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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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he didn’t stand behind this and no matter what he strives for, he won’t achieve his goal this way. by killing innocent people, he will not be able to achieve anything good for anyone. whoever it is, and right now i really don't know who it could be, there are some guesses, but whatever it is, they won't achieve anything good, they just hurt innocent people, i don't think they'll be able to scare the people or leadership of russia. serbian president aleksandar vucic and the head of the republic also sent their condolences to the russians. bosnia and all flags of herzegovina are at half-mast. football players from cervena zvezda and zenit went out to matches yesterday wearing mourning armbands. the friendly, if not brotherly, game took place at the rajka mitic stadium in belgrade. it seats more than 50 thousand spectators. and earlier, fans of cervena zvezda called for filling this arena to capacity to support the brothers when they are having a hard time. it was a quote. a banner was stretched out on the podium with the inscription moscow 22. three we mourn,
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before the start of the match there was a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack, when it began this meeting on the northern stand, the stand of fans of the belgrade club, the inscriptions brothers forever appeared, russian serbian flags were raised, the fans sang katyusha, they began to chant russia, russia, then a banner with a figure of a fighter in a camouflage uniform appeared above the stand, on both sides of him the fans formed such huge flags of our two countries, we were at this match, we saw everything with our own eyes, there really was some kind of amazing...
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also today i paid tribute to the memory of both the victims of nato, the nato bombing against yugoslavia, and terrorist attack in the moscow region, the serbian ambassador to russia, momcila babic, said that march 24 becomes the date when together we will remember the suffering of innocent civilians, both serbia and russia. for 25 years now, every march 24th, muscovites are always with us here.
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there are two more coming, smart, what to work with, it looks like an ordinary day, there is no such day when we stand still, that is, we entered, established ourselves, even some small trench there, that is, we entered, established ourselves, moved on, entered , gained a foothold, moved on, that is, people there it’s clear, we are removing the wounded, evacuating them, and creating reserves. and so on, let's go, let's go. major alexander troshin, a forced prisoner. until recently , he was a senior lieutenant, commander of a tank battalion. one of the youngest battalion commanders in the air defense zone. he himself sat behind the levers and led tank columns into battle. here is
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one of the moments when a shell hit his car, the crew is intact. yes, a senior candyman in a subtotal position. i ask you to make a proposal to award him the rank of major. thank you. he deserved it. he burned in a tank three times, has seven shell shocks, one shrapnel wound. he himself destroyed five tanks and 23 armored vehicles of various classes. well, you’re like a hero there already so slightly differently and you behave there well, you shout at people a little bit, it’s condescending, the management style hasn’t changed, why change anything if we’re already used to working at this pace, then there are people who are used to me, i ’m used to people, why change anything, i returned
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to my battalion, i’m working with my battalion, comrade, what kind of shells are they, just fragmentation accumulative ones, yeah, it's going, it's going beautifully. there is no general flight or anything, he stands rigidly, snarls, fights , so we storm 100%, this doesn’t even happen, it seems like the trench has been completely cleared, but he checks every crevice, gets to the very last centimeters of the trench and straight
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climbs every hole, makes sure that no excesses happen, small, small, they haven’t gathered in a bunch yet, but... i hear, yes, i’m talking to them, ours are all intact, the repetition has worked, this is who ours are were, i say, ktur, ptur came into the tower, ours are all intact, yes , red, they were ours, all ours intact, this is the tactics of eight, that is, an assault group of eight people, four people are exactly those who are attack aircraft, and four people are... so let’s say, four people of angry support, and we tell all the stormtroopers, or rather, when we train them, that they all disperse into the trenches, there is no one there, say, let them run faster, there is no one there, let them not be afraid, there are no germans there, where are you going, where, right along the fence,
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yes, yes, along the fence everything is correct, opana, from where, rifle, from where, let the boys hide, wait, guys, let them hide , wait. pass, pass, run faster, run faster, let them run, run, yes, yes, along the fence, so they go , let the last one to the fence, let them join, all the company commanders, they all stormed me, all three company commanders, one commander company was surrounded there, he sat for 6 days, the second commander, then held the defense for 50 days, when the enemy tried to knock us out of there, that is, we don’t have anything like that there, so the commanders, let’s go carry out the task, but the commanders stayed, but did not send people. each commander with his unit goes, fulfilling the task, attention, angle meter 5276, sight 313, sight 313, angle meter 5276, yes, attention, attention,
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consumption three, fog, fog, i'm first.
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consumption three, fog, fog, i'm the first, shot , consumption three, consumption three, before the battle, i think everyone thinks about the family, about the wife, about the mother, about the children, i myself remember when i took part in tank battles when i was sitting surrounded, i was thinking, well, about my mother, and my future wife, and these thoughts helped me get out of the battle, the far east, the most beautiful hidden places, this is how alexander troshin unexpectedly appears at home with a bouquet of roses for his mother irina, right on her birthday.
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a short meeting again in the nwo zone. at the forefront are assault companies along the entire front line. soldiers risk their lives, bringing our victory closer, every day someone goes on an assault, liberating donbass. to what extent are they even discussing the situation in the trenches here? no, well , it’s clear that they’re talking about something, because if you don’t communicate, you won’t, you always stink of communicating, politics, for a stormtrooper, well he’s not a politician, he’s a fighter, he defends his homeland, serves his homeland.
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yes, no one says goodbye with life, that is, i understand that yes, it’s scary, you can die, but no one says goodbye with life, that’s when everything calms down, you talk to the stormtroopers, they say, it’s calming down, they begin to shake in their hands, just when you complete the task, complete the task, i always tell them, turn off your head, just with a cool head, complete the task, what you were taught. these are the skills and take it, it’s far away, try it
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a kilometer, from here, a kilometer from here, they started , let them finalize it, finalize it faster and work on the ninth, finalize it, leave , as i understand, we met a year ago, i was a tanker, now i’m a pikhotinets, that is , this is my greatest experience, this transition from a tank unit to an infantry unit. it is in an assault unit that experience means retaining an attack aircraft, this means a lot, because not every person will be taught how to attack, but if you retain an attack aircraft, that is, this is 60 percent of victory sure enough, near the destroyed ones, the infantry is approaching.
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the big tomorrow is also assault operations, no , assault operations, in the big tomorrow, well, fulfilling the tasks that were set by the senior commander, we will go to carry out this task, without options, without options, of course, the nature of combat operations is changing every day, it appears. new equipment, weapons, new experienced specialists, but fearless attack aircraft are still ahead. now let's talk about the brutal bombing of cities in eastern europe. at the end of the second world war. the united states carried out air raids on military targets in belgrade and sofia. were not damaged. bombs fell on the civilian sector. what was the goal? about this in the new film from the series “the world in the palm of your hand”.
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us air force, allies of the ussr in the anti-hitler coalition. the civilians of belgrade and sofia did not expect to be bombed, but on april 1, bombs fell on... belgrade on april 16, the us air force again launched a massive attack on belgrade, and on april 17, carpet bombing practically razed the centers of the capitals. yugoslavia and bulgaria. at the head of bomber aviation in both great britain and
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the united states there were people who were directly. were called butchers, which means that arthur haris, the commander-in-chief of the british bomber aviation, followed him like this: bomber haris, they called him, or butcher haris, on the american side, the head of the strategic bomber aviation was the same meatnik, general curtis lemay, but he noted mainly in japan, when they burned tokyo in march 1945. and well, almost in terms of the number of victims there was no less than from the nuclear bombing of kheroshima. the red army saved europe from such a scenario, but first things first. the main purpose of bombing cities in eastern europe was that, according to the agreements of the tehran
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conference, it was clear where the border between the zones of responsibility of the soviet union would be. post-war and even the zone of responsibility in the allies of the anti-hitler coalition, so the americans and the british, in principle, began bombing eastern europe on a massive scale, starting from the end of the forty-third, forty -four, forty-fifth year. the united states of america understood perfectly well how they could win, unfortunately, yes, it’s very scary to say, this is how they could win in this... here, first of all, psychological pressure, as you understand, the united states of america entered the war very late, when they realized that the scales were tipped to the side, towards the soviet union, in order to indicate its position, to show taxpayers where
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this money actually went, yes, which allocated the same the united states of america in... the affairs of the post-war world turned out to be beneficial and convenient for the united states of america, because they are the future favorites, very big questions were raised, the question of how to divide the world, into what spheres of influence, who will go where, and how to do so , so that your opponent’s territory is more destroyed
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than in the territory of the sphere you will enter. the americans even managed to destroy concentration camps in the vicinity of belgrade ; as a result of the destruction, hundreds of concentration camp prisoners died. there were maternity hospitals destroyed, mothers in labor, newborn babies died, in one maternity hospital alone nine mothers of their babies died. according to various estimates, about 2 boys died in belgrade
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. the boys were shot because they were serbs, because they were in conquered territory. the americans, in fact, in belgrade worked hand in hand with the fascists, destroying the cultural heritage of the serbian people, yes, because the fascist... destroyed the public library of serbia and burned 350 thousand manuscripts, which the americans also destroyed during their bombing. museums, libraries belgrade. russia has paid great attention to the balkans since the 18th century. in the 19th century , as part of the russo-turkish war of 1877-78,
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russia was indeed able to almost completely liberate the balkans from the turkish yoke; moreover, it helped to form independence for many states. russia has invested so much effort for many reasons. secondly, we considered the serbs a brotherly people, and we still consider the serbs a brotherly people. this is very important for russia, the balkans, as a logistics center that allows russia to leave the mediterranean, has already directly into the ocean, is also very important for us, and of course, the countries of the western world understood perfectly well that for us serbia, that for us the balkans, hit precisely those zones that were very important for the soviet union, for russia, for russia today. what was the need for the bombing of the city of sofia, the capital of bulgaria, which, in which there were no industrial enterprises for military
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purposes, in which there were no large military contingents, and in general the bulgarian army, in principle, fought during the second world war itself quite passively and active in some actions on the fronts of the second world war, it did not manifest itself in any way, but however, when ... churchel’s idea about the soft underbelly of europe, about starting, therefore, a second front from the balkans, it did not materialize thanks to stalin’s tough position at the negotiations in tehran in 1943, it became clear that bulgaria definitely fell under, so to speak, the sphere of influence of the soviet union, which is why these cities were chosen. sofia was bombed very heavily.
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judging by these documents, they concerned precisely germany, in 1944 these nuclear bombings
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of germany were already planned, the dates were determined, this is important to keep in mind, i don’t know why this topic is not touched upon, here, the dates were determined by the offensive of the red army, just imagine if the red army slowed down the pace of this offensive, if , say, it would have been ... not in may of forty-five, but the bomb was tested in july, and let's say, the surrender of germany was in september, the americans would not have stopped, they would have plans to strike. when the soviet the army approached the borders of eastern europe, carpet bombing of all these capitals of large cities in eastern europe began, that is, this was the goal set to intimidate the soviet union. these bombings were aimed in the same way as the bombings of kheroshima and nagasaki, they were acts of intimidation of the soviet union so that the soviet union would understand what kind of force it
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would face. in the future, another plan was being prepared, absolutely cannibalistic, and the fact that the germans, of course, do not attach importance to this today, and do not think about what if if stalin, say, had slowed down this race for berlin, then capitulation would have come at a different time, this is, of course, a hypothetical formulation of the question, but... it is, of course, terrifying. during the war years, great britain and the united states increased their fleet of strategic bombers, great britain had about 1,600, and the united states of america brought it to 2,080 units, that is, this is a huge mass.
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one document is interesting, it means it’s called thunder, this document was presented by churchill in 1944 to roosevelt, in this document stipulated that in order to have a psychological impact on the german people , a massive bombing of cities is necessary, these could be cities of at least 200,000 people who lived in order to intimidate and to have a psychological impact... on the german people , it’s interesting, then, the reaction of roosevelt, well, whom he presents to us as a peacemaker, as a man who was not as aggressive as his partner, churchill, yes, that means he writes about what i understand, says, in order to influence the german people, not nazism, the german people, we need to castrate these people
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so that they... very few people remember that the soviet union helped european countries regain independence, today it is so they talk a lot about european sovereignty, that sovereign countries are very important, but these european countries sat under the influence of the germans for 4 years, for 4 years, no one talked about sovereignty, the most terrible absolutely concentration camps, and the heads of these countries
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could not for... these concentration camps. the soviet union, the soviet soldier, returned sovereignty to the countries of eastern europe , including, and today it would be nice to remember this, but today it does not fit into the political agenda that is being declared today. but we, at least , must remember this, remember and tell our children about this, because indeed our country made a very large contribution to the victory, including the victory of world war ii wars of reconstruction of countries after world war ii.
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