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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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russia remembers those killed in the terrorist attack in kroku sitikhol. today is a day of national mourning. the tragedy claimed the lives of 137 people. this is the latest data from the investigation, but an analysis. the search operation for rubble at the site of the terrorist attack is still ongoing. there are more than 180 victims. today at noon , a minute of silence was declared throughout the country. and even earlier, immediately after what happened in different cities, people themselves began to create spontaneous memorials, bringing flowers, candles and toys as a sign of condolences. national flags are flown at half-mast, entertainment is cancelled. events. they pray for the dead in all churches. vladimir putin lit a candle for repose in the church of novoogorev’s residence near moscow. dead.
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a minute of silence was held at the walls of the city hall in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack, all day long people were carrying flowers, candles and children's toys, right now our...
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musicians of the picnic group were working at the site of the tragic events, and the musician and singer shaman, he came with a bouquet of red carnations, tens, hundreds, even thousands of people came today to lay flowers, soft toys and lamps, many couldn’t even hold back their tears, it’s impossible to remain indifferent in such a situation, so i want to do something.
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i shouldn’t have worn it, thank god, we are all people, we should all remain indifferent to this situation, it’s very scary, i just have no words, today everyone can help gain immortality for all those who died , the organizers of the volunteer movement, we are together, suggests, for example , make a white crane out of... paper or draw a crane
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on the window, or, for example, make your own crane and spread it on social media networks. today russia is united as never before. dmitry, yes, alexander, thank you, alexandra perfilyeva told about what is happening right now at the site of the terrorist attack in kroku sitikholi. the crane action in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack is taking place throughout russia; donetsk, lugansk and rostov have already joined it. an image of flying white birds appeared on the screens; people were carrying paper cranes to spontaneous memorials. memorable. rallies for victims of the terrorist attack are taking place throughout the country. about how it was, dmitry akimov. there are a thousand people on the palace square of st. petersburg. the young people hold candles in their hands. they are lined up in such a way that the inscription petersburg mourns appears on top.
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several spontaneous memorials appear in the northern capital at once. the largest spit of vasilyevsky island. in 2 days. thousands of st. petersburg residents and city guests came here. people across the country have been going to such memorials in their cities for 2 days now. in yekaterinburg it all started with a few carnations; now the entire base of the lenin monument is strewn with flowers and toys. in all ural churches they pray for the repose of the dead and speedy recovery of victims. rage boils against this.
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we saw it with our own eyes during beslan , and today young people took it, took it to heart, it can be seen, together with the relatives of those killed and wounded in the terrible terrorist attack, today people from new regions of our country, as throughout russia, in donetsk and
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lugansk republics, flags are lowered today and all entertainment and sporting events are cancelled. we faced the same thing, people died, innocent people, children. old people, we understand them, in lugansk people bring flowers to the temple, and then go inside to light a candle to pray, only tears, because this is inhumane, yes, great trials, i hope that the people of russia will simply be calmer, there will be...
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all-russian youth symphony orchestra under the direction of the master yuri bashmet spoke in the large hall of sirius university. the musicians performed tchaikovsky's fifth symphony. the concert took place without the presence of spectators, but everyone could listen to it. a live broadcast was available. the basmanny court of moscow will soon make a decision on the preventive measure against four detained suspects in the shooting of
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people in the sitikhol building. today they were brought by investigators to the building of the central office of the ska. investigators also continue to work at the scene of the terrorist attack, collecting evidence and clarifying all the circumstances. loads of more than 500 rounds of ammunition and 28 magazines, two kalashnikov assault rifles, which the attackers were armed with. when detaining suspects in the bryansk region in a car renault found and seized a makarov pistol and a magazine from a kalashnikov assault rifle. the necessary comprehensive examinations have been ordered for the seized weapons. investigative actions are being carried out with those suspected of committing a terrorist attack. and more information from the investigative committee, in the department. reported that identification of the bodies of the dead was ongoing. according to the latest data, the number of victims of the terrorist attack has risen to 137 people. three of them
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are children. the identities of 62 victims have been established. genetic examinations are being carried out on the remaining victims. investigations are also ongoing with the victims. in addition, people who were in the concert hall on that tragic day began to be given personal belongings, documents and cars. and here it is. patients are still slowly, but still recovering. the necessary blood components,
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medicines, equipment are all there, and in sufficient quantities; all the victims who needed surgery have already had them done, and immediately after the terrible tragedy. patients requiring increased attention after emergency care were immediately transferred to higher institutions level. today , a rather large discharge is being prepared at the skrifosovsky ambulance, these are mainly patients with poisoning from combustion products, they feel. good, that is, out of thirty-two patients, 10 will be able to find themselves at home today. the nature of the damage is so extensive, there are patients with carbon monoxide poisoning, yes, with poisoning by combustion products, there are patients with poisoning by combustion products with burns, there are combined injuries, there are combined injuries when there is also poisoning by combustion products, burns, and injuries to bone structures and abdominal organs. fields, that is, such a very wide spectrum. according to the latest data, 137
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people died in the terrorist attack, three of them children, and today the capital's health department announced that procedures for identifying the dead have begun in moscow. the procedures take place at the moscow forensic medical examination bureau; relatives are invited there in advance; in some cases, molecular genetic examination may even be required. authorities said the bodies will be searched around the clock.
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and hospitals near moscow, we are very grateful to all the donors who came, yesterday more than 300 people came to donate blood, unfortunately, not everyone was able to take blood, since there were contraindications, but people were understanding about this, in total we managed to prepare more than a ton of blood for victims and patients, the supply of blood that is now available will be enough for patients in medical institutions for 4-6 months, however, to stop accepting donors for now...
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psychologists of the federal medical and biological agency are providing work attracted the best specialists with many years of experience in consulting in emergency situations, including during a special military operation. fmba employees, as well. the emergency situations committee, the investigative committee and the moscow city psychological assistance service accompany families who have lost loved ones at all stages of the identification procedure; these are not only psychologists, but also psychotherapists. since the process is difficult and very traumatic, the dedication and courage of some people who were at crocus cityhall during the terrorist attack saved many lives. the president noted the feat of these real heroes, who acted on an equal basis with doctors and members of the special services. without professional training , they were unable to get confused in an extreme
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situation and sometimes literally shielded those who were nearby from the shots. terrorists, and also took people away from this danger. anastasia ivanova will tell you who these heroes are. even in a critical situation, they thought not only about themselves, and this is not about emergency services employees, but ordinary people who themselves became hostages on a cancer day. there, there, there, there, everyone go in that direction. many people now know this guy by name. islam khalilov, 15 years old, worked part-time as a cloakroom attendant at crocus. when the shooting started, i was not at a loss, although i was scared myself, i opened the doors to the service entrance. he saved more than 100 people, he says, instinct worked, but it turned out to be a feat that
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is worthy of a high award from the spiritual leader of russian muslims; a medal for islam will be awarded during friday prayers in the cathedral. it will be as if he saved all of humanity for earth, this feat, it precisely characterizes the true value of islam, and this act, in fact, is what islam calls for, and not what is unfortunately being imposed today, yes, that is these bandits, these terrorists, these are not
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people, along with islam , another schoolboy, a fourteen-year-old artskov, was working in the cloakroom, despite...
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the men behaved very bravely and heroically, we ran out just through the emergency exit, i wanted to go further back, shout if everyone is out, but when i do this let's say, i went inside, there was already thick black smoke, the crocus guard fulfilled his human duty, clearly without panic, he instructed people and escorted them to the exits. this man will no longer tell what happened in the concert hall, maxim verbenin. 25 years old, died, but covered his girlfriend with his body, she survived. maxim, due to limited health, moved in a wheelchair, as the mother of the deceased already says, the couple was afraid that they would be crushed in the crowd, but the danger was much worse. but these, which means terrorists, ran in, they stopped at
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stairs, she just sat down and saw that they were shooting and... i turned my head and saw that there were several shots in his chest and he fell on her, she said, he died instantly. alexander and his wife went to the concert together , their eight-year-old son was left at home, when they heard shooting, they immediately decided to evacuate to help others, and there were two children there, a girl and a boy there, 4-6 years old, because everyone covered their heads and lay down behind the bar , where... i was lying, i say, you don’t need to do that, i say, well, let’s go now they will find and kill, and i say, we must, we must go, yes, i say, in polish we all get out quickly, i don’t know, i just wasn’t scared, well, i... not for myself anymore, i was just afraid for the children when in the corridor they started shooting everyone, i covered them with my back and led them out, cameraman ivan pomorin led the film crew, it was planned to film
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the concert from different points in the hall. ivan was one of the first who heard the sounds of shots behind the scenes, commanding his subordinates to throw away the equipment and go to the service exits, then they were opened for other people, you all write, actively ask how you are alive, alive and well, everything is fine, we managed to leave the knitting, it’s already there. a fire started, they helped and are helping, not only in crocus, hundreds of people are donating blood , students organized heating points, handed out tea and food in queues, i came here simply spontaneously, my friends and i wrote in a chat about what happened and decided to help people , first of all, donate blood. business also did not stand aside, all major banks promised to write off loans from victims of the terrorist attack, air carriers will exchange or refund the full cost of air tickets for free...
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it is clear that there are no words that can resurrect people, comfort them, but we naturally offer condolences to all relatives, all the sorrow of the russian people is in creativity, as it has always been, the shaman wrote a requiem song , to mourn for everyone who died as a result of the monstrous tragedy, to pray for the health of the survivors, the call of the singer, who himself offered to pay for everyone’s funeral. who fell because of the militants, all proceeds from the monetization of the composition will go to it is already clear to the victims that our people will never forget the tragedy, 22:03, anastasia
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ivanova, anna pogonina, olga alvukhina, anna nikolaesh, news.
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serbia paid tribute to those killed during the terrorist attack in the moscow region. the rally on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the nato bombing of the federal republic of yugoslavia began with a moment of silence for condolences. as a sign of solidarity with the fraternal russian people , russian flags were brought to republic square in belgrade. those gathered protested against the death of civilians demanded an investigation. alliance crimes and bring the perpetrators to justice. as a result of a nato operation unauthorized by the un in 199, according to belgrade's estimates, about 4,000
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people died. 10,000 were injured and thousands more civilians died in the following years from cancer as a result of the use of fused uranium munitions in the bombing. read more about the anniversary of the nato bombing of yugoslavia in the rubric the world in the palm of your hand. watch it now. on june 10, 1999, the military operation of the nato bloc “allied force” ended, in as a result of this operation in the balkans
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ceased to exist. slavia is a union socialist state, although we are talking about the nato bloc, yes, the main leader there is, naturally, the united states of america, and when characterizing or analyzing this event, i would still start from the behavior of the united states, yes, naturally, when they do what. ..
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the structure of the european space, this yugoslav case is an episode in this perestroika, we are talking about the fact that the americans have a super idea that is above them time is running out, it’s not easy to ensure, systematically monitor to ensure your strategic interests, your dominance, it has political, military, economic, technological, financial. and value dominance, yes, that is, these are american values, so whoever does not recognize these values ​​can get a tamahawk on the head. the united states and europe initially, after the end of the cold war, were not satisfied with the existence of yugoslavia as an independent, independent state that did not join western structures, therefore, almost all
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means were used, including support. ideological heirs of the croatian ustosha, but fascists , yes, who glorified the accomplices of hitler and musalini and support for islamists, support for mafia structures in kosovo, with the sole purpose of, on the one hand, dismembering yugoslavia, on the other hand, promoting the integration of these structures into the euro-atlantic community which might have happened without nato intervention. in general, the contradictions that have developed in yugoslavia are quite possible would have been resolved peacefully, including through an amicable divorce, if these contradictions were too serious to preserve the existence of yugoslavia as a single state, we all see that today...


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