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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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all the shooters during the barbaric terrorist attack in the moscow region were detained; they were moving towards ukraine. this is news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev. hello, watch now. how... we destroy terrorists on the approaches to the border, in the sky near the state border, helicopters, russian armies destroy enemy targets, and how we advance at the front, all the shells hit the target, victory will be ours, our powerful blows will be retaliation, the street of death, that's the name of this road in the serbian city of vranje, this road leads to the mountain that nato bombarded with united uranus.
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25 years of barbaric bombing of yugoslavia, what is this historical lesson about, we must do this, and so that it corresponds to the interests of russia. in america they are talking about the possible elimination of trump. is the threat serious? and how rich is the experience of political assassinations in the united states? i've already had a bunch of people from congress call me. the fifth column has come to life, the only thing they are missing is the vlasovites.
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on friday evening, at least 137 people were killed, the search operation continues, all four shooters were detained on the first day in the bryansk region, terrorists were moving to ukraine, where they planned to take refuge. on saturday , the head of state addressed russian citizens. dear citizens of russia, i am writing to you in connection with the bloody barbaric terrorist act.
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avoid even greater losses. i cannot ignore the help of ordinary citizens, who, in the first minutes after the tragedy, did not remain indifferent and indifferent, along with the doctors.
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country, all our people. i declare march 24 a day of national mourning. in moscow and the moscow region, in all regions of the country, additional anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage measures. the main thing now is to prevent those who are behind this bloody massacre from committing a new crime. as for the investigation.
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or really join forces in the fight against a common enemy, international terrorism, with all its manifestations, terrorists, murderers, non-humans who do not and cannot have a nationality, face one unenviable fate, the retribution of oblivion, they have no future, our common duty is now our comrades at the front, all citizens of the country, to be together in one line. “i believe it will be so, because no one and nothing can shake our unity and will, our determination and courage, the strength of the united people of russia, no one will be able to sow poisonous seeds of discord, panic and discord in our multinational
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society. russia has gone through more than once the most difficult, sometimes unbearable tests, but it became even stronger, so it will be. and here is today’s footage from novo ogorev: in the temple on the territory of the residence of the head of state, putin lights a candle for the repose of those killed as a result of the terrorist attack. the presidents informed from the first minutes of the tragedy. read more about this in pavel zarubin’s telegram channel and the moscow kremlin putin program after our release. reports on what was happening from the very first minutes: rare footage from the president’s office: bortnikov, kolokoltsev, bastrykin, zolotov, golikovo, kurenkov, murashka vorobyov. the necessary instructions have been given: judging by these images, there are none; he is following every stage
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of the investigation. of course, the president has it at his disposal, prepared by his aides. foreign colleagues call the president: the heads of belarus, uzbekistan, kazakhstan, turkey, syria, azerbaijan, tajikistan with condolences, with words of condemnation of the terrorist attack and words of support. the chronology of the tragedy in
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the crocus city hall concert hall near moscow was restored by vitaly karmazin. there is an endless stream of people, despite the pouring rain at crocus, a huge queue, whole families coming. both those who have lost loved ones and those who mourn in memory of the dead bring flowers, candles and soft toys here, a spontaneous memorial already in human size. the parking lot in front of the burnt hall building is filled with cars. nasty services, well, of course, they are working at the scene of the terrorist attack, there are also ordinary civilian cars parked here, that’s the horror of the situation, some of these cars have been standing here for several days, because they belonged to those killed during the terrorist attack. they were shot by these murderers, detained near bryansk, four terrorists, according to the ministry of internal affairs - citizens of foreign countries, they were a little short of crossing the ukrainian border. according to the fsb, which oversaw the special operation, the killers were waiting on the other side. it has already been established that it was a terrorist attack. was carefully planned, the weapons used by the terrorists were prepared in advance in a hiding place, after the terrorist
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act was committed, the criminals intended to cross the russian-ukrainian border and had relevant contacts on the ukrainian side. the detainees immediately admitted that they carried out a terrorist attack on order, they said specifically who to kill, and what kind of people , no matter who the couple came in, he said, you had a weapon, where did you drop it, here or there, you saw how they they throw it away, yes, yes, where did they throw it away? far from here and either here, here on friday, march 22, they opened fire on the spectators who came to the concert of their favorite picnic group; there were only a few minutes left before the third bell, but suddenly shots rang out. the first victims at the entrance to the fourteenth entrance of the exhibition hall, an eyewitness who was accidentally late for the concert found the following picture: holy crap, they are running there, they are running around with machine guns. the terrorist attack was clearly well planned and calculated to the minute. at 19:55, the killers left their car
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between the parking lot and the fourteenth entrance. immediately they opened fire on the street. at 20:01 eyewitnesses began calling emergency services. at 20:03, terrorists had already entered the concert hall and began shooting at unarmed spectators. then they set fire to the hall. at 8:13 p.m., the criminals sat back in their car for 18 terrifying minutes. at first people started running quickly, there was some noise. incomprehensible, then i already saw that there were people following them who were shooting, people were running in panic, everyone was straight on their feet, without clothes, jackets were left, jackets, they heard, the main target of the terrorists was the multi-level concert hall named after muslim magamaev, he seats up to 6,000 people, there were only 26 unsold tickets that evening. this is ivan pomorin's filming before the start. concert, he led a group of 15 cameramen who were supposed to film the performances. colleagues communicated using
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headsets and were able to quickly leave the room. i ordered everyone, throw away the equipment , leave the hall, and this saved us because we were in the first wave of evacuation, that is , the crush had not yet begun, but the terrible one, along with the picnic group, artists from the symphony orchestra were supposed to perform leningrad region. who's coming to the stage? people hid in any utility rooms. yaroslav and his pregnant
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wife were in the hall, they were saved by a miracle, they ran up to the stage, i started to lift my wife , she was in our position, pregnant for three months, i was more worried about her, i covered her when we were leading as best i could. looking up, at that moment i saw that they were already entering. another spectator, he does not want to show his face to protect his wife, knocked out the terrorist. from the hands of a weapon, i understood that i had to protect her, and if i hesitate, then she would hit me they’ll throw a line in, and i won’t save her , i’m just blocking her, i have to attack , the decision was made in a split second, i ran around him to the left, grabbed the machine gun with my left hand, pulled it down, and with my right hand began to strike them on the head. thanks to this , several dozen spectators were saved, eighth -grader islam led almost 100 more people out, showing them where to go, there, there, there, there, everyone go in that direction, everyone there, there, there, there, to the expo, to the expo! islam khalilov
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works as a cloakroom attendant in the korkus, he says: anti-terrorism exercises were being conducted for employees, and he knew very well where to take the frightened people , the instinct itself had already worked, automatically evacuate people there in the direction of export, i started shouting in the entire foyer, in the entire croc city hall, people, people are shooting, shooting - started screaming, everyone run to the expo, showed where to go, helped everyone, didn’t follow behind. that is, you walked last, locking, yes, to know that i didn’t leave anyone, someone, in order to escape, broke the windows with their bare hands and took out those who were nearby, faster, mom, mom
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, hurry up, people were evacuated using retractable ladders, aircraft took away the wounded, psychological assistance was soon provided to the victims, russian guard soldiers, lined up in a chain, combed the perimeter, inspected every car, the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov, the head of the ministry of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev and the chairman arrived at the scene of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin,
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each supervised his own direction, this is what we saw at the site of the terrorist attack, when there was not even a cordon yet, as you can see. what the shooting started right there at the entrance, the bodies of the dead people still lie there, nearby the special forces were preparing for the assault, the soldiers , hiding behind an armored tiger, put on protective uniforms, picked up machine guns and special shields. now you can see that special forces groups with heavy weapons and machine guns are preparing for an assault, they are dispersed around the perimeter of the building, someone is near the very fourteenth entrance through which... the attackers passed, someone went there a little further away, through the fifteenth entrance special forces came in, but by that time the terrorists were already rushing towards the bryansk region, however, these four were not able to get to the border with ukraine, they were detained during a joint special operation of different units, the debris in the destroyed crocus is still being cleared, only after that the investigators will be able to carefully examine the burnt hall;
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my colleague ainur valiakhmetov has already been inside it. right now we are entering the main entrance of the croque. sithola, everything remains here from that day, just a few meters away, the entrance to the hall. emergency ministry employees directly now they are just about to dismantle the base of the dome, which was located right in the center of the concert hall. this is the main difficulty, the structure of the hall is made of metal, the rubble has to be sawed by hand. of course, it’s still unsafe to be here, right now here are the emergency situations ministry employees. risking his life, he is clearing out these rubble, well, in fact , around the clock. in the near future , a hundred-ton crane will be brought here, which should just pick up large-sized foundations, including domes. everything at the scene of the terrorist attack investigators and criminologists are still working, and next to the crocus there is a huge line of those who
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brought flowers in memory of the victims. vitali karmaz, natalya novgorodova, alexey mashchikov, matvey sidorov, dmitry dunaev and ainurov. akhmetov, news of the week. they are already trying to put everyone on the wrong trail. for example, they talk about isis, but from kiev there are denials, saying it’s not us. however, the irrefutable fact remains that the terrorists sought salvation in ukraine, and after the crime they moved in that direction, stopping only 100 km from borders. yes, isis has a different style. terrorist attacks on behalf of isis are carried out by suicide bombers who do not torture. then run. andrey romanov and igor pikhanov about the first results of the investigation. these are the first shots from the place where the suspects were detained, the frightened look of a shaking hand. the preacher listened, the preacher listened. and he wrote on you? his assistant wrote to me. the militants were detained on the way to the russian-ukrainian border,
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and police found a foreign car in the bryansk region. when asked to stop, they only added gas and tried to escape. one of the suspects was caught on the spot, the other three fled into the forest, now hide in the spring forest, the task is almost impossible, the snow has melted, the soil has turned into a mixture of mud and melted snow , it is very difficult to escape, the chase has begun, the territory has been cordoned off, where are the weapons, where are the weapons in the operation officers of the fsb, the akhmat special forces of the ministry of defense, the police and the national guard participated in the capture of the murder. full date of birth, i don’t know, you had a weapon, where did you drop it? my friends, they left during the operation to neutralize dangerous criminals, the highway was closed, this was necessary so that other drivers and local residents did not suffer. now investigators are identifying the organizers and accomplices involved in the monstrous terrorist attack. what did you do in the crocus? shot what
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did you shoot? yes, whom, why indication? the suspects face life sentences in prison. in the area of ​​the basmanny court, exceptional security measures have been taken; kolanchovskaya street is blocked off like this. metal fences, and the cars that were parked along roadsides, taken out by tow trucks. it is no longer possible to get closer to the court building; it is surrounded by armed security forces. in the near future , those who carried out the bloody terrorist attack in crocus city hall should be brought here and a preventive measure should be chosen for them. dozens of security forces surrounded the courthouse early this morning; numerous journalists found themselves inside the cordon, not far from the entrance to the courtyard; representatives of the press had their documents checked and allowed to point their cameras at the gate. for paddy wagons, the wait for the delivery of criminals lasted for the whole day. with meanwhile , investigators continued to work as terrorists. in this video, two criminals
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are taken one after another into the building of the investigative committee. the security forces make sure that the perpetrators of the terrorist attack are constantly in a bent state and lead them to the investigator’s office for interrogation. and these shots were taken on saturday morning in the bryansk region, immediately after the terrorists were detained. security forces are interrogating one of the criminals in the premises. she appeared in video footage taken from a car at the entrance to the concert hall. several armed men came out and shots were fired. it doesn't build anymore. in this photo,
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the terrorists are already leaving the crime scene in a white reno. the fsb officially stated that the terrorist attack was planned in advance. it is possible that the attackers could have accomplices. there is evidence that the bandits made several caches of weapons and flammable mixtures on the territory of the building and were well oriented inside. so in general that they already understood all this, where to go, where to enter, where to hide, where to change clothes, where to come from go out, so the investigative committee will, of course, deal with this in the near future. investigators will have to find out why armed terrorists so easily penetrated the facility where thousands of people were located, and most importantly, how they managed to escape before the first crews of security forces arrived. the terrorists made their way through the friday traffic jams and managed to leave the moscow region. apparently, the escape routes from the crime scene were also carefully planned, but the security forces managed to quickly track their route and overtake the bandits in bryansk region. a joint special operation to
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detain the criminals was carried out by employees of the fsb special forces center of the akhmat russia ministry of defense detachment, police officers and employees of the russian guard. as a result of the actions of the special services and law enforcement agencies , 11 people were detained, including four terrorists who were directly involved in carrying out a terrorist act in the complex. further work is underway to identify the complicit base. according to the fsb, in the bryansk region the terrorists planned cross the border, supposedly they had relevant contacts with the ukrainian side, they prepared a corridor for the criminals, but thanks to the coordinated actions of the security forces, the bandits did not manage to escape, they were captured in the area of ​​​​the village of khatsun, 30 km from bryansk, the extremists made their way to the border through the forest. in this recording , a ruthless terrorist involved in the murder of dozens of people is seen from...
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with one of the terrorists, talking in a hospital under the supervision of doctors. four sets of combat ammunition, unloadings, more than 500 rounds of ammunition and 28 magazines were confiscated from the scene of the tragedy. two kalashnikov assault rifles with which the attackers were armed. when the suspects were detained in the bryansk region , a makarov pistol and a magazine from a kalashnikov assault rifle were found in the car and seized. data. it remains to be seen on the holi network,
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investigators continue to work at the scene of the terrorist attack, and the chairman of the department, alexander bostrykin, today held a working meeting in the crocus city hall building, at about the same time several cars drove up to the building of the investigative committee in the technical lane, first a group unloaded there employees, and after the security forces brought out another detainee with a bag on his head, judging by the clothes of the representatives of the special services, they may have brought a terrorist, who was shaking during the interrogation and story
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; the feeling, well, not anxiety, but the sense of responsibility, of course, it increases many times, because of course, people are waiting for results, waiting for the implementation of what we are talking about, and what is designated as priorities in our plans, from the personnel of all trusted representatives, the excellent composition of the election headquarters, the excellent composition of the entire your team, on behalf of all citizens of the russian federation, congratulate you on your win, on
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your victory. thanks a lot. victory in the elections is only a prologue to those victories that russia so badly needs and that will definitely come. many of vladimir putin ’s trusted representatives, such as the military correspondents of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company, evgeny poddubny and andrei rudenko, are now on the front line, in new regions, but all of them, and those who were in the andrevsky hall of the kremlin, saw the voting process from the inside, at all stages , people all over the country went to the ballot boxes, to fulfill our duty, our enemy. decided to intimidate the russian people, the multinational people of russia, this has never happened and never will happen, even representatives of the foreign press approached people in difficult regions, in difficult regions, and said: where are you going, you are not afraid, and such an adult is already an adult to show : i am russian, and i will go where i need to go. voted actively everywhere, including in the belgorod region, where the threat of missiles and cannonade continued.


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