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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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vladimir putin declared march 24 a day of national mourning. the president addressed russian citizens in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. dear citizens of russia, i am writing to you in connection with the bloody barbaric terrorist act of which we became victims.
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provided first aid, transported the victims to the hospital , we will provide the necessary assistance to everyone, families whose lives have suffered a terrible misfortune, the wounded and injured, i express my deep, sincere condolences to everyone who has lost their loved ones, the whole country, our entire country, mourns with you people, i declare march 24 a day
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of national mourning. in moscow and the moscow region, in all regions of the country, additional anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage measures have been introduced. the main thing now is to prevent those who are behind this bloody massacre from committing a new crime. regarding the investigation of this crime and the results. actions, then at present we can say the following: all four of the direct executors of the terrorist attack, all those who shot, killed people, were found and detained, they tried to escape and moved towards ukraine, where, according to preliminary data , a window was prepared for them from the ukrainian side to cross the state border, a total of 11
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people were detained, the federal security service of russia, and other law enforcement agencies are working to identify and reveal the entire accomplice base of terrorists, those who provided their transport, planned escape routes from the crime scene, prepared caches, caches with weapons and ammunition. i repeat, the investigative and law enforcement agencies will do everything to establish all the details crimes.
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all the perpetrators, organizers and customers of this crime will suffer fair and inevitable punishment. in the fight against a common enemy, international terrorism, with all its manifestations , terrorists, murderers, not people who do not and cannot have a nationality, face one unenviable fate - retribution in abundance, they have no future, our common duty now is
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for our comrades in arms at the front, all citizens of the country will be together in one formation, i believe it will be so. president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev expressed condolences over the tragedy in crocus. in a telephone conversation with vladimir putin , he condemned the terrorist attack and conveyed words of support to the families of the victims. as reported by the kremlin press service, putin and mirziyoyev confirmed their intention to continue cooperation in the field of
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countering terrorism. the president of kazakhstan, kasym zha martakayev, also called vladimir putin, he also expressed condolences, emphasized that he condemns this barbaric crime and asked to convey. words of sympathy to the families of the victims and wishes for a speedy recovery to the injured. earlier , vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with alexander lukashenko. the president of belarus deeply sympathizes with the attack on crocus cityhall. according to the kremlin, the leaders of the two countries confirmed their readiness to cooperate in the fight against terrorism. minsk , in turn, emphasized that it strongly condemns the killing of innocent people. lukashenko wished courage to the relatives of the deceased. perseverance for the victim and a speedy recovery. mikhail mishustin, on his own behalf and on behalf of the government, expressed condolences to the families of those killed in the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. about it reported on the cabinet of ministers website. according to
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the prime minister, today this great grief is shared by millions of people. mishustin also said that the circumstances of the incident are being thoroughly investigated, and those responsible will definitely be punished. but the terrorists who attacked the city hall were detained in the bryansk region, even after their car was discovered, the criminals tried to escape; during interrogation, one of them said that for the mass murder they had to receive half a million rubles from their curators. details of the special operation to detain igor pikhanov. the terrorists were caught on the m3 highway, which connects the bryansk and kursk regions. the terrorists tried. along this highway to break into the territory of neighboring ukraine, late at night the police discovered this car in which they were traveling, demanded to stop, but they only increased the gas, a chase began, the militants lost control and flew off the highway,
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one of the suspects was detained on the spot, three more militants tried to hide on foot in the forest, now the snow has melted and it has turned into a mess of mud and ice, they took a long time to hide could not, one of the criminals even climbed a tree in order to hide from law enforcement officers, but this did not help him, soon everyone was detained, but during interrogation they said that they committed this terrible crime in order to earn a little money, their fee was only about half a million rubles, so in crocus, what... what did he do yesterday in crocus about shooting, what did he do in crocus, shot, what did he shoot, and who, why , instructions, people, why, put please him, for money, for money, yes, so how much
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money, about half a million, half a million, what, half a million rubles, from whom did you receive it, haven’t received it yet, half of it, where did you receive it? did you transfer from card to card? yes, where is the map? they threw the card behind all the clothes, they didn’t have time to lose it, and where did they get the weapons? weapons themselves. left, who are they? i don’t know, they wrote by telegram, no first name, no last name, no nothing, but how did they find you, did you look for them yourself or did they find you? no, they wrote me, you met them where when, when, and where met? when did you buy the car, and where is the car? well dimitrievsky now. you bought the shas, ​​yeah, yeah, from whom? relatives
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were blown away by relatives. a pistol and ammunition were found inside the car of the criminals. employees of the fsb, special forces akhmat , the ministry of defense, which in the bryansk region protects our borders from ukrainian militants, as well as police officers and the national guard, took part in the detention of dangerous criminals. during... the operation, none of our soldiers were injured, today the leadership of the operational departments, which participated in this operation thanked their colleagues for their professionalism and skillful actions. the criminals put up fierce resistance, but thanks to the skillful actions of the special forces, they were caught alive, now they are giving evidence, they are extremely important, this is necessary in order to catch the remaining accomplices, and most importantly, the customers, igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, olga prokanova, conduct the bryansk region, let's
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one child is in extremely serious condition and two children are in serious condition; among adults , 15 are in extremely serious condition and 42 are in serious condition. players and coaches of the russian national football team joined the donor campaign for the victims of crocus. among those who donated blood, in particular, were representatives of moscow clubs who were called to the march training camp of the national team. on... march 25, the team had we are planning a friendly match with the paraguay team, but it was canceled today. well, now let’s start with a little advertising, and then watch the program hosted by the duty department. hurray,
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the latest information about the progress of the investigation into the terrorist attack in the moscow region and the main legal events of the week are in the final episode of the program. i'm with you andrey ivlev. all performers who ordered the terrorist attack in the crocus city hall concert hall will bear severe punishment. the president of russia stated this in his address. vladimir putin noted that the criminals deliberately went to kill. according to the latest data, 133 people died. this is official information from the investigative committee. search work continues. more than 100 victims are in hospitals in moscow and the moscow region. so, briefly about how... events developed on friday evening: a car with armed terrorists arrived at the entrance of the crocus city hall concert hall at about 20 o'clock. this time was scheduled
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performance by the group picnic. the bandits burst into the building and first of all shot the guards standing at the entrance. after which they blocked the doors and opened fire on unarmed people in the hall in the stalls of the auditorium. reinforced police, the national guard, and employees of the investigative committee headed by the chairman of the department, alexander postrykin, arrived at the scene; the head of the russian ministry of internal affairs, vladimir kolokultsev, led the special operation. his first deputy, alexander gorovoy, chief of the moscow region police, also worked on the spot, victor paukov. at 20:27 a message appeared about a fire in crocus; some people were trapped in the premises of the burning building. the evacuation began, and at 21:10 the entire roof was engulfed in fire.
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is not possible, since employees of the ministry of internal affairs and the national guard have cordoned off the territory, are maintaining order, inside the building, in addition to rescuers , an investigative and operational group of the investigative committee is working, and they also face a very difficult task, they need to reconstruct in detail the whole picture of what happened, that is, how. .. authorities and emergency services are still very a lot, apparently this will still not end soon. andrey, yes, well, it’s reported that security measures have been strengthened on the streets of the capital, what? security service,
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but also representatives of law enforcement agencies, if necessary, they even search people. the video analytics system works, that is, if the camera spots a person who is in the wanted database, notices him in a public place, then law enforcement agencies will immediately become aware of this. in addition, traffic police crew posts have been strengthened and provided with additional fire support, employees. the russian guard, in addition, as we learned, in the krasnogorsk urban district, law enforcement officers carried out door-to-door visits, checked the documents of residents of apartment buildings, they were most interested, of course, in the tenants , thus identifying persons who may be involved, in fact, this terrorist attack, people, these are muscovites, residents
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of the moscow region, in general... all these measures are treated with understanding, safety still comes first in such a difficult situation, and many line up in long lines to employees of the russian guard also decided to donate blood for the victims who are now in hospitals, to support the victims of the terrorist attack, they also donate blood, and we also continue to stay here near crocus city hall, and we tell you, in fact, all the... up-to-date information, andrey , yes, thank you, my colleague sultan zeganov remains at the scene of the terrorist attack. as a result of the actions of the special services and law enforcement agencies , 11 people were quickly detained, among them four direct perpetrators of the crime, this is data from the fsb public relations center russia. now work is underway to establish all the circumstances of the terrorist attack; it is already known that it was carefully planned. about how
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the investigation is going, my. this is footage of the interrogation of the leader of the terrorists caught last night in the bryansk region in a room similar to a gym , the criminal is guarded by dozens of security officers, the bandit’s hands are tied behind his back , his legs are intercepted by several layers of duct tape, the detainee says, together with his accomplices he was preparing for a terrorist attack in karokus cityhole near moscow, an acquaintance bought it means a car, they wanted to work on... and a car car, that it’s a taxi or cargo transportation, a small taxi car, we’re talking about this white renault, shortly before the terrorist attack the car was seen parked near a residential high-rise in the neighboring area from crocus, later after the tragedy it appeared on video footage taken from the entrance to the concert hall, several armed men got out of the car, shots were fired, in
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this photo... the terrorists are already leaving the crime scene in a white reno, in just a few minutes they killed and wounded a huge number people set fire to the concert hall. at the exit from the parking lot, the bandits deliberately knocked down an eight-year-old boy, who, together with his mother, managed to get out of the building. the child is now in hospital in serious condition. law enforcement agencies continue to work at the site of the terrorist attack in crocus city holly. investigators are inspecting the scene, rescuers are clearing the rubble. and now you can see it at ten. meters from me , a spontaneous memorial appeared on the wall in memory of the victims, people bring flowers and children's toys, it is known that among the dead there are children. the fsb officially stated that the terrorist attack was planned in advance; judging by the terrible footage from the scene of the tragedy, the criminals entered the building and immediately opened fire. they may have acted in groups in different parts of the complex. it is possible that they could have accomplices from among the employees of crocus city hall. there is
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evidence of what the bandits did on the territory. the building had several caches of weapons and flammable mixtures at once, and they were well oriented inside. the impression was that those who shot our citizens, or they were already there visited in advance, or someone was from the connecting link, such that they already understood all this, where to go, where to enter, where to hide, where to change clothes, where to come from?


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