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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 25, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

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why am i ready to support you, because i am my deep conviction that this was done by the hands of the west, by the hands of america, by their brains, by their ammunition, if only because i remember the boeing that was shot down then on ukrainian territory, then they were treated as immediately, exclamations from all the media began right in uniso. that it was russia that shot down, within 5 days they forced, and the europeans said, they forced us to say exactly this form, this is russia, why did i hear this yesterday, the day before yesterday, that this is not ukraine, then i i’m asking, recently, dugina was blown up, isn’t it true that she found refuge, because she managed to plant it during this time and left while she was still blowing up, a ukrainian terrorist, right? “answer me, wasn’t she the one who came to you
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, wasn’t it you who gave her away as a terrorist, this is a theater of terror, and when they blew up the tatar one, she also hoped to escape, she didn’t hide it either, it’s trashy, yes, that’s why these attempts are all like you can erase it faster, and for me this is absolutely clear, and i saw that on saturday putin convened a security council about this..."
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which relates to my committee, her work, and the security council was on saturday or friday , in my opinion, on saturday, in my opinion, on saturday, and it was before the terrorist attack on friday, before the terrorist attack, just right in my opinion on saturday , well, the terrorist attack took place on friday, so i apologize, yes on friday, i say, on friday, on friday morning, on saturday, i say, yes, on friday morning, but i would like to say - that our faction has already proposed several times in the bill to return the death penalty. the death penalty is not a form of punishment, they often say, well, well, well, we’ll kill him, well, here we are - that means, but we can still make a mistake, but as a measure of social protection, i often say this, well, it’s as if they don’t hear me, in soviet times there was just such a formulation: the highest measure of social protection, social protection of the population, so the population must protect itself from such scumbags, as you rightly said, they have a brain that is a very good comparison, like your cat.
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where is he in ukraine or what, were you going to use this card to which to transfer money to him, would you transfer it? certainly, no, of course, what you say is correct , now they’ll sort it out, now they’ll start stabbing them, i saw them driving there, when they were in the crowd, he was shaking, he’s a kakosin fox, that’s when he killed, when they were together, when they were with weapons , that means they are here, but they were on crazy drugs, on salts, the drivers, when they took it from them at all. foam came out of the mouth, probably, probably , before they were interrogated and anything was removed there, they had to be washed there for a day, yes, that is, when i talk about this measure of social protection, you know, this is another element of cynicism, they have always used the death penalty, the west, america in particular, as a tool, here is
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belarus, i remember how in the council of europe belarus was kicked out precisely on the basis that they use the death penalty, i then spoke several times to the council of europe, tell me, here sitting next to you... america, they are observers there, here is japan in the council of europe, who apply the death decree. i specifically stipulate this, also because even when they told us then, well, we are in the council of europe, we have committed ourselves, but now we are not in the council of europe, and this is also for us it should help, volodya, to make this decision, this measure of social protection, there is no point in persuading me about this, i know, i’m just turning to you as the leader, because we will definitely come out with this initiative again. now i already see that other political forces will most likely support this, but you and i talk about this all the time during breaks, there’s nothing to convince the west, of course, this is the so-called no-fly zone near crimea, beating it up,
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here they are what, they say, it’s not us, the west, now it’s terrorists, it’s not us, it’s not ukraine, aren’t you, aren’t you sending the missiles, are you your plane.
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no, even more, who came to my committee, they reported there, told me and they also told me the essence, don’t tell me that let ’s not raise this issue, let’s have a presidential election now, it’s very dangerous, that’s what rita you’re talking about said in connection with the event , this question still needs to be asked, the point is that
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order needs to be restored in this area, and order lies in the fact that it cannot be said in a nutshell, because even the international military commission, which is what i spoke about, interdepartmental commissions, four, one is headed by golikova , you heard when... not to be about the work of this commission, one of the bells, which is on the resettlement program for compatriots, one by lavrov for compatriots in general, but it is impossible to create a ministry, absolutely right, volodya, and we are talking about this every time , because here is the russian language , after all, we decided, we are in our committee, we adopted all the laws, we even adopted the law on daloscopy just 2 years ago, all foreigners, every single one traveling to russia must take . fingers, but give up how? they themselves come and take the russian language test within 30 days, they themselves come and take the russian language test within 30 days, they themselves provide a certificate within 30 days, and now i’m talking about the four interdepartmental commissions, and now i’ll talk about the executive ones, i i’m talking about what we
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will also talk about tomorrow. the executive branch, the committee on the agency for national policy, which means the ministry of internal affairs, which is leading this work, the ministry of foreign affairs, which is leading this work, labor, meeting last week with the general director of avtovaz, he is from tajikistan, brought almost a thousand from uzbekistan, they brought a thousand people to work, 170 have already fled. we adopted the law on labor recruitment specifically at the request of the ministry of labor. let’s change, we tell them, not through patents, so that they don’t run away from the samara region, so that, you say, like in the emirates, they brought and worked a year ago, i didn’t say anything at all, i say many people talk about it, that means , if you don’t have enough manpower, we say to the ministry of labor, this is important, we are now judging a completely different topic from a terrorist attack from everything, we let's pass.
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received citizenship and you didn’t go to serve from the country to deprive you of citizenship i also
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think citizenship must be earned because like there are tajik guys i did with one guy hero of the dpr tanker lost his leg returned to duty tajik heroic another guy sorry tajik in the mi-8 who the scumbag drove abroad a russian who was finally overtaken by justice in spain, who was in the squad, he had a lieutenant, a tajik boy whom he shot -
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low guys heroically, soon they will have there will be a holiday, but the national guard does not have the right
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to engage in hordes, operational and operational activities, well, there are muscles, there is no opportunity to carry out hordes, this is normal, well, here’s how they work, yes, well, it’s just a little bit, on the other hand there are 6200 people in the room, what percentage of them, even according to statistics , are military personnel, law enforcement officers , quite significant, right, if they had? the possibility of concealed carrying of your service weapon, as in tsarist russia, as in tsarist russia, these four would have been killed at the very beginning, absolutely true, but we trust people. control the most powerful fire units, every day at work there decide the fate of humanity, if we are talking there about the strategic missile forces troops, and we say, what if he suddenly goes crazy with a pistol, and what if he suddenly goes crazy at his workplace, and what artillery will start, how much one should not trust the officer
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corps, why are the guys who are being threatened, who listen, the supreme commander-in-chief minister. on friday evening everyone watched television, everyone tried to find information, everyone tried to find one or another answer, there were no answers yet, they could not be said, including even if there were some guesses, russia 24, that’s right,
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absolutely volodya is correct, but some channels even managed not to turn off the concerts , they didn’t manage to turn it off. there wasn’t even a panic button to point to, that’s normal, well, i had a weapons room nearby in this structure called your house, they didn’t even call anyone from there, well, alexander mikhailovich, a terrorist attack that was terrible in nature, of course has shaken society, i think that
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many questions are still being raised here, which will be raised, will demand their solution , these solutions will be found, but i am in a dream... to this i would like to note that the people themselves, who find themselves in such a difficult situation , behaved in a very russian way, all government agencies must be given their due , they did an excellent job, because after all, these are doctors, these are law enforcement agencies, this is the ministry of emergency situations, and here it should be noted that russia, of course, is gaining completely different quality from the point of view of process management and even vorobyov himself, no one shared anything, and there was no show, everyone was working, everyone was working, and that was impressive. but i would like to offer a slightly different view on these events; first of all, i would like to refer to what the president said when he commented on these events, he said that, of course, there are performers, there are also organizers who ordered it, i it seems that this gradation, it was not by chance that he voiced it, by the way, i’m speaking about the death penalty literally in a remark, this is my personal
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opinion, i am, of course, also for the death penalty, but when i heard that the president is very, i can’t say calmly, but very...
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the question is, not everything is so simple, it’s not just these heads of state or those states that are acting today are positioned as countries that must destroy russia,
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no, behind this is globalist capital, in general the theme of globalism, oligarchic capital, which even many states consider as tools in solving their problems, you remember all these climate agendas there, limitations resources and so on, that is, this is all the model imposed on the world that was needed by a limited circle of people. and of course , today they are interested in continuing, well, illegal actions against russia. why? yes, because russia challenged all of this. she is building a new order. she found allies who, perhaps, were undecided about something and would have been, or their efforts were insufficient. and today, under the flag of russia , everything is being redrawn, the whole world is being redrawn. not only politics, ideology, economics. this generally appears new civilizations, russia, china, india. and of course, the west does not accept this. he is ready to unleash not only this kind.
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there is a division, everyone empathizes and still continues to empathize, and what’s nice is that i personally received a huge number of foreign, well, through telegram channels, messages
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from absolutely, well, people who previously knew me from europe, from asia, who sent what they us, this means that russia’s ideas are making their way today; moreover, we do not see today the possibility of not even the fact that well, the west is confused, it’s the same. performer syndrome , they first instructed ukraine to fight us, they brought it to the point where it ceased to have subjectivity, that is, everything is no, there is no state of ukraine, what is a state, a state is when there is, i apologize, not only a border, but the ability to protect borders, when there is an economy, when there is management , there is nothing, there is no economy, no armed forces, in fact there are only mercenaries, and accordingly there is still no opportunity to make a decision of the armed forces, i would not forgive, so as i urge you to be very restrained in the phrases that they are running out of people and have nothing to shoot with. what i saw is that they are recruiting people there, they have something to shoot with, i’m talking about the state, i’m not from the point of view that we have already won in everything, we still
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have to work hard, that the performer’s syndrome, which was entrusted to ukraine, it is not being implemented, they still cannot, well, implement what the west planned on the battlefield, so naturally they are moving in the direction of terrorist acts, among other things, because they are trying to do this, but again they are there, well, again too... by and large, this whole ideology is formulated by today’s ukraine, by these nazis, but it is also fed, of course, in other places, and the main issue will be resolved there , and there
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russia will accept the capitulation of these countries in relation to these events, i am confident in russia’s victory, and this terrorist attack, despite all the horror, showed the power of russia and the power of the people, but conclusions only need to be drawn correctly, for example, but everyone says about diasporas, yes, but i have a simple question: and what kind of diaspora and how do they help isu? i have a question, can i return the question to you: what is a diaspora? why is it needed? here i am , a purebred armenian, i have no idea what the armenian diaspora is, where it is located, what is its address, what do these people look like, who are they anyway? now this is exactly what i’m leading to, if the concept of diaspora means a cultural community of people who set the task of preserving the language. respect for the tradition of help, but if the diaspora is people who come to law enforcement agencies and try corrupting to obtain citizenship
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is tricky.
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those people who call themselves the diaspora,
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who behave regularly. they pretend that they are someone, what you did, the war, your homeland , russia is now your homeland at war, what you did for the northern military district, but the main question i have is for our government, it is necessary to create, in my opinion, a ministry that will to deal with migration issues, it is necessary to return to the structures separate units that work on ethnic crime, which they know. languages ​​are deeply embedded, well versed in this issue, it’s absolutely correct to consider this as a threat, yes, we are all soviet internationalists, we are people of different nationalities here, we don’t need to be taught our homeland to love and respect people of different nationalities, we have that, but don’t notice that here thanks to some efforts there telegram -channels can display tens of thousands
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of people and direct them to any. on the other hand, you don’t see this as a threat, but we understand what time we live in and who is opposing us? semi markaevich, then, well, i’m sorry for expressing half of the thoughts that we deserve every talk about the program, thank you, thank you, it’s normal, that means, well, about the terrorist attack, of course, it is surprising that from the moment the terrorist attack happened, this is still happening, representatives of the us administration speak at the highest level... i convince you that this the work of the islamic state of velayat kharasan, it’s correct to call it that, now the arrangement is somewhat different , i’ll explain why they did it, first kirby, a high-ranking, yesterday, if i’m not mistaken, the vice president of the united states, yes, what’s his name kamala khalis, yes he convinces, what does this have to do with it.


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