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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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the country mourns with those who lost loved ones during this inhumane attack. according to preliminary data from the investigation, more than 130 people became victims of the armed attack on innocent people, and about one and a half hundred were injured. on the day of mourning , national flags will be flown at half-mast throughout the country, all entertainment events, as well as radio and television programs will be cancelled.
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the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, instructed that when establishing the circumstances of the terrorist attack in kroku sitikhola pay special attention to those who helped in saving people. he resisted the terrorists and led the spectators out of the building. all these people must have identities.
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illegal hunting of kamchatka crab continues to bring fabulous profits to poachers in the far east. in america and russia, crab meat is not available in wild demand in south korea, japan and most of the population; it costs so much money that ordinary people don’t even think about buying it. meanwhile
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, colossal damage is being caused to our country’s biological resources. the moment of the crab king oleg kan's escape from yuzhno-sakhalinsk was recorded by video surveillance cameras at the local airport. the reputable businessman was in a hurry to leave the island, realizing that
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the security forces were already on his trail. we will tell you a little later where the lair of the leader of the empire is located and what kan is afraid of. for more than ten years in the far east there has been a war for quotas between competing structures.
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and in the northern seas, ships with foreign flags, but with russian crews, catch celta, cod, haddock, kambola and halibut and are
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not transported to murmansk, to norway, so our fish and seafood becomes not ours, on the shelves of russian stores, if... it is a seafood product, it is of low quality at a high price. according to a reliable source, today there are about 100 crab and fish production companies operating in the far eastern basin. half of these firms are small entrepreneurs who have a quota for the production of 100 tons of products. it would seem an impressive figure, but that’s all.
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offices, they are not interested in the condition of the ships and the safety of the seafarers. a vivid example of an indifferent attitude towards fate crew members - the death of the ship vostok, the last voyage of the vostok was from south korean busan to nevelsk, the sailors sold a shipment of crab, the owner received money, the ship with people disappeared without a trace, a person’s life in this criminal business in warriors for quotas is worth nothing. on january 25, 2018
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, the ship vostok disappeared in the sea of ​​japan, its crew was engaged in catching crab, the ship was equipped with special structures made of metal mesh, they are lowered into the sea hundreds of meters and wait until the catch is caught. such devices are called: crab traps, the day at sea was very stormy and the fishermen were obliged to return home, but this did not happen, the crew of the ship is still missing, 20 people are missing, this is footage of the last hours of the east. volodya, say hello, hello to everyone, here we have a sample coming to us, we have some food.
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no satellite connection, only he could call me when, for example, he came to korea and connected roaming, then we talked to him, from the ship it was impossible to find out how he was doing and how his health was and how his work was going, because he said he didn't they are allowed to call when breakers go to sea, they are forbidden to communicate with relatives , this is done in order to hide the real route, but there is also satellite navigation, according to international rules it is mandatory... for civil ships there are cases of disaster, but this is also quickly learned
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to lie. the sea of ​​okhotsk is the main habitat of the kamchatka crab. russia ranks first in the world in terms of its production volume. the main consumers are the usa, japan and south korea. every year, russian authorities determine the total allowable catch of this species. hermit crabs. so in 2017, fishermen were allowed to catch from the sea of ​​akhod. almost 70 thousand tons of kamchatka crabs, for comparison, this is 2.0 fully loaded crab fishing vessels. with the cost of this product in the ports of japan and south korea at $32 per kilogram, the total income of the owners of fishing companies from the sale of kamchatka crabs alone exceeds 145 billion rubles annually. these are official numbers. according to experts, illegal crab fishing in the sea of ​​okhodsk in... relatives of
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the crew members knew that the east was engaged in poaching, sailors often risked their lives, went fishing in bad weather, and hid from border guards in the ice with illegally caught seafood. in these shots. the icy ship vostok is struggling to overcome the waves. during this trip, the fishermen caught 40 tons of crab. the cargo must be secretly delivered to south korea, where they love the russian delicacy and are always waiting for it, it costs $32 per kilogram, a dangerous flight and $1.5 million in your pocket, but if at least part of this money went to repair the ship.
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we found the wife of the missing electrician andrei levichev's ship, it was his first voyage in the east, the last one, to say that the ship and its members were lost. died, we don’t have it, because the investigative committee did not provide us with a single piece of evidence, absolutely none, that objects were found on the spot, allegedly triggered by a fire, they were not raised, they were simply discovered, they were a ship working there pickers, this is a specialized vessel, well, in such situations, it didn’t pick up the vests
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that are written everywhere, not the circles that were there another radio fight. searched in the sea of ​​japan for 6 days, found only an emergency buoy, two rafts and several life jackets, experts were unable to lift them on board due to bad weather, and the exact location of the death of the sailors has not yet been established by the investigation; relatives of the crew members of the missing ship are still they can’t for a while...
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june 2018, he flew home from japan, a millionaire, a reputable businessman and... primorsky fishing company, in total he owns 22 companies, a big important person on sakhalin, he is considered a deney patron of the crab business. we really wanted to talk with oleg kan, ask the businessman. about his companies, about the sale of russian delicacies abroad, as well as about criminal cases related to his name, but the interview did not work out when program correspondent pavel vrykin approached alegakan’s suv, he hit our video camera with his hand, rest the idea, take it away.
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the tragedy of the sunken ship vostok for the first time forced the russian media to pay attention to oleg kan, according to journalists, the shadow owner of the russian crab fishery. business. we studied in detail the biography of the far eastern fishing industry. not everyone who agreed to give us an interview on sokhali was ready to speak with an open face. many people are afraid of publicity.
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alexey yan, nicknamed yanchik, dropped out. he later became kahn's main partner and friend. the emergence of oleg kan as a crab tycoon began after the murder in 2003 in south korea of ​​crime boss vasily naumov, nicknamed yakut, who controlled both official and unofficial crab production in the distant east. as soon as yakut was eliminated, kan began actively buying and owning. smuggling to the ports of japan and the republic of korea. in this case , exclusively ships flying the flags of foreign states were used in order to escape the control of the russian authorities. indeed, back in
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2002, in the far east, the production of crab, sea urchin, scallop, tripang and valuable species of fish was controlled by representatives of the very powerful influential criminal clan of vasily naumov, nicknamed yakut. who and where? will set nets and crab traps, it was he who decided, entrepreneurs unquestioningly fulfilled his demands, moscow distributed quotas, businessmen bought them in order to have official permission to go to sea, but it was difficult to establish how much seafood large fisheries actually produced, because they deliberately distorted data on their economic activities, salmon , crab caviar, and this... an expensive foreign currency product was readily bought for dollars in the ports of japan and south korea. most russian ships sail under foreign flags
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and are registered in other countries. this done to avoid paying taxes. and the owners of such ships with russian crews have been living abroad for a long time. in general, everyone is comfortable, except our country. the entire fishing industry of the far east was under the control of the criminal world. the tentacles of the empire of authority nicknamed yakut have penetrated into all spheres of activity in this region. the seafood market lived not according to russian laws, but according to concepts. the income was received by those who participated in this shadowy criminal business. the bulk of the expensive goods were sold abroad, and what remained with us cost very expensive. the criminal community of the far east dealt with those who stood in its way. in may 2002 , an attempt was made on the life of
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general vitaly gamov of the federal border service in yuzhno-sakhalinsk. several bottles containing a fiery mixture were thrown through the window of his apartment. gamow and his wife larisa suffered from severe burns. the son miraculously survived. the general and his wife were urgently operated on. larisa survived. and general vitaly gamow died. in the first days of the investigation , everyone was called the mastermind of the attempt on the life of the chief border guard of sakhalin the same vasily naumov, nicknamed yakut. allegedly , he did not like the active actions of vitaly gamov’s subordinates. they began to fight the poaching ships of the mafia fleet of yakut, or as the local security forces of yakut called it. it was not possible to find the criminals in hot pursuit. in the spring of 2003, a serious redistribution began in the fishing industry of the far east. competing
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criminal groups started a war among themselves. a crushing blow was dealt to the mafia clan of naumov, also known as yakut. the hunt for authority began. he was tracked down in korean city of busan. the assassin opened fire on vasily naumov. authority received death. doctors were unable to save the leader of the organized crime community. it is still unknown who ordered the murder of the very influential head of the criminal fishing empire. his fleet was captured by competitors from various organized crime groups. new faces have become the owners of the shadow seafood market in the far east. but let's return to our days on sakhalin. many ships still fly the flags of foreign countries, their owners running the business from abroad. commercial transactions take place at sea, transshipment of foreign exchange goods and
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seafood. i repeat that quotas for fishing producers are only a cover for going to sea. the main player in this market now is a major businessman and a very influential person on sakhalin, oleg kan. now he has the largest fleet - holding and authority. oleg kan's fishing vessels went to sea under foreign flags and were all staffed exclusively by russians. the crews were formed in the port cities of japan and south korea. there they supplied provisions here, after which the crew went to the russian territorial entry points to collect the loot. the border department of the fsb of russia for the sakhalin region told us how fishermen managed to trade illegally caught seafood. all these are here.
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documents that are issued for foreign flags, for foreign companies, they are aimed in order to create the appearance of legal activity, that when he enters a foreign port with illegally obtained catch, he must then enter like a ship, he is still some kind of then presents the documents, imagine, they bought these documents, this flag there in the togolest republic in the branch in busan, they paid this korean operator there, because as a rule, all... these flags, yes, these are national, these states that make it possible to do this in their own country to register them, they sell this right there to a private korean company, that is, in principle, everything is done there for money, and for money you can register there whatever you want, having earned the first millions from a dubiously obtained crab, alexann, unexpectedly for everyone... began
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to cooperate with the border guards, but not in order to enter the legal field , so kan wanted to get rid of his competitors, and he did it well, the border guards began to receive the exact coordinates of some pro-koner ships, i also congratulate you, the commander is here, so what? our program managed to visit poaching ships, the prey of the sakhalin border guards is impressive. in nevelsk alone, there are now 13 confiscated and one detained in the ship, all of them are so-called flag carriers.
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all these vessels have been fishing for russian crab under the flags of foreign countries for many years. the most popular among sailors were the flags of toga and panama. perhaps one of oleg kan’s companies worked this way. its flag is the togolest republic. the owner is registered in panama, and the lease agreement for the fracking vehicle is between this panama company and a korean company, and the cargo that he is carrying , a stolen crab, was sold to him by a third company somewhere out at sea, also foreign, it can to be japanese, or whatever, therefore this is all about manipulation with documents, both for vehicles and for this crab. prosecutors did not believe
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the king was dead. the russian prosecutor general's office considers the report on the death of businessman oleg kan to be a staged event. why is it so beneficial for the fugitive crab king to be considered dead. illegal hunting of kamchatka crab continues to bring fabulous profits to poachers in the far east. they catch tons of it. the russian seafood delicacy is in great demand in south korea, japan and america. crab is stolen in russia rent it out abroad. this theft is not thriving... so who controls the illegal crab business, how international organized crime groups eliminate competitors , why these crimes have not yet been solved. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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