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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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reports every minute, footage that no one has seen, who is on the permanent line, the work of the president in these difficult days, dear citizens of russia, a week, every day of which will address the citizens of russia, we will carefully study the moments that do not fall into the frame, collect, but we will show them already at 21:00 your time, moscow. kremlin, putin on sunday at 21:00.
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this is russia 24, the main thing at this hour: the whole country is mourning the victims of the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk. the president declared march 24 a day of national mourning in his address to to the russians the day before. vladimir putin assured that all the perpetrators, organizers and customers of this crime will suffer fair and inevitable punishment. i noted, and i quote: the main thing now is to prevent tragedy. will happen again, which is why increased security measures have been introduced in all regions, national flags are flown at half-mast on buildings, light projections and screens with posters are lit on the streets in memory of the victims of terrorists. all entertainment events have been cancelled, television and radio companies have changed their broadcast schedule in connection with the tragedy. according to the latest information, as a result of the attack at crocus city, 133 people died, another 154 received various injuries. rescuers
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dismantled more than 250 cubic meters that collapsed as a result of the terrorist attack on the sitiho crocus structure. robotic systems, as well as canine calculations, are used for search work to clear debris. flowers are brought to the spontaneous memorial that will arise at the site of the tragedy. our correspondent maria valieva works near crocus city hall, she is now in direct contact with us. maria, hello, tell me what the news is up to this minute, what is happening to you. yes, natalya, hello, the area around the concert hall is now cordoned off, police are working here , a rescuer is clearing away the rubble, it is known that the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov, is also on site , he is coordinating the work, now everyone is where the concert hall used to be and discuss what needs to be done in order for the equipment to move there.
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continues, rescuers continue to work on the spot, it is possible that the number of deaths may increase in the coming hours, also, more than 150 people were injured as a result of the terrorist attack; all the necessary information about their loved ones and those who disappeared can be obtained from the center, which is located nearby.
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draws what worries him, the first question, of course , is the most important one - is to find a loved one, we are immediately working on this issue together with the ministry of health, looking at the lists, at hospitals, at outpatient clinics, bringing information to the attention of relatives, there are also questions related to how you can take back your property, things that remain in crocus, today this issue will also be resolved, and we are in touch with all the families. we have. a spontaneous memorial was formed next to crocus city hall. people come here with whole families, and their number is growing every hour. they bring flowers, children's toys, light candles, and come here despite the rainy weather. they can't hold back their tears. today, near the spontaneous memorial, we met a man with a huge bouquet of red roses. started talking to him, it turned out
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that on the day of the tragedy he was just in concert hall, there he was waiting inside for the performance of his favorite band to begin, he and his wife miraculously managed to escape, one man was standing, shooting those who ran out, he was in the hall, well, he was shooting purely in the hall, we went a little to the left and we ran out through the pavilions , we don’t think anything about things, we simply want to leave him here, so we stayed, our hands are still shaking, a video message was also recorded by the leader of the picnic group - the group whose concert was supposed to take place here on friday , he condolences to the relatives of the victims. we are probably addressing everyone who , unwittingly, naturally found themselves drawn into this
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terrible tragedy, completely senseless; it is clear that there are no words that can resurrect people, comfort them. but we naturally offer our condolences to all the relatives. the head of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, ordered that all those people who worked in the concert hall and who led people out of the burning building received their awards, of course, how can one not celebrate the feat a fifteen-year-old boy who took him out.
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eyewitnesses of the sitiho terrorist attacks or were inside the building at the time of the tragedy to provide all available information for a detailed reconstruction of the full picture of the events of march 22. now on your screens there are phone numbers where you can tell everything you know. the investigation into the criminal case of the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole is under the personal control of the chairman of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin. investigators are tasked with quickly reconstructing the entire picture of the tragedy, having achieved.
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we are now working at the building of the investigative committee of russia, here in the technical lane, here journalists are really waiting for the suspects in the terrorist attack in crocus city hall to be brought here. terrorists who inhumanly attacked civilians , unarmed people, shot point-blank , they were taken to moscow the day before, detained in the bryansk region, the attackers planned to cross the border of russia and ukraine, on the other side it was obvious to the militants... four of them were directly the perpetrators of the terrorist attack, according to the data
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investigative committee, the attackers were armed with kalashnikov assault rifles, they had a sufficient number of cartridges, a sufficient amount of ammunition, there is a video of the detention of terrorists, here is one of them... the alleged leader of a terrorist group, he says that he received an order for the murder in one of messengers, that a certain assistant to the preacher wrote to him and offered to kill him, quote, no matter what people, in general, they committed a terrorist attack for money, they say the detained amounts are half a million, about a million rubles, and also they say that customers have already transferred part of the money by that time. terrorist attack on the cards , and another feature is that all the detainees speak russian quite poorly, the terrorists arrived in moscow together in a white renault, and it is known that they knew each other for only a short time, about 10-12 days, as they themselves say,
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this car was theirs purchased with the help of relatives, they arrived in moscow on it, they tried to escape on it, and during their escape to the border they threw away their weapons, well, with all this information... eyewitnesses of the tragedy in provide kroc cityhole with all the necessary available information, because it will really be necessary to clarify all the circumstances of this case, we will now show the telephone numbers by which information can be provided again on the screen, we are waiting today for the arrival of these four here at the investigative committee detainees, we are waiting for interrogations, we are waiting for new information from the investigative committee of russia, but after. a person involved in a criminal case will be subject to preventive measures, it is very likely that this will happen in basman court, which is located nearby. natalya,
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yes, evgenia, thank you, evgenia petrukhina spoke about the progress of the investigation into the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. but now about the condition of the victims, there are messages marked lightning on informagent tapes, 110 victims in crocus cityhole remain in hospitals, 12 adults remain in extremely serious condition. state this message with reference to the assistant to the head of the ministry of health. 110 people are undergoing inpatient treatment. doctors note positive dynamics in the condition of the victims during a terrorist attack. also a message with reference to the ministry of health and another addition , 32 people injured in the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole have been discharged from the hospital due to improved health. let me remind you that this message is with a link to the assistant to the head. the ministry of health of the russian federation, just about the condition of the victims, of course, doctors in moscow and
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the moscow region are doing everything necessary to save the life and health of the victims of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. the ministry of emergency situations said this morning that 154 people were injured. near the botkin hospital our correspondent anastasia ponko is working, she is now in direct contact. anastasia, what is your latest information about the condition of those in the hospital. hello, natalya, in total there are currently 93 people in city hospitals in varying degrees of severity, the best moscow doctors are now doing everything to make patients feel better. all victims who required operations were immediately carried out after the terrible tragedy, patients requiring increased attention after emergency medical care were provided here were transferred to the institution. in the moscow region, 154
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people were injured during the terrorist attack in the krok city hall, but some people are already beginning to gradually be discharged from hospitals, some are already at home, of the patients who were injured, those who are now in outpatient treatment are 110 people, three of them are children, one child is in extremely serious condition, two children are in serious condition, among adults 15 are in extremely serious condition, 42... are in extremely serious condition, little by little there is also a positive trend, we currently have only one patient
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remains on artificial ventilation, that is, we have gradually moved away from artificial ventilation in other patients, that is, there is a clear positive trend, we hope that it will continue. today we are preparing a fairly large discharge, these are mainly patients with poisoning from combustion products who were admitted, they feel well and are already asking to go home, that’s why. we will not interfere. yesterday a large list of victims hospitalized in moscow hospitals was published, the names of surnames, patronymics of people so that relatives can find their loved ones as soon as possible, and a hotline is now hidden for them ; by phone you can find out about the location, where exactly the patient is being treated, and what condition they are in. necessary blood components, medications, equipment. doctors have all this, there are now a lot of people who want
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to somehow help the victims, at least on their own, and for example, on social networks, on official websites, in hospitals, where patients are now, many people even just they ask if they need any additional strength, additional doctors, medics, but there are a lot of people who want to help by donating blood, for example, yesterday, today, even despite such bad weather, such bad weather, it’s cold, it’s starting to get a little cold... people still stand in long lines in order to at least somehow help people, and many come and become donors for the first time.
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the same thing, people are going to donate blood, this is the least we can do, this is probably the only way i can help now, and i i really want, accordingly, to support the whole country, and those who, unfortunately, suffered, and maybe my blood will help someone, in total, according to the latest data , more than 500 people have already donated blood in moscow and the region, and the number is accurate.. .. not the last, but the components of donovo blood are now sufficient to supply all requests from moscow and moscow region hospitals, the fmba reported that the reserves of blood and components in russia will make it possible to uninterruptedly provide all patients of medical institutions for 4x6 months at once, however, they will still stop accepting donors until they are ready; the points will
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work as long as there are those willing to do so. natalya, yes, anastasia. thank you for your detailed story about the condition of the victims of the terrorist attack, said our correspondent anastasia ponko. funeral events take place in all regions of our country. people carry flowers and candles to spontaneous memorials. in st. petersburg, at the entrance to the russian national library, a book of condolences is placed, where citizens can leave words of support for the families of the victims and victims. our correspondent dmitry akimov is now in direct contact from st. petersburg. dmitry, you have the floor. natalya, hello, the northern capital, together with the whole country, is in mourning today. now we are working on the spit of vasilievsky island , a spontaneous memorial appeared here the day before, and people come, townspeople come, guests of the city come and there are quite a lot of them, people come with whole families, so i’ve been here for 2 hours, during this time at least 100 people came, they brought flowers,
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they brought a lot of toys, and if you count
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for... theaters are closed, concert venues are closed, as a sign of grief for those killed in the terrorist attack, state flags are lowered at half-mast, above smolny, above the legislative assembly, above the admiralty, above other government institutions, and of course, as in many cities, in many others cities of our country, today in st. petersburg, on dozens of billboards, today there is a black screen and a burning candle, the northern capital today. mourns along with the whole country, colleagues, yes, dmitry, i thank you, our correspondent was in direct communication from st. petersburg dmitry akimov. serbia mourns together with russia for those killed in the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. words of supportive condolences were expressed by the ambassador of serbia in moscow during a flower-laying ceremony in memory of the twenty- fifth anniversary of the start of nato aggression against
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yugoslavia. the diplomat noted that russians have always accepted the pain of their brotherly people as their own. organize memorials in front of russian diplomatic missions as a sign of grief and sympathy for the families of the victims, about how they responded to the terrorist attack in different countries. artyom krosulin. this is what it looks like now
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russian embassy abroad. caring people come with flowers, candles and children's toys in dubai, paris, berlin, rome, amsterdam, beijing, hanoi and other cities where russian diplomatic missions are located. words of support from world leaders. received for the second day, turkish president recep tayyip erdogan expressed condolences and announced ankara’s readiness to develop cooperation with moscow in the fight against terrorism. on behalf of my country's people, we express our condolences to the russian government on yesterday's terrorist attack on a concert hall in moscow. we strongly condemn this heinous terrorist attack targeting innocent civilians. they condemned the terrorist attacks in washington in the white house on...
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the us government stated that isis militants took responsibility for the erasure, and the us government believes these statements, but you know, they tried to escape, and they fled towards ukraine. let me remind you that islamists, as a rule, have perverted ideas about religion, their goal is to become martyrs and go to heaven, but these terrorists they did the wrong thing at all, they fled towards ukraine, and that's all we need to know about it. europe was also surprised by the rhetoric of the american authorities. although they noted that a cell of a banned organization could indeed be behind the attack, the militants could have acted on orders from western intelligence services. we must now demand a full investigation into ukraine's possible ties
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to what actually finances the billions we've been sending there for over two years now. the french also draw attention to the double standards of the west entrepreneur silvano trota. imagine for 2 seconds that the same events would have happened in kiev, they would all... be a tribute to the memory of the fallen ukrainians and would unknowingly blame russia, but there tonight , in front of scenes reminiscent of the bataclan, no honors, no condolences, everyone is talking , not yet knowing that the ukrainians had nothing to do with this, and even worse, that the russians did it, just like in the case of nord stream. unfortunately, if you don't understand who the enemy is, you'll never you won't understand. meanwhile, dozens of ordinary residents express condolences to russians. countries in nicaragua, abkhazia and the republic of serbian bosnia and herzegovina, due to the events in the moscow region, today is a day of mourning, events will be held there in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack.
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deputies of the parliament of the republic of srpska bosnia and herzegovina honored the victims with a moment of silence, during the friendly football match between the serbian red star and st. petersburg zenit, the fans sang katyusha's song, hung banners with words of support, and chanted during the match russians and serbs, brothers forever. artyom krosulin. explosions occurred in ukraine this night; eyewitnesses speak of three strikes in the central regions of kiev. city authorities reported on the operation of the air defense system. detonation was recorded four times in the lviv region, including in the area of ​​the city of stryi, as well as in lviv itself. it also became known about three strikes in krivoy rog, this. petrovsk region, an energy facility there was damaged, more than 70 were left without heat supply. two more explosions occurred in the khmelnitsky region. similar messages came from the nikolaev region and from
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kharkov, as well as from the part of the territory of the kherson region controlled by the ukrainian armed forces. air raid sirens were heard throughout ukraine at night. a powerful missile attack was repelled in sevastopol that night. city authorities call it the largest in recent memory. air defense systems were shot down by more than one. rocket networks. one of the debris fell on houses, killing a local resident. four more were injured, they had shrapnel wounds and a fracture. in the city center , the shock wave knocked out the windows of several buildings. city authorities are assessing the damage. utility workers with operational services are visiting houses. well, the belgorod region experienced another powerful shelling late on saturday evening. the ukrainian armed forces opened fire on the region from vampire systems. the ministry of defense reported that air defense shot down 19 missiles. governor vyacheslav glodkov, in turn , noted that two people were injured when the debris fell. they have shrapnel wounds and traumatic brain injuries. both were taken to the hospital. in belgorod and
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two more on... cross the dnieper to find a weak link in our defense in order to try to gain a foothold there, since we detect it in a timely manner and destroy it even on the approaches, all its attempts fail, and if in relation to
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the dnieper, then... the frosts hardened them, they were tested in battle, they held back the counter-offensive of the armed forces of ukraine on the zaporozhye front, each has a feat marked with military awards, behind them, one day we had such a situation that at 6 in the morning there was a rush, and that is, we moved out, the commander and i moved forward to reinforce, and that is, there was a battle for 10 hours, i held, that is, the entrance to the trench, so that they
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would not go there to ours. with call sign tim, awarded the order of courage , was fond of biathlon, became a professional sniper , there is a little different, everything is at a pace, on the pulse , here everything is calmer, calm, stability, a clear head, calculation, the same work in pairs, a grenade specialist and a baker, even in the recent past , driver and car mechanic , american bradleys were stopped by rpg shots, the first time was unexpected, somehow scary, it doesn’t matter, but then you get used to it over time, it seems like nothing, he leaves forestry. the black sea fleet holds defenses along dnepr, always on high alert for any actions of the armed forces of ukraine. ruslan bikbulatov, andrey potapov, ekaterina baktova, news of the kherson region. well, now a message from the informagen tape vladimir putin and momali rakhmon talked on the phone, during the telephone conversation they noted that
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the russian special services. and tajikistan is stepping up efforts to counter terrorism, this is a reference to the kremlin. this work will be intensified. also, during a telephone conversation, emmali rakhmon expressed condolences to vladimir putin in connection with terrorist attack in crocus, the kremlin reports. and another message about another telephone conversation. ilham aliyev spoke on the phone with vladimir. aliyev emphasized in the conversation that all residents of azerbaijan stand in solidarity with the russian people on the day of mourning after the terrorist attack in crocus. in a telephone conversation, putin noted his readiness for further interaction in the spirit of strategic partnership between russia and azerbaijan. this message also refers to the kremlin. and also ilham aliyev, in a conversation with vladimir putin , expressed his conviction that the perpetrator of the terrorist attack in crocus, those who stand behind them
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will suffer. severe punishment, how the americans blew up dummies of airplanes in the balkans, thinking that they were destroying real worlds, who bombed maternity hospitals and hospitals, turning them into mass graves, why russian volunteers who left to defend yugoslavia never returned to their homeland. film by alexander rogatkin: there is no such thing as someone else's war. see below.


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