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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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in turn, he did not rule out that isis militants could act at the behest of western intelligence services. if the biden regime is found to be involved in a mass terrorist murder in moscow, a de facto state of war will arise between the superpowers. social media users also pay attention to barack obama's secret visit to downing street. the former us president held talks with british prime minister rishi sunak on march 18. as noted in the comments to the news, exactly. at one time provided air cover for isis in syria and iraq, however , none of the politicians spoke in the press about what was discussed at the negotiations 4 days before the terrorist attack in russia. ordinary britons, however, are not strangers to compassion, despite anti-russian propaganda in the media, they bring flowers and candles to the russian embassy. however, aggressive pro-western media do not pay attention to this; bilt journalist julian röbke, known for his anti-russian rhetoric, instead of a saber.
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decided to write that a terrorist attack should not affect collective efforts to weaken russia. french entrepreneur silvano turatta also draws attention to the double standards of the west. imagine for two seconds that the same events would have occurred in kiev, they would all pay tribute to the memory of the fallen ukrainians and unknowingly blame russia. but there tonight, before scenes reminiscent of the batoclan, no honors, no condolences, everyone says they don’t know yet. that the ukrainians had nothing to do with this, and even worse, that the russians did it, just like in the case of nord stream. unfortunately, if you don't understand who the enemy is, you will never understand anything. president macron, along with chancellor scholz, condemned the terrorist attacks and expressed condolences, but his idea to look for those involved further from the west, somewhere in isis camps, on the contrary, reminded europeans of the terrible events at home, the isis terrorist attack carried out. at the batoclan theater, which
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filled their hearts with simple human sympathy. olga panomaryova, evgenia zemtsova artyom krosulin, lead. in the skies over belgorod, the russian air defense system shot down 19 czech -made orsa vampire missiles. this is the message from the department of defense. during the strike from the ukrainian armed forces , two people were injured. the governor of the region, vyacheslav glodkov, has already announced this. earlier , a missile danger was declared in the city, now. it was canceled, the attack on peaceful neighborhoods was repelled this evening in sevastopol, where, according to governor mikhail razvazhaev , more than ten missiles were shot down, in addition, the movement of cars on the crimean bridge was temporarily stopped. next on our broadcast is the formula of power program.
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yes, the weather on earth is so changeable, in fact, we all know this, and there is no more popular topic for conversation in all corners of the earth than the weather, we talk about the weather, remember, think almost every day, and from year to year year, the climate on the planet is becoming hotter, science and...
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has been studying the weather for 175 years, i must say that the past 2023 was recognized as the hottest in history, well, i explain this by the fact that the amount of greenhouse gases, products of combustion of hydrocarbons, has sharply increased raw materials, this is seen as the main reason for the increasing warming on the planet, they also talk about such a natural phenomenon as... and it is predicted to be even hotter than the current one. today is march 23rd, the world is celebrating.
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world meteorology day. the authorities are today in abu dhabi, at the headquarters of the world organization, and we are received by the president of the world meteorological organization, who is also the director of the national center of meteorology of the united arab emirates, your excellency, mr. president, first of all, thank you for taking my time, i’ll start with congratulations on the holiday of ramadan. thank you very much, mr. guzman. yes, it's ramadan and i would like to wish the whole world good health and safety from any extreme weather conditions. i would like to start with a historical question. your organization, the world
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meteorological organization, was founded in 1951. but before that it was international meteorological. organization since 1873, it has such a long history. when i think of the world meteorological organization, i think of unity. i think that we are one of the organizations that works all over the world for unity. for us, the unity is that everyone sends information to wmo, we collect the data and then pass it back to the national weather services. this means we are on a safe path to protect everyone from extreme weather and other hazards. in august
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1872, 52 meteorologists met in leipzig to discuss the possibility of forming a mechanism for international cooperation in the field of meteorology.
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the first conference to show people the climate on the globe, the parameters that influence climate. we then moved on to create the intergovernmental panel on climate change, which is a division of wmo. they produce reports based on wmo data around the world. then it came. the world meteorological organization, the oldest un organization, has been
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monitoring climate for 152 years, the organization has 193 members, 187 states and six territories, they are located in different parts of the world, in different... 1,200 drifting buoys from which we receive all maritime information, 3,000 aircraft from which we receive data every hour, we also receive data from 348 satellites, 26 of them
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are stationary, we have 1111 weather radars, 52 world centers yes.
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i believe that russia's participation is one of the most important parts of the work of the world meteorological organization. we have constant data that we receive from russia. they have the largest observation network, radar network, satellites. they have many regional and global centers. so thus, russia's participation in monitoring global systems plays a role.
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humanity began to understand the important role of climate change, the dangers and challenges that they bring in the past, in the 20th century, since 1995, an international conference on climate change meets annually under the auspices of the united nations, in the fall of 2023 in united arab emirates took place. the 28th world climate summit, it was called cop-28. at this climate summit , scientists issued a warning: an increase in the overall temperature on earth by 1.5-2° above industrial levels risks the destruction of entire crop ecosystems, and irreversible climate disasters...
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greenland and western antarctica, extensive melting of permafrost, death of mangroves and coral reefs in warm waters. there is a risk of triggering the so-called domino effect, for example, the destruction of the greenland glaciers can slow down the circulation of the atlantic ocean, and this in turn.
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un secretary general antonio gutierres addressed the climate summit participants with an emotional message. in 2023 , we have seen fires, floods and blistering heat hit communities around the world. record global heat should make world leaders wince. in 2023, your organization.
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the plan is that we will work from 2024 to 2027, on the initiative of the un secretary general, early warning for everyone, every person on earth has the right to protection from extreme weather conditions.
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history, as far as i understand, this is connected with
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global warming trend, could you please tell us your position?
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climate, global warming, which led to dramatic problems in their countries, thousands of thousands of people died, energy, water, food security in their countries was undermined. the president of the republic of djibouti, a country in the horn of africa, ismail amargeleh, for example, said that there is a long drought in the horn of africa, and it has lasted for the fifth year in a row.
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billion people on the planet will experience that in the next 25 years by 2050 more than 5 lack of water. this is a very dangerous future, so we are considering all possibilities to find alternative sources of water. one of them is cloud seeding. this is a very important project, and the government of the united arab emirates is investing heavily in it to help humanity find other sources of water. wmo is involved in water resource management, water resources are very important in agriculture, for food production, energy, for industry, and of course, all of us, people, cannot do without clean water. drinking water. at wmo, we are increasing investment in hydrometeorological
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observing systems. we pay great attention to the early warning system. and flooding brings a special danger, special damage, tens of millions of people are at risk of heating, damage from floods alone is estimated annually at more than $80 billion, the president of mozambique, philippa nyusi, in our conversation complained that frequent floods and hurricanes... set his country's economy back for years. global average sea level reaches record high in 2023 over the entire thirty-year period of satellite observations. indicating continued warming of the ocean, as well as the melting of glaciers and ice sheets. the mediterranean cyclone daniel, with its endless downpours,
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caused flooding in greece, bulgaria, turkey, and reached libya in september, where the consequences became especially destructive. due to the dam breaking, entire neighborhoods of the city of dyarno were submerged in water. 20 thousand people died. 10,000 were missing. tropical cyclone freddy raged in february and march and became one of the longest-lasting tropical cyclones in the world. madagascar, mozambique and malawi were hit hard. meteorological scientists believe that warming air and water are causing deadly and destructive heat waves, floods, droughts, storms and wildfires to become more...
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in this field, in this profession, you have more than 30 years of experience, tell us about why did you choose this profession, this area of ​​knowledge, i think that my interest in science affected me, knowledge of mathematics and physics led me to switch to meteorology, because in it a lot of physics and dynamics, but the important question is how...
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how directly relevant to me. at cop-28 it was decided that the next climate conference at cop-29 will be held this year in baku. as far as i know, the azerbaijani authorities are paying great attention to organizing this conference. what are your expectations from this conference, what results do you personally expect from cop-29, which will be held in baku. i think it will be impressive. we will continue to work together to achieve the paris agreement to limit the rise in global temperatures
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up to one and a half degrees. as a world weather organization, we will continue to work hard together to provide early warning for everyone. azerbaijan in the fall of this year. the unanimous decision to conduct cop-29 in
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azerbaijan is a sign of the international community’s respect for our country. our desire to host this event to contribute to this cause is to demonstrate our green agenda. can i ask you a very direct question during ramadan, as a professional, professor, international as a specialist, as the president of wmo, reading the dangerous reports of your organization, do you personally look more into the future as a pessimist or an optimist? you should always look for the best for people. i think that people have power, and if they unite, they can solve any problem.
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avoidable climate change, how to make its consequences less dangerous for people, and finally, how to learn how to interact better and better with nature?
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the first bombs fell on yugoslavia on march 24 , 1999 at 19:45 local time time. no one could believe that the country could be attacked at the end of the 20th century. what the west did was completely unacceptable; they directly started a war, essentially in the center of europe. these are the same cores from united uranium that were dropped on yugoslavia during the bombing. i saw everything with my own eyes, the city is alive, at this moment, at this living... city, the peacekeepers, as they called themselves, are sending missiles. the hegemons tried to perpetuate their dominance. the war in europe did not start in 2014 or in 1922. no, for they had one rule: everything was allowed to them, and that they could do everything.
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today is a day of mourning in russia, in memory of those killed in the terrorist attack in the moscow city hall. the entire country mourns with those who lost loved ones during this inhumane attack.
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according to preliminary data from the investigation, more than 130 people became victims of the armed attack on innocent people, and about one and a half hundred were injured. on the day of mourning , national flags will be lowered throughout the country, all entertainment events, as well as radio and television programs. are cancelled. the barbaric attack is thorough and


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