy, what sensations, such feelings people share, now here , they are quiet, the analysis of the rubble continues, the liquidation of the remaining fires continues, let's keep an eye on what's happening, yuri, i was in direct contact with crocus cityhall.
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they are helping children now, we have connections, we will provide all the necessary assistance, in fact, if necessary, now the important point for us is, and to help those children whose one or both parents died, because there are stories where mom and dad died, two children were left behind, or when one of the parents died, in general, now it is necessary that all these children are provided with everything they need. this is also a separate work that we are currently conducting, perhaps there are children in hospitals now whose parents have not yet been found, how high is the probability, what information do you have on this matter? well, i have information that everything is known for all children, that is, yes there are, there are, well, scary ones, of course stories, the latest ones just
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told me that an eleven-year-old girl is in the hospital, they were her whole family. mom and dad and two sisters, and dad evacuated with her older sister, ran away, and mom and the younger girl, she killed her mom, but the girl is now in the hospital with injuries, her dad is with her, and the older sister is here with friends in moscow, this family is not from moscow, in general, our task now is to help, to support with everything necessary, both the family and, of course, the children, that is , i am correct... i understand that the risks of there may still be dead children or children with their parents under the rubble, you don’t have such information at the moment, there is no such information, and my question was about the fact that since there are a lot of dead, how great are the chances that children whose parents died in this terrorist attack
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, this information is probably coming to you or maybe it will come in the future at this time, we are working out, yes, based on the lists of the dead, we are immediately working out the families, and the addresses, to what extent are there children with close relatives, yes, to what extent are they actually already up to date, that’s why, of course, we are also working on all these things unambiguously, if you talk about the help that is provided to these families, what kind of help we are talking about now in the first place, well, first of all , psychological help is required for parents. for children to survive, to actually understand what is happening, doctors are in touch with us, who, of course, heroically defended this night, are fighting for the life of every victim, especially, of course, children, and we saw that the governors of moscow and the moscow region announced payments to families dead
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victims, and of course , we will individually study each case where it requires... i understand that this is a very difficult topic, especially when it comes to children, you said three dead, we know what age, but well, all children are middle-aged age, it turns out, from 11 to 18 years. tell me, there was information that at that moment there were competitions with the participation of children in the crocus, can this information be confirmed? in this case , how professionally did the organizers act at the time of the emergency? well, there were all children. evacuated and no one was hurt, they were in the building, but with a separate entrance, actually at the time of what was happening, that is, their lives did not seem to be in danger, but everyone worked very quickly, brought out the children and adults, we are currently checking with the regions, with the regions where
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the delegations came from, the children, is everything okay, but at the moment we... have no information that anyone has problems. marya alekseevna, in the near future you are personally planning some actions, maybe you will meet with families or affected children, what are you going to do? yes, well, today the representatives of moscow and the moscow region visited the injured children, so we understand that now it’s important not to interfere with the work of doctors, because as i already said, two of our children are in very serious condition, but as soon as the tension subsides a little, i plan ... either this evening or tomorrow, of course, visit and personally talk with parents, doctors and, if possible, with the children. as for these two children, do they need any additional high-tech assistance?
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those who were in captivity at that terrible moment came to the victims in crocus sitikhule . the tragedy brought together hundreds of strangers . our correspondent evgeniy nibat met with one of the heroes. this is a story about heroism, modesty, and feat, as eyewitnesses told. let me remind you that it was reported that the man attacked the terrorist and neutralized him, thereby saving dozens, if not hundreds of lives without involvement. but here's the thing. our hero was told by his boss, the hero called at work and said, that the day before he lost his jacket with the keys to the office, the boss, already knowing that there was
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such a hero, asked if it was you, mikhail, he said, yes, it was me, everything happened on the broom floor, when the terrorists were already operating in the hall, there was already an explosion, a fire was starting , one of the terrorists found himself next to mikhail with his... i had a second to think, i accepted the movement, i pushed my wife, i ran around him to the left, grabbed the machine gun with my left hand
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and pulled him down, and with his right hand he began to strike him on the head, he began to fall down, i grabbed him by the neck with my left hand and also continued to strike, at that moment another man ran up to me and also struck. after the terrorist was neutralized, mikhail hurried outside, he saw hundreds of people around him who rushed to the emergency exits, he also notes that there was very strong mutual assistance, that is, people who fell, they were raised, they were helped to go outside , already in the parking lot, mikhail began to look for his wife and says that these were one of the most terrible moments in his life, because for a long time he... i couldn’t find her for a while, my wife at that moment ran out in the other direction, to the right of the exit, and the parking lot was on the left, she tried to see
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if i was running out of the stream of people, while she was looking, about 100 people ran out, then we i managed to get on the phone, it turned out that i was closer to the car than she was, because she was looking for me, and with a difference of 10 seconds i actually ran after her, so... and we met in the parking lot, a moment of happiness that we both are alive, that's the shock, hysteria, i i calmed him down and called him to the car and we left. eyewitnesses reported that it was not clear whether the hero who neutralized the terrorist survived or not, but fortunately he survived, got out inside, he and his wife were there for no more than 5 minutes, when i asked how the family reacted, well, for example, my mother ... having learned about what happened, mikhail says, she asked, what did you do? he said, i attacked a terrorist, she said: you are a hero, he says that he had an example, and there is
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an example before his eyes, this is his brother, who never puts up with injustice always protects the weak, but this is the very moment, as in the song of vladimir semenovich vysotsky, when you read the right books in childhood, about you, yes, that means you read the right books in childhood, but ... you didn’t enter the battle with your face in front of you executioner, which means he had nothing to do with it, something like that, and well, like mine, my brother gave me an example, he fought against those who offend the weak, thanks to mikhail’s act , dozens, if not hundreds, were saved a man, a simple russian hero, who, at the right moment, was not confused and began to act, it’s very difficult to communicate, well, now there’s an urgent message, at 15:30 in 5 minutes the president’s address to the citizens of russia is expected, we will broadcast it, mayor of moscow. sergei
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sabyanin visited the city clinical hospital named after bodkin who were injured in crocus city hollia. he noted that the best doctors in the capital are fighting for their lives, thanking the muscovites who came to donate their blood for the wounded on saturday. there are currently 80 people injured during the terrorist attack in moscow clinics. the best moscow doctors fighting for their lives and health. i wanted to express to them. words of great gratitude to all those city services that took part in saving people, these are the fire workers of the ministry of emergency situations, rescuers, this is in the ambulance crew, dozens of cars arrived there, these are the helicopter crews who extinguished the fire, and of course, individual words of gratitude to the muscovites, who came to take the test today.
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my blood for the wounded, despite the terrible, tragic situation, i believe that the terrorists did not achieve their goal, they tried to intimidate, to sow fear, in fact, in such situations we become even more courageous and united. a special transfusion station has been opened in tver where city residents can donate blood. for people affected by the tragedy in crocusi hole. in addition to residents, doctors, emergency workers and military personnel actively donate blood. ilshan kurbanov will tell you more, he is in direct contact now. ilshan, you have the floor. yes, colleagues, now we are at the victory obelisk, people have been bringing flowers here since the very morning, bringing flowers in memory of the victims of this monstrous tragedy. and today with in the morning, tens of hundreds of people came to the
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station. this is our common pain, and today we are grieving together with the whole country, let’s listen to what people were told, i came today because i realized that i don’t want to remain indifferent, i need to do something to help the victims, and in general people who they are waiting for help, but the first masses were there.
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in the terrorist attack by this hour, the number of victims had reached 115 people, and it is likely to increase, the governor of the moscow region , andrei vorobyov, warned about this. according to his information, in hospitals in the capital and moscow region there is 121 people, among them many very seriously ill patients. the injured loved ones, as well as the relatives of the victims, are provided with all the necessary assistance. there is a help center next to the crocus where you can get all the latest information. it will work
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around the clock. rescuers are sorting it out. rubble. the concert hall where the tragedy occurred was practically destroyed by fire; the ceiling and roof collapsed. investigators are also working at the scene of the terrorist attack, inspecting the premises, seizing material evidence, studying surveillance camera records and interviewing eyewitnesses. anyone with any information is asked to contact the investigative committee. meanwhile, the fsb managed to detain 11 people allegedly involved in the terrorist attack. the head of the service reported this to the president. among those detained are four terrorists who directly carried out the attack. now the president is addressing the citizens of russia. dear citizens of russia.


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