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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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vladimir putin declared march 24 a day of national mourning, the president addressed russian citizens in connection with... the terrorist attack in
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crocus city hall, he expressed condolences to those who lost loved ones and stated that all the perpetrators, organizers and customers of the crime will suffer inevitable punishment. special words of gratitude to the ambulance and air ambulance crews, special forces soldiers, firefighters, rescuers, who did everything to save people’s lives, to bring them out from under the fire, from the epicenter of the fire. despair, avoid even greater losses. i cannot ignore the help of ordinary citizens, who in the first minutes after the tragedy did not remain indifferent and indifferent, along with doctors and security officers, provided first aid and transported the victims to the hospital. we will provide the necessary assistance to everyone, the families into whose lives this has come. a terrible misfortune for the wounded
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victims, i express my deep, sincere condolences to everyone who lost their loved ones. the whole country, our whole people, mourns with you. i declare march 24 a day of national mourning. to express ricep taib called vladimir putin to express his condolences over the terrorist attack. erdogan said that turkey stands in solidarity with the russians in this difficult hour. the russian leader reported on the progress of the investigation and supported the idea of ​​intensifying cooperation in countering terrorism. the president of syria wished fortitude to the relatives of the victims and a speedy recovery to the injured. in a telephone conversation with vladimir putin, bashar-assad condemned the terrorist attack in the moscow region and noted that syrian citizens share the pain and sorrow of the russian people. as the press service reported. the kremlin, putin and assad also
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discussed the situation in the middle east region and the situation in syria. all methods are good when you want to be the first to try the new bigspecial bbq bacon, with a large beefsteak, instant beacon cheeses. and sauces with pumpkin and barbecue, what are you ready for? for the big special bbq bacon! 7 days fly by unnoticed, but not for the liver, because heptral is active from the first week of use, the liver is tired during the time of hyptral. order us drrav city! new game, hunt, draw every 15 minutes, the main trophy from 20 million. hunting, test your instinct. home is where
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met with local journalists, they have studied this criminal business well. they gave us an interview on condition of anonymity, fearing for their lives. stories.
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that on kahn’s command people were engaged in murders, i knew valery aphidenok. immediately after the murder of valery aphidenok, oleg kan acquired property in japan. and for 8 years now, once a month, according to our program, oleg kan comes to relax in this country house, it is located near the city of sapora, in a picturesque area on the bank of a river, it looks rather similar. of course, for russian construction, it’s such a wooden the mansion is made of round timber, and it is very different from typical japanese houses, here they are in the background, which, of course, do not look as exotic as the mansion of the crab king of russia. on thirty-five
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japanese acres there is a mansion with two ponds, a gazebo with a barbecue and a parking lot with a minibus and a car. as well as a black mercedes suv, the windows of the house are tightly closed with curtains, there is a rattan chair with soft pillows on the balcony, by the pond, a swing and a stone table with stools. the estate is located on the river bank. along the perimeter the plot was planted with rare trees, even for these places . it is clear that the owner loves to live large. they say that oleg kan is much calmer abroad, and he is also at home. nothing is in danger, it seems that the crab king has high and influential patrons. an employee of the border department of the fsb of russia
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for the sakhalin region told us how the owners of crab mining companies violate the law. according to an officer on the high seas, ship captains are left to their own devices. he speaks openly about gray schemes in seafood production. which is installed on the vessel and actually reflects the progress and results of fishing activities, but these means are not installed anywhere, there are mentions of them in the fishing rules, but in practice this is not the case, this illegally obtained product is exported abroad, from abroad, in order to obtain this information about the true volumes, this is also very difficult, because those sales markets that are in korea, there in china, partly in japan, they are closed to us, why? because they understand perfectly well that crab is stolen in russia, they sell it for
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border, they don’t have almost the same volumes there as we do, and it’s great for them, it ’s understandable, if this crab was stolen from us in russia, then it doesn’t seem to particularly touch them, it’s not their natural environment there the environment is in some kind of danger, this theft is not thriving... they offer their clients to try russian crab. it is supplied by five
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major importers, including a company allegedly owned by the kana empire. track and control the work of barbaric vessels that harvest crab in our waters is almost impossible. poachers have long developed a scheme to legalize criminal seafood, crab, scallop, sea urchin and tripang. russian ships, they can try to pull off such a scheme, when at sea the catches are reloaded onto other ships that leave from foreign ports, these ships do not have any positioning system, that is, they are invisible to anyone, it is impossible to find it, yes, unless detect it during aerial reconnaissance, when a russian fsb patrol plane is in the area, all there in busan. for this, a favorable environment has been created so that ships with stolen crabs can enter there, and
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no one checks these vehicles there to see what kind of registration they have, they are all cargo vehicles here by registration, why? because a fishing vessel is prohibited from entering, well, because it will be quite obvious, a fishing vessel with a crab, which means it may have stolen it, but here it is a cargo vessel , according to documents everywhere, a cargo vessel, but in fact fishing equipment. debanted, put into hiding places and it comes calm down. alexann is expanding his business, many sakhalin businessmen are talking about this. during the filming of this film , local entrepreneurs approached us and reported that the owner of the crab empire had taken over the red caviar market. our fishermen and i tried to catch the fish using wags, but it turned out that it could only be done within the six-mile zone, so it would be convenient for us to do it. areas where residential settlements are located nearby, that is, like the village of moskalvo, the village of nekrasovka, the village eastern, but the fact is that in the area of ​​​​all
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these settlements, the areas belong to companies affiliated with mr. kan, so when we start fishing in these areas, they begin to treat us well, inadequately, that is, right up to physical violence, they try to force us out of these areas places where we organize fishing, no matter where we turn on these occasions, they shrug their shoulders at us everywhere, they say that we cannot help with anything, you need to resolve the issue:
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questions, answer the question oleg kamkhakovich, when will you stop robbing the russian federation, when will you finally bear responsibility for organizing the murder of your competitor? can you answer the question? how much money did you pay to be responsible? oleg kan is now sitting in this expensive car with number 001.
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he has just arrived from japan and categorically refuses to answer. when asked by our program when he finally stops stealing, kahn’s retinue was in such a hurry that they almost knocked down the fearless journalist pavel brykin. surprisingly local police did not react in any way to this emergency in the airport parking lot. the driver , crab boss, was never cited for a traffic violation. the businessman's escort vehicles sped away from the scene . they say that after this the head of the crab empire lay low, because the main thing is to sit out and wait out the storm. but the crew of the ship vostok did not manage to return home from that sea voyage. then, during a storm, the ship, equipped with crab traps, itself became a death trap for twenty fishermen. they still have
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grief-stricken wives, children and parents. the premiere of our film took place on saturday december 22, 2018, the next day, sunday, surrounded by author. the entrepreneur panicked, the management , instead of calmly answering the questions of journalists and law enforcement agencies, did not come up with anything better than to pack their things and fly abroad. the moment of the crab king oleg kan's escape from yuzhno-sakhalinsk was recorded by video surveillance cameras at the local airport.
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a reputable businessman was in a hurry to leave the island, realizing that they were already following his trail. security forces. here kahn irritably complies with the requirements of the aviation security service, reluctantly takes off his jacket and walks through the metal detector frame. an influential person is accompanied by a retinue, kahn’s personal plane is always ready to fly to anywhere in the world, because money for urgent travel around the planet is not a problem, so the airliner is a billionaire. that day, the plane urgently took the boss to the japanese city of sapora, where oleg kan, like us...
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several tax searches took place on the eve of the new year. contracts for the supply of aquatic biological resources were concluded, including including between the sakhalin company maniron and a company registered in panama. the cost of crab products in these transactions was underestimated in order to significantly reduce customs payments to the budget of the russian federation. the criminal case is being investigated by the investigative unit of the russian federal security service for the sakhalin region. questions regarding operational materials. arose not only to the omaniron company, but to llc kuk, ooprk, llc selot and llc aquamarine. presumably, these companies are involved in criminal schemes to sell seafood. there has been a regional fund called rodnye islands on sakhalin for many years. the main mission is to help
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youth sports organizations. owner alexander kan ooprk seaside fishing company, owner alexander khvan, advisor alekan, llc, sef rlot and llc.
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our colleagues conducted an investigation called the film "crab trap 2" about your father's business. we would like to find out your opinion
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about the events that are happening now, including this very film. yeah, i'm sorry, i don't intend to comment, don't call again. would you like to meet and chat with us in person? oleg kan himself never answered us, although we invited this family to comment. latest events on sakhalin and criminal charges . after searches in the offices of oleg kan’s partners , security forces came to the house of a major crab merchant. but they were clearly not expected here. the guards of oleg
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kan's sakhalin estate met the fsb special forces with their hands raised. the owner's car, an expensive japanese left-hand drive, stood abandoned in the yard suv with license plate number 001 kan. the businessman's common-law wife was in the house. at the same time others. for some reason he did not fly with his father to japan. the younger kan was clearly not happy with the morning guests. alexander olegovich, open up. in the expensive apartment of oleg kan’s son and business partner, operatives found a firearm, which, according to documents , is listed as a reward weapon. this pistol and ammunition are for sakhalin. the reputable businessman was allegedly presented by the president of kyrgyzstan. they were looking for documents related to seafood smuggling from kan jr.
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we also looked into the country house of a local politician, a close friend of the kan family, dmitry poshov. the owner of the luxury apartment was not found. he, according to his wife, was on a business trip. the operatives found themselves in the hands of various documents, as well as pashov’s rich photo archive. on the picture. he and his best friend, oleg. these days, vanity and panic began in the regional investigative committee. chairman of the investigative committee alexander bastrykin instructed the central office to withdraw all criminal cases in which the owner of the crab empire was convicted as a suspect. according to our information , oleg kan had many good friends in the regional investigative committee, perhaps that is why the criminal case about the death of the crew of the vostok in the sea of ​​japan in january 2018
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was lost in the offices of the investigative committee and the prosecutor’s office. the exact location of the trawler crash has not yet been established, and the party responsible for this tragedy has not been named. according to our source, kahn still has leverage over some. murders, we managed to meet a high-ranking officer on the threshold of the investigative management, why haven’t you resigned yet, and aren’t you ashamed to wear shoulder straps ? i’m not ashamed, i didn’t get it at all, now the central office of the investigative committee, together with the regional fsb, is carefully studying the cases
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of past years, in which one way or another... in the kamchatka, khabarovsk, primorsky territories, crab production is controlled by dmitry dremlyuga. the businessman permanently resides in the usa. his wife veronica runs a glamorous instagram from miami. why not have fun with the proceeds from dubious transactions, because they bring big money for big market players.
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entrepreneur alexander kozlov works in the vast far eastern basin to live in lithuania. his interests are primorsky krai. entrepreneurs alexander perednya and ivan mikhnov are extracting our biological resources there with all their might. the crab mining companies of maxim petrushin and valery ponomarev have developed powerfully in kamchatka. and in murmansk , gennady mirgorodsky is the most authoritative in this market. many years. quotas were distributed on a historical basis, we propose to do this with an auction, when all those who wish can take part in these auctions, but of course, for a reason , they must pay good money to the treasury, they must give commitments on the infrastructure that they will develop, so invest, we are fighting to get real, normal people who want to work to work
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everything, style. first class dynamics and comfort on any road and for my whole family. cherry tigo 8 pro max. dream bigger. cherry. everyone is delighted with coffee, delicious point. favorite cappuccino, as well as raft, flat, hot chocolate and desserts in the cafe. home is where the family is, in the bank at home in the russian federation 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family, they say that life is like journey, go there with the jett tour crossover, your new companion on the path of discovery and vivid impressions, bold design, functional interior and
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comfort technologies, choose your '. all these businessmen, shipowners who have bank accounts from their own countries cannot beat the special conditions for purchase in march. the same oleg kan, according to our sources, he controls 22 large enterprises for catching and processing crab and seafood, and the size of his capital is many times larger, and biography, what is needed, criminal. in the early 2000s, kahn appeared in operational information from bop, the department for combating orc crime. he was also involved in serious criminal cases, and allegedly in the spring
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of 2011... he was even on the federal wanted list. gray schemes for the extraction of russian biological resources under the guise of dubious quotas are still working to this day, only other authoritative entrepreneurs are at the helm. i thought about it in moscow.


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