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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] don’t keep it like this, we checked this entrance here, yes we’ll check the entrance, oops , it slammed somewhere, yes, it’s probably just now, yes, the drone went off , yes, but here, yes, a military intelligence id form, yes, from the kharkov region, the documents were mobilized in the twenty-second year , we must be kept by the special police officer, we’ll hand them over. personal belongings and a military id, changed clothes, most likely ran away, maybe here somewhere , maybe people live here somewhere, yes, there are people here, a family lives, they left for camp work, what’s in the way, well, this is all work work, yes, migrants whole, no, here this is me, yes, but what is this, i don’t understand, this
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is what a homemade explosive is. well, there, too, they were quite serious at that time, that is , the same sapper was already more than 40, well , they began to compete with alganik, well, i vindicated more there , of course, and so and so yes, and this is an american and an american grenade too
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american both our soviet production and foreign ammunition are found by the local population, more so, that is, people are still positive about the fact that we
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are carrying out a special operation. that is, they really happy, sincerely, you can see it in their eyes, that is, people openly welcome us, we talk to them, we also communicate, but you feed them, well, yes, of course, well, plus now that they are clearing the mines, they go straight home, yes, well, i see, no everything was destroyed, not everything, not everything, some houses, but they survived, that is , how does the enemy work,
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did they leave such surprises? there was an arrival, it didn’t work, the pass remained, we destroy it, if it is possible, let’s say, to take it to a specially prepared site, then we’ll take it there. come here maurice, how many months have you been here? we’ve been working here since february 20th , and they’ve been howling since the very beginning, in the twenty-third graduation , they gathered there a special staff like somewhere
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, yes, just like after graduation, we had a special training camp for the pilot, that is, after finishing our studies, we were all gathered together, upon graduation collections, we arrived at the povechai location. yes, in our unit, there we were prepared to move directly to the area of ​​the special operation, everything was moved here, what was the first point where you went, here, that is, you generally only with everyone, that’s right, you went with everything, put a historic place in an important apartment. have not passed here yet, the road itself has been passed, that the original left-right yes yes, that is, these places remain in front of the houses, the courtyards, the houses themselves, that is, this road has been cleared, this is our twelfth brigade,
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it is still performing tasks, provides there, so here they were able to select as many forces as possible, now we will take them out, bring them here already cleanly - those who are already doing this we will clear the mines and the first year it turns out young guys first like this... how let us, that is, to areas where , well, of course, everything is already yes, yes, everything is correct , that is, here it is, continuation of training, yes, yes, let’s say, practice, right, right, good, it needs to be pulled out gradually, what do you like most, mining or demining, demining, what do you like more, yes, yes, you haven’t started mining yet, you need to too. 23 years old, that is, straight from school, that’s right, a cadet or a regular school, a regular school, someone in the family was a military man, no,
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i just wanted to, yes, but where are you from, krasnodar region. for him this is very disadvantageous, depending on the work, well, what kind of soil you need to work on, there are three trawls, this is a flannel trawl, a cattail trawl, and also a milling trawl, now we have milling trawls, since the soil is soft, that is - there is also
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a bulldozer blade and a mechanical treasure capable of lifting up to 100 kg, or more, from where it is controlled, the remote- controlled machine is controlled by an operator, that is, we have an operator. trolling speed is 0.5 km/h, the speed of the machine itself is 5 km/h, this is telemetry speed, a kilometer now costs half a kilometer per hour, for effective mine clearing, 0.5 - up to 1 km, it raises mines more and so on, but yours hasn’t taken one yet, yes, that is, yet clean, no, what were they thinking
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, they were here, yesterday, yes, here we cleaned this, here yesterday, now we’ll still go, maybe something, there’s a lot of shells, everything doesn’t fall apart, how long has it been managed like this, 2 years . and before that? before that, i joined the army after mobilization, served in the assault brigade, then moved to the engineering troops. no, just smart, well, they said a specialized education, more suited to the engineering corps, well, i transferred, studied, and what was the specialized education, civil engineer, but then, of course, a civil engineer by training , a relative, what rank already, well, for now what
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a private, and so? 70, 70, well, somewhere like that, in the extreme donetsk, even on the road, and this is the previous generation, yes, newer, but yours goes faster, they move better, they move, to avoid, the local himself, the local, the city, urban.
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here, first the infantry, now to the sokor higher education because you're a techie? yes, there is a little bit, they installed it on the car , i can handle technology, electronics too, why not, classic, how old is it? 41, good luck, thank you, all the best to you, thank you, see you without us, no one is heavier than p'? who demines or who mines is the same
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, well, in order to demines well, you need to mine well , that is, i understand all the nuances, then the deminer will work very clearly and understand what to do when he sees him, because he is, after all, also took participation in me yes, especially if this is a non-standard method, not just a mine buried there and so on, it’s simple and easy to find it
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too. let's go see the bms, i don't know, we saw it , but there are also places inside for sappers, all sappers sit there, there are specially sprung seats in case of an explosion, the bottom here is reinforced, the thickness is not like that of a tank, it is a special machine for... here the trawl is quite heavy, 12 tks, solid, just what mariupol works, yes, yes, yes, you see it, yes, it is solid from - the gap for the tracks between the tracks, or rather the space, well, here everything is already on it and the jammers, it cuts
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wires, it’s a frightener, it’s a destroyer, yes, it’s a good one, but it’s just a matter of dragging it, he takes everything, anyone, he takes as much as he can withstand at 12, 13, then it’s great to change, yes change, where is the mechanic, who, for health. everything is fine, as he wants , there are no concussions, no, that is, there are, but i won’t say, yes, yes, no, no, that’s it, no fear, i was driving towards a mine, normal, normal, working time. how does it work, that is, when there is an explosion inside there is detonation, yes, it is felt, but not critical, it bounces, well, there is a little , as if there is still a wave, but it’s normal, that is
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, the denting system itself, yes , how many explosions does it withstand, one drink is designed for two anti-tank tanks me, right? mobilized, as if he were a civilian, and what were you doing before that? well, i, well, i’m a local from chelyabinsk, no, derigada, yes, yes,
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that too, which ones did you serve in? not even a handsome guy, definitely one of the best,
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but you can see from him that he’s calm, decree of the president of the russian federation for reward courage, daring and dedication shown in the performance of military duty .
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i serve russia russia. i serve russia, dear colleagues, respected comrades, once again i congratulate you all on your high state awards, i wish you, most importantly, success in your incredible work, for the benefit of our homeland, russia, thank you for your work, for what you do, this will remain forever for everyone,
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for us military men and those, their fathers, grandfathers, who betrayed our traditions, not what distinguishes a person from an animal, every person is mortal, to escape from death meaningless, the only promise that life fulfills is death, but there is no greater honor than greater happiness than dying for one’s homeland, but dying is easy. it is difficult to win, to win you need to think about your friend, think about yourself, learn every day and never
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lose. congratulations to all with high awards from the motherland, thank you for
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your service. a sea of ​​flowers, candles in memory of the victims, people continue to go to the spontaneous memorial to the city of cityhol. the attack on the concert hall occurred exactly two days ago. at these moments on friday evening the first shots, now an image of a wedge of white cranes will appear on the facade of the building. our correspondent alexandra perfilyeva works for crocus cityhol. alexandra, i give you the floor. yes, roman, right now
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we are working from that very site, we are broadcasting live, including on the russia 24 tv channel, you will see how this wedge of three cranes, i will ask you to show the operator, will rise up and be projected onto the crocuscity hall building , there are more than 10 thousand behind me here. the lamps that the victory volunteers set on fire, here i ask you to pay attention, it is written: remember, and date: 22, 03:24, in just a few minutes we will broadcast everything live, you will see from the top point how these cranes literally rise up, this is a large-scale event
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to honor the memory of the victims. they will forget, in the near future we will see how these cranes rise into the sky, to the famous composition performed by muslin magamaev, i will remind you that the cityhall crocus is named after this great
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performer, a minute of silence, watch. "it seems to me like a couple that the soldiers are bloody those who did not come to the field did not once die in our land. and turn into white cranes, they are still far away from those times, they fly
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and give us voices, that’s not why. so often it’s sad, we fall silent, looking at the heavens, it flies, flies across the sky, a tired wedge, flies in the fog at the end of the day, in that land there is
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a small gap. maybe this is the place for me, the day will come with a crane in the sky, i will sail into the same blue sky into the forest, from under the heavens,


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