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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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the whole country mourns with those who lost loved ones during this inhumane attack. only according to preliminary data from the investigation , more than 130 people became victims of an armed attack on them, innocent people, and about one and a half hundred were injured. on the day of mourning , national flags will be flown at half-mast throughout the country, all entertainment events, as well as radio and television programs will be cancelled. the barbarian attack is thorough. a cynically planned
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cold-blooded mass murder, these are the words of the president about the terrorist attack in the city hall. in in his address to russians, vladimir putin expressed condolences to the relatives of those who died at the hands of terrorists. dear citizens of russia, i am writing to you in connection with the bloody barbaric terrorist act, the victims of which were dozens of peaceful, innocent people. our compatriots. including children, teenagers, women; doctors are now fighting for the lives of the victims, those who are in serious condition. i am sure they will do everything possible and even impossible to preserve life and health all the wounded. special words of gratitude to the ambulance and air ambulance crews , special forces soldiers, firefighters , rescuers.
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we will provide the necessary assistance to everyone, families whose lives have been affected by terrible misfortune, wounded victims, i express my deep, sincere condolences to everyone who has lost their loved ones. the whole country, our whole people, mourns with you. i declare march 24th a day.
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national mourning. in moscow and the moscow region, in all regions of the country, additional anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage nature. the main thing now is to prevent those who are behind this bloodbath from committing a new crime. as for the investigation of this crime and the results of operational and investigative actions, at present we can say the following.
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will all the perpetrators, organizers and customers of this crime suffer a fair and inevitable punishment, no matter who they are, no matter who directs them? i repeat, we will identify and punish everyone who stands behind the terrorists, who prepared this atrocity, this a blow to russia, to our people. we know what the threat of terrorism is, we count here on interaction with all states that sincerely share our pain, and are ready to actually join forces in the fight against the common enemy, international terrorism, with all of it...
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it is still ongoing, he stated governor of the moscow region andrey vorobyov. according to him , 133 bodies were pulled out from under the rubble within 24 hours. in addition, emergency situations ministry employees are now using equipment inside the concert hall. latest information from the tragic scene events in the material by egor grigoriev.
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rescuers and firefighters from the ministry of emergency situations dismantled more than 90 cubic meters of building structures that collapsed. the work is still ongoing around the clock, now there are shifts of rescuers, employees of the ministry of emergency situations, the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov is helping to coordinate the work here , a heavy technician comes into the crocus cityhola building, before this the rescuers actually had to work manually all day long, they used special equipment, grinders, scissors for sawing, cut metal structures , because... it was impossible to do this, for example, with heavy equipment, the length of the crane booms was not enough to simply lift these multi-kilogram structures, climbers helped from top to bottom
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, they gradually dismantled the walls, allowing the rescuers to get as close to the spot as possible on the ground to enter the premises, but as previously announced, from 11 o’clock rescuers will begin to disassemble. but in order for heavy equipment to arrive and be able to get closer to the building and start raking it the territory that the rescuers have already inspected , where they retrieved the bodies of the dead, access , of course, is still limited, there is an operational headquarters on site, andrei vorobyov, the governor of the moscow region, talked there with representatives of the rescuers, this is what they said, for the night shift, what kind of we are a family, we are attracting a specialized company that will allow us to open the opening. by tomorrow afternoon will ensure the entire auditorium is cleared, such is our task, such a goal, exactly, the task is maximum, a married couple, almost in tears, shows the badge, koriromu,
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he says, we can’t help but fly away, nothing, so we jumped out, while we have things there, and there are my passports, put on a helmet, take a friend, order the passport. they came out happy and took their things, but this is rather a special case when the rescuers were able to help a single family pick up things inside the building from the wardrobe, tomorrow by lunchtime, an algorithm for everyone who left things there, for those who have cars in the underground parking lot, the government of the moscow region will present, because indeed a lot of people fled, leaving the top one. hope, someone left their cars, access is limited, but tomorrow, by lunchtime, this algorithm will be clear, and as for the work of rescuers, the main task now is to give access to get as close to the scene as possible,
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clear all the rubble, make safe work there, i repeat, climbers are also helping to do this, they are now trying to dismantle one of the walls and give access.
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not far from the sitiho building, an assistance headquarters, a support headquarters will be deployed, andrei vorobyov also visited there today, this is the place where injured people can contact us, people who cannot find their relatives, those who went to the concert yesterday, and there andrei vorobyov made a number of statements and spoke, including about how the work will develop in the coming days. we will make the technological opening western. sides in order
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to make access to the concert hall as easy as possible over the next 12-14 hours, the fact is that most of the collapses have not yet been sorted out due to the large number of collapses, we understand that there may be dead bodies under the rubble, for this for us this event needs to be held during the night, and accordingly tomorrow should...
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they bring soft toys, they light candles and hundreds of people come, they bring flowers, they lamps in memory of the dead, here in order to express words of compassion with the dead, with those who suffered , there are really very, very many such people, some still cannot find... their relatives, a friend of mine went to a concert with her child, after that
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there was no contact at all, neither yesterday nor tonight , her husband is looking for her, everyone raised calls, all the text messages, everyone is in mourning now, everyone is just crying, this morning i came here as best i could, to find out the situation about the dead, my friend who died, all the lists, all the official data, now there is a large amount of municipal equipment in the parking lot, as soon as rescuers will complete the search for the bodies of the dead, as soon as they are all removed from the basement, this equipment will begin work in
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order to remove the structures from here. egor grigoriev, nadezhda nefedova, sergey eliseev, alexander ponomarev, news. terrorists, the attackers at crocus city hall were detained in the bryansk region. even after their car was discovered, they tried to escape; the security forces had to shoot at the wheels. the fsb said that the terrorists did not just plan. cross the border with ukraine, but had contacts on the ukrainian side. also, according to intelligence services, the attack was carefully planned. the weapon was hidden in a cache in advance; one of the terrorists was interrogated. he said that he committed mass murder for the sake of money from his curators; he was supposed to receive half a million rubles. previously president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev expressed condolences over the tragedy in crocus. in a telephone conversation with vladimir putin, he condemned the terrorist attack and conveyed words of support to the families of the victims. according
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to the kremlin press service, putin and mirziyoyev confirmed their intention to continue cooperation in the field of counteraction. the president of kazakhstan, kasym jamar takaev, also called vladimir putin, he also expressed condolences, emphasized that he condemns this barbaric crime and asked to convey his condolences to the families of the victims wishes for a speedy recovery to those injured. earlier, vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with alexander lukashenko; the president of belarus deeply sympathizes with the attack on the cityhall crocus. according to the kremlin, the leaders of the two countries confirmed their readiness to cooperate in the fight against '.
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the russian orthodox church urged not to lose faith, courage and fortitude . the orthodox church prays for the salvation of those who are now in hospitals, whose lives doctors are fighting for. services are held in churches throughout the country. with special pain we we are experiencing everything that happened today. but first of all, we must fulfill ours. christian because there is nothing more terrible than the duty to pray for innocent people killed, the death of an innocent person, and when a large number of innocent people are killed, then this already becomes
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a crime that remains in the people's memory for a long time. in tver , a rally was held at the victory obelisk in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack. the participants laid out a flower from candles, a crocus, which symbolizes hope for rebirth, and the date when the tragedy occurred. passers-by joined them. someone lit candles, someone arranged candlesticks. this weekend, by decision of governor igor rudeniy, all public events have been canceled in the tver region. about the victims. the terrorist attacks in crocus are mourned throughout russia. dmitry akimov. the northern capital is mourning today along with the whole country. these black banners are installed all over the city, there are several dozen of them. in addition, all entertainment and sporting events have been canceled in st. petersburg. above smolny and flags of other government institutions are lowered.
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theaters and concert venues are closed. dozens of spontaneous memorials are springing up all over. in the russian national library , a book of memory was opened in the city, where citizens can leave their words of support. st. petersburg today along with the whole country. we have taken all necessary measures, strengthened the security of events, the utility system, and the social system of our city. spontaneous memorials have appeared today in all regions of the country, without exception. in tomsk, people gather on granite embankment. those who experienced these losses, the families who lost. patience with your loved ones, it’s very difficult, and we are together , we also grieve, in saransk flowers are brought to the family monument at the cathedral, mostly young people, it’s very scary, scared for yourself, it seems that it’s very far away, but in reality in fact, it’s very close; the whole country is certainly grieving, and we are mourning with it. in somar, in addition to ordinary citizens,
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search engines came to the central square of the city. we’ve been living like this for 10 years, so it’s all very close to us, and we worry and mourn, also for all over the country people are lining up at blood collection points, this is footage from tver. and, for example, in volgograd the governor came to donate blood to show by example that today we all need to unite for the sake of the memory
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of those who were cruelly and cynically killed last evening. the whole country, like one big and united family, is experiencing the tragedy together. dmitry akimov and maya alenova. news? now the news is literally the last minute: kim chinin. expressed condolences to vladimir putin in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, about this reports the korean central news agency. in belgrade, a friendly match between serbia, cervenna zvezda and st. petersburg zenit began with a minute of silence in memory of those killed in the terrorist attack in kroku sithol. the teams entered the field wearing mourning armbands, and fans in the stands stretched out a banner with the inscription moscow. 22.03 grief.
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next, the story of a visitor to kroku cityhol, who, during a terrorist attack, managed to neutralize one of them and thereby saved the lives of hundreds. this is a story about heroism and modesty, eyewitnesses told about exploits, i let me remind you that it was reported that a man attacked the terrorist, neutralized him , mikhail asked not to show his face , change his name because he was worried about the safety of his family, came to the concert with his wife, at the moment when the attack began, he blocked her from one of the terrorists , the voice is trembling, not to mention, it’s hard to remember such things, he was just before this... i saw wild
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horror in her eyes, i realized that i had to do something, i understood that i had to protect her, and if i hesitate , then they'll shoot me in the queue, and i i won’t save her, i’m just blocking her, i must attack the criminal, at that moment i was attacking...
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well, you did the maximum that you could at that moment, yes, yes, yes, my condition probably did not allow any further actions, with cracking hands, floating eyes, floating vision, but the most important thing is that you saved dozens of people, mikhail says, on the way to the exit, people tried in every possible way to help each other, as other eyewitnesses of these terrible events also say, they tried not to meet those who shoots, it’s clear that everything is on fire, because the smoke of the caustic is coming everywhere, one guy said, let’s go, i’ll take you out, but... it’s unknown whether he knew where he was going or not, but, for example, my girlfriend and i realized that this was the only one a chance to try to get out, and he miraculously found an excavator, and we
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somehow went down it, then we saw an open door, ran out into the street, hiding from the bullets, the men were breaking the glass so that as many people as possible could get out, quickly, mom, mom , faster, come on, come on, come on, come on, residents pulled up to the attacked building nearby areas, as soon as the first information about the shooting appeared, with our car the question was, who needs help? three people sat down with us, we naturally understood that we needed to help people and take them out, we immediately took more water to give to people, those who escaped the shooting and fire got to the parking lot also helped other victims. good people, those who were witnesses were also there, when we ran out at the last moment, shots were still heard there, there were three ambulances. there were no places there, there were a lot blood, we asked the people in the car, who quickly ran away from there and the third car agreed, very kind people, evgeniy and oksana took us to the hospital.
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mikhail ’s wife got out, the man says these were the most terrible moments of his life, while he was looking for her in the parking lot, i don’t know if she managed to escape, she tried to see if i was running out of the stream of people, while she was looking, about 100 people ran out, then we managed to get on the phone, we met in the parking lot, this is a moment, happiness that we are both alive, i accidentally found out about his feat the manager, when mikhail called to say that he had lost... the keys to the office, told under what circumstances, the boss asked if he was the hero who neutralized the terrorist, because from the words of eyewitnesses it was not clear whether the brave man survived, not just survived, but saved his beloved and dozens of other people, the case when, in the words of vladimir semyonovich vysotsky’s song , you read the necessary books in childhood, if you didn’t go into battle with a soldier in your face, it means you were lucky, nothing to do with it, something like this, and well, how is it
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my my... my brother did not give the tournament, he fought against those who offend the weak. the chairman of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin , ordered that the man be awarded a departmental award. surely other heroes will also be rewarded, who risked their lives to help people escape. evgeny nipots, sergey evdakimov, daria bratukhina, olga lvukhina, news.
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the military repelled a missile attack on sevastopol, it was the most massive in recent times, sevastopol governor mikhail reported. important in his telegram channel, he also noted that due to when a rocket fragment hit the end of a house on yalta, a 65-year-old sevastopol resident was killed; in total, four people were injured from fragments today. the sevastopol rescue service continues to record reports of discovered fragments and parts of downed missiles. in addition, the governor instructed all necessary services to assess the damage and repair the damage. management company with
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operational services. will begin this work in the morning. the air defense system worked last evening and in belgorod 19 rockets of the czech rszzo-vampire were shot down production. this is the message from the department of defense. during the strike from the ukrainian armed forces , two people were injured. this was announced by the regional governor vyacheslav glodkov.
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