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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 25, 2024 7:00am-7:30am MSK

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a court in moscow has chosen a preventive measure for the defendants in the case of the terrorist attack in kroku city hall. all four were remanded in custody until may 22. the meeting took place tonight . boris ivanin has all the details. arrest for 2 months. the basmanny court of the capital chose this measure of restraint for all four detainees, those who, as the investigation suggests, were the direct perpetrators of the monstrous terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. the decision on the fourth, very last person involved in... was made already at
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two o'clock in the morning, but they were preparing for the meeting took place all sunday afternoon, and reporters and police, even in the morning, strengthened security measures near the building, put up a barrier, but only when it got dark, an inconspicuous black van delivered the detainees to the court, a decision was made individually for each defendant. the first to be brought into the meeting room was dolerjon mirzoev, believed to be the leader of the terrorists who cold-bloodedly shot defenseless people. people in the concert hall, and then set it on fire. mirzoev does not know russian well, he needed a translator, but in the end his he admitted his guilt in full. i accuse daledjon borotovich of choosing a preventive measure in the form of detention until may 22 , 2019. he listened to the court's decision, hiding his eyes on the floor, and then sat down, lowering his head, trying not to look at the cameras, because behind dozens of lenses, there were thousands of condemning glances. who was affected
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by the tragedy, this is essentially an unscheduled meeting, evening, sunday, basmanny court, usually closed at this time, but now open, closer to 20 o’clock the press, which has been waiting all day the beginning of this meeting outside, they began to let us in, the hearings themselves began only after 10:00 pm, the suspects were brought to the basmanny court from the investigative committee, where they were interrogated in the central office of the investigative committee. the investigation is personally supervised by the head of the department, alexander bastrykin, and a criminal case has been initiated under... the article of terrorism. the second defendant, rachabalizod murdali, was charged with terrorism. behind the glass he looked around like an animal in a cage. the humanity in those who mercilessly killed innocent spectators in the crocus, really little. unemployed, with incomplete secondary education and memory problems, he could not even remember where exactly he was registered in russia. however, he admitted guilt. select the accused racha balezade, said krami, mur dali as a preventive measure in the form of imprisonment. in
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custody until may 22, '24. on sunday afternoon, investigative actions also took place in crocus city hall itself, where weapons and ammunition used by the attackers were seized. all this has already been sent for examination, including doctelloscopic and genetic. after which eternal evidence can become evidence of guilt. four sets of combat ammunition, unloadings, more than 500 rounds of ammunition and 28 magazines, two kalashnikov assault rifles were confiscated from the scene of the tragedy. makarov and a magazine from a kalashnikov assault rifle. immediately after his arrest in the bryansk region, the third person involved in the high-profile case, twenty-five-year-old fariduni shamsyudin, admitted that he received the task of killing people through messengers and bragged about the murder. they promised to pay him about half a million rubles, but a day later from the previous there was no trace of insolence left. in krasnogorsk he
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was a laborer and visited crocus city hall 2 weeks before the terrorist attack. it was taken by a photographer who was working in the foyer of the concert hall on march 7. however, what the detainee himself says about this visit and how exactly he prepared for the terrorist attack remains unknown. the case was heard closed to the press. the investigator stated that the proceedings may concern state secrets. elect the accused in faridun, preventive measures in the form of detention. may twenty-four year four the detained nineteen-year-old muhammad sabir fayzov, who before the terrorist attack worked as a barber in the ivanovo region, was brought to the hall in a special wheelchair. he was wounded during arrest. he was taken to court by ambulance, straight from the hospital in a medical gown with a catheter. doctors were even invited to the meeting, ready to provide assistance at any time. however, even his condition was not a reason to soften the court's decision. choose the accused fayzov
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mukhamad sabirunovich preventive measures in the form of detention until may 22 twenty fourth year. arrest for 2 months, so far the maximum possible period, according to procedural norms. but in the future, all detainees face life imprisonment, and the task of the investigation and special services is now to uncover the entire network of accomplices so that everyone suffers an inevitable and fair punishment. boris ivanin, mikhail varenkov, dmitry vaskoboynikov and pavel varbuzov, news. military personnel who distinguished themselves in detaining terrorists in the bryansk region were presented with state awards. these are medals of valor for distinction in combat. awards took place at... the positions of a unit that covers the state border. the medals were presented by the deputy commander of the leningrad military district, lieutenant general esidulla abachev. he highly appreciated the contribution of each fighter who, on the night of the tragedy, combed the forest and eventually detained the terrorists. the japanese government
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strongly condemned the terrorist attack on krokusehol near moscow. earlier , the president of the kbb also expressed his condolences to the relatives of the deceased victims. actions of solidarity with the people of russia took place throughout venezuela, about how almost the whole world mourns together with our country my colleague emil mirsaev will tell you why it’s almost there. condolences in connection with the terrorist attack in the moscow region of sitikholi have been coming from foreign leaders for the third day; the president of eritrea strongly condemned the barbaric attack on defenseless people and sent a telegram to vladimir putin, in which he wished a speedy recovery to the victims. deepest condolences.
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emmanuel macron, who has been trying to rally western opinion against the kremlin for weeks, fears russia's new victim status will thwart his plan. worse, his chosen narrative, european resistance against the russian invader, may be replaced by a common enemy for all nations. radical islamism must be combated as a priority, even if it means softening the tone in relations with russia. emmanuel macron wants to avoid such a paradigm shift in the possible reversal of european opinion, which is already extremely reluctant to support the sending of troops to ukraine, journalists conclude. the cabinet of ministers of the fifth republic, meanwhile, increased the level terrorist threat to the point of emergency, the president convened the defense and security council
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at the elysee palace. terrorist attacks are feared in the united states, and it seems for the first time so much since september 11th. the state is responsible for the terrorist attack on crocus city hall. the organization essentially went into retirement under the trump administration, but has now regained its strength, in part because, once we left afghanistan, we were unable to strike them regularly. not long ago they carried out an attack inside iran, and now in russia, they will do it here in the usa. at recent congressional hearings , the us military confirmed that it estimates radical islamists will attack targets in the us within six months. however, everything. the rhetoric resembles a double, if not triple game, because it is the states that are involved in the creation of the terrorist group islamic state, banned in russia, the official representative of our foreign ministry, maria zakharova, recalled this. in recent years, isis has adjusted its plans and now carries out attacks mainly against enemies
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and opponents of the united states. the taliban in afghanistan are the iranians of the legitimate authorities of syria and are against us. it's a strange set of circumstances. the united states and president joe biden personally are behind the terrorist attack in crocusyholly in the moscow region. the leader of the turkish motherland party is sure that's why. it is beneficial for the united states to drag europe into the ukrainian war, to rally young people in france and germany to face certain death. in these countries , anti-american parties friendly to russia are gaining strength and coming to power. in this situation, the us has to it’s not easy, they need major provocations. some egyptian politicians have also openly stated that western and ukrainian intelligence services may be involved in the terrorist attack in the moscow region. according to political scientists, already now. the young guard in china expressed condolences to those killed in the kroku tila terrorist attack. in addition, the young guards condemned the brutal crime,
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in order to honor the memory of the victims, representatives of the movement laid flowers and left memorial notes at the russian cultural center in beijing. and now the news. unions, for now let's return to the topic of the terrorist attack. victims of the terrorist attack in crocusel received the first payments. moscow and the moscow region began transferring funds on sunday. those who received medical care on an outpatient basis receive 500,000 rubles. stationary million. for the loss of a family member - 3 million. residents of other regions affected by the tragedy can also apply for financial support. details can be found on one of the hotlines. attendance at shopping centers fell sharply in moscow by a third, in russia as a whole by 15-20%.
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experts and market participants told kommersant newspaper about this. according to some estimates, the reduction in traffic over the next 2 weeks could be 50-70%. the indicators should recover in about a month. the appearance of armed guards in shopping centers can help with this. according to the news, this option is now being considered by the moscow federal authorities. crocus group intends to restore the concert venue that was damaged in the terrorist attack. this will save thousands of jobs, the company said. according to preliminary experts estimate that damage to the facility can reach up to 300,000 rubles per square meter. considering the total area of ​​the hall is 38. m - this is 11.5 billion. however, the volume of destruction has yet to be calculated. russian deposit insurance system. expanded, from this week it is distributed to medium-sized enterprises, socially oriented non-profit
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organizations, trade unions, lawyers and notaries. the amount of compensation will be standard up to 1,400 thousand rubles. previously, only deposits of individuals, small businesses and certain types of non-profit organizations were subject to insurance. at the same time, on deposits the measure does not apply to professional financial market participants. turkey intends to introduce construction this year. the first reactor of the nuclear power plant is being built by the russian state corporation rosatom, while, as stated in the ministry of energy of the republic, they are trying to interfere with the construction of the nuclear power plant. look at the largest nuclear construction site in the world. akkuyu employs 30 thousand people. we want the first reactor to be commissioned this year, but numerous open, direct and behind-the-scenes steps are being taken to prevent the plant from being built. kyiv on demand the imf is preparing ukrgasbank and sensbank for sale.
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both are state-owned and are among the top ten largest in the country by assets. the transactions will make it possible to obtain another loan from the international monetary fund. but in order to sell assets, kiev will have to change the law on the privatization of financial organizations from the twelfth year. let me also remind you that sense bank is a former alpha bank in ukraine. kiev illegally appropriated it last summer in january. demanded a billion dollars in compensation for this. at the end of the issue, let me remind you: exchange rates for today dollar 92 rubles 61 kopecks. euro 100 rub. 21 kopecks and that's all i have for now. at the site of the tragedy near a collapsed building in the moscow region, a memorial event is taking place among those who.
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exactly at 19:55, the hour and minute of the terrorist attack. on the building of the music hall, there is an endless wedge of cranes rising into the sky. first, all the victims were honored with minutes of silence, and later thousands of people sang the song “cranes” together, performed by muslim magamaev.
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among the first to lay flowers at the spontaneous memorial during the event were the musicians of the picnic group, whose concert never took place. begin. the performers noted that even in such a stressful situation they did not abandon their own. no one ran away headlong, people
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helped, held whoever was there, everyone took care of each other. in the crocus was the assistant to the director of the group, ekaterina kushner, her name is on the list of those killed. ekopita was a very warm, very bright person who lived and made plans for the future. to find those remaining, rescuers continue to clear the rubble. more than 400 m have already been dismantled. emergency situations ministry employees managed to get inside the concert hall. this is what it looks like now the scene that fell upon. parts of the dome. more than 300 people and 154 pieces of equipment are involved on site. the search operation is actively ongoing, dog handlers are working. all work is personally supervised by the governor of the moscow region. fire brigades and ambulances were fully involved in the process, they worked
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harmoniously, there was complete interaction. we understand that the people who were at the concert are... representatives of different regions of our country, and at least forty, my colleagues and i are working out the beginning of payments that will to the victims, especially those who are currently in the hospital, also on sunday from 6 o’clock they gave out things to those who were forced to leave them in the wardrobes during the massacre on march 22, undressed people ran out into the street, we went down from the third floor, probably about 40 minutes came out from there. someone took you out, or as in the same place, we walked forward, back, forward, back, only in this way, the light went out, the light went out in pitch darkness, only there were all the screams, and smoke, smoke, we couldn’t see where, then there is really god brought it out, except people received personal belongings and their cars, abandoned in the underground parking lot, 383
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cars in total; volunteers also helped from the first hours of the tragedy.
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and now sports news. alexander. today in st. petersburg the fifth match of the series between skal and motorists will take place. tell us about this game. tatyana, this game may be
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the last for ska this season and they also announced that all proceeds from the sale of ska tickets will go to a fund to help those injured in the crocus. let's start with hockey. washington captain alexander ovechkin scored a double in winning game of the nhl regular season against winnepeg. both. ovechkin scored his goals in the third period and both turned out to be not quite typical for a russian. ovechkin scored the first goal after a throw-in, but not from the left circle, but from the right circle. and in the episode with the second goal, ovechkin realized a one- on-one situation, beat the goalkeeper and brought the puck into the empty net. thus, ovechkin’s goal streak is already five matches. washington continues to fight for the playoffs with 12 matches left in the regular season. the capital's playoffs are still in the playoff zone. according to the season, alexander ovechkin. 26 career goals 848 and 46 goals left before gretzke's warrior record. today the fifth match of the quarter
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final series of the gagarin cup will take place in st. petersburg. the driver will accept the ska. the day before, the st. petersburg club announced that all proceeds from the sale of tickets for this match will go to help the families of those killed in the terrorist attack in the moscow region. avtomobilist leads the series 3:1, so today either the ekaterenburg team will pass. further into the semifinals and the season will end for ska, or the score in the series will become 3:2 and the teams will return to the urals. also, the st. petersburg football club zenit announced that all proceeds from the sale of tickets for the next home match against baltika, which will be held on april 7, will also be used to help fund the victims. moscow spartak and cska will soon organize donor days; the day before, spartak received islam khalilov as a guest. a fifteen-year-old schoolboy worked part-time as a cloakroom attendant in... kukus and managed to bring the publication to save more than 100 people. young man a fan of spartak, meeting the team players was his dream. the islams took a tour of spartak's home stadium, presented them with a personalized
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t-shirt, gifts, a season ticket for home matches, and the young man also talked with the red-and-white players, among whom were roman zobnin, anton zenkovsky and nail umyarov. in connection with the tragic events and the cancellation of the friendly match between the national teams of russia and paraguay. the march training camp of our national team was completed ahead of schedule. football players and coaches left the base in novogorsk this saturday after donating blood for victims of terrorist attack let me remind you that they were supposed to play against paraguay tonight at dynamo stadium. the football season will therefore resume this friday 29 march. in the opening match of the twenty-second round, dynamo will play against rostov. the vtb united basketball league has postponed three matches of the second stage of the regular season to a later date.
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title at the prestigious masters tournament in miami. that night the russian reached the 1/8 finals. medvedev beat the thirty-first racket of the world, british representative cameron nohria. 7:5-6-1. russian for the match lost only two games on his own serve, while he himself took the opponent’s serve six times. for reaching the quarter finals of the competition, medvedev will compete with the fiftieth racket of the world, the german domenic köpfer. let me remind you that at the previous tournament at the masters in indian wales, medvedev. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour.
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novorossiysk paratroopers are pushing back the enemy in the area between rabotino and verbovoye. now this is one of the most serious areas on the zaporozhye front. the militants are being hit by rsu grad crews. and anton stepanenko will tell you more. the jet division of the novorossiysk air assault mountain division was recently formed. last december, in less than 3 months, his fighters had already lost count of how many enemy targets they had destroyed, there were days when they went to firing positions seven or eight
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times, even... all the targets that were identified there, we we work on them, well, not planned targets, when it is necessary to work on, help comrades from other units, this time the rczo grad crew is working at the request of the infantry, air reconnaissance identified enemy infantry, from the moment they received the mission until they were ready to open fire, including the road to the position in no more than 15 minutes.
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adjustments are made from drones, so we hit the target, sometimes with the first shot we put it right where we need it, sometimes it happens because of weather conditions, when there is a strong wind there with a slight adjustment, but after one adjustment everything will fly away in one piece, hail hits over areas, so it rarely misses, especially if it’s a whole package. like now 40 rockets of 100 kg each , worked successfully, suppressed enemy manpower, enemy infantry, even successfully worked out half the battle with rocket launchers, the enemy is hunting, especially since the weather is favorable for drones, after firing, it is no less important for the crew to safely leave the firing position. after we had worked, the enemy bird followed us,
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using the maximum speed capabilities of the bm.
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