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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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in russia there is a day of general national mourning for the victims of the crocus city holly terrorist attacks. according to the latest data from the investigative committee, the death toll is 137 people. today , state flags are lowered at all government institutions, we mourn inscriptions on... screens,
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advertising bills, public transport stops, entertainment events have been canceled, funeral liturgies are being held in churches. vladimir putin today lit a candle for the repose of those killed in the terrorist attack in the church on the territory of the novoogoryovo residence. so. there was a huge queue of people wanting to
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leave flowers at crocus city hall, people carry toys, light candles. according to the ministry of internal affairs , more than 10 thousand people came to the spontaneous memorial over the past 2 days. i am now in direct contact with our correspondent alexandra perfilyeva again. alexandra, greetings, people continue to walk. yes, roman, greetings, again, yes, people keep coming, so i’ll ask. let me show you the cameraman, since you are asking our studio, but the ministry of emergency situations employees are also continuing their work, the crocus cityhall is right behind me, unfortunately, we can’t get any closer, because the entire territory is cordoned off, we are leaving this point for live connection, as of today, at the moment, the employees of the ministry of emergency situations have finally managed to get into... inside,
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more than 300 people and more than 150 pieces of equipment are involved, more than 400 km of rubble have been dismantled, but before, before getting inside, the rescuer spent two days manually, literally, literally sawing metal by hand for two days. to get inside, i want to note that the rescue operation is over, this means that there are living people under the rubble, unfortunately no, but the search operation continues, dog handlers are also actively working now, you can just see in our live broadcast, now a picture of what the music hall looks like from the inside, the entire curura.
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cars are also ready for delivery, traffic police officers are now actively contacting the owners, during the terrorist attack there were 383 cars in the parking lot here, but
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let me remind you that from 18:00 here in the eighth building of crocus cityhall in the eighth building of the second building.
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roman, well, let me remind you that we are visiting you in live broadcast next to the spontaneous memorial, where people are laying flowers, carrying flowers, lamps, and soft toys, let's talk directly in the live broadcast, please tell us, we are broadcasting live,
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why you came, i see that you are with carnations, support everyone who lost, and in general this is a great tragedy for the entire people, it is very difficult to remain indifferent. well, yes , thank you very much, well, i see what a line there is, people continue to bring flowers, toys, russia today is united as never before, of course, russia mourns, russia remembers, russia will not be forgotten, raman, but at 19:55, precisely at this time on the 22nd, four terrorists burst in.
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this is one-time financial assistance to victims from all regions, but judging by reports, muscovites, residents of st. petersburg, the leningrad region, the saratov region, tula, yaroslavl, smolensk, the republic of udmurtia and the perm region have already received this help. the basmanny court of moscow will soon make a decision on the preventive measure against four detained suspects in the shooting of people in crocus. sitiho, today they were brought by investigators to the building of the central office of the investigative committee. investigators are also continuing to work at the scene of the attack. evidence is being collected and all the circumstances of what happened are being clarified. the department has released some information about what is already known about the crime. during the inspection
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of the crime scene, no mined bodies or other traces of mining were found. four sets of combat ammunition, unloadings, more than 500 cartridges and 28 magazines, two kalashnikov assault rifles, which the attackers were armed. when the suspects were detained in the bryansk region , a pistol was found in a renault car and confiscated. investigative actions are being carried out with those suspected of committing a terrorist attack. the investigative committee also reported that the identification of the bodies of the dead continues. at the moment, the number of victims of the terrorist attack has grown to 137 people, three of them are children. the identities of 62 dead have been established. genetic examinations are being carried out on the remaining victims of the terrorist attack. also coming.
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110 people, but doctors observe good the dynamics of treatment, patients are still slowly, but still recovering. the necessary blood components, medicines, equipment are all there, and in sufficient quantities; all the victims who needed surgery have already had them done, and immediately after the terrible tragedy. patients requiring increased attention after emergency care were immediately transferred to higher-level institutions. today , the skrefosovsky ambulance is preparing for
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burns and injuries to bone structures and organs the abdominal cavity, that is, such a very wide spectrum. according to the latest data , 137 people died in the terrorist attack, three of them children, and today the capital’s health department announced that procedures for identifying the dead have begun in moscow, the procedures are taking place at the moscow forensic medical examination bureau, relatives are invited there in advance, in some cases it may even be necessary molecular genetic. examination, the authorities reported that the discovery of bodies will take place around the clock, and the terrorist attack in crocus -
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this is such a very terrible tragedy that has united many, and strangers , together, the majority wants to help the victims, help the families of the dead people, these are such noble people, today yesterday, they come to donate blood to donor centers, line up, stand in bad weather weather, rain, wind, but they still do it... in order to help the victim, as it all happened, i had a desire to help, in any way i can, i help, i regularly donate blood once every two to three months, now, the more it is necessary to do, the situation demands, duty calls, but how could it be otherwise, you need to donate blood, and in the moscow region more than 5,000 people donated blood for the victims, and this figure is clearly not final, there are now enough components of donor blood to cover all requests from... moscow and hospitals near moscow. we are very grateful to all the donors who came. yesterday more than 3,000
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people came to donate blood. and, unfortunately, not everyone was able to take blood because there were contraindications, but people were understanding about it. in in total, we managed to prepare more than a ton of blood for victims and patients. the current supply of blood will be enough for patients in medical institutions for 4-6 months. however, stop taking it. over the past 24 hours, psychologists from the agency, as well as from the ministry of emergency situations and the moscow psychological
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assistance service of the investigative committee, have provided support to a large number of families of those who have lost loved ones. each family is assigned a psychologist who accompanies them at all stages of identification. this procedure is extremely traumatic for the relatives of the victims, therefore, they need qualified assistance continuously.
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during the special military operation , the russian military liberated dozens of towns and villages, the ukrainian armed forces leave behind hundreds of traps, and often mine everything they can. now our soldiers are clearing out the liberated area. vladimir solovyov traveled to the city together with the chief of the engineering troops, yuri stavitsky , and saw how the sappers worked. footage of anti-tank mines being cleared right now in the documentary film week 107 of the northern military district.
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we were just there, there was a parish, and this arrival, yes completely, all intact, yes, yes, that’s normal, nato ammunition, a couple of pieces left. just to show the rest there and what we find, we are gradually destroying , at the moment the next batch of ammunition has also been prepared, prepared for destruction, we have a direction to the crater, we are gradually laying it there, the crater is getting deeper, that is, now the next batch of ammunition has been reported there, which unsuitable for
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use, plus tweaks, changes, something completed there, something somewhere. he connects the control line, uh-huh, tightens it, that's it, checks that they are holding well, then presses it to turn it on, after that the sapper does everything according to the same command to get ready, presses the button, the green light comes on, without releasing, without releasing the button, a report is made that there is an explosion ready at the command of the supervisor of the inspection work, but the horse does not let go.
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the engineering troops have expanded, grown, yes , enough, well, this is of course not without the help of the minister, not without the help of the government, that such an approach is understood, thanks to the fact that or thanks, so to speak, to the fact that we carried out these for... on fortification equipment , the construction of a barrier system before the wedge offensive , we received a very serious help from the fact that we formed five half-possessions of such respectable ones who dealt with these issues, we generally had a fairly
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short period of time for ourselves, well, this task are being carried out, so if now we take the next stage there as an example, that is, we have proven that we know how to defend ourselves, but now in order to move forward we also need support, we are moving forward, in fact, we are providing assistance, ensuring movement forward, and there making passages, namely... blocking the construction of some kind of crossings, roads, column tracks, we always say, of course, now the infantry has already recaptured somewhere. in some part, yes, she was replaced, she is resting, but she is not resting, we are still starting the next stage of our activities, this is demining the adjacent territories, now of course, there
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is a huge volume here, while anti-personnel units come across, but we are also reconnaissance, reconnaissance, reconnaissance, that ... so exactly four mines pmn-2 pmn-2 and so far only pmn comes across while pmn comes across and shot from a grenade, but it’s clear how they mined, basically they threw a dump here
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haphazardly, that’s where the whole problem is that it’s haphazard, that is, there’s no logic, but if there was logic, we would understand the rows there and so on, in this case , of course, this is unsystematic yes, exactly , every meter, every meter, and so , little by little, they go, they go , we can’t rush, because you yourself understand that it’s slow here, like a poster, but it’s undesirable to overtake it, now if we understand that there’s an opposite here, then we’ll do this work make it easier we are immediately launching a couple at once - here you can already go, but here everything has already been checked here, i wish you good health, today we have already got so much, the quality of what, so
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far there is nothing, mostly there are pop-ups, but that’s further, that is, well, we’ll clean it, well done , all this will need
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to be checked around, yes, that’s all, that’s all, that’s all, we’ll go now, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, so how long has all this been hushed up? cleans for 3-4 months with labor they touch a very manual palbira all other cities of syria went to the first experience acquired oil cleaned this famous flags in action that our guys delivered due to the fact that they took it into the tree quite quickly, of course.
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we’re just starting to clear the mines, let’s say there’s an elderly neighborhood in vale, well, there’s no one there, we came in empty, started cleaning, cleaning everything, off, on, off, with carts, all the people, they’re already standing in line when to clean it, everyone runs in quickly, also in mariopol, the same thing, the same situation, well, in mariopol now i didn’t even think that there was a war, yes, here are your guys. it turns out that the key is very important in numbers, because this is one of the ways - to defeat the enemy , when he stopped on the side, someone
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goes to the toilet, here...
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i didn’t see what happened after that, yesterday i went, when i started cutting, there ’s an anti-tank bang, bye, while we were standing, three three anti-tank men , on the site there are about five meters, the density, imagine how crazy it is. it’s a good car, there are germans too, ours too, the factory is already making it. the fire plant made this
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modification - mri, and the two were made by the kharkov balyshego plant, yes, that’s why they have it, and at the tanki base there were, yes, 722.
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well, there’s something about me with people like you , i could never work with i can’t lower my hand so low big people by the way are always afraid of little goyim always very uncomfortable uncomfortable underfoot you can slip by didn’t notice no speed and most importantly on a person inconvenient reaction you’ll figure it out on the contrary , there are no problems with understanding, we will end up at the shotman school.
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we checked this entrance, but we’ll check the entrance, oops, it hit somewhere, yes, it’s just now, the drone went off, but they knocked it down, but they found a uniform, a military id, a reconnaissance officer, yes, from the kharkov region, rights, documents, mobilized, called up in 1922, needs to be supported by a special officer, we will hand over personal belongings and a military id. i’ve already changed my clothes, most likely ran away, maybe here somewhere, maybe, maybe here somewhere, here’s an urgent message, people live in odessa, yes, there are people here, a family lives, they left while we’re working, now it’s up to us to decide , well, this is all waste, yes, the grenades are whole, no, this is it.


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