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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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the poachers of the far east earn their living wages; they catch tons of it; the russian seafood delicacy is in great demand in south korea, japan and america. crabs steal in russia, sell it abroad, this theft flourishes not in their waters, but in ours. due to the greed of the kings of the crab empires, colossal damage is caused to the biological resources of our country. so, who controls the illegal crab business, like international organized crime groups? eliminates competitors why are these crimes still not solved? we took up this matter and carried out your investigation. today in russia is a day of mourning in memory of those killed in the terrorist attack in the moscow circle of city hall. the entire country mourns with those who lost loved ones during this inhumane attack. the victims of the armed attack are nowhere in sight.
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special words of gratitude to the ambulance and air ambulance crews, special forces soldiers, firefighters, rescuers, who did everything to save people’s lives, to bring them out from under the fire, from the epicenter of the fire. smoke, avoid even more losses. i cannot ignore the help of ordinary citizens, who in the first minutes after the tragedy did not remain indifferent and indifferent, along with doctors and security officers, provided first aid and transported the victims to the hospital. we will provide the necessary assistance to everyone, the families into whose lives... a terrible misfortune has come to the wounded
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victims, i express my deep sincere condolences to everyone who has lost their relatives and friends. the whole country, our whole people, mourns with you. i declare march 24 a day of national mourning. in moscow and moscow region, in all of them.
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the criminals coldly and purposefully set out to kill, to shoot our citizens, our children, at point-blank range, just as the nazis once did.
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russia has repeatedly gone through difficult, sometimes unbearable trials, but it has become even stronger. this is how it will be now. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin
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, instructed that when establishing the circumstances of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall, special attention should be paid to those who helped save people. he countered the terrorists and brought out the spectators. and publications of the identities of all these people should be established in order to submit them for departmental awards, bastrikin said. suspects in the commission and organization of the terrorist attack in crocus were detained in the bryansk region, 11 people were taken into custody, including four alleged perpetrators, their citizenship was foreign, these four were taken to the central office of the investigative committee for interrogation on saturday, some details from... the operation igor pikhanov recognized him after his arrest. the terrorists were caught on the m3 highway, which connects the bryansk and kursk regions. terrorists tried to break through into the territory of neighboring ukraine along this highway. late at night, the police discovered this
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car, in which they were traveling, and demanded to stop, but they only increased the gas. a chase began, the militants lost control and flew off the road. was there. one of the suspects was detained, three more militants tried to hide on foot in the forest, now the snow had melted, the soil there had turned into a mess of mud and ice, they could not hide for long, one of the criminals even climbed a tree to in order to hide from law enforcement officers, but this did not help him; soon everyone was detained during interrogation.
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how much money is about half a million, half a million, what is half a million rubles, from whom i received it, haven’t received it yet, received half, where i received it on a card, transferred it to a card, yes, where is the card, the card was thrown for everything, all the clothes, they didn’t have time, but they were sweating , where they took the weapons, they delivered the weapons themselves, i don’t know who they are, they wrote by telegram, no first name, no last name, no nothing, but what do you think of ours? that you yourself were looking for them or they have you been found? no, they wrote me, did you meet them, where and when? when did you buy the car, and where is the car? yeah, yeah, who?
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a pistol and ammunition were found inside the car of the criminals; fsb officers took part in detaining the dangerous criminals. special forces akhmat, the ministry of defense, which in the bryansk region protects our borders from ukrainian militants, as well as police officers and the national guard. during the operation, none of our soldiers were injured. today, the leadership of the operational agencies that participated in this operation thanked their colleagues for their professionalism and skillful actions. the criminals put up fierce resistance, but thanks to the skillful actions of the special forces, they were able to escape. those caught alive are now giving evidence, they are extremely important, this is necessary in order to catch
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the remaining accomplices, and most importantly, the masterminds of this terrible crime. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, olga prokanova, conduct the bryansk region. all over the world , concerned citizens bring flowers to the buildings of russian diplomatic missions, i am the world's reaction to the terrorist attack in crocus. olga panomareva. prime minister of slovakia robert fit. the first to heed the calls of members of the un security council expressed its readiness to cooperate with russia in the fight against terrorism. in serbia, members of parliament honored the memory of the victims with a moment of silence, this is what the russian embassy looks like abroad right now. caring people come with flowers, candles, toys to express their condolences in dubai, paris, berlin, rome, amsterdam, beijing, hanoi and other capitals where russian diplomatic missions are located. at the same time... to express my sympathy opposite the diplomatic mission, and the absence
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of the walls of the russian embassy, ​​they had to organize a spontaneous memorial in the park of condolences from the latvian authorities and condemnation of the brutal terrorist attack suggests that in riga they are well aware of who is behind the bloody massacre and approve of terror against the civilian population of our country, this is how the russian embassy and the foreign ministries of other baltic states reacted to it. a day later, i barely squeezed out general words that, with a stretch, can be mistaken for sympathy. estonia represented by the minister foreign affairs department dryly reported that it was following events and considered terrorism unacceptable. us secretary of state antony blinken, who regularly has to disavow biden's blunders, has now tried to smooth over the strange impression of the first reaction of the united states in the person of john kirby, and although blinken condemned the terrorist attack, he expressed condolences and even solidarity. with the people of russia, but even
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american experts were left with an aftertaste from kirby’s suspicious words. it is very likely that this is ukraine for one reason. during an hour and a half after the incident, the us state department issued a statement that this is not ukraine. how could they even know this? at this point, it was not even known exactly how many attackers there were, what kind of weapons they had , so it is likely that these were people from the ukrainian special services, perhaps before that they were trained by specialists from... on march 7 , the us and british embassies in moscow warned their citizens to stay away from public events. john kirby's reaction to this also leaves many questions. i am not aware of any additional information about this terrible event. but on march 8 , the embassy warned of an impending extremist attack in moscow. yes, yes, i guess i’ll let gazdep speak on this matter, but i don’t think it was connected. with some specific attack. serbian president aleksandar vucic, who has repeatedly denounced the methods of the united states, in particular and nato in
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general, expressed his opinion this time. this means that their intelligence services intercepted certain communications, received information and knew that something would happen. most western experts accepted the version the french that an afghan isis cell could be behind the attack. british politician george galloway, in turn, did not rule out the possibility that isis militants could. act at the behest of western intelligence services. if the biden regime is found to be involved in mass terrorist murder in moscow , a de facto state of war will arise between the superpowers. social media users also pay attention to barack obama's secret visit to downing street. the former us president held talks with british prime minister rishi sunak on march 18. how note in the comments to the news that it was obama who at one time provided air cover in both syria and iraq, however,
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none of the politicians spoke in the press about what was discussed at the negotiations 4 days before the terrorist attack in russia. ordinary britons, however, are not strangers to compassion, despite anti-russian propaganda in the media, they bring flowers and candles to the russian embassy. however, aggressive pro-western media do not pay attention to this; bilt journalist julian röbke, known for his anti-russian rhetoric, decided instead of condolences write that a terrorist attack should not... french businessman silvano trotta also draws attention to the collective efforts to weaken russia and the double standards of the west. imagine for 2 seconds that the same events happened. if in kiev, they would all pay tribute to the memory of the fallen ukrainians and would unconsciously blame russia, but there tonight, in front of scenes reminiscent of the bataclan, no honors, no condolences, everyone says, not yet knowing that the ukrainians have nothing to do with this , and even worse, the russians did it, just like in the case of nord stream.
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unfortunately, if you don't understand who the enemy is, you will never understand anything. president macron, along with the chancellor. scholze condemned the terrorist attack and expressed condolences, but his idea to look for those involved further from the west, somewhere in isis camps, on the contrary, reminded europeans of the terrible events at home - the isis terrorist attack carried out in the batoclan theater, which filled their hearts with simple human sympathy. olga ponomareva, evgenia zemtsova, artyom krosulin, lead. the criminal formations of kiev in words are already running the show in russian cities, in reality they are filming staged videos in ukrainian villages, what is the real fate of the traitors and what nonsense their masters have managed to dream up in recent days, we will tell you right now in the stop fake on russia 24 program . so, no mercy to modern vlasovites from
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the banned rdk and the legion, who, along with the regular purists of the armed forces of ukraine, do not give up attempts to break into the territory of russia, the most accurate. aircraft bombs and artillery shells they dispose of traitors in batches, their equipment is left to rust in the fields, and their personnel fertilize these same fields. but events on the information front are no less important, for example, kursk, where a whole motorized brigade of the kiev regime went. for an impressionable person , the signature alone will probably be enough to panic, but a viewer with a cool head will look at the video more carefully and will definitely notice a road work sign with text in english. but this is such a low-genre production that it’s even for ukraine, this is even, this is weak, even for ukraine, well, that is, well, this is just generally this whole story that is happening, it simply says that this is a dead end, they have no ideas, well, something more significant, they as if they are unable to do anything else, this is their maximum, that is, launching drones there and
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this is a performance, everything and the like , literally cars, another one. accompanied by a hysterical comment, saying that after the erdek soldiers captured the village of tyotkino, our military began to inflict indiscriminate attacks on it, hitting civilian infrastructure. russians are bombing russians, sounds alarming. do i need to clarify that no one captured tyotkin, and the footage itself was not filmed there at all. the ukrainian media unwittingly helped to verify this. it was they who wrote about a powerful explosion at an ammunition depot 2 years ago. in kramatorsk, accompanying the article with appropriate illustrations, but some people do not bother to fabricate visual content. a striking example of hack work, a bot with a flashy nickname andrey, posing as a resident of orel, claims that he saw a huge column of the legion heading towards moscow, plus here a screenshot of a fake decree of the russian president regarding the loss of the belgorod region and the withdrawal of troops from its borders. a banal fact-check
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allows us to establish that the document was taken as a basis from the portal of legal information on staffing levels. number of the decree and see whether there was such a decree or not, in the conditions of an information war, the most important thing is for the enemy to throw a huge number of fakes into the information space so that you and i do not have time to do fact-checking, this is another fake that is aimed at so that we succumb to emotions for seven minutes, so to speak, so that we begin to panic, so that we begin to be indignant. and in general, you can check absolutely everything, especially if you have the time and desire to dig deeper, a non- obvious but interesting case, the publication of uniant about belgorod residents, who are allegedly fleeing the city in horror with full bags and suitcases, no faces visible, calculate the geolocation, problematic, but you need to look for the original source, it turns out that the video did not appear anywhere before the telegram channel of the famous softshell propagandist
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tsyplienko, and that, of course, says it all, and sometimes qualitative... the ukrainian attacks were very successful, that is, there was an understanding that they could not go anywhere, they could not advance deep into russia, and no one set such a task for them, they they are going to death in order to work off
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news headlines, but , whatever one may say, they broke the records of lies themselves in irussia, in their dreams they almost went to moscow, in reality, let’s evaluate, back on march 12, erdek soldiers and legionnaires posted a photo allegedly from the above tyotkin, kursk region, however, the wooden house in the treacherous background gave away the location of the shooting. village of ryzhevka, sumy region of ukraine. the next day, the militants burned down the office in a similar way and posed against the backdrop of the blue-and-white brick hut, which is still located there on one of the streets of ryzhevka. the building even appeared in russian media reports when our border guards were working in this locality. well, the russian ministry of defense, meanwhile, showed the situation in the real tyotkino, where there is a completely different type of development and a calm environment. finally, the so-called invaders of the belgorod region, or rather the building. the fact is that such a municipality has not existed for 6 years; it was celebrated in 2018. in short, the picture is quite comprehensive, but in the parallel universe
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the characters continue to successfully advance. at the same time, it is unclear, since the nazis , according to infopomoek, are driving us almost to the urals, then why nato is still afraid of a russian attack on europe. the german media start an old song about the main thing, saying they found out that the kremlin is planning an attack on finland. and the baltic states are promised by 2026 at the latest moscow has a harsh reaction to the crossing of certain red lines, where does this come from, try to understand, i have been provided with evidence, but what else can you expect from those who imagine threats against the west from vladimir putin about the fact that he literally scares everyone with a global war, wrote and time magazine, the british newspaper independent, but the president spoke differently, i think that everything is possible in the modern world, but i already said it, and this is understandable. for everyone that this will be one step away from a full-scale third world war. i think this is unlikely anyone interested. the wording
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is as restrained as possible; this, of course, is not a threat, but a timely warning addressed to supporters of further escalation. i feel very sorry for western citizens, because they have been taken hostage by the american military-industrial complex, literally because of any statement by putin, from any statement. the minister of foreign affairs, for any statement , the russian minister of defense is trying to suck something out, yes, that is, to make something out of nothing, in order to make it clear to its citizens again that something new is needed allocation that new equipment is needed , it needs to be purchased, in contrast to the actions of the north atlantic alliance itself, which , as it became known, has begun to deploy a base in romania, and it will become quite the largest in europe. it will grow around the fifty-seventh air base of the ruminian air force, where the british typhon fighters are stationed, next to everything. it's about an hour's drive from the black sea port of constanta, which is also a major railway junction. but all these are small things compared to what is planned build. on an area of ​​3.00 hectares
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they will place, well, firstly, barracks that will accommodate at least 10,000 soldiers, secondly, a new runway with hangars for equipment and a control tower, and thirdly, a whole city with schools and hospitals sports facilities for military families. in addition, from there, not far from the 86th base, where... who is now retired, the former commander of nato forces in europe and who now demands a lot to mobilize the ukrainians basically, he and his team made a big justification, here they argued that the black sea should be the center of attention, and in order to contain russia and china in this region, we need here... to increase our presence, that is, this is the base that is planned to expand even before the northern military district is directly stated as a confrontation with russia and
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china. in a word, it’s a paradox: russia seems to be weak and losing on the battlefield, but at the same time it is so strong that it is capable of reaching the western and southwestern borders of ukraine. but there are certain doubts about the strength of western provocateurs, especially when they they literally begin to flex their muscles like the president of france. his new photo shoot from the gym is looking good. the menacing, athletic emmanuel macron furiously pounds a punching bag, as if sending moscow a signal of imminent confrontation. however, in the french segment of social networks, recent photographs of the same macron on vacation were quickly dug up. he doesn't have much muscle definition here. the difference is noticeable to the naked eye. in addition, for some reason the owner of the elysee palace had thick hair added to his bald patch, but still, perhaps, didn't screw it up. for greater persuasiveness, it was necessary to make sure that everyone would certainly slide under. the table, however, not from fear, but from laughter, he is sending a political signal, because he is going to fight for seats in the european parliament, he is gathering around him such a right-wing audience, as he thinks,
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that is... now in the european parliament and in all these european bureaucratic offices the leader of the war should sit, the french themselves did not appreciate this whole passage, they hammered their little napoleon with such photoshopped images that his mother grieve, well, in general, the enemy has a serious problem with logic, take at least the story in two parts about valery gerasimov, whom the armchair troops first declared allegedly dead, and then sent into mythical retirement, citing some kind of sources or ... both fakes appeared in the same publication with a minimum interval, the fact that the living and healthy chief of the general staff, together with the minister of defense , voted in the presidential elections, the fake guns seem to have chosen not to notice, the fake is a bullet fired from the information machine gun, the time of the bullet is short, the same thing is the life time of the fake is very short, that is, it is 2-3 hours maximum, after 2-3 hours people usually forget that there was
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such news, they no longer remember the invoice, like... critics from this fake, but they can already throw in a new fake in order to again and again clog the information space. sometimes, by the way, the liars are those who relatively recently, oddly enough, broadcast the pure truth. a reason to return to the ukrainian film about mariupol, which, let me remind you that he received an oscar for supposedly the best documentary, in fact for a set of outdated propaganda horror stories. now attentive viewers have also discerned a forgery in it. one of the most dramatic shots of a child's jacket hanging from a tree near a destroyed house was removed. 8 years ago for a short film about the shelling of donetsk during the ill-fated ato. consequently , the award-winning director mstislav chernov inserted the real crime of the ukrainian armed forces into the deceitful context of the crimes of the russian army. but there was a time when the same character worked in the dpr and lpr, speaking out against ukrainian aggression. this is a very bad story for ukraine, and for the author himself, who back in 1914 professed a completely
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different direction. believe, but the center of strategic communications of ukraine still denies the destruction of abrams tanks and haymarc multiple launch rocket systems in the northern military district zone. they say the russians did not provide visual evidence of either one, although it would seem much more obvious. up to one of previously shot down abrams, our scouts even managed to get there to carefully examine it, both outside and inside. we studied the fire control compartment, observation devices, combat configuration, and much more. however, the video
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was not shown during the telethon for obvious reasons. and if so, then for the ukrainian audience it apparently does not exist in principle, with the help of this kind of statements the enemy is trying to make it clear to its target audience, its citizens, yes, that we supply equipment, we supply abrams, hymers, etc. technique achieves success, which does not really set her up, that she actually causes damage to russia, because there is no evidence, and the other goal of this information operation is , of course, to lure out information with the help of which russia achieves success, with the help of what and how ... what means does it use to knock out this equipment so that later in the future it can try to close these vulnerabilities, this is a kind of reconnaissance. it is no less absurd to deny the disposal of hymers; only since the beginning of the year , six units have been taken out of service in the dpr, kherson region in other areas of the northern military district, moreover, each of the cases was documented by means of objective control, so instead of primitive lies with a follower, it would be worth thinking about why the systems turned into an easy target. military experts see a direct correlation between
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the mass destruction. khaimers and the fact that the ukrainian armed forces have a shortage of shells for cannon artillery. apparently, expensive american mlrs began to be increasingly deployed directly to the contact line so that they could work as an alternative to conventional weapons at a distance of 40 kilometers or 50 to russian positions. in theory, the scheme works, because a nato vehicle only needs 10 minutes to turn around and shoot, and then roll up and drive away from the angry point. however, the operators of our reconnaissance drones seem to have learned to transmit coordinates even faster. strike units, for example, the crews of the newest sauks, the coalition sv, which is hit at a distance of up to 70 km, can easily reach the notorious hymers. a large presence of russian drones, and long- range, high-altitude drones, above potential areas where these machines appear, that’s what we see.


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