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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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a barbaric attack on peaceful, innocent people, a carefully and cynically planned cold-blooded mass murder, these are the words of the president about the terrorist attack in the city hall building. in his address to russians , vladimir putin expressed condolences to those who lost loved ones and declared march 24 a day of national mourning. dear citizens of russia, i am writing to you in connection with the bloody, barbaric...
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along with doctors and special services officers , they provided first aid and transported the victims to the hospital. necessary help we will help everyone, the families whose lives have been affected by terrible misfortune, and the wounded and injured. i express my deep, sincere condolences to everyone who lost their loved ones. together with you ... the whole country, all our people. i declare march 24 a day of national mourning. in moscow and the moscow region, in all regions of the country, additional anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage measures have been introduced . the main thing now is to prevent those who are behind this bloody massacre from committing a new crime.
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a total of 11 people were detained. federal the russian security service and other law enforcement agencies are working to identify and uncover the entire accomplice base of terrorists, those who provided them with transport, outlined escape routes from the crime scene, prepared caches, caches of weapons and ammunition. i repeat, the investigative and law enforcement agencies will do everything to... establish all the details of the crime,
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but it is already obvious that we are faced not just with a carefully cynically planned terrorist attack, with a prepared and organized mass murder of peaceful, defenseless people, the criminals coldly and purposefully set out to kill, shoot point-blank our citizens, our children, just like the nazis once carried out massacres in the occupied territories... they planned to stage a show execution, a bloody act of intimidation. all perpetrators, organizers and customers of this crime will suffer fair and inevitable punishment. whoever they are, who is guiding them? i repeat, we will identify and punish everyone who stands behind the terrorists, who prepared this atrocity, this attack on russia, on our own.
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to the people, we know what the threat of terrorism is, we count here on interaction with all states that sincerely share our pain. and are ready in fact to really join forces in the fight against a common enemy, international terrorism, with all its manifestations, terrorists, murderers, non-humans who do not and cannot have a nationality, face one unenviable fate, the retribution of oblivion, they have no future, ours it is now the common duty of our comrades at the front, of all citizens of the country, to be together in the same ranks, i believe it will be so, because no one and nothing can shake our unity and will, our determination and courage, the strength of the united people of russia, no one will be able to sow poisonous seeds of discord, panic and discord in our
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multinational society. russia has repeatedly gone through difficult, sometimes unbearable trials, but it has become even stronger. that's how it will be now. words of support come from all over the world. dozens of politicians, world leaders and public figures. about the world's reaction to this inhumane attack. boris ivanin. the monstrous terrorist attack in the crocus cityhall concert hall is our common pain. words of condolences and sorrow are now coming from the country's leaders. this afternoon the presidents of russia and uzbekistan had a telephone conversation. shavkat mirziyoyev strongly condemned the terrorist attack against civilians. in a conversation with vladimir putin, he addressed sincere words of support to the loved ones of the victims, and also wished recovery to the wounded. these words were also in a special telegram,
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which official tashkent sent to the kremlin the night before. now the parties have confirmed their intention to continue cooperation in countering terrorism. i was talking about the same thing. in a telephone conversation between the russian leader and the president of belarus. alexander lukashenko, for his part, expressed deep condolences and said that minsk is ready to provide moscow with any necessary assistance. this is a brutal murder for which there can be no justification, the head of the republic emphasized. in fraternal belarus, people carry flowers and light candles near our embassy in minsk. this is a shot from where a spontaneous memorial has already formed. words of grief and support first in telegram. and then personally in a telephone conversation with vladimir putin , the president of kazakhstan kasym shamarat takaev expressed this on behalf of all residents of the country. he confirmed his solidarity with russia in the fight against terrorism. turkmenistan condemns in the most decisive manner any manifestations of terrorism and extremism, noted the head
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of the republic, serdar berdimuhamedov. he stated that he fully supported measures to combat and liquidation. quote this evil. and the national leader of the turkmen people. anguly birdy mukhamedov, as the head of the upper house of the parliament of the republic, called the chairman of the federation council of russia valentina matvienko and offered to send doctors and medicines to moscow, and paid special attention to the injured children. turkmenistan is ready to host them for treatment and rehabilitation. this is such human and neighborly support. this tragedy left no one without a telegram, with words of support, coming from all over the cis, president kyrgyzstan. holes japarov said that he advocates uniting the efforts of the world community in the fight against international terrorism. official baku sent condolences; azerbaijani president ilham aliyev wished patience and strength to the relatives of the victims and a speedy recovery to all those injured.
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armenia also condemns the inhumane crime against civilians. prime minister nikol pashinyan expressed deep condolences to the russian president and wrote that he mourns together with the people of our country. we condemn the inhumane. an act of violence for which there is no justifications, these are the words of the president of tajikistan , imamali rahmon, i quote: i express to the relatives of the victims to all the people of friendly russia our sincere condolences in this sorrowful hour. end of quote. at the same time, patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia urged not to lose faith, courage and fortitude. the orthodox church prays for the salvation of those who are now in hospitals, whose lives doctors are fighting for.
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a large number of innocent people, then this already becomes a crime that remains in the people's memory for a long time. representatives of other denominations, the head of the spiritual administration of muslims of russia, mufti ravil gainuddin sent condolences to the relatives of the victims, citing “an inhuman attack on visitors to the crocus city hall concert hall.” according to him, prayers for the dead were read in all mosques in russia during the noon service on saturday. telegrams of condolences come from the countries of the middle east: iran, syria, turkey. the leaders of these states condemned the barbaric attack. president recep tayyip erdogan. declared the unacceptability of terror, and his iranian and syrian colleagues ibrahim raisi and bashar al-assad
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confirmed their determination to continue the joint fight against terrorism with moscow. india strongly condemns the heinous terrorist attack in moscow, prime minister narendra modi wrote on social networks. the republic, i quote, stands in solidarity with the government and people of russia in this hour of sorrow. china was also shocked by the tragedy in krasnogorsk. chinese president sidinping expressed his condolences. official beijing supports the efforts of the russian authorities to strengthen national security and stability, and among european politicians , hungarian prime minister viktor orban was one of the first to react to the tragedy in moscow on friday evening ; he wrote his deepest condolences to the russian people on social networks, and now ordinary residents of the republic are leaving their words of support in the comments there. and people bring fresh flowers to russian diplomatic missions around the world. here are shots from tashkent. so. now in many cities, not only in the cis, but outside the commonwealth. however, in riga, for example,
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the police did not allow local residents to to our embassy, ​​then, people began to leave bouquets and lamps right on the asphalt in front of the building. and in the bosnian banjaluki, this is the actual capital of the republika srpska, despite the day off, deputies of the city assembly of the local parliament gathered in the meeting room to honor the memory of those killed in crocus city hall with a minute of silence. according to the latest data , over a hundred people became victims of the tragedy, and this is still not the final figure. saturday is the day of our common pain; sunday is officially declared a day of mourning. and yet we must remain strong in spirit. and also about foreign reaction. last minute message: republika srpska declared march 24 a day of mourning as a sign of solidarity with russia. this was stated by the president of the republic milorad dodik. suspects of committing and organizing the terrorist attack in crocus were detained in
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the bryansk region. 11 people were taken into custody, including four alleged perpetrators. their citizenship is foreign. now we have to find out what exactly connected the criminals with each other, whether money was the only motivation, and most importantly, who is the mastermind behind this monstrous attack. igor pikhanov learned some details of the special arrest operation. terrorist. caught on the m3 highway, which connects the bryansk and kursk regions. terrorists tried to break through into the territory of neighboring ukraine along this highway. late at night, the police discovered this car, in which they were traveling, and demanded to stop, but they only increased the gas. a chase began, the militants lost control and flew off the road. one of the suspects was detained at the scene, three militants.
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to earn a little money, the fee was only about half a million rubles, so in crocus, what did you do yesterday? in the crocuses , shoot him, what he did in the crocus , shot him, what he shot, who, why, instructions, people, why, please put him in for money, for money, yes, so how much money, about half a million, half a million of what, half a million. who the fuck did i get it from didn't get half of it yet got where i got it from card to card
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transferred and where the card they threw for everything all the clothes they didn't have time to get in and the loss where weapons they took weapons they delivered it themselves who they don’t know via telegram they wrote without a name without a surname without anything but how did they find you did you look for them or did they find you no they wrote to me you and him
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are protecting our borders from ukrainian militants, as well as police officers and the russian guard. during the operation, none of our soldiers were injured. today, the leadership of the operational agencies that participated in this operation thanked their colleagues for their professionalism and skillful actions. the criminals put up fierce resistance, but thanks thanks to the skillful actions of the special forces, they were caught alive and are now giving evidence, they are extremely. important, this is necessary in order to catch the remaining accomplices, and most importantly, the masterminds of this terrible crime. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, olga prokanova, conduct the bryansk region. and today the suspects in the terrorist attack were allegedly brought to the investigative committee. in the evening
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, a paddy wagon drove up to the building in a technical lane in moscow, where the central office of the department is located, in which they could in any way case there are detained terrorists. in accordance with the law, in the near future they will'. charges must be brought. rescuers continue to clear the rubble in the kroku cityhall building; experts called the situation at the site of the terrorist attack difficult. chaotically scattered metal is removed manually. in addition, extinguishing smoldering fires continues. according to the ministry of emergency situations, the open fire was eliminated. now our correspondent, egor grigoriev, is working at the site of the tract. he is in direct contact with the studio. egor, greetings, what's going on at... what's going on what's the current situation? dmitry , hello, indeed, rescuers, representatives of the ministry of emergency situations, firefighters are now continuing their work in the building, they have to manually dismantle the structures, the length of the booms of special equipment, the length of the booms of cranes is simply not enough to remove the heaviest debris, the heaviest remains
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of structures that have sunk through the roof lift and... under these structures there may be bodies of the dead, which of course complicates the work, this is what representatives of the rescuers tell us, emergency rescues are now being carried out work related to the removal of the rubble, the rubble is complex, the rubble after a fire is always very complex, but here practically everything consists of chaotically scattered metal, metal trusses of varying degrees of severity, almost everything has to be cut manually, a gas cutter. and a gas cutter, well, that is, with hand tools, no heavy equipment can work on site, the crane booms are not enough to set the hooks and lift the metal, so we carry out the analysis completely manually, and we will carry it out until it is completely completed, gradually
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structures that are sawed, that are dismantled, taken out of the building to... cityhall focus they find the remains of bodies, charred remains, and parts of bodies, the picture, unfortunately, is terrible, in the future it will be necessary to identify everyone, identify each deceased, but here too it is worth noting that bodies are found in staircase openings, on stairwells, in utility rooms, where people were hiding from terrorists, let's... listen to what the ministry of emergency situations is saying. about 63 m of building structure was removed. in addition, work is also ongoing on extinguishing adhesive fires on the roof of a building. also in readiness is the airmobile group of the naginsky rescue center,
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numbering 100 specialists, also with relatives. psychologists from the ministry of emergency situations of russia work. 104 employees of the ministry of emergency situations, 19 pieces of equipment are now on site, climbers are helping to dismantle the structures so that the rescuers can get to the very epicenter, to the scene itself, preventing those structures that have now survived from collapsing on the employees. here they coordinate on site. governor work all day moscow region andrei vorobyov and he talked with rescuers. disassemble the rental. i'm careful.
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only a visual inspection where there is, and that is, the most studied part, this is the part , taking into account the video surveillance that was originally there, there was a camera there, a cluster , so we had here, here, here were the guys over there, they got the old man, too, that is , we understand that to some places some - rescuers still cannot reach the premises and carried out a purely visual inspection, but the actions that they will be undertaken tonight, including allowing them to do as much
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of the necessary work as possible before lunch tomorrow, the governor of the moscow region visited the help center, which is organized not far from the center of crocus city hall, people come there to find out all the necessary information, victims and relatives of victims and victims, there andreiov summarized everything... we will make a technological opening on the western side in order to make access to the concert hall as easy as possible over the next 12-14 hours, the fact is that most of it is due to the large the number of collapses has not yet been sorted out, we understand that there may be dead bodies under the rubble. for this we need to carry out this event overnight, and accordingly tomorrow should be essentially the final day
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, the search operation will be practically completed, here at the headquarters we received about 900 calls, you know that the doctors, for which they have huge words of gratitude and moscow and, accordingly , the moscow region are fighting for lives 107. already in identifying those who may now be under the rubble, well, tomorrow by lunch it is very important that the authorities of the moscow region present
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such an algorithm of actions so that people from crocus city hall can pick up their personal belongings, and take away their cars, an algorithm of actions, because for obvious reasons now access to dressing rooms and access to parking on the minus first floor is limited. of course, we are seeing more and more stories, stories of simply unique rescues and tragic stories that appear on the internet, one of them is the story of the cameraman, ivanov, who, together with his film crew, was supposed to film a concert at crocus yesterday city hall, 18 people were filming, well, thanks to the fact that there was a radio... a headset on each of them, ivan managed to orient the group in time and through the service entrance about the operators, including
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women, and those spectators who came to the concert, he managed to save it and bring it out, let ’s give him the floor, so we were sitting backstage, if you look from the right side of the hall, we have a door leading out to the street through the service room. she was close enough, but my cameramen were sitting far away in the hall, but considering that there were still 5 minutes, and people they were just entering the hall , that is, they were preparing for the call, in general, thank god that those operators who were close were able to come down faster, thank god that i have girls who were on the second floor and finally got out of there. of course, ivan pomorin’s story is unique; she was very lucky that he managed to get his bearings in time. by the way, ivan is still here, he is together with hundreds of muscovites and residents.
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there are a lot of tears today, everyone is in a very difficult emotional state, but next to crocus cityhall, i’ll ask the operator to show now there is a large accumulation of municipal equipment, several dozen, and now we see kamaz trucks, special bulldozers, which, apparently, after the work of the rescuers, after the work of the ministry of emergency situations, when all the bodies
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of the dead are pulled out from under the rubble. will directly ensure the removal of rubble. dmitry, yes, egor, thank you, egor grigoriev told us about what was happening at the site of the terrorist attack. after the terrorist attack in krokusekhola , 107 victims, including three children, remain in hospitals in moscow and the moscow region. the condition of most patients of doctors assessed as severe and extremely severe. this was announced by deputy prime minister tatyana golikova. today she, together with the head of the ministry of health , mikhail murashko, visited the pirogovo medical and surgical center, where the wounded were also brought. all medical institutions in moscow and the moscow region continue to provide medical care to patients who suffered during the terrorist attack in crocus. at the moment , there are 107 patients in medical institutions,
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three of them. come from foreign participants in the world youth festival, which took place in solidarity with the russians , representatives of sri lanka, nepal, kuwait, italy, india, argentina and many others sent words of grief to the russians in early march by presidential decree. in their letters, festival participants strongly condemned the terrorist attack in crocus and wished a speedy recovery to the wounded. state representatives also launched an action on social networks, where, under the hashtag “pray for russia, ” millions of people around the world express solidarity in the fight against international terrorism. and the chinese musician who took part in the festival expressed a desire organize an online concert in support
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