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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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no one will be able to sow the seeds of discord and discord in the multinational society of our country. vladimir putin called the terrorist attack in the cityholly crocus near moscow bloody and barbaric. the head of state addressed the russians. dear citizens of russia, i am addressing you.
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special words of gratitude to the ambulance and air ambulance crews, special forces soldiers, firefighters, rescuers, who did everything to save people’s lives, bring them out of the fire from the epicenter of the smoke fire, and avoid even more losses. i cannot ignore the help of ordinary citizens in the first minutes after the tragedy. indifferent and indifferent, provided first aid, and delivered the victims to the hospital along with doctors and security officers. we will provide the necessary assistance to everyone, families whose lives have suffered a terrible misfortune, wounded victims, i express my deep, sincere condolences to everyone who has lost their loved ones.
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the whole country, our whole people, mourns with you. i declare march 24 a day of national mourning. in moscow and the moscow region, and in all regions of the country, additional anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage measures have been introduced . the main thing now is to prevent those who are behind this bloody massacre from committing it.
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the nazis carried out massacres in the occupied territories, they planned to organize a demonstration execution, a bloody act of intimidation. all performers, organizers. the masterminds of this crime will suffer fair and inevitable punishment, no matter who they are, no matter who directs them, i repeat, we will identify and punish everyone who is behind behind the backs of the terrorists who prepared this atrocity, this blow against russia, against our people. we know what the threat of terrorism is. we count here on interaction with all states that have
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become even stronger, and this will be the case now. president of uzbekistan shavkat merziyoyev expressed deep condolences over the tragedy in crocus. in a telephone conversation with vladimir putin, he strongly condemned the bloody terrorist attack in crocus city and asked to convey words of support to the families of the victims and wishes
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for a speedy recovery to the victims. a telephone conversation took place between vladimir putin and the president of kazakhstan kasym dzhamar tatakaev. on behalf of the citizens of his country, he expressed deep thoughts. lukashenko, the president of belarus deeply sympathizes with the attack on the cityhall crocus. according to the kremlin, the leaders of the two countries confirmed their readiness to cooperate in the fight against terrorism. minsk, in turn , emphasized that it is decisive. condemn the killing of innocent people. lukashenko wished the relatives of those who died courage and perseverance, and the victims a speedy recovery. well now the messages that are coming in at these moments, prime minister mikhail mishustin
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expressed his condolences to the families of the victims of the terrorist attack. i will quote: yesterday there was a terrorist attack in the crocus city hall near moscow. this horrendous attack left civilians injured and killed. we mourn for each of them. our thoughts and prayers are with you. today this great grief is shared by millions of people. this is a huge tragedy for the entire country, especially for those who have lost loved ones. with heavy the loss cannot be reconciled, it is irreplaceable. everyone affected by the terrorist attack is provided with the necessary medical, psychological and other assistance. the circumstances of the incident are being thoroughly investigated, and those responsible will certainly be punished. on my own behalf, on behalf of the government of the russian federation, i ask you to convey sincere condolences and words of support to the families of the victims. suffered, i am deeply shocked by what happened, i sympathize and worry with you, mikhail mishustin emphasized. deputy prime minister tatyana golikova and head of the ministry of health mikhail murashko arrived at the pirogovo center, where some of the victims of the terrorist attack were hospitalized. good afternoon, dear colleagues, all
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medical institutions in moscow and the moscow region continue to provide medical care. patients who were injured during the terrorist attack in crocus, at the moment there are 107 patients in medical institutions, of which three are children, one child is in extremely serious condition and two children are in serious condition, among adults 15 are in extremely serious condition and 42 in serious condition, and we are actively interacting with... with all medical institutions, now we are in the pirogovo surgery center, where patients from moscow regional hospitals were transferred, everyone was provided with the necessary medical care, i want to emphasize once again that medicines,
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there is enough blood, dressing materials, but we are grateful to all the residents of russia who...
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level after emergency assistance, all
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today we need medicines, equipment, blood products, everything there are sufficient quantities, and i want to note that today life-saving measures are ongoing, but tatyana alekseevna named 107 people who were in clinics this morning, the situation of many is improving, just recently one patient was discharged and went home after stabilizing his condition , so doctors fight for every person. the terrorists were reportedly detained in the bryansk region just a few tens of kilometers from the border with ukraine; the criminals refused to surrender; their car had to be stopped shooting at the wheels, as one of the detainees said. the curators offered half a million rubles for the execution of innocent people.
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our correspondent igor pikhanov again came online with details. igor, tell us how events developed. hello, yuri, terrorists were caught on the m3 highway, which connects the bryansk and kursk regions. ukrainian terrorists tried to break through into the territory of neighboring ukraine along this highway. late night policeman. found this car in which they were traveling, demanded stop, but they only increased the gas , a chase began, the militants lost control and flew off the road, one of the suspects was detained on the spot, three more militants tried to hide on foot in the forest, now the snow has melted, the soil there has turned into a mess of mud and ice, they... could not hide for long, one of the criminals even climbed a tree in order to hide from
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law enforcement officers, but this did not help him, soon everyone was detained, but during interrogation they said about the fact that they committed this terrible crime in order to earn a little money, and their fee was only about half a million rubles, let's listen to the criminals, so what did they do in crocus? yesterday about in the crocus about shooting, what he did in the crocus, he will shoot, what he shot, who, why, instructions, people , why, please put him in, for money, for money, yes, for how much money, about half a million, half a million , what, half a million rubles, from whom did you receive it, haven’t received it yet, half of it, where did you receive it? by card to did you translate the map? yes, where is the map? they threw the card
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for everything, all their clothes, they didn’t have time to lose them in the forest, yes, where did they get the weapons? they delivered the weapons themselves, who are they? i don’t know, on telegram they wrote without a name, without a surname, without anything. how did they find you? did you look for them yourself, or did they find you? no, they wrote me, you met them - where and when? when a pistol and ammunition were found inside the criminals' car. employees of the fsb, special forces akhmat, the ministry of defense,
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who in the bryansk region protect our borders from ukrainian ones. militants , as well as police officers and the national guard, during the operation none of our soldiers were injured, today i will erase, today the leadership of the operational departments that participated in this operation thanked their colleagues for their professionalism, skillful actions, the criminals put up fierce resistance, but thanks to the skillful actions of the special forces were caught alive and are now testifying, they... we were in direct contact from the bryansk region, where the alleged terrorists were detained correspondent igor pikhanov. a memorial to those killed in the terrorist attack appeared in khabarovsk. for those who are thousands of kilometers away, this is a way
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to express their sympathy and grief. flags are at half-staff in st. petersburg. the moskovsky station has become a spontaneous center where candlelight is carried. russian regions support the residents of the capital these days and hours. report by dmitry akimov. the northern capital is mourning today along with the whole country. these black banners are installed all over the city, there are several dozen of them. in addition, all entertainment and sporting events. flags of the tar and other government institutions are lowered at half-mast. theaters and concert venues are closed. however, without any. absolutely an event, but i’ll honestly say that comprehension has not come, i can’t wrap my head around how all this can happen, who these people are, what motivations they have to do, well, such absolute
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evil, this is absolute evil in its purest form, at the moment when fire extinguishing works are taking place at the site of the terrorist attack. were in full swing, the sun had already risen over the far east when i i found out about this at night, that is, my colleagues in the city of moscow always had connections, i asked for various information, now my comrades who are there are also donating blood at the blood center of the city of moscow, and just seeing these shots, seeing the horror that was happening in crucus cityholi, this is very painful, and once again we express, first of all, people began to call their loved ones in moscow, to find out if everything was okay, to say words of support, and then in petropavlovsk chadsky, vladivostok, anadar, khabarovsk and further throughout the country spontaneous memorials began to appear. all kamchatka, all petropala residents, with deep
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sorrow, with regret and horror of loss. these are very... sad events, and i think no one will be left behind, we will all mourn, of course, a very great grief, i sympathize with all the families of the victims, i hope that everyone will be found, involved in this terrible event, will punished, we came to express our condolences, our grief together with all the russian people, just yesterday we ourselves were at the event, the opening of the far eastern spring festival, we were in philharmonic, the same crowd of people, the same large number. people, that is, anyone could get into this situation, no one is insured, all this is of course very sad, a terrible tragedy, in fact, i hope that everyone involved will be found, as well as the curators, everyone will be held responsible. the authorities of the kemerovo region declared three days of mourning,
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memorial services were held in churches in novosibirsk, flower salons in tomsk are distributing free flowers to people. all regions are holding emergency meetings of the security council, enhanced patrols on city ​​streets, cancellation of all public events, today there is no time for songs, we are canceling for the next ones. cancelled. russia is strong in spirit. let's unite together in this difficult hour. people are also lining up at
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blood collection points across the country. on kurgan, the governor came to donate blood in person to show by example: today we all need to unite in memory of those who were cruelly and cynically killed last evening. the whole country is like one big and united. the family experiences the tragedy together. dmitry akimov, maya alyonova, lead. the kremlin press service provides details of a telephone conversation between the presidents of russia and kazakhstan, as reported by vladimir putin and kasym jamar takaev confirmed their intention to intensify anti-terrorism cooperation. the president of the republic of kazakhstan, during a telephone conversation , expressed deep condolences in connection with the numerous victims as a result of the terrorist attack in crocuscity.
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china is shocked by the terrorist attack in the moscow region and firmly supports the efforts of the russian authorities to maintain national security, this was stated by the chairman of the people's republic of china in a telegram on... we know about the reaction of asian countries to the tragedy from our own correspondent in the region , alexander baletsky, he joined the broadcast, alexander, i give you the floor. and this morning, in china, they carried and continue to carry flowers to the russian embassy, ​​and citizens of russia, citizens of the people's republic of china, white and yellow chrysanthemums in china are a symbol of grief. this is a common pain for our peoples. such comments are left by chinese users on the page of the russian embassy in chinese social networks. networks. any actions directed against civilians are unacceptable, this is a terrible terrorist attack that will make your hair stand on end, and may the deceased rest in peace with thousands of such comments with words of condolences and
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support, and the head of the prc sent a telegram to vladimir putin today, according to sedzenpin, he was shocked by the news of the terrorist attack. on behalf of the chinese government , the entire chinese people expresses deep condolences and conveys sincere words of consolation to the families of the victims. i am shocked by the news of a serious terrorist attack on a concert hall in the moscow region, which resulted in heavy casualties. the chinese side firmly supports the russian government's efforts to maintain national security and stability. the secretary general of the shanghai cooperation organization, jan ming, the secretary, also condemned this quotation of inhumane terrorist attack and terrorism in general in all its forms and manifestations. and the sco emphasized that they stand in solidarity with the russian people in this sad and difficult time, together with all russians, we mourn the victims, express our deepest condolences to their families and wish a speedy
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recovery to all those injured. today, of course, all of asia is mourning along with russia; the japanese foreign ministry made a statement in which it strongly condemned the attack on civilians. tokyo expressed sincere condolences to the families of those killed and sympathies to those who were injured. the monstrous terrorist attack that happened in moscow... was called by the south korean authorities, who expressed confidence that in during the operational investigation, it will be established exactly who is behind the terrorist attack, adding that he shares the grief of the russian people. and today words of support came to russia from both vietnam and pakistan, in india, many people throughout the day carried flowers to the russian embassy in new daily, as well as consulates in other cities of the country. indian prime minister narendra mode said in his message that the indian people strongly condemn this heinous act in moscow. all the thoughts and prayers of indians are with the families of the victims, india i stand in solidarity with the government and people of russia in this hour of sorrow, and well, returning to china, tomorrow
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a memorial service will be held in the orthodox church in beijing, a special service for those killed as a result of the terrible inhuman terrorist attack in the moscow region. alexander balesky about the reaction of eastern countries to the tragedy in crocus city hall. the death toll at crocus city hall is currently being compiled. 133 people, the investigative committee has just reported this, this is the latest information. in rostov- nadon, all sports, cultural events, excursions have been canceled programs, enhanced security measures. in the don capital, at the entrance to gorky park , a spontaneous memorial appeared in memory of those killed in the terrorist attack. valery kvashe is now in direct contact from rostov. valeria, i give you the floor. yuri, hello.
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in the afternoon, the regional government held a meeting of the anti-terrorism commission; it was decided that security measures in public places in the rostov region would be strengthened, including by police squads. and the don governor vasily golubev expressed condolences to the families of the victims, as well as wished a speedy recovery to the victims, and also called on residents to be attentive and cautious, and security measures in the region have been strengthened, all... mass events in the rostov region, including cultural and sports events , were canceled this weekend, and university studies, including at the southern federal university was transferred to a remote format, this is what the governor of the rostov region vasily golubev said at a meeting of the anti-terrorism commission. this is a monstrous terrorist act and committed.
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must definitely be punished, punished as harshly as possible, residents of the rostov region express condolences to the dead, injured, injured, of course, most likely recovery, all without exception, all residents of the don mourn the dead on billboards, on all the main streets of the southern capital, candles memory. near the main square of the city, gurky park , an impromptu memorial was installed, where rostov residents bring flowers all day and light candles, most recently, according to the telegram channel, this is rostov, it became known that a resident of volgodonsk went missing, she was left with two children, psychologists are now working with them, yuri, valeria kvashe spoke about the mourning events in
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rostov-on-don. results in order to systematically move towards the goal step by step, to establish the entire chain of crime and to punish the perpetrators. i would like to talk about the international reaction. we talked yesterday that from the very first minutes, after it became known about the monstrous terrorist act , numerous calls, letters, notes, official addresses from heads of state,
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government, and heads of authorities. shows and publishes these shots on social networks, accounts of the ministry of foreign affairs of our embassies , spontaneous memorials appear in front of russian diplomatic missions abroad, people bring flowers, light candles, considering that children also died, put toys and leave their letters, probably without addressee, but simply the entire russian people, on the initiative of the russian
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council. un security adopted a statement in which was decisively judged by the vile cowardly terrorist actor cityhall. the un secretary general condemned the terrorist attacks in the strongest possible terms and expressed his condolences to the people and government of russia. there are also telephone conversations, meaning contacts at the level between the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs and the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation at these hours. the heads of the diplomatic departments of azerbaijan, hungary, jordan, kazakhstan, malia, turkey called each other and they expressed words of categorical condolences, unconditional condemnation of the terrorist attack. now directly about what you asked at the very beginning: terrorism, international terrorism, because obviously in this case the president and the representative of our law enforcement
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agencies of the international federation spoke about it. in russia they know firsthand what kind of trouble this is and what kind of grief this is. our country has faced manifestations of international terrorism in the most inhumane forms. in the nineties, at the beginning of the two thousandth, when she was fighting the terrorist underground in the north caucasus, hundreds of innocent russians became victims then, in september 2001, russia was the first ...


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