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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 25, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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collapsed and the building remained intact with holes , but intact and no one was hurt, so, but they tried the next day, it was on friday, they hit the building on the first day of voting, and 2 days later on sunday they tried to hit the same building, but didn’t hit, the shell hit the playground, but fortunately it was cordoned off after the first strike and there was no one there, so these shellings, their increasing number , indicate that... that’s all, that is, they already understand them with the military ours are hard to deal with, so they started terrorize more and more civilians. the strikes continue, and those strikes that fall towards the crimea, in our part they also shoot down more and missiles are shot down, missiles are sent again, if before there were only aircraft-type drones and drones, which they have to
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wait for, this is despite what happened preliminary voting, that’s why more than 84%, this is a lot, the turnout in our conditions, well, there is still a danger and there were several blows to the election commissions.
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in ukraine, when the elections took place, and what happens in russia when elections are held, these are two big differences, as we say, that is, what should you note? i can note that there is no, you know, in russia there is no such pressure of information flow on people, especially here, our internet does not work very well there, and television is not always people there, well, people have no time, especially farmers, they are in the field, but still. to call it, this is not a deprivation of life
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that is being imposed, but a holiday. just recently you met with deputy prime minister marat khusnulin, as far as i know, tell us what was discussed and whether any specific decisions were made? well, with a government commission, which is a working group that was created to help in the implementation of all areas of a special infrastructure project, so this project is called, the integration of new ones. of our all subjects of the kherson region, zaporizhzhya, donetsk and lugansk republics, well, he has powers, just like we don’t have a ministry yet, like the far east and others in this area, but there is a working group, and we need such a ministry, you know, for now
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there is enough working group, and then we’ll see how events develop, but the fact that we are on the verge of an investment boom, which we talked about with mara shkerzyanovich, first of all, now most of the projects on the left bank are related to those with the agricultural sector, this means the intensification of the agricultural sector, despite the fact that i emphasize that in general the kherson region was oriented, insofar as our steppe
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is almost flat everywhere, therefore the intensity of agriculture and culture agriculture is very high , it was, of course, connected with the possibility of land reclamation now.
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and the dnieper is not yet accessible for this, but even in these two seas, the possibilities of bioculture, the biosphere are very huge, that is , up to 40,000 tons, it is planned to create capacities for catching, preserving, that is, rapid preservation using the most modern methods of fish processing, so that it retains its quality, that is, this is not a long-term deep freeze, it is a shock so-called freezing, which... preserves all the qualities and in order for this opportunity to have all this, well, clean products, the kherson region differs even from our neighbors zaporozhye and donetsk regions and lugansk in that there
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is no large amount of large heavy industry in the kherson region, only processing, the agricultural sector, protected areas zone and indefinitely, that is , it receives agriculture and food mainly, as for the meeting with khusnulin - construction was probably discussed too, yes, this is another investment area, naturally, it is also connected with roads , so we discussed that a lot of roads are being built in kherson, last year more than 300 km were repaired, in settlements and between settlements and on the main routes that pass through the kherson region, the kherson region is another logistics transit area, you can go to crimea by land. travel only through the kherson region, accordingly, the load on these directions is very high, and smoradshinych discussed the possibility after all, despite the fact that, well russia is large, we need to do it everywhere, increasing the volume of construction and repair of roads
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along which a large number of vehicles move, which carry a large amount of cargo, including special purpose ones, so we need good roads for... to make it faster, but what with the railway that should go to crimea, how involved is the kherson region in this project? another one, and a direction, a railway line passes through the territory of the kherson region. roads that also lead to and from crimea, respectively, so now a project is being implemented, well, just for four new subjects, the new construction of one branch of the new railway, which will run from berdyansk to rostov through berdyansk to melitopol, and from melitopol then further to crimea, well, the part that is from melitopol to crimea, it exists, this road existed, it existed, it connected, then it went to moscow.
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passengers, because the time will still come when the need to get to the resorts of both crimea and the kherson region will be much more realized, so the road is needed both road and railway, when this project can be implemented, do you think, the ring road will begin to operate almost by the end of this year, this is according to the calendar schedules that the builders have now submitted for approval to the government commission. from a safety point of view, how do you rate this route? you know, i’ll tell you this, as the classic said,
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bulgakov also wrote that, well, bricks still fall one way or another, so to say that everything is completely safe, it will probably be unfair, but the fact that it will be quite possible and comfortable to move, now that transport is moving and railway transport is moving, then this can be said with confidence, precisely from sabotage... manifestations, here safety is increasing more and more, what can fly from the sky, then the same thing here, the faster the transport moves, the less likely it is to get hit, what is the situation with the consequences of the destruction of kokhovskaya gas, did you manage to liquidate everything, and how did you do you think it should be restored in the future? you know, i'll tell you this, the situation has returned to natural. natural bed of the dnieper, which existed before the construction of the kokhovskaya platinum, the creation
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of the kokhovskoye reservoir, at the moment, unfortunately, i’m just saying, unfortunately, there is no reservoir, and accordingly, the entire reclamation system, which was built in the fifties of the last century, after the great domestic, here it is, it is intact, the channels are in order, the stations that should provide these channels are also intact, here, but there is no water in them, so the main task after the front goes further, when we achieve victory in a special military operation, is to restore the kokhov dam, because the most valuable thing is the reservoir, this is a large amount of water that is needed for irrigation as steppes of the kherson region, fields of the kherson region, zaporozhye region and crimea. including, therefore, we definitely need to restore it, from the point of view of energy
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capabilities, well, anyway, such an amount of water will be concentrated, energy it will be in it, and the energy of the falling water will be used to generate electrical energy, but this is secondary, the primary one is still the reservoir, which provides press water to all these rather arid lands of southern russia, but what about the north-crimean canal now? the crimean canal is used specifically for conservation, as a storage facility for accumulating water, now another one of the directions of the project is being considered just related to the free economic zone, because this is a more preferential project, more preferential conditions that will give... the opportunity to quickly turn to capital, there are underground inputs in quite a large number,
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which, in addition to being raised from the ground, they need to be preserved on the surface, so we plan to partially convert the canal into lakes or ponds, in which water will be stored, then which can be used for irrigating the land. the sowing season, as far as i understand, is no longer approaching in our country; it has already begun for us, of course, it has already begun. the cherries are already blooming, and the apricot is blooming, spring is already in full swing, so what are the expectations for this season, so yes, so all the winter crops, more than 4000 hectares of winter crops...
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our people already somehow obviously understand that history, the development of history is going the way it is going, and a military operation, a special military operation, it takes place on their own land, they work together with the military, no one bothers each other. vladin vasilyevich, thank you for your comment, thank you for answering the question live, let me remind you that we talked with the head of the kherson region vladimiram msalda, now we have the opportunity to connect nikolai yanovich azarov to the live broadcast. we will discuss the situation in the ukrainian energy sector with him. nikolai yanovich, hello. hello. yes, recently we know that a fairly powerful blow was dealt to ukraine’s energy facilities. tell me, how do you assess the consequences, what information do you have, how effective was it from a military and economic point of view, what do you think? well, first of all, i want to express my condolences to all
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those killed and injured as a result of this terrible tragedy. i'm still under impressed. so i can’t help but say about this, now about the state of energy, well, i ’ll say this, even before the special military operation, energy production of electricity, or rather in ukraine, decreased by about 2 and a half times, after the start it decreased by another half and today it , well, according to my most approximate calculations , 1:5 is approximately 1:5, well, somewhere.
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by means of ges-1 and ges-2 - this is the famous dnieper-hpp, which had a total capacity after reconstruction, which reconstruction was carried out after the ninety-fifth year, lasted a sufficient number of years, and after reconstruction it was found out somewhere, i ’ll say from memory now probably 1.7 or 1.8.00 mw, but this is a very decent power, and this was the peak regulator for us how...
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therefore, the restoration of these , say, hydroelectric power stations is very problematic, and i have observed how they treat their energy sector for 10 years, it was probably a deliberate destruction of this energy sector of ukraine, why, because firstly, it very sharply reduced electricity consumption, industry , by the way, dneprogaz powered all of zaporozhye, so, if you say... all the capacities are industrial, it means that the day of progress was and was initially aimed at industrial enterprises such very large consumers of electricity and producers very serious products, which is why what
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has happened now is, in my opinion, a very serious blow to the energy sector. and i don’t know what ’s left of industry, that’s also a big question, because it’s hard to understand, statistics there is none, and we can only judge from fragmentary data, but the situation is deplorable, if we talk so seriously about military potential, do you think that as a result it will decrease, as a result of damage to the energy infrastructure, well, in terms of military potential, it means it’s very difficult . most likely it is practically non-existent, what kind of military potential are you talking about, maybe some kind of repair capacity, production , repair, maybe the production of drones, so... old i admit, but there are hardly any serious capacities, so especially after such serious losses at yuzhmash, there is the sich engine, at the kharkov
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maushevsky plant, so to speak, a plant that produced tanks, by the way, i recently read a speech by this mayor of kharkov, he says, well, you know, what’s the matter, that means two of our stations are destroyed, all the substations are destroyed, but all the power that... exists, we cannot power the city , we directed it to industrial capacity, well, apparently, their priority is obvious, that’s what they have there left, they sent here to the fact that there is still a simmer in kharkov, well, i already said that there is a simmer there, here is nikolaych, there were also interesting messages from the point of view of the consequences, that damage was caused, among other things, to a certain critical infrastructure facility. in the lviv region - it was called, there was information , at least such that this could be an object related to gas storage, gas transit, what information do you have on this matter and could
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, if this really affect kiev’s transit obligations? well, this is the information, apparently you have it, it’s the only one and the same thing, this means that the target was hit in the form of an underground gas storage facility, well , not the gas storage facility itself, of course, all... so to speak, the infrastructure of this gas storage facility, but we have a large number of them in ukraine, therefore, so to speak, the liquidation of one there , well, not liquidation, the defeat of one, it is unlikely that any significant damage will be caused to the general , that is, to the structure of the gas supply, especially since it is not winter, now on the contrary, gas consumption is reduced, gas pumping also decreases 100% in these months by ... gas, which means i wouldn’t bother with the problems that may arise, but whose gas is stored there, is it ukrainian gas, or is it gas that has already been purchased in the future, or
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will european consumers buy it in the future? well, it’s hard for me to say now the structure, which means that the one that is stored, i have a hard time imagining, so to talk about some serious ones there, because, let’s say, the germans refused to buy gas, the poles refused to buy gas, and they only buy gas, in my opinion , hungarians, slovakia, maybe in small quantities, so most likely gas is there is stored, well, firstly, there is a buffer gas there, which, so to speak, is impossible to choose, and secondly, that which is needed for transit, for supply, yes, yes, and secondly, that means probably our own gas, which is produced and, which we usually pumped up to get through the winter, and we started doing this business somewhere around here in the month of march, in march we carried it out until the onset of frost, that is... well, it’s hard for me to say how this will affect transit opportunities, because i repeat once again, on transit, such accurate data no, especially since kiev announced that it
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would stop the transit pumping of gas from december 31, 2024, and even proposed using the gas transportation system to pump hydrogen, which it does not have, it is unknown when it will appear, and something else the main thing is that this system is absolutely not adapted, so to speak. what about the transit agreement? what do you think is its fate in the future? will transit stop? well, if it is not needed, as the germans say the main gas consumers say there, then of course it will stop, who will insist on the continuation of transit, earlier, that’s when if you remember the crisis of the ninth year, january of the ninth... of the year, yes, first of all, when everything was resolved on the new year holidays, i remember, of course, yes, well, so , who first of all became worried , first of all became worried, i remember angela merkel, she
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began, so to speak, to call, called, the americans came running from the american embassy, ​​who also, apparently, acted at the request of the germans, so, that is, they then consumed a huge the volume of gas, that's why, so to speak, they became worried, now they have stated quite clearly what it means they... have disconnected from pipeline gas , they are going to refuse even small purchases, which means liquefied gas, so now it’s hard for me to imagine who will put pressure on the kiev authorities to continuation of transit, well, the question is about the statement and reality, whether they will ultimately be able to really refuse gas, good, but if we assume that ukraine refuses transit, there are no consumers in europe, they are also not ready to buy. russian gas, what what will happen to the gas transportation system, will it cease to exist? well, it’s like, it will be in a preserved state, because look, now it has been in use
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for the last 2 years, but hopefully... from its power, what does this mean? this means that there are expenses for maintaining the gas transfer stations in working condition from the system itself, so to speak, but apparently they will still preserve it there, some kind of sanity is preserved, they will not just abandon it, so to speak, so that it is destroyed, you can even see some plans the manilovskys are building for pumping hydrogen, so they will probably keep it, but then it all depends on what mode will be maintained.
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ukraine will now need to import electricity, what do you think, given this damage? well, they started consuming , they were disconnected from the unified energy system of russia a long time ago, then they were disconnected from the belarusians, for some time they acted in an independent mode, now they are connected to the unified energy system of europe by importing and exporting at the same time, well, they are not very big there amount of electricity, so how do you...
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no, tamara nikolaevna, know more about this. investigation can you tell me this, have you been jinxed? terrorist attacks on crocus cityhole, the basmanny court ordered the arrest of four suspects for 2 months, as long as possible.
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according to procedural norms, in the future all defendants face life imprisonment . according to the latest data, the number of victims of the terrorist attack has increased to 182, 137 people were killed. let’s ask what kind of help victims can expect commissioner for human rights in russia tatyana moskalkova, we are waiting for her interview in the middle of this hour. in avdeevkha , housing restoration will soon begin. the first 19 houses have already been identified. and the advance of our troops in the chasoy yar area opens up prospects for the restoration of artyomovsk. the head of the dpr, denis kushilin, spoke about this in an interview with our tv channel. atomexpo 224. one of the largest international sites in the field of nuclear
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energy begins work in sochi. this year's theme is


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