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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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after the war, they tried to clear the area, collecting fragments, but according to ivica, the forests were still full of ammunition with depleted uranium. last year we found one bomb, the military took it away, and the second bomb is simply very difficult to get to, so it is still there .
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the head of the union of oncology patients in the city of vranya and a deputy of the city assembly assures that the mortality rate throughout the city after the bombing increased by 20%; on this street, grief came to almost every house. these obituaries provide evidence of the dramatic increase in mortality on this street. these are the same silver bullets, as...
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the nato military called them, these are thirty-millimeter shells for an aircraft cannon, their shell was aluminum, in the center, pay attention, there is a core made of depleted uranium, the bullet is stupid, and the uranium core, well done, even through the glass of the display case the dasimeter records the excess of the natural radiation background by three times. when this core hits the armor at high speed, it becomes stronger, penetrates it and breaks, turning into a cloud of radioactive particles is very dangerous for the body. an artillery, so-called sub-caliber projectile made of depleted uranium is capable of penetrating 40 cm of armor and burning everything from inside the tank. in this case, the material becomes very dangerous. uranium 238 burns up to a radioactive state during an explosion.
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on dust 10 microns in size, such a speck of dust emits one alpha particle every 2 hours, which enters your lungs, uh, kidneys, uh, intestines, and - which at one point an alpha particle comes out of this uranium particle, and its carcinogenicity is 50 times greater than that of any other particle, and you never know when... it will happen that carcinogenesis will begin from a normal cell and a tumor will begin. the minister of health of serbia has been dealing with this problem for several years, and co- authored a scientific monograph with other researchers. i am a neurosurgeon, but in 1917 we were organized by a group of doctors and scientists who actually saw that something happened in the balkans.
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something happened in the balkans that did not happen in the rest of europe, and that we are sick more than others, every year there are fewer and fewer of us, and for quality experiences there are more and more, problems with children are more and more, infertility is not only for men and women, more and more, more and more young people who don’t have children, they simply ask, why, what happened? according to the nato command, nothing happened, shells with depleted uranium have no side effects, and great britain is now ready to supply them to ukraine. i'm just addressing the ukrainians, not allow them
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to use these terrible weapons on your land, because you will see the consequences in a few years, in a few centuries, who else knows what? this is generally a uranium trojan horse, this help could cause the consequences of a new chernobyl in ukraine, if the ukrainians use radioactive shells in the donbass, this radiation will also destroy the ukrainian people. for a year now, graffiti has been appearing in different parts of the serbian capital in support of a special military operation. from the walls of belgrade high-rise buildings they look sternly at passersby are heroes of donbass. death to nazism and fascism. srbia, russia is one people, one faith, one battle. but murals with tricolors terribly irritate ukrainian and russian fugitives
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who are hiding in serbia from mobilization. at night, wall propaganda often suffers from vandalism. if you think that ukraine is right, then... they don’t love their language, they don’t love their people, in general, they hate everything that’s theirs. kisinger said that it is very bad to be an enemy of nato, but it is even worse to be its friend. therefore, ukrainian
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auto-chauvinists are trying to destroy not only the russian army, which is participating in a special operation, but their own people, but they are ready to use united uranus against their people, because theirs. dozens, and many shots from american iraq and kuwait, where tanks were destroyed by a10 attack aircraft, so this ammunition was lying everywhere, children played with this
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ammunition, crawled on damaged tanks, and then were surprised that six months later they got sick, they were diagnosed with cancer, often leukemia , which led to death. professor gunther carefully examined army tanks saddam hussein, struck by depleted uranium ammunition. we found a tank that had been hit by combined uranium shells here and here. you see traces of the use of this weapon. we measured the radiation level, it goes beyond the red zone on our device.
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some of the children had terrible deformities, some had no eyes, or only one eye, no arms, or only one arm, or only one leg, or no legs at all. there were children whose entire internal organs were in a bag made of skin on their back, and of course, everything they were in terrible pain, it’s terrible to say, but fortunately they died after a few hours or a few days, because they were not viable anyway, professor gunther tried to bring evidence found in iraq to germany for research: silver bullets from an aircraft cannon. but he was detained at the border, and for transporting radioactive material he was sentenced to a fine of 3,000 marks. he
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refused to pay, saying that he would pay only when the americans also paid 3.00 marks for each shell. of course it was impossible, he was arrested and imprisoned. he had to sit there for some time, only after protests from fellow students he... a specific deformation occurred due to the bombings of the united uranus, which were not far from bujnovat on the border with kosovo.
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the director of the veterinary station claims that the number of such genetic mutations in the vicinity of boyanovat after the bombing increased from 1% to four. the most common mutations are when babies are born, their umbilical cord is open and prolapse occurs internal organs. mutations occur that animals that should...
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ardamir kavacevic, a toxicologist, was the head of the serbian radiation control center for many years, the doctor associates the increase in cancer in children and genetic abnormalities with nato bombings. children are born without eyes, harelips, and also with other diseases and severe anomalies of the body. twenty-year-old lyubish from a small village near buyanovs has down syndrome, developmental arrest, paralysis and a whole bunch of others. diseases. these missiles flew over our house. we have.
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the serbian military base, which was fired at by missiles with combined uranium just a couple of kilometers from these two houses, the local cemetery is even called a cancer cemetery, the disease wiped out entire families, so people died from carcinoma.
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na kojima smo ovde, vidite ovo groblje, evo ovo, ovo je... this is where my great-great-grandfather lies. the border with kosovo and metohija is only a few kilometers away, where nato has used the most depleted uranium ammunition, but in the albanian enclave there is not even any they believe that
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they will pay for the gift of independence here quietly for a long time. they were also hitting yugoslavia with tamogawk cruise missiles, and here are the fragments of one of them. for better penetration, some missiles were also equipped with depleted uranium. in the warhead it weighed as much as 3 kg. at the moment of the explosion, 80% of the uranium turned into a fiery aerosol cloud , incinerating all living things within a radius of 50 m. when we occupied the slatina airport, many of our soldiers, seeing the huge craters from tomahawks, which were also started by the united uranus, went to collect these fragments for souvenirs, then no one could imagine how dangerous it was, there could be
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such tragic consequences. alexey kondratyev, a former russian senator and head of tambov, one of... one of the commanders of the northern military district in ukraine, recalls that in those years russian peacekeepers in kosovo came into close contact with dangerous ammunition. unfortunately, this fact of interaction between the russian military and nato radioactive ammunition was not recorded and investigated properly. few people who went through these events are distinguished by some kind of good health. nobody at first i didn’t even think about picking them up. worth it, but nevertheless, today it is necessary to examine those who were on the territory of slatin in the sense of presenting claims to the leadership of the west, as the serbs have been trying to do for more than 20 years. miroslav acimovic served in kosovo during the nato aggression as a guard, that is, as an ensign. before his
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eyes, american attack aircraft struck a trailer with manure. the americans thought it was a missile launcher, and nothing remained of this trailer. it was full of holes like swiss cheese. i found a piece of iron, which turned out to be shrapnel, and put it in my pocket, in my trouser pocket. and my commander found the same fragment, only a piece of iron. and he put it in his shirt's breast pocket. it was warm and he was wearing a summer shirt. 10 years later, the commander died of melanoma, skin cancer.
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its concentration was 100 times greater than during the bombing of heroshima and nagasaki. in 2021, a lawyer filed the first lawsuits in the high court in belgrade on behalf of the serbian army colonel, dragan stojša, unfortunately the recently deceased and ksenia tadic, who lived in belgrade next to the bombed general staff. aleksic attached to the case the tests of the victims from the italian laboratory in turin. in their body. they had a 500-fold excess of uranium in their bodies. but representatives of the north atlantic bloc did not even appear in court, declaring that they had complete immunity on the basis of an agreement with the former allied state of serbia and montenegro from 2005. winners are not judged, much less losers.
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but it turned out that from the united uranus both those who are shot at and those who are shot suffer. shoots. the italian military was the first to sound the alarm. after the nato operation in yugoslavia, colonel lacetti earned a bronze medal of merit, a military cross, a nato medal, and also lung cancer. we were located 150-200 m from the battle line established between albanians and kosovo serbs. and there the bombing was so strong that the blast wave with this combined uranium certainly covered us too, we were very close, the officers of the italian red cross didn’t even...
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then, after returning to italy, he felt unwell, his colleagues began to get sick and die, and tartali’s lawyer contacted him, who offered help and told him about the scale of the disaster. there are different data, someone says that 800 got sick, 400 of them have already died, someone says that 7 5 got sick and 500 of them died, but i can say that there are a lot of them, some came to me for appointments generals who also
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suffered from cancer and wanted me to protect them, so i conclude from this that they knew about the danger only the highest military command, the lawyer faced strong opposition from the ministry of defense, they denied everything, but the italian court listened to the arguments...
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i am angry and will never forgive that i
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was forced to work under the auspices of the red cross. i was convinced that we were helping people who later died in batches because of this contact with united uranus. i can’t get over the fact that i didn’t warn my guys, the young military men under my command. i'm very sorry that they also paid or will pay for this. this is what makes me furious, and lawyer tartalia is going to move on, he plans to file lawsuits in international courts. i want it written into law that the use of unified uranium is nothing less than a war crime. i want to achieve this. combined uranium is a waste of the nuclear industry, for example, if you want to produce fuel rods for a nuclear
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power plant from natural uranium, let's say one ton of fuel rods, then during the enrichment process, waste is generated in the form of 7-8 tons depleted uranium. currently , about one and a half million tons of depleted uranium have accumulated in the world, which must be stored and protected somewhere. it's incredibly expensive. it’s easier to dispose of it in some third world country in a natural democratic way, eliminating with silver bullets governments that washington doesn’t like. the nuclear industry was happy when suddenly military designers became interested in this material. they very quickly found out that since united uranium is almost twice as heavy as lead. if it is formed into a pointed rod. panzer
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wie ein heißes eisen, ein stück. surprisingly, nato was supported in this matter by the world health organization. in 2001, she made a statement that united uranium is absolutely safe due to its low radioactivity. 3 years later, who advisor on radiation issues, dr. keith boverstock , presented a report that the high toxicity of depleted uranium, interacting with its weak, but still present radioactivity, causes extreme harm to the human body, but... this study was shelved . what happens next? this research disappears into the woz archives. why? because the who foolishly, in 1959, at the insistence of the united states, signed an agreement with the international atomic energy agency that if one of the two organizations wanted to publish work on radioactivity and its consequences, it must first
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consult with the other. you know, there are most scientists who say that there is no danger from united uranium, i will tell them, just take it , put it in your room, and let the shell stand, and let it corrode, in the next this year will be a quarter of a century since nato bombs fell on the shoulder and 200 years since the
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founding of the village. ivica nikolic walks through abandoned houses, collects photographs of relatives , remembers what plum trees grew here, and the brandy from them was famous throughout the area. but you see, this is an oven for raki, it was right here in front of the house, but now there is nothing, it’s all gone, everything is empty. ivica dreams of gathering her surviving fellow villagers, coming to her native ashes and celebrating this sad anniversary. still significant dates, if not take into account the half-life of the united uranium, 4 billion years.
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