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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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in russia today they are mourning those killed in the terrorist attack in crococity hole; the country is in national mourning.
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according to preliminary information, more than 130 people became victims of the inhumane attack, about one and a half hundred more were injured, and national flags were flown at half-mast in all cities and other populated areas. the entertainment event will not be canceled in similar broadcasts on radio and television. a search operation is underway at the site of the terrorist attack. at night , heavy equipment arrived at the concert hall and is helping with dismantling the damaged designs. rescuers managed to clear it on saturday. almost 100 cubic meters of rubble. in memory of the dead, residents bring flowers, toys, and light candles to the spontaneous memorial. our correspondent, maria valeeva, is observing the situation near the concert hall; she joins the live broadcast. maria, hello, what is the current situation at the scene of the tragedy? yes, alexandra, hello, around the concert hall, now everything is cordoned off, police are on duty at the scene, they don’t let anyone get close, there is now... the street, but before that
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the rescuers had to sort out the rubble manually for more than a day, since the length of the crane booms did not allow this; they worked with grinders, scissors, cut various metal structures, the work of rescuers. governor of the moscow region.
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inspection of the place is already here , and as for here in this area, yes on these there no there no yes there no only a visual inspection where h that is the most studied, taking into account the video surveillance that was originally there, there was a camera there yes we have it shown so we have it here were here. at the moment, 133 deaths are known, but it is possible that the number may increase, now rescuers are gradually approaching the concert hall, and the official vkontakte community says that there is no information, and the assistant director of the picnic group, ekaterina kushner, has had it since the evening.
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we’ve been working here since 5:00 in the morning, all this time people have been coming here all night, people have been coming, bringing flowers, children’s toys and lighting a spontaneous memorial, we are holding candles today. i live in krasnogorsk, here i am i literally left here at 7:30 yesterday. and from vegas, i was just in shock, well, i still had to go to the bar and didn’t have time to eat, i wanted to eat, then this bar was transferred and i still had to stay here at this time, and i was like, well, i’m calling, mom, what happened here, then i also wanted to go here, and they are already sending me these videos, i’m shocked that this happened, i heard right from the first minutes yesterday how everything happened, it’s impossible to look at these footage. with a screen, it’s impossible
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to remain on the sidelines and indifferent, i want just to honor the memory of what happened, it’s hard to talk about it, but... in fact, as a result of the terrorist attack, more than 140 people were injured, 107 were hospitalized, they are in medical institutions, they are receiving all the necessary medical care, as well as the company that owns concert hall crocus cityhall, expressed gratitude to the team that acted promptly in this emergency situation and helped.
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at the memorial brings flowers, children's toys, lights candles, expresses support for those who lost their loved ones in the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk. as a sign of grief for the dead , national flags are flown at half-mast. our correspondent, andrey kolesnikov, is communicating from vladivostok. andrey, hello, over to you. hello, alexandra, we are located
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in the very center of the capital of primorye, on the central square near the stela of military glory , this particular monument was chosen. announced today on march 24, but in essence i would say that people have been feeling and experiencing this mourning since yesterday, as soon as people learned about the tragedy, since yesterday it’s been 24 hours, there is an endless stream of those who wants to lay flowers, bring toys , bring candles and
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share their feelings, share their thoughts, let ’s listen to who we wrote down today, it became like... it’s clear that people live, try, these are different things, these are bad people , bastards, one might call them, bastards, they just need to be destroyed, it’s our duty, to come, lay flowers, people, remember those who died, what they felt in those moments, you know, it was such pain , a surprise, because that we have relatives who live in the belgorod region, in moscow, niece, i... of course, well, the pain was terrible, i couldn’t wait until the time was right to call and find out. we are following what is happening in kamchatka, people there also bring flowers to the memorial, it is organized in the center of petro-pavlovsko-kamchatsky, on the site
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next to the state flags, also at the stele of the city of military glory, well , state flags, as you know, today in most cities today are lowered at half-mast, as well as in the primorsky krai and other territories, as a sign that all residents these... territories are joining the national mourning, let's now listen to the emotions of the northernmost peninsula of the country: everything is gloomy, you worry about the people, you worry about the families, this is of course a very great grief, i condole with all the families of the victims, i hope that everyone will be found, those involved in this terrible event will be punished. the museum of galleries of the primorsky region held their event today, exactly at 12 noon, a little over an hour ago, all excursions were stopped, the sound in the halls was turned off and such a minute of memory passed, a minute of mournful silence in the museum space, on social networks, residents
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of the far east also share photographs, video messages, express their words of support for those who suffered from the terrorist attack, together with the entire country , the island of sakhalin and all entertainment cultures are mourning. mourns the victims, condoles with the relatives of the victims, and this situation, this terrorist act should unite us even more, because we understand, we must survive, we must win, we also receive footage from khabarovsk, where residents, of course, they also unite around the tragedy and express their grief. regarding the terrorist attack on march 22. spontaneous memorials were organized on komsomolskaya square in front of the
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gigant cinema. khoborov residents bring candles there, as well as toys and flowers. it is also reported that today in churches, in orthodox churches in khabarovsk, services are being held for the victims. they are also taking place today in onadora. actually, the main temple of chukotka today has become a point of attraction for residents of the capital of chukotka. just like everywhere else, state flags are lowered there and entertaining. events in different cities, towns, shopping centers, retail outlets, shopping centers, along roads, there are light panels, and today they broadcast only three things, this is a candle flame, the date when the tragedy occurred, the words we mourn, we mourn , correspondents of the far eastern bureau of the rossiya tv channel, we continue to stay in touch, alexandra, andrey, thank you, from vladivostok, our correspondent andrey kolesnikov. terrorist attacks and the western hybrid war will not
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force russia to change its external politics. this statement was made by the russian ambassador to the united states anatoly antonov. he also said that the states had not contacted the embassy after the terrorist attack in crocus. antonov emphasized that contacts between moscow and washington in the fight against terrorism were destroyed due to the fault of the united states. however, according to the diplomat, only working together will allow us to achieve real results in the fight against such people. threats. in ukraine, explosions thundered last night; they were heard three times in krivoy rog. this is the dnepropetrovsk region. shells detonated at least twice in the khmelnitsky region. signal the air raid alarm sounds there from 3:00 am. after midnight, sirens were turned on in the nikolaev region, followed by explosions. shells exploded in kharkov. earlier, the mayor's office reported that the flight took place in an industrial zone and a non-residential
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building was destroyed. explosions occurred in the ukrainian-controlled territory of kherson, as well as in the lviv region. the head of the region said that air defense was working. the air raid warning is now in effect throughout almost the entire territory of ukraine. a powerful missile attack was repelled in sevastopol tonight. the city authorities call it the largest in recent times. at the time , air defense systems shot down more than ten missiles, one of the fragments collapsed on the end of a house, a local resident was killed, four more were injured, they had shrapnel wounds and a fracture. information about a rocket that hit a private house but did not explode is also being verified. in the city center, the shock wave knocked out glass in buildings, but no residents were injured. in sevastopol , they are counting the damage in order to then eliminate all the damage. in the morning, utility workers and emergency services will go around the houses. meanwhile, the security forces are finding out. which of the residents posted video of air defense work on the network is criminally punishable. in mariupol
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, destroyed houses near the azov steel plant are being cleared of mines. during the battles , nationalists hid in these high-rise buildings and western-style weapons are still found there. irina efremova will tell you what has already been discovered and how the weapons are disposed of. it is dangerous to be near this house not only because it is destroyed. sometimes in the most unexpected places you can. discover what remains of the armed formations of ukraine. construction company, site manager. yes, during the inspection of the house they found suspicious items. builders show the head of the mine clearance department the place where the explosives were found. here we have a nato-style under-barrel grenade, 40 mm. the capsule is not damaged, the ammunition did not pass through the bore. the pass was in a safe condition, they discovered the remains of a 122-mm shell, the workers did not even
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realize that it was a dangerous object, but there was still explosive left in it, after that the sappers needed to check the building, the builders had already been evacuated, because the ammunition could explode at any moment, therefore in itself it’s dangerous to enter the entrance, in two apartments, or rather in what’s left of them, there are dangerous finds of western production, it looks like our vok-25, the fuse is destroyed. he has a fragment of about 10 m, taking into account that this is a closed space, that is , the fragment of fragment remains the same, but the damaging effect can be increased in special suits, observing safety rules, preparations begin for destruction on the spot with an overhead charge, ready, attention, fire.
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the acrid smell of gunpowder is immediately noticeable in the air, only a little smoke dissipated, sappers immediately go to inspect the explosion site, four explosive objects were discovered, three of them will be seized, moved to the destruction site and destroyed. in these pictures you can see how this happens, but today the amount of work for the mine clearance department of a construction company has decreased tenfold . in the twenty-second year, 18-20 times on average per day.
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due to construction delays , sappers continue to work. it happens that local residents also apply, they don’t turn anyone away, they work every day, seven days a week. irina efremova, dmitry rud, lead donetsk-mariupol. almost 200 cubic meters of soil were removed overnight from a rubble at a gold mine in the amur region. the day before, rescuers began drilling a fourth well. all installations operate at maximum power to quickly reach the miners. 13 people remain under the rubble. the rescue operation is being monitored by our correspondent victoria sytenko, she is in direct contact. victoria, hello, specialists from rospotrebnadzor took samples of groundwater, which possibly flow to the depth where people are located, that did you manage to find out? thank you, alexandra, but first of all, on this day of mourning, i would like to express words of support to the victims and condolences to the relatives of those killed as a result of
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the terrible terrorist attack in krokuli, of course, we are far easterners with you, and what happened . common misfortune, common loss. as for the search and rescue operation in the amur region, it has been going on for the sixth day. indeed, samples of water in the mine, which were taken by rospotrebnadzor specialists, revealed that the water is suitable for drinking, although it contains an excess amount minerals. so this gives us hope for the best. rescue operations are going on around the clock; now several drilling rigs are working on the site, working at maximum speed, trying to approach the intended target from different directions. location of people, and the operation of the installations was commented on by employees of the ministry of emergency situations, let's listen to an excerpt of their comment. today, in addition to three machines that have already begun drilling exploration wells in order to determine the location of people and the condition mountain trenches. a high-precision drilling machine has arrived, which is now being installed at
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the industrial sites of the mine and should begin work today to drill the fourth exploration well. well, according to our latest data, the first well is more than 85% of 260 m complete. the rig has completed 223 m, and only last night advanced 32 m. the second and third wells are approximately half complete. the fourth drilling rig arrived in the novamur region from the yakut nerengri the day before and also began its work yesterday is now only at the beginning of its journey. let me remind you that these wells are needed in order to lower them. inside the chamber and mark the underground space to understand whether there are people there, in what condition they are, and also if they are alive, then deliver water and food to them through these wells, as well as provide them with an additional source of oxygen. in addition, rescuers continue to install a concrete lintel, which will prevent water
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and soil from re-entering the mine, and in general the site of the blockage continues to remove soil, only in the past about two were taken out at night. 500 cubic meters, well, the work is going on around the clock, 220 specialists are involved, and 13 , or excuse me, 30 pieces of equipment, and over the last 24 hours equipment has continued to arrive at pioneer, in particular, a large pump has been delivered from kusbas, now access roads are being prepared on the surface in order to install it on site, in addition, specialists remove ice from the edge of the quarry to prevent additional liquid from melting. in general, it must be said that the weather in the amur region is surprising and such it seems like this is creating obstacles, because yesterday there was a riot both in blagoveshchensk and in the north of the region. strong snowstorm, snow, wind, in some villages of the amur region people were cut off, without electricity, but rescue work is on the spot, they
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are continuing, now, in addition, relatives of eight missing miners have arrived at the site, with whom employees of the ministry of emergency situations, psychologists and also , how we are provided with all the operational information. alexandra, victoria, thank you for saving the miners. elections, none of the candidates received the number of votes required for victory; in the second round on april 6, former foreign minister ivan karchok will meet, he received 42% of the votes, parliament speaker peter pellegrini, he has 37%. pellegrini was nominated by the voice party, which is part of the ruling coalition, and he opposes further armament. ukraine insists on peaceful negotiations in the ukrainian conflict. karczok was previously ambassador to the united states. he ran for election from the liberal progressive slovakia party, which actively
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criticizes the policies of the current prime minister robert fitz. the first results of the investigation into the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole near moscow, as well as new facts in the story of the death of the sakhalin crab king. the duty officer will talk about this and more in the final episode of the program. part. hello. the latest information on how the investigation into the terrorist attack in the moscow region is progressing and the main legal events of the week. in the final release of the program vesti duty unit. i'm with you andrey ivlev. all those who ordered the terrorist attack in the crocus city hall concert hall will suffer severe punishment. he announced this on saturday president of russia. vladimir putin noted that the criminals deliberately went to kill, as a result, a huge number of dead and wounded. we’ll talk about the first conclusions of the investigation a little later, but for now let’s talk about what security measures are being taken today. in moscow and the region,
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security forces are on duty at metro stations, airports, and train stations, and additional traffic police crew posts have been posted with fire support from the russian guard. earlier , law enforcement officers conducted door-to-door visits to several houses in the krasnogorsk urban district. this was done in order to identify people possibly involved in the crime. residents are sympathetic to such... strengthened measures, many are lining up to donate blood for the wounded. the victims of the terrorist attack were supported by employees of the russian guard, they also became donors. security forces provide security near kroku city hall, where the terrorist attack took place, and caring people continue to bring flowers here. an investigative and operational group of the investigative committee of russia is working on the spot. saturday evening to the building from the central office of the department , several special vehicles arrived containing the detainees.
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we are talking about this white renault: shortly before the terrorist attack, the car was seen parked near a residential high-rise in the neighboring area from crocus. later, after the tragedy, she appeared in
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video footage taken at the entrance to the concert hall. several armed men got out of the car and shots were fired. in this photo, the terrorists are already leaving the crime scene in a white reno. in just a few minutes they killed and wounded a huge number of of people. they set fire to the concert hall; at the exit from the parking lot, bandits deliberately knocked down an eight-year-old boy, who, together with his mother, managed to get out of the building; the child is now in the hospital in serious condition. law enforcement agencies continue to work at the site of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall, investigators are inspecting the scene, rescuers are clearing the rubble, and you can see , 10 meters from me, a spontaneous memorial has appeared on the wall in memory of the victims, people are bringing flowers. and children's toys; it is known that among the dead there were children. the fsb officially announced that the terrorist attack was planned in advance, judging by the terrible footage from the scene of the tragedy, the criminals
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entered the building and immediately opened it. the fire may have acted in groups in different parts of the complex; it is possible that they could have accomplices from among the employees of crocus cityhol. there is evidence that the bandits made several caches of weapons and flammable mixtures on the territory of the building and were well oriented inside. the impression was that those who shot our citizens either had already been there beforehand, or were someone from a connecting link, it seems that they already... understood where to go, where to enter, where to hide, where to change clothes, where to get out and in general the escape routes, they somehow had everything planned very synchronously, so with this, of course, the investigative committee, of course, it will be sorted out soon. investigators will have to find out why armed terrorists so easily entered the facility where thousands of people were located, and most importantly, how they managed to escape before the arrival of the first crews of security forces, the terrorists made their way through
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the friday traffic jams of namkata... leave moscow region, apparently, the escape routes from the crime scene were also carefully planned, but the security forces managed to quickly track their route and detain the criminals. the special operation was carried out by employees of the fsb special forces center, soldiers of the russian guard and the akhmat russia regiment. as a result of the actions of the special services and law enforcement agencies , 11 people were detained, including four terrorists who were directly involved in the terrorist attack in the crocus cityhall complex. underway.
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do not have any moral principles, moral principles. the terrorists were captured in the bryansk region near the village of khatsunito, 30 km from bryansk; the extremists were armed and tried to evade pursuit. their car overturned and law enforcement officers blocked the vehicle. these shots clearly show that the renault has a shot through its rear wheel and a broken bumper and fender. inside the car, security officers found several machine gun horns and pistols. unknown, they tried.
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i am sure that a huge amount of information will be obtained during interrogations of these, well, not even i know what to call them, of course, you can’t exactly call them people. there is still little information about the identities of the terrorists; the media report that two of them lived in a hostel in the north of moscow, another worked as a hairdresser in the city of teykovo, ivanovo region; who exactly brought them together and organized an attack on people in crocus city hall will probably become clear later, according to experts, who would now take responsibility. for this terrorist attack, the point is that the customers were able to find people ready to commit monstrous murders on territory of our country. sleeping cells are one of the most difficult mechanics to identify when organizing terrorist activities and, unfortunately , not a single state can completely insure against their existence and their actions; here the established goals will be the establishment.
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ransists and those who helped store weapons, those who helped train militants,


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