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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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those who stand behind them will suffer severe punishment. how the americans blew up fake airplanes in the balkans, thinking they were destroying real aircraft. who bombed maternity hospitals and hospitals, turning them into mass graves? and why the russian volunteers who left to defend yugoslavia never returned to their homeland. film by alexander rogatkin, there is no such thing as someone else's war. see below.
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the enemy was very close, here he was behind the one when he first came here in the war, there were snipers on top of the mountain, they were shelling the road, shelling the city, this on the one hand, on the other hand, over there on that mountain and here on this mountain, too , snipers were firing, the city was constantly under fire from mortars and sniper fire on the bridges, on this bridge, so it was impossible to walk, only at night, around were burned... at home we were traveling by bus, we understood that we were going for a just cause , we found ourselves in a war zone, everyone practically understood that we had come, that’s who would leave, no one knew about it.
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the destroyed houses on the outskirts of visegrad still remind us of that war, once strong and two-story. i remember the most vivid impression when the bosnian rebels handed over the dead serbs, civilians, who were 20 people, so the city literally howled, i repay that 20 people, they were brought, they were buried. at first there were only five of them, of different ages and professions, some had already served in the army and visited.
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well, this is called the fighting brotherhood of serbs and russians, we did not give up, we did not lose.
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our struggle continues here and there. the most famous volunteer in serbia is from russia and the most famous colonel of the serbian air defense in russia is found in the belgrade aviation museum. here are exhibits that one was bombed. for example, they bombed our barracks 50 times, i don’t know why they did it. and the other one knocked them down, so the museum samples are not in the best shape. and you can understand where the rocket hit, where the rocket hit, one wing, but the left wing was cut off and it fell. the wing of the f-117 consists of composite materials and... is covered
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with a special paint, which should make the aircraft invisible to radars. there are 27 layers here special material. the electronic content of the secret plane disappeared somewhere, as the americans assume, it ended up in russia. the downed pilot dzelka was saved. and 10 years later he came to a meeting with colonel zolton dani. i asked him why did you bomb my country? and he said. “i thought that we were bringing you freedom, but when he really saw everything, he realized that he was simply being used, and the american pilot could not understand how he was shot down, because their commanders said that the plane was invisible, the pilots of the f plane -117 not
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had an emergency gps beacon, they believed that they would not need it, the rest of the nato aircraft had a sensor that warned that it had been captured by the missile guidance head, but the f-117 did not have it, the aircraft was invisible, which managed to be dropped two bombs on belgrade, in the sky i saw the old soviet missile system e-125 neva, developed back in the late fifties of the last century.
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also in the affected area, i just gave the launch command, the guidance officer pressed the launch button, two missiles went off, but only one - wait a minute, yes the gold division on dani did not lose a single person, the radar was turned on for only a few minutes so as not to receive a retaliatory strike, and another crew managed to shoot down another plane, the f16 was piloted by david gaul.
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and then he finished and ended up in our museum. but the forces were still unequal. the nato command announced that it had destroyed all serbian aviation on the ground. the serbs are laughing, at the airfields the americans blew up dummies of migas, they were specially placed in a visible place.
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fulfill the nato ultimatum to withdraw troops from kosovo, shelling of civilian targets began, bombs flew into hospitals, maternity hospitals and television centers. almost everything here remains the same as it was on that very night, 20 years ago. in this room, the announcers recorded the sound, you see, the walls still have noise-absorbing panels, and journalists worked at these tables, covered with a layer of dust; then there were editing rooms, in which the directors prepared.
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my brother and his colleague do not have a grave; we come here as if to a cemetery to lay flowers and light a candle.
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on the right side is the old one the railway bridge is green, its people also seemed to come out onto the shore,
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there were always people like living human shields, a former volunteer, and now a serbian truck driver traveling all over europe, remembers the spring of ninety-nine , it was terrible when your hospital was bombed, when you get bombed, the train is completely civilian, they all say that no, they brought military people there, no, they transported civilians there. coffee, tea or what? vladimir mayorov fought in sarajevo in units of the regular serbian army. you you don’t regret that you fought here , shed your blood for this country, well, you shed a little wound and didn’t shed a lot of wounds here, but nevertheless, i spent 2 years, 2 years as a regular. army participated in the hostilities, went through
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some part of this military conflict with these people, not all of it, not from the beginning, but as they say, it was there to the end, which means our tea is turkish, a former policeman and sailor from odessa says, then he could not even think that 15 years later in his city people would be burned alive in the house of trade unions, ukraine would partially repeat the fate yugoslavia, and crimea will go to russia. for me , crimea has always been russia, forever. well now, especially except for kosovo, because kosovo is serbia, yes, except for kosovo, kosovo is serbia, yes, the building of the general headquarters of the serbian army in belgrade, one of the main targets of nato, is still in ruins, when i left for war, i was already taken to the general staff building. there was a demonstration against nato in the square, and in order to speed it all up, i went up to the first officer, i remember he was even scared and grabbed his holster, like i told him. so that the gun doesn't pull out, well, i introduced himself, he smiled, asked, brother
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rus, i said, yes, he took me by the hand and brought me here, from here i already got to where i needed to be. albert andiev came to the balkans as volunteers in the late nineties, when yugoslavia, torn apart, was already burning in the flames of a fratricidal war. i didn’t wait for the war, because you don’t have to wait for war on your doorstep when it reaches your doorstep late. if you don't help. protect his neighbor’s house from fire, right after his house yours will burn, because of the network he proudly calls himself a russian, although it’s been 20 years lives in serbia. my son was born here, i always tell my son: son, do you know what a difficult fate you have? you do not have the right to love serbia more than russia, but you do not have the right to love russia more than serbia.
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i’ll soon leave for kosovo, if i stay alive, maybe we’ll meet again someday and talk, during the nato aggression i fought in kosovo, helped as much as i could, you’ll survive there in kosovo. during the years of the yugoslav wars , several hundred volunteers from russia came to the aid of serbia; the serbs tried to preserve their state, which was being torn apart by enemies, nato bombings, american instructors , mujahideen, mercenaries from the middle east , caravans of weapons from all over the world, and the serbs only have russian volunteers,
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we provided the greatest help by the fact that we were present, because the serbs, seeing russians next to them, they... “these are not just names, these are characters , these are entire lives, and this is the future, they will never die, they will always be alive, as long as we remember them, they are immortal, how many
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such memorial plaques, memorials and simply crosses are there all over ". in every serbian city, here is a monument in šamac to the victims of the croatian ustaše nationalists in 1944, and these are the names of the serbs who died during the war against bosnian muslims and the same croats, this is smilin’s husband, he received a splinter in the head on the second of august, the fourth, he died in belgrade. this is your house, yes, you built it yourself? no, the state gave it. recently, as a war invalid, nikolai petrikov received from the authorities of the bosnian autonomy republika srpska, not to be confused with serbia, a small apartment in a house for veterans. come on, come on, and he lives in it
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now with his smila and cat. here i am. mother, me! hello, you are meeting guests , she understands russian, she tells me, nikolai met smilaya after the bosnian war, he came to the town of šamac, right on the border with croatia, to clear the balkan fields, well, i say, hostess, i wish it were closer here i would like to rent an apartment, but the only thing left from my past life was an old cigarette case, a former warrant officer in the airborne forces in the early nineties, along with other soviet officers.
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he wrested independence for the bosnian muslims with his blood, so his hometown remained in serbian autonomy, the president's house has been preserved. they were brought together into the united nations on the initiative of stalin, rooseville and churchel, and the first commandment was, the borders no longer change, which means they are under the sun,
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all their criteria and all their laws, international law are being kicked. this was already the second nato operation. the west actively helped the muslim bosnians; back in 1995, they began to carry out the first bomb attacks on serbian positions in their cities. we wanted to see what the reaction would be. and in general it was the prologue of ninety in the ninth year, when there were already massive bombings of, in fact, a european country. the russians held the line in bosnia on mount headline. we are gathering at the position of the volunteer detachment, do you remember how we sat in ambush, i remember you, i think you were there too, yes, there is still snow in the mountains
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, the old niva is slipping, we can’t get through, the car, the fan turned on, it’s better to go on foot, let’s go , further a few kilometers. on this mountain you can still find traces of those fierce battles, for example, a spent container from a grenade launcher, around you can see signs warning about mines. here russian volunteers suffered.
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was on my right, so he hit my belts, a mine exploded a little lower and to the right, i turned him around like that with my hand, and he had a hole in his helmet all over his shoulder, apparently the whole side was covered in blood, i shouted to the guys, brothers konstantin killed, on the mountain... taglovok volunteers held their positions for almost six months under constant shelling and enemy attacks. this place was especially important for serbian fighters; it was controlled from here
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the main roads, whoever owned this height controlled the situation. the international assault company, in which the russians fought, was commanded by twenty-year-old serb boban injic. russia did not help with weapons at that time, but the arrival of volunteers was much helpful for the locals. 2 hours later, after that he was wounded in the head, he fell forward on me, i managed to catch him, and we were four of us behind him, i want
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to add, that’s how it all happened, i fell and he screamed at the entire position, i killed sasha, it wasn’t like that, but harley screams at him, shut up, he’s still breathing, no no, harley couldn’t do anything scream because he was far away, then they ended up in the same ambulance, on the way they began to be heavily shelled, despite... the red cross on the side, when the van stopped abruptly, vladimir thought that this was it, the end, sasha kravchenko asked , i don’t know, it’s worth talking about this, if the door opens, i’ll blow it up , i took out a grenade, pulled out my finger, that’s it, i saw, he’s already dead now, he died in may, verimir stojanovic, that’s the last thing i remember, he took me to hands, said: “mlady rus, give it to the tame god.” here is the front line maintains the largest detachment of russian volunteers in the territory of the former yugoslavia.
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in the spring of 1993, the positions of the russian volunteer detachment on mount zaglovok were filmed by war correspondent vladimir solovyov and cameraman anatoly klyan, who died in 2014 in the donbass, and if only because we are all slavs. russia has never denied serbia its own. a simple soldier's life, a hunting base near vysehrad, where the cossacks lived, the first russian crosses in the city cemetery. years later, the serbs to everyone who died here they will erect a monument. there is a separate monument dedicated to all russian volunteers; the memory is greatly revered, this makes us happy, inspires us, and we are very grateful
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to everyone. the first russian blood was shed for serbia back in the 19th century, when several thousand russian officers came here to help their brothers who rebelled against the ottoman empire. unfortunately, the uprising was defeated; almost half of the volunteers remained forever in serbian soil. in the village at the site of the death of colonel nikolai raevsky.
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well, now urgent messages from the leningrad information agency with reference to the ministry of defense of the russian aerospace forces struck at night at the facilities of the electric power industry, gas production industry, assembly sites for testing unmanned boats of ukraine, all the goals of this strike were
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achieved. the attack by the aerospace forces disrupted the work of ukrainian armed forces enterprises producing and repairing weapons, and destroyed foreign-made equipment.
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