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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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flying flying across the sky into a wedge, tired, flying in the fog at the end of the day. and in that land there is a little gap, maybe this is the place for me, the day will come from the flock of cranes. i
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will sail into the same seasemble, from under the heavens and the birds calling out to all of you whom i left on earth. sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers did not come from the bed to flatter me. you didn’t
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once die in our land, but turned into white cranes.
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and of course, it is impossible to listen to these immortal words, this immortal melody without a lump in the throat, tears on the faces of people who there are tears of the sky at this action, because the sky itself is crying, you see, it is raining, and of course, special emotions, we continue to monitor the developments here at the kroku sithola at the spontaneous memorial and will continue to tell you about what is happening here . dmitriy. thank you, this was a direct broadcast from our correspondent dmitry kaystra from krasnogorsk near moscow. the leaders of dozens of states expressed condolences to russia and the russians in connection with the terrorist attack in kroku hall. wanting to honor the memory of those killed, people all over the world carry flowers. to the buildings of russian embassies. words
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of condolences were heard during a telephone conversation between the russian president and his colleague from uzbekistan, shavkat mirziyoyev. president of belarus alexander lukashenko was one of the first to respond to the tragedy, sending a telegram to vladimir putin; on saturday he again expressed his condolences by phone. on friday evening , azerbaijani president alham wrote in a letter to vladimir putin about his support to the people of russia. china, india, iran, brazil, south africa, egypt, united united arab emirates. the burj khalifa skyscraper in dubai was illuminated in the colors of our tricolor as a sign of solidarity with russia, in nicaragua as a sign of solidarity - a day of national mourning. russia in difficult times is sympathized with in the countries of central asia and '. condolences
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to the russian people also came from many countries in latin america and africa. the topic will be continued by dmitry melnikov. all over the world. state flags are flown at half-mast over russian embassies, and nearby people’s memorials continue to grow, made of flowers, toys, notes of lit candles with words of sympathy and support, our compatriots and citizens of other countries are coming, from belgrade to otava, from mexico to chisinau, new york, berlin, minsk, people began to come from friday evening, mourning together with russia, experiencing this terrible tragedy as its own, but it took the white house almost... two days to finally express what seemed obvious in such situations the position of the state: a monstrous terrorist attack in moscow, the united states condemns it, and immediately expresses condolences to the families of the victims and victims about the prohibited in russia there is isis, which the united states calls a common enemy. the us president
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refused to talk about the terrorist attack in russia, although on friday, when it was clear what drama was unfolding, journalists tried to ask job about it. we cannot dismiss the theory that the russians themselves may be responsible for these situations, because, unfortunately, russia has such a history. american television channels after the start of the attack in krasnogorsk, when social networks were already filled with monstrous footage from the scene of the event, broadcast live, they didn’t notice what was happening in russia for more than
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an hour and a half, but then, on command, they began to issue emergency messages. and the main version of the terrorist attack in the moscow region, according to american media reports, was an attack by one of the cells of the islamic state banned in russia. this version was worked out as a carbon copy, using the same words. citing sources in the us government, the american audience was informed that they allegedly had indisputable information about the involvement of islamic radicals in the terrorist attack in the moscow region. the specific cell was called velayat kharsan, known as igilka.
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afghan isis cell, however, almost immediately the launched version was doubted by the united states itself. i was a little skeptical because generally, if you're a fighter and a gil, you do n't care if they kill you or not. you are not looking for salvation, you are looking for martyrdom. in this case, the russians say, it appears the men managed to escape, which is not typical in isis attacks. it would be very embarrassing for the biden administration if it turns out that isis has regrouped to the point that can reach other countries and carry out. major attack at a time when it is this administration that is responsible for the withdrawal of american troops from afghanistan. and a former member of the european parliament from france is confident that completely different forces were operating under the cover of isis in the moscow region. wasn’t gas more important to the islamists at the moment than
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the russian-ukrainian conflict? the facade of this attack is certainly islamist, but the organizer is most likely the majority shareholder of isis al-qaeda. like this massive information support for the version. isis has an obvious shift in focus from ukraine, experts have also noticed. the us knew that ukraine was preparing something, they knew what it was, they guessed what the ukrainians were going to do, and the fact is that ukraine not only did it, but did it with the help of weapons provided by the us. this is what scared the hell out of the white house. obviously, this is what frightened washington and its main allies in the fight against russia and agreed upon the version among themselves. about the islamist attack took for some time, which is why british prime minister rishi sunak did not dare to address the russians himself with words of support, but only reposted a statement by british foreign minister cameron a day later. the uk condemns in the strongest possible terms the deadly
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terrorist attack at cityhall near moscow. we offer our sincere condolences and our deepest sympathies to the families of the many victims. nothing can ever justify such a terrible thing. squeeze out at least some words of sympathy addressed to the affected russians through social networks were managed by german chancellor scholz and emmanuel macron. france strongly condemns the terrorist act... caused by the islamic state in moscow. we express our solidarity with the families of the victims, those affected and the russian people, the leader of the french patriots party, florian philippot, responded to macron. it took a long time for this tweet to appear. now we must demand a full investigation into possible ties to ukraine, where the billions we have been sending there for more than two years are actually going to. we already know that macron will want to prevent the truth from surfacing. and in the usa, in europe they understand that any connection. ukraine with an attack on crocus city hall would be suicide both for kiev and for the entire anti-russian alliance;
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moscow will conduct possible negotiations in this case on completely different terms. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, reporting for the week from washington. french president macron distributed a black and white photo this week: another bellicose step in russia’s attitude towards the company. so he wants to instill fear in russia. according to svr data the french military contingent is already being prepared, it consists of 200 people; if it is transferred to ukraine, it will become a priority target for our troops. this doesn’t and won’t change anything, it’s just that macron is making himself more and more ridiculous for russia. i personally associate this character with nothing other than this galish fighting rooster that literally crows until he drops.
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this is exactly the case when all the steam has gone to the whistle, macron makes himself ridiculous for the french themselves, his rating is now only 28%, but here he is at the head of the army.
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the new yorker interviewed at the barbecue, the most influential
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person in haiti, formulates his philosophy and ethics as follows. the concept of good and evil does not exist for me, i do good for one group of people, i do evil for another, this is the law of life, black and white, balance. haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere, there is no medicine, there is no system. hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of african slaves to work on plantations; the slaves
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were treated cruelly, beaten, prohibited from mastering certain professions, wearing european clothing, swords and firearms. at the beginning of the 19th century, there was an uprising and massacre of whites, who made up less than 5% of the population, but colonial vampirization had already caused such harm to the people of haiti. that the country has not yet recovered, in a recent interview president putin quite metaphorically announced that the vampire point is over, yes, that’s true, but there are consequences.
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well, europe is next for us, the head of our european bureau, mikhail antonov, reports. earlier this week , eu foreign ministers agreed on a proposal from the european commission use the proceeds from frozen russian assets to purchase weapons and ammunition for ukraine. this would provide more than 3 billion euros per year for the needs of the ukrainian armed forces. the final word rested with eu leaders who gathered in brussels on thursday. fonden and bareilles felt. one step away from victory, we will soon be able to reach an agreement and turn banknotes into weapons, but something went wrong, and so wrong that even the approval of the initiative by the german chancellor did not help. belgium resisted desperately. about $200 billion is frozen in europe belonging to russia, while a significant
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part of the amount is concentrated in securities stored in the belgian depositary. and those robbery plans. russia, which is scribbling funderline one after another on its knee, obviously does not seem to the expert to be legally impeccable. in general, the european commission was sent to think further. the politician’s publication describes the situation this way, citing a source in brussels. let 's be honest. no concrete decisions have been made on the financing of defense orders, one eu official said after the summit. leaders in brussels. the discussion in the hall with the participation of 27 eu leaders reflected the existing contradictions. not to be made public. all the contradictions at once about negotiations with ukraine on accession to the european union decided not to even stutter at the summit. it is dangerous to give way to a case that is so toxic in public perception on the eve of the elections to the european parliament. funderline, who wants a second term, decided to pretend that such a topic simply does not exist. instead , the imposition of protective duties on
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grain imports from russia and belarus was loudly announced. too much russian wheat is popular, especially in spain. we do not want russia to receive any income from the eu agricultural market. bread and pasta will become more expensive, but their own peasants will be satisfied with the absence of russian grain on the market. they bashfully keep silent about the fact that soon there will be no ukrainian there, and meanwhile, the preferential trade regime for agricultural products for ukraine is gradually being phased out. friendship is friendship, and the polish farmers who caused a transport collapse this week are not joking, just like the french ones. therefore, a great friend is a protector. in ukraine, macron supported prime minister tusk’s initiative to adjust the rules so that, according to preliminary estimates, kiev would be missing $1,200 million a year. support as long as needed, as it really is. the united states will not allow ukraine to fail, this coalition will not
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allow ukraine to fail, and the free world will not allow ukraine to fail. on tuesday , pentagon chief austin gathered his colleagues. ponata at the american ramstein air base in germany to inspire them to support ukraine, in while the united states cannot guarantee such support. the bill on allocating money to kiev is stuck in congress and can be considered no earlier than mid- april, although then the result is not guaranteed. so far, all the pentagon has is $300 million saved on other military projects. the money will be used for what the ukrainian forces desperately need. for nato caliber shells for missiles.
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neither germany nor italy will make up. mrs. miloni heard a lot this week about her policy in the ukrainian direction in parliament, she made a small eyebrow, spread her arms, covered her head with a jacket, but after finishing the clownery, she directly stated that fighting with russia was not part of her plans. regarding the proposal put forward by france regarding possible direct intervention, i also repeat in this room that our position is not in favor. this hypothesis, a harbinger of dangerous escalation that must be avoided at all costs. they are going to avoid a direct military clash with russia and help ukraine,
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at any cost. and there is no contradiction here. decide both tasks, the brussels nomenklatura intends to transfer the european economy to a war footing, as recently stated by the head of the european council, charles michel. this cannot be done overnight, so the kiev regime is now buying time for them.
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russia, they even say that russia must be defeated in order to achieve this, they dare to do more and more new things, or at least prepare for it. it is possible to prepare, but the leading western business newspaper, the wall street journal, is skeptical about the prospects. according to her estimates, europe it will take at least 20 years to restore the military-industrial complex that it had during the cold war, and most importantly, before that it is necessary to persuade people, motivate voters, because the increase in spending on ... defense will force the state to mercilessly cut social spending, this is what , which is unlikely to survive any of the current european governments. the plan is completely
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adventuristic, but they have no other, and this is actually not their plan, after all, the usa, washington is simply implementing it through the controlled european elite, which, according to by its nature, it is aimed at only one thing: to ensure american hegemony in this part of the world. mikhail antonov
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, there is nothing new in such attacks, putin responded to them repeatedly, in a message and at the defense board, in an interview with tucker karltsin, and in detail with my colleague pavel zarubin back in december last year, this is complete nonsense, i think that president biden understands this. this is just a figure of speech in order to justify their erroneous policy in the russian direction, it is erroneous because i don’t think that the united states , today, bearing in mind the prospect of global development, is as interested as they thought there 20 years ago in inflicting and as they publicly declare the strategic defeat of russia, i don’t think that this is in the national interests of the united states itself, this ... first, second, the president of any major side, the nato side, especially the only owner of nato, and the united states is the owner of nato, this is their backyard, all of nato, or all of it.
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well, let’s continue with what is now in kyiv, the topic studied by elena erofeeva. with a bag on his head wrapped in barbed wire, the ukrainian was forced to his knees. the bored youth of kiev dedicated this performance in the center of the capital to the captured azov militants. wrapped in blue and yellow flags, picking up stray dogs, they demand
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to be released. punishers of murderers from russian captivity, if you sit at home and say, what difference does it make, it doesn’t work like that, you have to be conscious, they are not afraid of the military commissar, because they take to the front over twenty-seven, and these children are barely 18, mobilization a resource for growth, however, american republican senator lintsy graham, the author of the formula “wars to the last ukrainian, is outraged by such age restrictions, he demands.” cancel them, take everyone, pay for help from washington with the lives of ukrainian soldiers. you will begin not only to hold territory, but also to put even more pressure on the russians. you'll get atakoms missiles so you can destroy the damn bridge connecting crimea to russia. washington no longer hints, it says directly: it’s time to replace gratuitous assistance to kiev with loans or lending, this after all, it’s a business, not a charity.
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it's already thundering. discussed new conditions with zelensky. we have to do it in the form of a loan, it will be a new way of doing business. in kiev , the republicans' idea to start issuing american aid to ukraine on credit was offended. former infrastructure minister amelyan proposed thanking the united states with gas from russia and other valuable resources. if we win, you get paid. fur. if we lose, it won't be a question of money, it will be a question of how the west can survive. empty-handed and kind intentions , high-ranking visitors came to kiev all week in the form of russian oil, gas, diamonds. biden's national security advisor jake salevan promised that kiev will soon have everything. for the first time , a nato military delegation headed by admiral bauer came to the north military district.
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that were purchased in england, the cars are being polished in local auto repair shops and turned into mobile control centers for drones, from what it looks like, without a body, with rusty tanks, without a battery. information the agenda on ukrainian television was supplanted by news from russia, after the terrorist attacks on the crocus near moscow , a commotion began in official kiev, and journalists themselves became confused. at first, everything was blamed on the russian special services, which blew themselves up, but later the emphasis shifted, shifting responsibility to isis. let's make it clear that ukraine absolutely has nothing to do with these actions. a small stroke on a large canvas of misinformation. islamic martyrs usually self-destruct, but these shooters rushed to where they were obviously waiting, to ukraine.


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