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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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there are a lot of ours, yes, our base was there, they try to come to the bosnian city every year, the second russian volunteer detachment fought here. alexander kravchenko recalls the most difficult time for the city, november 1992, when he first found himself here during the war. the enemy was very close, he was just behind that mountain on the very top. woe were snipers, they fired at the road, fired at the city, this is on the one hand, on the other hand over there on that mountain and here on this mountain snipers also fired, the city was constantly there was shelling from mortars and sniper shooting on the bridges here, on this bridge, because it was impossible to walk only at night, there were burnt houses around, we were traveling by bus and understood that we were going for a just cause and... we found ourselves in a combat zone, that's all
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they practically understood that we had come to come, that’s who would leave, no one knew about it, the destroyed houses on the outskirts of vysehrad, once strong and two-story, still remind us of that war. i remember the most vivid impression when the bosnian rebels handed over the dead serbs, civilians, who were 20 people, the city literally howled to pay that 20 people, they were brought, they were buried, at first there were only five of them, of different ages and professions, some had already served in the army and visited transnistria, some didn’t hold a weapon in his hands when they found out that it was russian, they even panicked, well, in general... judging by
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the radio traffic, they thought that we had a whole battalion here, but they say, here you are, he says, you are in general don’t fight, just be here with us, now we kind of feel like, uh, well confidently, from the beginning of the nineties , croatia was torn away from yugoslavia in turn. slovenia, bosnia, russian volunteers immediately rushed to help, here in other places in kosovo the spiritual borders of russia pass in syria, so we , as russian people, well, volunteers, so to speak, this is a special phenomenon in our lives, we had to be here and we ended up here.
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well, this is called the fighting brotherhood, serbs and russians, we did not give up, we did not lose and did not give up, our fight continues here and there, the most famous in serbian volunteer from russia and the most famous colonel of the serbian air defense in russia. found in the belgrade aviation museum, there are exhibits that one bombed, for example, our barracks, they bombed 50 times, i don’t know why they did it, what , or they are crazy, and another shot them down, so the museum samples are not in the best shape. but you can understand where the rocket hit,
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the rocket, one wing, but the left wing was cut off and it fell into a miracle. the wing of the f-117 consists of composite materials covered with a special paint, which should make the plane invisible to radar. there are 27 layers of special material. parts of the invisible nighthawk with the cockpit and pilot's seat are now on display for everyone, the electronic content of the secret plane disappeared somewhere, as the americans assume, it ended up in russia, the downed pilot was rescued, 10 years later he came to meet colonel zolton dani.
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beacon, they believed that they would not need it, the rest of the nato aircraft had a sensor that warned that it had been captured by the missile guidance head, and the f-117 he wasn't there. the invisible plane, which managed to drop two bombs on belgrade, saw in the sky the old soviet s-125 neva missile system, developed back in the late fifties of the last century.
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zoltan dani's division did not lose a single man; the radar was turned on for only a few minutes so as not to receive a retaliatory strike. so another crew managed to shoot down another plane. the f-16 was piloted by david goldfein. he
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managed to eject. now he is the chief of staff of the us air force, and the lantern from his cockpit was kept for a long time by one sebian peasant in the yard.
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kosovo, shelling of civilian targets began, bombs flew into hospitals, maternity hospitals and television centers. almost everything here remains the same as it was on that very night, 20 years ago. in this room, the announcers recorded the sound. you see, the sound-absorbing panels on the walls have been preserved. and journalists worked at these tables, covered with a layer of dust. there were further editing rooms in which
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the directors were preparing the morning broadcast. now there is emptiness here. several cruise missiles showed the whole world what freedom is words, in nato.
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coffee, tea or what? vladimir mayorov fought in
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sarajevo in units of the regular serbian army. you don’t regret that you fought here and shed your blood for this country. i didn’t really shed much light here, but nevertheless, yes, i spent 2 years, 2 and a half years in the regular army, participated in hostilities, went through some part of this military conflict with these people, not all. a former policeman and sailor from odessa says: then he could not even think that 15 years later in his city people would be burned alive in the house of trade unions. ukraine partially will repeat the fate of yugoslavia, crimea will go to russia. for me, crimea has always been russia, forever, well, now even more so except for kosovo, because kosovo is serbia, yes, except for kosovo, kosovo is serbia, yes. general's building.
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i already have too many different ideas in my head, i still didn’t have enough bullets, a tree-stick, for my madness. during the years of the yugoslav wars
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, several hundred volunteers from russia came to the aid of serbia. the serbs tried to preserve their state, which was being torn apart by their enemies. nato bombings, american instructors, mujahideen, mercenaries from the middle east, caravans of weapons from all over the world, and the serbs have only russian volunteers. the biggest help we provided was that we were present because the serbian saw. next to russians, they became completely different, that is, they became themselves. the names of forty volunteers on the memorial plaque of the holy trinity church. metochion of the russian orthodox church in belgrade. the walls here also bear traces of nato bombing. the temple is a few meters from the destroyed television center. a sacrifice in the name of truth will never it may be in vain, maybe today we lost something, but a real loss, if you are in your head, come to terms with it. these are not just names,
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these are characters, these are entire lives, and this. the future, they will never die, they will always be alive, as long as we remember them, they are immortal, how many such commemorative plaques, memorials and just crosses are all over the balkans, in every serbian city, here is a monument in šamac, to the victims of croatian nationalists - ustasha 1944. and these are the serbs who died during the war against bosnian muslims and the same croats. this shmilin's husband, he got vasko in the head on august 2, the fourth, he died in belgrade, this is your
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house, yes, you built it yourself, no, this is the sovereign. recently, as a disabled war veteran, nikolai petrikov received from the authorities of the bosnian autonomy republika srpska, not to be confused with serbia, a small apartment in a house for veterans. and he doesn’t live now with his sweetheart and cat. this is where i live, do you welcome guests?
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although only a few joined the bandos, officers, they are officers in africa, the bandos would not look very good, well, someone here, although it started here back in the ninety-first in croatia, first there was vyshgorod, then sarajevo, the simple roads of the balkan war, an ordinary civil war, although brother did not kill brother, but neighbors were happy with neighbors. aliya izedbegovic, the first president of bosnia and herzegovina, who wrested independence for bosnian
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muslims with blood, was born in šamac; his hometown remained in serbian autonomy, the president’s house was preserved.
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we make our way along a mountain serpentine on an old field to the position of a volunteer detachment, and do you remember how we sat in ambush, i remember you were there, i think you were too, yes, in there is still snow in the mountains, the old niva is slipping, it’s impossible to pass, the car is heating up, it turned on for years. it’s better to walk, let’s go, a few kilometers further, we have to walk, she ’s already booked. it is written that on this mountain you can still find traces of those fierce
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battles, for example, a spent container from a grenade launcher, around you can see signs warning about mines, here russian volunteers suffered the heaviest losses, from these grenade launchers they built a cross at the site of the death of konstantin . goslovsky, a young guy who died far away from his homeland, he fell to death, a russian volunteer in kostan theological, behind this tree was my firing position, konstantin was on my right, so he was loading my belt, a mine exploded a little lower and to the right, i will turn him around. just like that with my hand, and there was a hole in her helmet all over the shoulder, apparently the whole side was covered in blood, i
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shouted to the guys, konstantin killed the brothers, on mount zaglovok the volunteers held their positions for almost six months, under constant shelling and attacks from the enemy.
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i fell and he screamed at the entire position, sasha killed, no, no, it was like that, and harley screams at him, shut up, he’s still breathing, no, harley couldn’t shout anything, because he was far away, then they ended up in the same ambulance, on the way they began to be heavily shelled, despite the red cross on board, when the van stopped abruptly, vladimir thought that this was all, the end, sasha kravchenko asked, i don’t know, it’s worth talking about,
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a volunteer detachment on mount zaglovok in the spring of 1993, the russian position was filmed by war correspondent vladimir solovyov, cameraman anatoly klyan, who died in 2014 in donbass, and at least due to the fact that we are all slavs. russia has never refused its assistance to serbia. a simple soldier’s life, a hunting base near vysehrad, where the cossacks lived, the first russian crosses in the city cemetery.
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years later, the serbs will erect a monument to each person who died here, there is a separate monument dedicated to all russian volunteers, they greatly honor the memory, this makes us happy and... after the death of colonel nikolai raevsky , the church of the holy trinity was built with money bequeathed by his mother at the beginning of the last century. it is believed that
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it was nikolai raevsky who became the prototype of ronsky from the novel anna karenina. raevsky was killed here, the colonel’s heart remained in serbia, and his body was taken home by his mother. now there is desolation around the temple, the villages are almost abandoned.
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there have also been changes in the broadcasting of no advertising and entertainment programs. according to the latest data, 133 people died as a result of the tragedy, and another 152 were injured. the site of the terrorist attack is still...


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