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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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in russia today there is national mourning for the victims of the terrorist attack on the crocus in cityhole. in cities and towns , state flags are flown at half-mast on administrative buildings. recreational sporting events have been canceled across the country. there have also been changes in the broadcasting schedule of television and radio channels. there are no advertisements or entertainment programs on air. according to the latest data, 133 people were killed and another 154 were injured as a result of the tragedy.
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rescuers are still working at the site of the terrorist attack, they are dismantling damaged structures during with the help of heavy equipment, 250 cubic meters of rubble have already been cleared; residents are bringing flowers and toys to the spontaneous memorial, and lighting candles. our correspondent maria valieva works near the crocus city hall, she is in touch with us, and maria, what is happening now at the site of the tragedy? yes, vera, hello, despite the rainy weather, there are still more people here. more they bring flowers and children's toys, light candles in memory of the dead, many still cannot get information about their loved ones, about their friends, here is one girl she told us that she doesn’t know where her friends bugerskaya kristina gennadievna, born in 1990, and pogadaeva yana olegovna, born in 1986, are, whole families come here with their children.
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some kind of war zone, well, it’s simple and simple, my nephew recently died in the northern military district, there’s still such pain, you know, in my heart, and even more so here there are women, children, men , civilians in general, yes, that’s it they simply died, there are not even any words, everything is shaking inside, it hurts a lot, i am not indifferent, naturally, but at the same time i...
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rescuers, it is known that more of the inside of the concert hall has already been dismantled; 250 cubic meters of collapsed structures are now working there. at the moment, it is known that more than 150 people have been injured, 107 are in medical institutions and are receiving all the necessary assistance. nearby
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, not far away, there is an information center, a help center for the relatives of victims of the terrorist attack, the issue will be decided on how they will be given the belongings of those who were in the concert hall on friday, during the terrorist attack, and also after 7:00 pm, today, perhaps they will give out cars, they are currently in the parking lot, alexander bastrykin. the head of the investigative committee ordered that all those who worked on friday at crocus city hall and who helped people get out of the burning building should be awarded, and of course, how can one not note the feat of a fifteen-year-old teenager, he identified more than 100 people, we have a shot, there, there, there, there, everyone go that way, everyone there, there, there, there, to the expo, to the expo, dates. spiritual leader of russian
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muslims, mufti sheikh ravil gainuddin will reward 15-year-old islam khalilov for his courage in saving people, he will be... awarded the russian muslim medal for his services. maria, thank you, our correspondent maria valeeva was in direct communication from the scene of the tragedy in krokul. next, watch the continuation of the investigation of eduard petrov, crab trap 2. here in japan we met with local journalists. they have studied this criminal business well. we were given an interview on condition. anonymity, fearing for their lives. talking about an authoritative person from sakhalin in japan is also dangerous. in japan kan is in the crab business. he is known here as the crab king. he brings the largest amount of crab to japan. he has local workers here. kan himself
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is not a director. all the affairs here are handled by his people, certain dima and rodion. there is also a russian japanese woman, her name is olga. she works for kahn as a translator. according to japanese journalists. the empire of oleg kahn has a serious influence on the seafood market in japan and determines the pricing policy. due to kan's fault, crab is expensive in japan; he brings in large quantities crab kahn dictates the price of crab in the japanese market. if there were no kana in this business, our prices would immediately drop. japan knows well that dealing with mr. kan's empire is problematic. local journalists confirmed this to us.
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more like, of course, a russian building , this is a wooden mansion made of round timber, and it is very different from typical japanese houses, here they are in the background, which of course do not look as exotic as the mansion of the crab king of russia, on three japanese acres mansion, two a pond, a gazebo with a barbecue and...
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the border is much calmer, and nothing threatens him in his homeland either. it seems that the crab king has high and influential patrons. an employee of the border department of the fsb of russia for the sakhalin region told us how the owners of crab mining companies violate the law. according to the officer, on the high seas, ship captains are left to their own devices. representatives of the sakhalin border service openly talk to themselves about the gray schemes of seafood production. control of ships at sea can be carried out using means of objective control, that is, there are recorders, tomographs and other types of equipment that are installed on the vessel and actually
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reflect the progress and results of fishing activities. but these funds are not installed anywhere. there are mentions of them in the fishing rules, but in practice this is not the case. no, this illegally mined product is exported abroad, from abroad, in order to obtain this information about the true volumes, this is also very difficult, because those sales markets that are in korea, there in china, partly in japan, they closed to us, why, because they understand perfectly well that crab is stolen in russia, they sell it abroad, they don’t have almost the same volumes there as we do, and that’s fine for them... it’s understandable if this crab was stolen here in russia, then they don’t seem to be particularly touched by this, it’s not their natural environment there, but it is exposed to some kind of danger, this theft flourishes not in their waters, but in ours, when it
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enters the port , there they show him documents about the supposed legality of origin, they are they let the documents through, so they don’t have anything normal there... there are no obstacles built, all these criminal schemes for the extraction and transportation of russian seafood are very profitable for representatives of the international crab mafia. today, thousands of restaurants and cafes in south korea and japan offer their customers a taste of russian crab. it is supplied by five major importers, including a company allegedly owned by the kana empire. it is almost impossible to track and control the work of vessels that barbarously harvest crab in our waters. poachers have long developed a scheme to legalize criminal seafood. crab, scallop, sea urchin and tripang. russian ships, they
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can try to pull off such a scheme, when at sea the catches are reloaded onto other ships that leave from foreign ports, these ships do not have any positioning system, that is, they are invisible to anyone, it is impossible to find it, yes, unless detect it during aerial reconnaissance, when there will be in the area... a patrol plane of the fsb of russia , all there in busan are favorable for this the environment was created for steamships with stolen crab to enter there, and no one checks these vehicles there, what kind of registration they have, they are all cargo ships by registration, why because a fishing vessel is prohibited from entering, well, because it will be completely obvious , a fishing vessel with crab, which means it may have stolen it, here it is a cargo vessel, according to documents everywhere.
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six-mile zone, it would be convenient for us to carry out this in those areas where there are nearby residential settlements, that is, how the village of moskolvo, the village of nekrasovka, the village of vostochnaya, but the fact is that in the area of ​​​​all these settlements the areas belong to companies affiliated with mr. kan, so when we start fishing in these areas, we begin to receive a well-inappropriate attitude, that is, right up to physical violence is simply trying to force us out of these places where we organize fishing, no matter where we turn to us about these reasons... everywhere they shrug their shoulders, they say that we cannot help with anything, you need to resolve issues with the owners of the sites, then
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there is specifically, well, with people, mr. kan , but what we cannot do, according to all the same entrepreneurs, now oleg kan’s companies own fishing grounds off the coast of sakhalin, close friends allegedly help expand the ownership, who become representatives of local authorities, which in itself representatives know what is actually happening on sakhalin. kan’s close connections are actively promoted to government bodies , so in september 2017 he became deputies of the sakholin regional duma the so-called right hand dmitry pashov and lawyer igor yanichuk, who accompanies all cases regarding enterprises of kan’s immediate circle. in recent years, kan has used the capabilities of controlled private companies to resolve conflict issues. let's return to our only personal meeting with oleg
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kan at the yuzhno-sakhalinsk airport. it was clear that the crab millionaire was not ready for a conversation with the moscow film crew, because no one had asked him any pressing questions before. answer the question, oleg komkhakovich, when did you will you stop robbing the russian federation? when will you finally be held accountable for orchestrating the murder of your competitor? can you answer the question?
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sky campaign. then, during a storm, a ship equipped with crab traps itself became a death trap for twenty fishermen. they were left heartbroken. wives, children and parents.
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our film premiered on saturday, december 22, 2018. and the next day, sunday, the reputable entrepreneur’s entourage panicked. management, instead of calmly answering questions from journalists and law enforcement agencies, i couldn’t think of anything better than to pack my things and fly abroad. the moment of crab king oleg kan's escape from yuzhno-sakhalinsk was recorded by video surveillance cameras at the local airport. a reputable businessman was in a hurry to leave the island. realizing that the security forces are already on his trail, kan irritably complies with the requirements of the aviation security service, reluctantly takes off his jacket and walks through the metal detector frame. an influential person is accompanied by an entourage, kahn's personal plane i’m always ready to fly to anywhere in the world, because money for urgent travel around
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the planet is not a problem, so here’s the billionaire’s airliner. that day, the plane urgently took the boss to... the japanese city of sapora, where oleg kan, as we told you, has his own residence, and he learned about what was happening in his homeland on tv. at this time , security officials began to study the business of companies controlled by kan. investigators and customs officers were interested in financial documents accompanying dubious transactions for the sale of live crab by a foreign partner. office of the fsv of russia for the shalin region, together with colleagues from the federal one. services caught one of these firms in tax evasion. several searches took place on new year's eve. contracts for the supply of aquatic biological resources were concluded, among other things, between the sakhalin company moniron and a company registered in panama. the cost of crab products under these transactions was underestimated in order to significantly reduce
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customs payments to the budget of the russian federation. the criminal case is being investigated by the investigative unit fsb management. based on the operational materials , questions arose not only to the omaniron company, but also to cook llc, prk llc, sefribflot llc and aquamarine llc. presumably, these companies are involved in criminal schemes for the sale of seafood. there has been a regional fund called the native islands on sakhalin for many years. the main mission is to help youth sports. organizations, the business seems to be good, but many people have doubts about the origin of the money; at the helm of this public organization is alexander kan, the eldest son of oleg kamkhakovich. chapter family, he took on the modest role of chairman of the board of trustees; his duties include local influential politicians igor
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yanchuk and dmitry pashov. the founders of the native islands fund are companies. o. maneron, director dmitry li. cook llc, owner alexander kan. oo prk, seaside fishing company. owner - alexander khvan, advisor oleg kan. o. sef-ryb-flot and aquamarine llc. subordinate to evgeniy davidovich. sakhalin law enforcement agencies now have questions about all these llcs. moreover, in the field other companies also came under the radar of the security forces.
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regarding your father’s business, we would like to find out your opinion about the events that are happening now , including this... the film itself, yeah, i ’m sorry, i don’t intend to comment, don’t call again, and you don’t want to meet and talk with us personally, and did not respond, although we invited this family to comment on the latest events on sakhalin and criminal charges.
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after searches in the offices of oleg’s partners. on a businessman, at the same time others task forces raided several addresses at once, and at 6 a.m. they knocked on the door of oleg kan’s son, alexander. for some reason he did not fly
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with his father to japan. the younger kan was clearly not happy with the morning guests. alexander alegovich, open up, i won’t sign anything now. in the expensive apartment of oleg kan’s son and business partner, operatives found a firearm, which is listed according to the documents. the president of kyrgyzstan allegedly handed this pistol and ammunition to the authoritative sakhalin businessman as a national title; they were looking for documents related to kan jr. smuggling seafood, they also looked into the country house of local politician and close friend of the kan family, dmitry poshov. the owner of the luxury apartment was not found; according to his wife, he was on a business trip. the operatives found themselves in the hands of various documents, as well as... pashov’s rich photo archive, in the photo he and his best friend, oleg. these days, vanity and
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panic began in the regional investigative committee. chairman of the investigative committee alexander bastrikin instructed the central apparatus to withdraw all criminal cases in which... empire was a suspect. according to our information, oleg kan had many good friends in the regional investigative committee. maybe that’s why the criminal case about the death of the crew of the vostok vessel in the sea of ​​japan in january 2018 was lost in the offices of the investigative committee and the prosecutor’s office. the exact location of the trawler crash has not yet been established, and those responsible for this tragedy have not been named. according to our source.
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resign, and it’s not a shame for you to wear the shoulder straps of the investigative committee, i’m not ashamed, i didn’t receive it at all, now the central apparatus of the investigative committee together with the regional fsb is carefully studying the cases of past years, in which alekan was involved in one way or another, it turned out that not only the head of the sakhalin empire can work according to gray schemes, in the kamchatka, khabarovsk, and primorsky territories he controls crab production. dmitry dremlyuga, a businessman, permanently resides in the usa, his wife, veronica, runs a glamorous instagram from miami, and why not have fun with the proceeds from dubious
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transactions, because they bring a lot of money to large players in the russian seafood market. live carefree in the usa and others millionaire box manufacturers. valery shagnagaev and viktor varennikov. the first controls seafood fishing in the primorsky territory, the second in kamchatka. with a residence permit in lithuania , entrepreneur alexander kozlov works in the vastness of the far eastern basin. his interests are primorsky krai. entrepreneurs are extracting our biological resources there with all their might. at this market
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gennady mirgorodsky. for many years, quotas were distributed according to historical principles, we propose to do this with an auction, when everyone can take part in these auctions, but of course, not just like that, they must pay good money to the treasury, they must give obligations on the infrastructure that they will develop, so invest, we are fighting for real, normal people to work...
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igor pikhanov. igor, hello, over to you. hello, vera, in the bryansk region, as throughout the country, mourning has been declared for those killed in the terrorist attack in kroku sitekhol. state flags are lowered, local television shows are cancelled.
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this is terrible, so many people died, this by far the most terrible event in russia , this could have happened to anyone, i simply have no words, i can’t even say anything, it was just a child crying, there are children, this could have happened in every city, today the local telegram channel on citing their sources in law enforcement agencies, they report that the operation to... contain especially dangerous criminals took place in a deserted forest area in the bryansk region, specifically so that none of the bystanders were injured, the militants were not allowed to break through russian-ukrainian border, they were caught just a few tens of kilometers from this territory, now the investigation is underway, let's listen to an episode from the goodwill of one of the detainees, they left, ran away, you had a weapon, where did you
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dump it? here or there, somewhere on the road , look, they threw it out in these neighborhoods, or they threw it out near moscow, my friends threw them away, you asked, no, when they threw it away, you saw how they throw it away, yes, yes , where they threw you away, far from here, or here, here, when you were detained here, the machine gun was with you, yes, no, there... you threw it away before the arrest, yes, yes, look, when the car was detained, you were still in the car, the machine gun was still in the car, it was no longer there, that is, you threw it away before that , how did they come here, yes, yes, now the investigators are identifying other accomplices of this terrible crime, also today the unit, also today the leadership of the special unit that participated in
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the capture of these especially dangerous criminals... igor, thank you, on a direct line from the bryansk region was our special correspondent igor pikhanov. next, watch the continuation of eduard petrov’s investigation, crab trap 2. all this. shipbuilding businessmen with bank accounts and property abroad cannot surpass the same oleg kan, according to our sources, he controls 22 large enterprises for catching and processing crab and seafood, and the size of his capital is many times larger, and biography , what is needed is criminal.


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