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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 25, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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is under the personal control of alexander bastrykin, chairman of the investigative committee of russia. investigators and criminologists continue to work at the site of the terrorist attack in podmoskovny-krasnogorsk, this is necessary to collect evidence. they also continue to work with eyewitnesses and victims in order to collect all the necessary information in as much detail as possible. dmitriy. evgenia, thank you, evgenia petrukhina, from the building of the defrauded court, where the hearing on de. about the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, let me remind you once again, the four accused sent to pre-trial detention until may 22.
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people came and fulfilled their duty, now it’s up to you and me to fulfill our duty to them, we still have a lot of stupid injustice in the lives of our people, starting from the lowest level and ending with the highest... we cannot now rest on laurels , to say that all this has passed , now we will sit down, sit down, as usual , and will function there, no, we need an update not even for specific people, we need an update in approaches to solving problems, before the solution that we all face, maybe that -that it won’t work out, but when our people see that all levels of government are working honestly, hard, trying their best, they will forgive a lot, they will look at a lot... so
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noble, our task with you is to work to the maximum, well, maxim. the kremlin is the moment that our late evening program saw for a week. get ready to work later. and this is immediately after the end of the election marathon. 2:00 am. this is what putin answered a few minutes earlier to a question. how will you respond to victory? now... one of the key the theme of the week was increasingly active speculation in western countries about the possibility of sending nato troops to ukraine. anything is possible in the modern world, and it is clear to everyone that this will be one step away from a full-scale third world war. i think that hardly anyone is interested in this. these loud cries that we are about to arrive somewhere.
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the choice of the russian people, i rely on the russian people, and i am very grateful to the citizens of russia for their support, i dreamed of a strong, independent, sovereign russia, we will do everything that depends on us in all directions, the most important thing is the most important broadcasts of this evening, every second
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, right now, in these minutes, i see that vladimir putin, we are watching with you, went to his election headquarters, his election headquarters , now, apparently, he will communicate with volunteers. we look together, let's take general photos, well, now you and i see that the president, as always , was asked for general photographs, but you and i know that it is possible that they may then start asking for individual photos, that’s all maybe, but you and i are now watching everything that happens, we are following...
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we will think about it, we are for peaceful negotiations, but not because the enemy is running out of ammunition, but for, if they are really serious, in the long term, they want to build good neighborly relations between the two states, and not take a pause for
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rearmament for one and a half to two years, and even when the final question was asked, let’s give the other side, please, after that putin himself gave the floor, yes, now, now here, here for you. and here more we’ll finish a couple , we didn’t finish, okay, i meant the young man, but let the girl say, and the girl said, and the young man, well, let’s finish already, please, the smartphone cameras of our program recorded everything, so let’s finish , we saw a journalist from an american television company preparing, of course , western countries had questions for putin.
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the only thing that american tv viewers are allowed to hear is nothing else, but especially for nbc we will once again show a continuation about democracy and about leaving life in the localities imprisonment, and hasn’t this happened in the united states, and has happened more than once? whether our elections are democratic or not, i believe that they are democratic, on the contrary, can it be considered democratic to use an administrative resource to attack one of the candidates for president of the united states, including using
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the courts, but it has become simple a ridiculous shame for the whole world for the united states and for your democratic, so -called in quotation marks system, the whole world is laughing at what... is happening there, we we behave more restrained than their opponents in other countries, more restrained, but this is just a disaster, not democracy, that’s what it is, i have it in the mail, what is it? voting time ends, ballots can be added until 12:00 at night, because the postmark is put at the post office on those days that have not yet ended, who stands there and controls? no one, they bought a vote for 10 dollars, and then bought thousands of votes, came in a bunch, threw everything in before 12:00 at night, here you have voting, here you have democracy, we have there is nothing like that, thank you. if we still have foreign journalists, we are ready to show our democratic spirit, well, you were one of the brave ones,
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you came here, you are here, and this suggests that all is not lost for the united states, british bbc, remember , once and for all i worked for a week in the kremlin and first asked nadezhda babkina, you raised him, as i understand it, but like the bbc, you also need to be able to talk to them, and then margarita. simonyan i should have asked him a question, why are you you can film in the kremlin, but we can’t , let alone film in government buildings in the uk, we were kicked out of the whole country under sanctions from everywhere, that’s a good question, and i asked him this question, we were called for a message, but that’s it today they called, do you think russian journalists would be allowed to work at such events in western countries, i don’t know, i ’ve been working here for a long time, so well. president of the russian federation, vladimir
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vladimirovich putin. putin's meeting with his confidants. several times the hall gives putin a standing ovation, but putin's victory is a victory for each of these people who directly participated in his election campaign. but putin’s rivals were also invited to the kremlin on monday. can i stay here? conversation in the open, but we have common goals, these are definitely completely obvious things, in closed mode, we now see that it turns out that vladimir putin arrived together with other candidates, participants in the presidential race, here the four of them are together. this week marks the 10th anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia. behind the scenes you can hear the chords of the lyub group. all the candidates are on stage, putin is talking not only about
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reunification with crimea, but with other historical territories. their journey to their homeland turned out to be much more difficult and tragic, but still we did it, and this is also a great event in the history of our state. now we are developing. and we walk together, feeling each other’s elbow. just this morning i was informed that the railway from rostov to donetsk, to mariupol and berdyansk had been restored. we will continue this work and soon the trains will be ready they will go straight to sevastopol, and this will be another alternative road instead of the crimean bridge. so, together, hand in hand, we will move on. personnel, like everyone else here, and the president too.
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moment behind the scenes, but the officers, but we captured what was happening in that accompanying putin, did not know that someone was filming it. supreme commander-in-chief putin. and during his first speech, immediately after summing up the election results, he first of all spoke about russian heroes. slush, dirt, snow is falling, and they are sitting there in the trenches, well, we understand that it’s like this, it’s hard for a person who hasn’t been there to even imagine it, but they are there. after 100% of the votes have been counted, the president decides to address the citizens of russia again, videotaped in the president’s main office in the first building of the kremlin. a very difficult time in which all russians are more
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consolidated than ever. we walk together along the historical path we have chosen, confident in ourselves, in our abilities in our future. victory in the elections is only a prologue to those victories that russia so badly needs and which will definitely come. we will identify and punish everyone, of course, this week the president will continue to monitor the progress of the investigation into the terrorist attack and the process of providing assistance to the victims, in putin’s schedule, meetings with members of the security council , international telephone calls and negotiations will definitely continue, we should expect new calls from foreign countries, in addition to this, as the president is expected to hold an economic meeting this week. we will do everything that
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depends on us in all directions. putin’s trip to one of the regions is not excluded, but of course, taking into account... current events there may be significant changes in the president’s schedule, you have already seen many times that the most important footage about presidential events appears earlier than others in the zarubin telegram channel, subscribe, well, in our next television episode we will show even more than the rest. thank you, pavel, i say goodbye to you for a week, and we will meet with the audience again right after andrei kandrashov’s film, belgrade. i'm waiting for you in the studio on sunday evening. in a couple of hours the bombing of kosovo will begin by nato forces. i appeal to everything to the world, let us, while there are still some minutes left, convince clinton not to do this
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tragic, dramatic thing. step in order to save hundreds of hundreds of people who will die in a few hours, i ask you to join the indignation of all of russia, we, of course, do everything we can on our part, but we can’t do everything, that is, we can, but our conscience does not allow us, when boris helson addressed the world, nato heavy bombers were already in the air, the first bombs fell on yugoslavia on march 24, 99 at 19:45 local time. with this minutes, not only houses,
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buildings, bridges and roads were under attack, but also international law itself, its place was already rapidly being taken by the rights of the strong. what the west did was completely unacceptable, they directly started hostilities, a war, essentially in the center of europe, for them there was one rule, and i’m not sure that it doesn’t still exist, that everything is allowed to them.
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it seemed incredible, for the first time since world war ii, military aggression in europe, bombing of a sovereign state, without the sanction of the un security council, without pity, without regard to the rest of the world, just like that. until the first bomb fell, no one could believe that the country could be attacked at the end of the 20th century.
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got to belgrade, it got into my head, i belonged to a generation of people who completely shared all our illusions about our entry into the bright, open, wonderful world of the west, when we could be accepted into this miracle, a clear idea of about what it's like where we'll never go appeared first here, it was a shock, well i remember 25 years later, the blows were mostly carried out at that moment, there was a building there... the government, we now still see the ruins of the ministry of defense here, several corpses are sticking out there, this is the main thermal power plant of belgrade, it was hammered every single evening, usually 7 :30 the alarm sounded...
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for people who did not experience military operations, and i was exactly like that because i was born after the war, but it was perceived as some kind of bad movie, because to perceive all this as reality was outside of experience, imagine it's impossible, it's not like that during the leningrad blockade, it’s all different, the city is alive, at this moment the peacekeepers, as they called themselves, are sending missiles at this living city that destroy buildings for the entire...
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but not everyone knows that the decision to bomb belgrade, was adopted in washington before pryamakov’s plane took off, and now we... already know for sure that this was done on purpose, to let him take off, to reduce the chances of disrupting the visit, they hoped that he would arrive and thereby legitimize the actions usa and the north atlantic alliance, but no such luck it was, it was not to be, primakov immediately became a folk hero, because the people in russia perceived the misfortune of the serbs as their own, ordinary people came out to anti-american rallies, they must be defended against the slavs. yes, it’s hard for us, yes, yes, it’s hard for us, thank god, no one is attacking us yet, maybe they’re afraid, they talk a lot about human rights, but they themselves want
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to suppress the sense of national dignity of every country, including, of course , and military aid, is all that we have left, and there is very little left, maybe the weapons are normal, but we must help them, and this was probably also the first time in recent history when a war thousands of kilometers from the russian border was perceived so painfully. some kind of change in consciousness, although not everyone understood that the war in serbia began not only against serbia. then in the spring of 1999 , for the first time, the secretary of the security council spoke words that would later have to be repeated more than once by the president of russia. i believe that this is a very dangerous situation, its danger lies not only in the fact that people are dying in a specific place, in the center europe in our time, which seemed to us quite recently, was an absolutely impossible thing, the tragedy in our opinion is different, it is larger-scale. today, a group of states is making an active attempt to change the international world order that emerged after the second world war.
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the united nations has been removed from resolving one of the most pressing conflicts of recent times. this is precisely , in my opinion, the most dangerous thing. vladimir vladimirovich, 25 years have passed since then day when it was announced by nato forces. the us operation of the so-called humanitarian intervention in yugoslavia, but in fact just an intervention, just an invasion of the beginning of bombing. looking from the height of these 25 years, how do you evaluate all this? well, it 's a huge tragedy. what the west did is completely unacceptable. i have already spoken about this many times, without any resolution of the un security council, they directly began military operations, a war. essentially in the center of europe, and with the bombing of the capital of this country, belgrade, well, what can we say here, nothing but
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condemnation. the mines under yugoslavia, and under the foundation of all european security, were laid long before the events of ninety- nine. the west flirted with marshal tiito. here, for example, is how pompously his visit to churchill was staged in 1953. i want to stand in this place to assure the people and... i hardly knew that western economic assistance was accompanied by a package of weapons and obligations of political reforms, the regions received such broad powers from belgrade that by the nineties decentralization could no longer be stopped, but in the fifties the west lulled titus's vigilance, the american press diligently created a positive... image of the marshal, and he was clearly pleased with himself. to all those in america who understand our difficulties, our aspirations.
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imported from everywhere, albanian schools were built for them, identity was strengthened and no one hindered the growth of nationalist organizations. only from 1961 to 1980 , albanian nationalists squeezed out more than 100 thousand serbs from kosovo and began to demand a separate republic for themselves. since the death of josip broz titus in 1980, there have been waiting for something to happen.
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karin kneiss, who lived in austria. remembers very well how vienna and berlin suddenly jointly supported the independence of slovenia and croatia in the nineties, the first in the parade of sovereignties; yugoslavia was bursting at the seams. the then french foreign minister, mr. aroland dumas, was simply taken by surprise by the situation. who are the serbs, where are the slovenes, what is macedonia? and i remember that roland dumas simply said: it’s better for me to take up the school history textbook again. because no one i no longer understood what was happening on the map. the destruction of yugoslavia was only the beginning of something bigger. i remember that period very well, i worked in new york, this topic was lively discussed in the un security council. by ninety-nine, the socialist federal republic of yugoslavia no longer existed. its collapse was actively
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stimulated. the european union and the americans, following the disappearance of the soviet union, had the task of destroying another large european country so that it would not interfere with the plans of domination to preserve forever american western hegemony in general. i think that the collapse of yugoslavia, the separation of kosovo from serbia has long been in the plans of the west, starting in 1991, but events. specifically nato aggression, they go back to the year ninety-eight. in the region of kosovo, an integral part of serbia, where albanians already made up 80% of the population, separatism reached such a stage that by the mid-nineties several armed groups created the so-called kosovo liberation army. it was financed by the americans and germans, the militants regularly attacked on the serbian police and military.
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confrontation. between belgrade and pristina has already entered a hot phase. the west openly supported kosovo's independence from serbia. it was in ninety-eight, that is, almost a year before the nato bombing, that operation allied force was developed in support of albanian militants and against the serbian state. here is senator joe biden, without hiding or being shy. i suggested bombing belgrade. i suggested that we send american pilots to blow up all the bridges on the drine. i suggested that we destroy it oil reserves. i proposed very specific actions. the west only lacked a formal reason, some event that would emotionally justify the start of aggression against sovereign serbia and would make them forget about the violation of international law and a numerous reconciliation commission. in
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the end, as a direct reason.


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