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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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it flies, flies across the sky, a tired wedge, flies in the fog at the end of the day, in that land there is a small gap. maybe this is the place for me, the day will come when you look for a crane, i will swim in the same blue water, from under the heavens.
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calling out to the birds to all of you whom he left on the earth, it seems to me that the soldiers who did not come from the bloody ones once killed their land. and turn into white cranes.
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you need to take away a life, how can you turn off the light, how can you take away a mother, from a child who is five years old, no, no, no, no, no, no, it is not given to a person to know how long he will live for a while, but he is given the choice of one thing.
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and how can he be during this time, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live! live, live, live, live, how to learn to live in the world, be able to love, be able to forgive, and give yourself to the end, and give yourself to the end.
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how to learn to simply live, all people are open, to dream together, to love purely, and to cherish every pin of yours, how can you forgive your enemies? how not to cross the line, how to hold back tears in a twist, see the dawn, hope and
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believe, i won’t return to the last day, that’s why. future live, pass on, preserve, grow, our children still have to live here, live, live, live, live, live, live. live, live, live, live, live, live, you and i, circling around in happiness
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, we will rise again, dawn, dawn, the earth will rot. just dreaming with your heart is, i remember myself at eighteen, music, sports, the desire to change, then no one believed in my success, but in spite of them i managed to rise, i remember how everyone shouted past me, study
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, work, unbearable, there is a son with a chance, with a gu diploma, and this is an incentive, my stories, that’s all in a different way, flew off course, was not approved at home, then one of my friends told me that the richest man in the country drives at home, i heard diagno. in the hospital, looked into the eyes, looked straight into the face, despondency, but also the desire to live, not for a couple of years, there is at least 30, at least 30, at least 100 , no one has decided, i made myself somehow worse, you can do this, well than - it’s worse, try for a chance with your own hands, change your life with us,
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according to the latest data from the investigative committee, the number of people killed as a result of the terrorist attack in russia is 137 people today is community day. national mourning, the country mourns the victims of the tragedy. vladimir putin
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lit a candle for the repose of the victims in the church on the territory of the novo ogorev residence. all over the country, from murmansk to the north caucasus, from kaliningrad to vladivostok
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, mourning events are being held. in st. petersburg , the largest spontaneous memorial appeared at the exit from the tekhnologichesky institute metro station. within a few hours, all nearby stores ran out of flowers. a report by dmitry akimov about how grief brings people together. on palace square in st. petersburg a thousand people. the young people hold candles in their hands. they line up like this. that the inscription petersburg mourns appears on top, several spontaneous memorials appear in the northern capital at once, the largest on the spit of vasilyevsky island, in 2 days thousands of st. petersburg residents and guests of the city came here. people across the country have been going to such memorials in their cities for 2 days now. in yekaterinburg it all started with a few carnations, now there are flowers and games.
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circassia also brought flowers and toys to a spontaneous memorial in the center of cherkessk. everyone to the families of the victims, and to all the injured, a speedy recovery. for 2 days, people bring flowers to the monument to victims of terrorist attacks on
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the walk of fame in vladikavkaz. i think no one will understand them better than the ossetians, because... we experienced it, we saw it with our own eyes during beslan, and today young people took it, took it to heart, it can be seen. together with the relatives of those killed and wounded in the terrible terrorist attack, today people from new regions of our country, as throughout russia, in donetsk and lugansk in the republics, flags are lowered today and all entertainment and sporting events are cancelled. we encountered the same thing. people died, innocent people, children, old people, we understand them, in lugansk people bring flowers to the temple, and then go inside to light a candle to pray, only tears, because this is inhumane, yes, great
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trials, i hope that the people russia will simply not sleep... the nobosmanny court of moscow will soon make a decision on a preventive measure against four detained suspects in the shooting people in crocus cityhall. today they were brought by investigators to the building of the central office of the investigative committee. investigators also continue to work at the scene of the terrorist attack, collecting evidence, and all the circumstances of what happened are being clarified. the agency has released some information about what is already known
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about the crime. during the inspection of the crime scene, no bombs were found. other traces of mining, four sets of combat ammunition, unloadings, more than 500 cartridges and 28 magazines, two kalashnikov assault rifles, which were the attackers were armed. when the suspects were detained in the bryansk region , a makarov pistol and a magazine from a kalashnikov assault rifle were found in a renault car and confiscated. the necessary comprehensive examinations have been ordered for the seized weapons. investigative actions are being carried out with... the investigative committee also reported that the identification of the bodies of the victims continues , at the moment the number of victims of the terrorist attack has increased, let me remind you, to 137 people, three of them are children, the identities of 62 victims have been established, the remaining victims of the terrorist attack are being investigated genetic examinations are also underway, investigative actions are also underway with the victims,
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work has begun on issuing personal belongings, documents and cars to people who were in the concert hall on that tragic day. memorial events for the victims of the terrorist attack bring flowers to the russian embassies and light candles, taking place all over the world: in europe, residents mourn the victims and express condolences to their relatives. ekaterina shamaeva gathered international reaction. this brazilian trumpeter decided to express his grief through music by performing.
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the united arab emirates supports russia. the municipality of abu dhabi, as well as the building of the oil and gas company and the sovereign fund, were illuminated in the colors of the flag of our country. lebanese citizens also came to honor the memory of the russians who died in the terrorist attack. in beirut, at the russian embassy, ​​representatives of the public and simply concerned people held a mourning event. i, as a lebanese citizen, express solidarity with the people of russia, i condemn the monstrous act, which resulted in the death of innocent people. support and solidarity. i came here because i couldn’t stay at home alone at such a moment, it’s very difficult to hear such news. i talked to my
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parents, friends and all my acquaintances who are now in moscow. i am here to share with them the enormous pain that we are all experiencing right now. words of support are coming to the russian embassy in germany. the diplomatic mission noted that both our compatriots and citizens of germany express their condolences.
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began to be discussed in parliament, there should be more compassion towards the innocent to people. the reaction of other officials in western countries is similar to an attempt to wriggle out, for example, the president of estonia seemed to call the terrorist attack in the city hall building cruel, but did so a day later. and never expressed words of condolences, but hastened to reproach moscow for alleged cynicism, saying that russia blames the west and ukraine for what happened, in general, a statement in the style of the lithuanian foreign minister, who after the tragedy called for a quote: not to lose focus, having view of the ukrainian conflict. by the way, even in the west suspicions began to grow about washington’s too active attempts to oblige the independent one. something that the white house official immediately took. said: we know for sure that this is not ukraine, reminds me of the incident when joe biden gave the order to blow up the nord stream 2 gas pipeline, the next day his people said: “we don’t know who it was, but
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we know for sure that it’s not ukraine.” the involvement of ukraine in the terrorist attack also seems increasingly likely for american businessman david sachs. according to him, denials from kiev are of little importance. a now, if it is proven that the ukrainian government is really behind this, then the united states should...
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next, our broadcast will continue with alexander’s special report on the assault units of the russian army that are taking part in the special. and military operations, how soldiers fight and how their life works on the front line, about this right now.
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we even fortified some small trench there, fortified the area, that is, we entered, fortified ourselves, moved on, entered, fortified ourselves, moved on, that is, it’s clear that people there, we take out the wounded, evacuate, bring in reserves, and so on, let's go, let's go, major alexander troshin, a forced prisoner, until recently he was a senior lieutenant, commander of a tank battalion. one of the youngest
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battalion commanders in the area of ​​the north military district, he himself sat at the levers and brought tank columns into battle. here is one of the moments when a shell hit his car, the crew is intact. trushin, alexander konstantinovich. position, i ask you to make a proposal to award him the rank of major, thank you, he deserves it, he burned in a tank three times, has seven shell shocks, one from shrapnel wounded, he himself destroyed five tanks and 23 armored vehicles of various classes, well, you’re like
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a hero there already. you behave a little differently there, well, you yell at people a little, it’s a little condescending , the management style hasn’t changed, why change anything if we’re already used to working at this pace, that is, people are used to me , i ’m used to people, why change anything, i returned to my battalion, i’m working with my battalion, comrades, what kind of shells are they, straight up cumulative fragmentation shells, yeah, he went, he goes straight beautifully, oh good.
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for some reason he stands rigidly, snaps, fights, so we storm 100%. it doesn’t even happen like this, it seems like the trench has been completely cleared, but he checks every crack, gets to the very last centimeters of the trench and climbs right into every hole, making sure that no excesses happen, small, small, they haven’t gathered in a bunch yet, and i also talk to them.
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support and we tell everyone to the attack aircraft, more precisely, when we train them, so that they disperse throughout the trenches, there is no no one, tell them, let them run faster , there is no one there, don’t be afraid, there are no germans there, where are you going, where, right along the fence, yes , yes, yes, along the fence everything is correct, opana, from where, rifle, from where, rifle , let the boys hide, wait, guys, let them hide somewhere, wait, pass, pass, run, faster, faster, run. all my company commanders stormed everything, all three company commanders, one company commander sat there surrounded for 6 days , the second company commander held the defense for 50 days when the enemy tried to knock us out from there, that is, all we don’t have is that the commanders go and carry out the task, and the commander, here you are, stayed and sent people, no
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, every commander with his unit goes and carries out. task, attention!


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