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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 25, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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some event that would emotionally justify the start of aggression against sovereign serbia and would make one forget about the violations of international law and the numerous reconciliation commission. in the end, as a direct reason, this was a well-known provocation, arranged very clumsily, but no one wanted to figure out what really happened, they just needed an informational reason, as they say, the last spark. in order to give the go-ahead for bombing, in this case we do not need to go far beyond the example ourselves, because we know similar or very similar situations in ukraine, starting with butch, yes, when it was all done just as clumsily. the incident in racak in january 1999 is considered by many experts to be the predecessor of the powell test tube, chemical attacks in syria, and then the kiev riot. mission. the osce accused
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the yugoslav military of killing forty albanian civilians. nobody listened to the version that the dead were not peaceful albanians, but militants of the kosovo liberation army. karin kneisel, who worked in the balkans as a correspondent for the newspaper divel, remembers this very well. the nato propaganda machine has enormous power. they thought serbia were the bad guys, all kosovo albanians were freedom fighters by definition. this was never a massacre of civilians. it was the then head of the kosovo monitoring mission, american diplomat william walker, who immediately arrived at the scene, who immediately declared that it was a massacre. this was the signal for nato intervention. when i spoke with other osce observers, they... told
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me that the bodies of those killed were dressed in civilian clothes, but nowhere on these clothes were there were traces of blood. vaughn, with the support of sergei lavrov, insisted on an independent commission of pathologist-anatomists. at that time, completely neutral finns went to kosovo rachek. they have established the truth. the truth was that militants were killed, and they were killed in battle. it was established that in this battle they themselves used.
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the only one in assessing the behavior of the parties in the conflict between the bosnian muslims and us serbs said that the serbs did not throw grenades at markali square in sarajevo. now we know that these people were brought dead the bodies were brought before the grenade exploded, but this did not stop the americans from introducing sanctions against serbia, bombing the serbs twice, they stubbornly continued to lie. so around buchi. now it is clear that this is a staging. this is what you have...
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selling stealth for parts, pick up from belgrade, this is perhaps the most famous joke of 1999, which reflected not so much a military one, but a moral one. the damage
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caused by the serbs to the american army, the newest invisible f-117 aircraft, the highest technology, well, now its pieces, high-tech ones are in the pelgrade museum. the trick was that the latest radars really couldn’t detect stealth, but the radar installed on this complex, produced in the soviet union in the seventies, could see this stealth quite easily. it was the collapse of a beautiful and terribly expensive myth. a dark day for pentagon generals. memorial for colonel zolton tribute. we saw in the picture what this part is. we can compare them, this is exactly the hole for cooling the gas. he was this color for 25 years back because it's titan. these coatings that were used on these aircraft
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did not teach the genius of our air defense system designers. we discovered them and allowed those officers and generals. who were in charge of the air defense system, made a decision to shoot them down, thus three staus planes were shot down on the territory of yugoslavia. although the rest of the invisible ones did not fall, but were forced to land in zagreb and tuzla and were out of action. nato, however, admitted the loss of only two aircraft in total, but the serbs claim that during the bombing they managed to shoot down several dozen planes and helicopters, also thanks to military ingenuity.
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this is for you, granddaughter, and this is for you, here you go, where did all this come from, you are retired, and you applied for your pension at vtb, and there the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum, how thin you have become and it’s good, dad, i want to be like my grandfather, rich in retirement, vtb, together everything will work out. the phrase “sorry, we didn’t know he was invisible” remained in history. the s-125 neva air defense system has been in a place of honor in the belgrade museum for a quarter of a century. and here boris khelson then refused to supply the s-300 air defense system, which milosevic asked from moscow. he sincerely hoped that clinton would respond by stopping the bombing of yugoslavia. president yeltsin. it is important that air raids be stopped. “i have decided not to send seven warships to the mediterranean as we agreed, and i
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will continue to do what i promised. milosevic insists that we supply the s-300 anti-aircraft system to yugoslavia, but we will not give him this system. you can be sure about this. president clinton: "thank you." president yeltsson, because she will not allow any planes near the borders of yugoslavia. and now you can see how clinton was deceived. we didn’t deliver the s-300, but they did just as they were going to bomb. absolutely so. oh, how amazing this is. if you want to know what definitely won’t happen in the next 4 years, listen to what the us presidential candidate promises for these next 4 years. this is the norm in their life; they never keep promises. they promised gorbachev to expand nato to the east. do you remember there was such a president obama, who twice before two by their own deadlines. promised, for example, to close the base at guantanamu, why did he close it? and trump , remember, who promised to make friends with
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russia and so on, he imposed more sanctions on russia than anyone before him, he was proud of it even later, this is a different political ethics, a different way of communicating with his own electorate, you can say anything , anything, moreover, you can even sign anything, today you sign, tomorrow you revoke your signature, they did this very few times before our eyes, still according to the degree of cynicism and cruelty of the anglos. vucic, who was in ninety-nine . that day could have been the last for alexander as minister of information and his mother, rts journalist angelina vucic. we both completely accidentally survived, the ministry
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in which i worked was completely destroyed, it was hit by a cruise missile, by a lucky coincidence, i was not there at that moment, i was in the government building, i received an invitation to speak on rts for the cnn channel just that night, i refused because there is no need to make statements for the media from aggressor countries, it was the hardest.
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in tash park, opposite, there is a monument to the television center employees who died that day. to the question, why? no answer, a quarter of a century. but they must answer, says serbian national television journalist dragan stanojevic. i could have expected everything, but to bombard rts? “i don’t know if there are other cases in history when television was bombed, after british prime minister tony blair said that we are a means of propaganda. of course, how should we cover the event, should we cover event the way nato likes it, or should we show the truth as we see it? dragan stanojevic shows
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us his personal archives at home, this is the first time the serbs saw the enemy in person, on the ground, and not in the sky." us army soldiers james stone, andrew ramirez and steven gonzalez were captured by yugoslav special forces on the border with macedonia. either it was the broad serbian soul, or the hope for reciprocal mercy from nato, but the yugoslav authorities did not even try the prisoners. i would like to express my gratitude to the government yugoslavia for their gesture of goodwill. the people of yugoslavia showed us a humane, humane attitude. thank you. by order of milosevic they were released, but gestures of goodwill were already regarded by the west as weakness. the intensity of aggression only increased. do you live here near the chinese embassy? i live close to 570 m from the crash site. there was a terrible explosion, the whole house was shaking, the windows were broken
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, the residents of the house began to scream, it was scary beyond description, hitler didn’t do this, now there is not only hitler, there are now... 19 hitlers 19 is the number of nato member countries in ninety ninth. on that day , not only serbs became victims of their crimes. on may 7 , 1999, an american bomber flew to bomb the yugoslav military procurement office, but attacked the chinese embassy. apparently i missed the old map, half a kilometer here, half a kilometer there. at this place , 20 chinese citizens were injured, three journalists were killed: xinhua, and zhanming zhebao, now on the site of the ruins of the chinese embassy, ​​a chinese cultural center and a statue of confucius, by the way, he developed the rules of conduct for princes and warriors, it looks as if everyone they forgave and forgot everything, but no, when already in march of twenty-two, nato secretary general en stoltenberg said that china was obliged to condemn
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russia after the start of a special military operation in ukraine, a representative of the chinese mission. the eu responded as follows. the chinese people can fully empathize with the pain and suffering of other countries because we will never forget who bombed our embassy in the federal republic of yugoslavia. we don't need lectures on justice from a violator of international law. china has not forgotten and will never forget about this. this nato's grave crimes. and as our officer stated. representatives of the chinese ministry of foreign affairs, it is only blood that is needed in front of the chinese people, they will not forget in china, and not even a repetition of such a tragedy. in general, do you believe that they had old maps, that by mistake the missiles flew into the chinese embassy, ​​no one
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believes, the embassy territory is always considered the safest, no one... such a good, kind and professional colleague. shao yun-huan was buried in beijing with state honors,
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a school was named after her, memorial events every anniversary, and the son of the journalist tsaol in the same ninety-nine entered the university of foreign languages , majoring in serbian, his mother studied there and works in xinhua, like her. this news agency stores all the smallest details of the american attack on the chinese embassy, ​​including the remarkable reaction of joe biden, who did not sympathize with beijing, but scolded chinese leaders for the fact that demonstrators in china are besieging the us embassy. they know it was a mistake, what they doing now is not a mistake, so they do not have equal importance, they can control what happens. the western press could not hide the conflict between the united states and china over the bombed embassy, ​​but there was a lot of things that only the serbian and russian media talked about. a friendly
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nato strike on a colony of albanian refugees, killing 75 people, also allegedly accidental destruction of the belgrade-skopje passenger train, disposal of obsolete nato bombs by dropping them on serbian cities.
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these are the same cores made of depleted uranium, which were brought down on yugoslavia during the bombing. this is a small caliber for an automatic aircraft cannon, but there were huge aircraft bomb shells, there were 44 of them for every hundred, the number is thousands and thousands. nato does not provide the serbs with a map of uranium strikes, but the ministry of health of the republic simply calculates the contaminated territories, people die there from cancer more often than anywhere else. great. i know that you are now preparing a big documentary in order to show another facet of that war, people on the south of serbia are dying, many people died
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of cancer at 30, 40, 45 years old, they keep saying that depleted uranium is not harmful, but why then did they have manuals for their soldiers on how to behave in areas that are bombarded with depleted uranium. the pentagon made films that talked about the dangers of combined uranium.
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laughs, only there are their comprache scythes, remember , and there no one deliberately disfigured them, it’s the americans, 30 years before the events that interest us in this film, they dropped more explosives on vietnam than on the whole of europe during the entire second world war, think about it, plus the agent, of course, this is a historical fact, they have not become better since then, they may even have become worse, this is... a nation a long time ago , which elevated evil not just into the category of normality, into category of valor, valor,
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absolutely right. in less than half an hour , about 60 wounded were received, seven seriously wounded died, everything was damaged, head, body, limbs, they received terrible blows, they were several meters from the bombs. by may 1999, the death toll in serbia was already goes for thousands, but it turns out that even more is expected in the us senate. this is not a complete victory, this is not the victory i want. we must enter the territory of the country, we must prepare.
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we will always remain on the platform of common sense and interests, primarily the national interests of russia. slobodan milosevic was forced to accept the peace plan imposed by the west. it was clear that the entry of nato forces into kosovo was inevitable. and here russia faced the task of at least preventing the militants and their allies from gain quick unconditional control over serbian territory. that rapid march took the whole world by surprise; russian troops appeared in kosovo and took control of slatina airport, the main military airfield near pristina, a few hours before nato forces expected to capture it. the details of the operation are still classified, although the president has already communicated some details to us.
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bargain, i know that he did not risk coordinating this with senior officials, including in the ministry of defense, it was done, well, he talked to me about this in any case, asked my opinion, and i told him so, if you think it’s advisable, do it. the main problem for the cia , as it later turned out, was how exactly the decision was made, which made the west wince, because clinton considered yeltsin almost an ally, and... why did the minister of defense and the minister of foreign affairs not know, i was afraid of a leak, because around them there were many comrades, as i called them, agents of influence, from the point of view, well, one might say, in the language
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great patriotic war, a talker , a godsend... only a few people from the general staff and the main operations directorate were allowed to plan the operation, but the main burden then fell on intelligence. we have received the necessary information about when these peacekeeping forces will be deployed. the most interesting thing is that it was all planned to do this and hold a parade of the nazi group on the territory of pristina. prichinsky airfield on the day of our national holiday, that is, june 12, 199. it was important for us not to allow us to be outplayed, not to allow it, not only the gru, and here it was no longer about the gru, in our understanding, and not even about the armed forces, but the prestige of our state.


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