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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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with victory, thank you very much, victory in the elections is only a prologue to those victories that russia so needs and which will definitely come. many of vladimir putin ’s trusted representatives, such as the military correspondents of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company, evgeny poddubny and andrei rudenko, are now on the front line, in new regions, but all of them, and those who were in the andrevsky hall of the kremlin, saw the voting process from the inside, at all stages, people all over the country went to the ballot boxes to... fulfill their duty, our enemy decided to intimidate whom, the russian people, the multinational people of russia, there was no this will never happen, even representatives of the foreign press approached people in difficult regions, in difficult regions, and said, where are you going, you are not afraid, such an adult person turned: i am russian, and i will go where i need go. voted actively everywhere, including in the belgorod region, where the threat of missiles and cannonade continued. this is
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the whole russian people, you can’t scare them, to spite their enemies, yes, yes, we, we will still be ahead, we will win, in new regions as well confidently and fearlessly, people walked to the ballot box , i want it to be better, i can add more, people who immediately left our territory have now begun to return, they are returning very actively, because we are calm, we have plans for development, we have plans for the future, every voice is important for the country, for russia, russia. very strongly, boldly, and so on everywhere, now we must show that we are united, this is very important, this is a special day, the future of russia depends on today and our vote today, this is putin’s attitude pays special attention, people came to fulfill their duty, ordinary citizens, now it’s up to you and me to fulfill our duty to them, we still have in the lives of our people... a
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lot of all kinds of nonsense and injustice, starting from the lowest level and ending with the most- the highest, we need an update not even regarding specific people, we need an update in approaches to solving the problems that we all face in order to work to the maximum, well, to the maximum, these elections did not separate us, did not create tension, but on the contrary they consolidated, actively got into work over the message of united russia, as of today...
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and there was a colossal turnout and there were many attempts to interfere with the holding of elections, almost 12 million dedo-attacks from abroad during the election race, several emergencies directly at the polling stations, here comes the molotov cocktail, this is already an attempt at arson, here is a girl flooding the tourna with green paint, the photo is needed as confirmation, she is detained by the police, work to order, for which you were detained by the police, because i was hit with green paint, why did you? did
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what prompted you? scammers called me they offered to write off all my loans in the amount of about 500,000. in the end, everything looked helpless and even somehow doomed, because the general mood with which the voting took place spoke for itself, senseless attempts to interfere only strengthened the determination of people to declare their position. some spoiled the ballots, this is bad, because if you yourself don’t want to vote or or... you want to trust the candidate you think needs it, or simply not vote if you don’t like anyone, that’s one thing, but if you decide to spoil those people who came and considered it necessary for themselves to vote, fulfilled their civic duty, and you don’t give a damn about their position, then this is bad, this is, at least not democratic, a question from an american journalist... yes, he passed
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away, this is always a sad event, well, we had other cases when people in places of deprivation of liberty passed away, but didn’t this happen in the united states, it happened more than once, by the way, well, i ’ll tell you , it will be so unexpected, but for a few days before mr. navalny's departure from life - some colleagues told me, and no, not administration employees, some people there said that there is an idea to exchange mr. navalny for some people who are in prison in western countries, you can believe me, maybe not, the person who
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spoke to me had not finished his sentence yet, but i said, i agree, but unfortunately, what happened happened, but this answer is in the american... the possibility of rigging the results in the usa, where the ballots still sent by mail. and in the states, when voting time ends, ballots can be thrown in until 12:00 at night, because the postmark is put on the post office on those days that have not yet ended, who stands there and controls? nobody, they bought a voice for 10 dollars, and then bought it back. thousands of votes , came in a bunch, were thrown in until 12:00 at night, and that’s it, here’s voting, here’s democracy, i have every reason to believe that there is no democracy, at least during the election processes, in some
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western countries, in including in the united states, we don't see it today. on red square there is a large-scale rally and concert in honor of the tenth anniversary of the return of crimea to its native harbor, which essentially coincided with the historic vote. congratulations on the holiday, long live russia! a turning point, without which it is no longer possible to imagine the modern history of russia. alexey petrov, viktor prikhodko, nikolai zakharov and vseval tsechev. news of the week. now let’s briefly interrupt the entire week’s program with dmitry kiselyov for urgent news: the basmanny court is currently electing preventive measures for those suspected of committing a terrorist attack in crocus city hall. near the building. our correspondent evgenia petrukhina works here. evgenia, tell us what is happening in court now, is it known what charges have already been brought? yes, dmitry, hello , but there are, of course, dozens of journalists on duty at the courthouse, dozens of journalists are inside the courthouse, including
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our colleague boris ivanin, who helps us collect all the operational information, here is the latest information from the courtroom, yes really suspected of committing tera. have already been taken to the basmanny court, we have this picture of them walking down the corridor, of them entering the courtroom, and of course, everyone is interested in all the latest information from the courtroom, for example, the investigation is asking the court to arrest two defendants cases of the terrorist attack in crocus, two alleged participants in the attack in crocus have been charged with a terrorist attack as part of a group of people, they face up to life imprisonment yes... indeed, they are filming now groups of different tv channels are there inside, and of course the press has been waiting for this moment for a very long time. previously, those suspected of committing terrorist attacks in the city hall were taken to the main office of the investigative committee of russia, they were brought in different minibuses, blindfolded
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, accompanied by special services officers, and it was there, as journalists were told, that the interrogation was carried out. investigators and criminologists, as the investigative committee reported today, are now continuing to work at... the site of the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk near moscow, and that’s all necessary to collect evidence. four sets of combat ammunition, unloadings, more than 500 rounds of ammunition and 28 magazines, and two kalashnikov assault rifles with which the attackers were armed were confiscated from the scene of the tragedy. while the suspects were being held in the bryansk region , a renault car was found and seized. makarov pistol and kalashnikov assault rifle magazine. the necessary comprehensive examinations have been ordered for the seized weapons. investigative actions are being carried out with those suspected of committing a terrorist attack. at the scene of the terrorist attack, according to the investigative committee,
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137 bodies of the dead were discovered, three of which were children, 62 people have been identified so far, this information is still being clarified. are being returned, this is also reported by the investigative committee of russia, and of course, the investigation of this criminal case is under the personal control of the chairman of the investigative committee of the russian federation, alexander bostrykin, so we are now trying to receive operational information from the courtroom, and yes, we see, there is already photographs of terrorist suspects in the courtroom meetings, we are waiting for final decisions and waiting for the continuation of the court hearing, while this is the last one.
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we will be forced at some point, when we consider it appropriate, to create a certain sanitary zone in the current territories subordinate to the kiev regime, which means creating a security zone to overcome, which will be quite difficult, using the means of destruction that the enemy uses, first of all , of course, foreign production. on the situation at the front, andrey grigoriev. today tula paratroopers thwarted the enemy's sabotage operation near seiversk near the village of razdolovka from
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a tank grenade spear, shot! accurate hits eliminated an entire detachment in the ssu, at least 10 people, and this was already from a mortar across the dnieper. at their strongholds, they are fired daily from the air by russian missiles and drones at the ukrainian rear military infrastructure. today's footage from straya.
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peter's army of russia attacked the yuzhmash plant, where drones are produced. hitting kanatov airfields near kirovograd and starokonstantinov in the khmelnitsky region, where an air brigade is located from aircraft that launch british long-range stormshadow missiles. the russian army continues its offensive near avdeevka, suppressing the still combat-ready enemy forces with fire. we even have a counter-battery fight, there are hailstorms, we exchange fire with anyone. the cake and here are the most serious losses among enemy equipment: for the first time, a polish
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m120 reg mortar, two german leopards, and another american abrams, which was hit by a drone, were destroyed. americans are still burning any other tanks, respectively, delight, in fact, very strong delight. the scouts even managed to visit it and film this video. there is almost no damage inside, so the trophy can be very useful in the rear. the crew tried to escape, but did not have time. after sitting. in it i can say that it is worse than our t-90s. here the loitering lancet flies in at a mortar battery of the ukrainian armed forces, and this drone called a ghoul knocks out the american bradley. western supplies are being methodically destroyed. since the beginning of the year, four abrams tanks have been destroyed, five leopards, 27 bradley vehicles, six hymars launchers, 11 anti-aircraft missile launchers, including five patriots. in general, losses of the ukrainian armed forces.
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drones are the basis of the modern method of warfare, even specimens assembled on the knee, such as this fuse, this is an ordinary clothespin, capable of destroying an armored car in which ukrainian armed forces soldiers were traveling to the front line, on rotation, there was no way to let them in, all such movements should be closely monitored they're watching from the air, our helicopters, here's the change of ukrainian ones the military is covered with k-52, and he immediately returns to the rear fortifications. which are also called dragon teeth, the enemy never reached them in any place; now even bombers do not need to approach the front line. unique footage taken from the wing of the su-34. it drops fap-500 aviation land mines with a universal planning and correction module. the device allows you to control them like rockets. and there is also fab-300. there's a ton and a half of explosives alone. and then a funnel
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with a diameter of up to 50 m. production of such stopped. back in soviet times, now it has been decided to resume, the minister of defense is shown the assembly in nizhny novgorod, on the left side, respectively, of the building, here the finished products are shipped out, they made four or five full-length races of 40-45 cars each, special modules are also attached to them, with the help of which a bomb can fly, the production of the entire range of ammunition, which is now so needed by the russian army, has been increased, new workshops have been built, the workshops have started working, they are working at full capacity, especially since... 75% of the components is being restored, which allows us to maintain a sufficient level of supplied shells to the zone of special military operation, but even with those commissioned facilities that have begun their work, we actually have here an almost 2 and a half times increase in production volume, and this allows us not to save on shells, even
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when you have to shoot almost every second when the tank... news of the week is news of the week, later in the program. why did american television channels, which initially avoided reporting on the terrorist attack, suddenly come out with a single version, which one? and whoever misses the glory of the vlasovites today, the fifth column has come to life. pain and compassion, as well as unity and will, these feelings unite the whole country today, mourning banners with the tragic date and a burning candle throughout moscow, a candle of memory is burning on the screens at koltsovo airport in
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yekaterinburg, on the streets of st. petersburg, tyumen, novosibirsk, krasnoyarsk , magadan and other cities. as a sign of grief and compassion, people bring flowers to the spontaneous memorial. this is in the moscow region. light candles and bring flowers residents of onadar in chukotka, petropavlovsko-kamchatsky in the far east. in donetsk they bring flowers to the russia stele. flags on administrative buildings are at half-staff. in simferopol there are lit candles and a sea of ​​flowers on the main square. those injured as a result of the terrorist attack in hospitals in moscow and the moscow region are reported to be fully supplied with medicines and blood supplies, but already on saturday morning thousands of muscovites headed to donor centers. report by olga meshcheryakova. thousands of
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people line up at donor sites centers, stand silently in the pouring rain to support... their own people in trouble, to donate blood for the victims to save their lives. it's our duty, we're here. lyudmila and her son are among those who miraculously managed to escape from the terrorists. it seems to me that there is no other way to pay your tribute. in moscow alone there are about thirty donor clinics where you can donate blood. more than a dozen in the moscow region, everywhere, a sea of ​​people. in every hospital where the lives of the wounded are saved, their relatives are on duty. some people haven't left their watch for two days already. what is the condition? heavy, we are waiting for information, we are not ready to talk now, sorry, most of the wounded are now down at klefosovsky, 29 people, on saturday night everyone was operated on, patients who, of course... went through the operating room there with severe burns, yes, they are more serious condition , there are milder ones, so they are distributed, some are in intensive care, some are in the diagnostic department, four
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victims are already being prepared for discharge, and soon they continue to enter and leave the territory , that is, the work of the institute continues, despite the huge number of victims of the terrorist attack, many suffered from combustion poisoning, but even in this state people talk about what they had to endure. they were standing there at the exit, some of us went, but they saw us, some of them ran back, started shooting at people, i fell completely, did what they did, and the girl, people don’t stay away, many, when they found out about what happened, we went to the place to help in some way, i decided that my help would be needed here, since i was a doctor i’m studying, my friend and i called this hospital, we were informed that... we really need to come, if possible, i’m a yandex taxi driver, well, we came as volunteers, we first went to crocus, they took an employee from there, and took her her
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home for free, and then they came here, if suddenly someone comes out, but it is easy for the country or employees to go home, three children were killed, three more are in intensive care, this data is provided by the ministry of health, the head of the medical department mikhail murashka and first deputy prime minister tatyana golikova all night after. apparently high-tech care is transported to the capital’s medical centers by helicopter. three victims are in intensive care here; they were brought in early this morning from khimki and krasnogorsk near moscow.
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the doctors are in a serious condition and are fighting for their lives. all moscow and moscow region clinics employ full-time doctors, nurses, and those who simply have extensive experience in saving people’s lives. there was an escalation in the strength of means; specialists leading the country went directly. to the victims and families of the victims, we are with you, at the site of the tragedy there is a spontaneous memorial, candles burn in silence, people bring flowers. olga
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mecheryakova, oksana maksimova, tatyana koroleva, alexander smychek, news of the week. well , today at exactly 19:55, this is exactly the time the terrorists entered the building of the crocus city concert hall at 19:55.
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your flowers and your memory, very soon the crane action will begin here , a wedge will appear on the wall of this building, which will go from the ground to the very sky, because once upon a time this song, the song of the cranes, was sung so amazingly by muslim magamaev, whose name it bears concert hall crocus cityhall. this action was organized by a volunteer movement, we are together. a word to activists. the cranes action is organized. we are together in the volunteer movement, who from the first hours of the tragedy helped and are still helping - those wounded during this tragedy in hospitals, at
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delivery points.
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sometimes the soldiers who once lay down from the bloody battles, who did not come from the field, did not lie down in our land, but turned into white cranes. to this day
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, from those distant times, they fly and give us voices, that’s not why it’s so often sad, we behind... we push, looking into the heavens, it flies, flies across the sky. into the wedge, tired, flying in
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the fog at the end of the day, there is a small gap in that formation, maybe this is the place for me. the day will come from the flock of cranes.


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