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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 25, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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according to the latest data, the number of victims of the terrorist attack has increased to 182, 137 people were killed. what kind of help can the victims expect? let’s ask the commissioner for human rights in russia tatyana moskalkova, we are waiting for her interview in the middle of this hour. restoration will begin soon. i have already identified the first 19 houses, and the advance of our troops in the chasovo yar area opens up prospects for the restoration of artyomovsk. the head of the dpr, denis kushilin, spoke about this in an interview with our tv channel. atom expo 2024. starts in sochi work at one of the largest international sites in the field of nuclear energy. this year's theme is clean energy, creating the future together. and now the broadcast of our channel will continue
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with the program of vladimir solovyov and pavel zarubin, moscow, the kremlin, putin, reports every minute, footage that no one has ever seen. the work of the president in these difficult days. dear citizens of russia, a week, every day, which will appeal to the citizens of russia.
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relatives from the first minutes of the incident, vladimir putin received all operational information, the president was reported on the progress of the investigation into the detention of the participants in the terrorist attack, all of them were declared by the president, the perpetrators, the customers, all these non-humans face the same fate, retribution and oblivion. hello, it is clear that in these difficult hours the presidential work was indecent, extremely important conversations, assignments, one after another. we managed to take a few shots, the latest details were published in the zarubi telegram channel, well , right now we will show something that no one has seen yet. on the day of national mourning, the president lit candles for the repose of the souls of the dead and the health of the wounded.
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these difficult two days, reports on what was happening from the very first minutes, rare footage from the president’s office, bortnikov, kolokoltsev, bastrykin, zolotov, golikova, kurenkov, murashkava, rabiev. the necessary instructions have been given. putin, judging by this footage, there are no changes, he is monitoring every stage of the investigation. 11 people, right?
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the criminals cold-bloodedly and purposefully set out to kill, to shoot point-blank our citizens, our children, just as the nazis once carried out massacres in the occupied territories, they planned to organize an exemplary execution, a bloody act of intimidation, will all the perpetrators, organizers and customers of this crime suffer fair and inevitable punishment, no matter who they are? whoever directs them, i repeat,
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we will identify and punish everyone who stands behind the terrorists, who prepared this atrocity, this attack on russia, on our people, of course, the president... has assistants, but in these frames it is clearly visible , at the disposal of the text of the address prepared by putin, he writes a lot by hand himself, reads another sheet again, edits, changes only then, dear citizens of russia, the text of the appeal is finally ready, terrorists, murderers, non-humans who do not and cannot have.
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uzbekistan, kazakhstan, turkey, syria, azerbaijan, tajikistan with condolences, with words of condemnation of the terrorist attack, words of support, we will provide the necessary assistance to everyone, the families into whose lives this has come. sincere condolences to everyone who has lost their loved ones. the whole country, our whole people, mourns with you. i declare march 24 a day
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of national mourning. attempts to provoke interethnic unrest conflicts, violate the rights and freedoms of citizens, use russophobia and... any other ideology of intolerance must be strictly and immediately suppressed. these words were spoken by the president to his fsb colleagues a few days earlier and now, of course, they need to be listened to carefully again. understanding that we are dealing with a strong, dangerous enemy, whose arsenal has extensive information, technical, financial capabilities, what can i say, we know their capabilities in all these areas, including intelligence methods.
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method, these are shelling of peaceful cities, assassination attempts on government officials and public figures, attempts to recruit perpetrators of sabotage and terrorist attacks at critical russian infrastructure facilities and in places where people are in large numbers. the days before the presidential elections on voting days became the most difficult for residents of the border regions of russia. words of gratitude and admiration for the residents of the belgorod region and other border regions. of course, the primary task is to ensure safety; there are different ways, they are not easy, but we will do it. of course, we can respond in kind, we can respond in the same way to civilian infrastructure, to all other objects of this kind that the enemy
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attacks. we have our own views on this matter and our own plans. we will follow what we have outlined. the agony of this nazi regime is already when. will never happen, representatives of the foreign press approached people in difficult regions, in difficult regions and said: where are you going, aren’t you scared? such a grown man i’ll turn around and say: i’m russian, i’ll go where i need to go, what our enemy does , hoping to achieve a result, he achieves
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a result, but exactly the opposite, expected, that’s all, they don’t understand who they’re dealing with, russia, i’m not ready to talk now about what and how we should annex, when, but i do not rule out that we will be forced to create a certain sanitary zone in the current territories subordinate to the kiev regime, a security zone to overcome , which... will be quite difficult using those means of destruction that the enemy uses are, first of all, of course , foreign-made, foreign weapons are used for their attacks by modern vlasovites who have merged with the kiev regime, there is a direct presidential order to identify them by name, by name, we will punish them without a statute of limitations, wherever they were not there, so that the vlasovites would not be accustomed to, what they ended up with is well known, then these traitors and scum...
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law enforcement agencies will be given instructions to identify everyone by name, and we will not give them peace. they should know about this they have an unenviable fate, we guarantee them that. as a result of the elections, putin, without exaggeration , has a nationwide mandate to take any actions that he deems necessary. and it’s not just the unprecedented high result of candidate putin, the unprecedented voter turnout speaks volumes about the highest numbers in the new regions. i thought that... they would be good, significant, positive, but to be honest, i didn’t even expect that they would be like that.
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firstly, this means that we are doing everything right, people are grateful to us for those the decisions we made to protect them, and this is the main motivation for all our actions. secondly, they, of course, expect from us protection in every sense of the word, development of the social sphere, economy, and we will do everything to ensure that these ideas are realized. people came and fulfilled their duty , now it’s up to you and me to fulfill our duty to them, we still have a lot of all kinds of nonsense and injustice in the lives of our people, starting from the lowest level and ending with the very, very highest, we cannot now rest on our laurels , to say that this is all passed, now we will sit down, we will sit down, as...
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a week saw our program late in the evening, get ready to work there, and this is immediately after the end of the election marathon, the second hour of the morning, this is what putin answered a few minutes earlier to the question: how will you answer victory? now i’ll talk to the general staff, goodbye, one of the key topics of the week. there have been increasingly active discussions in western countries about the possibility of sending nato troops to ukraine, everything is possible
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in the modern world, and this is clear to everyone, that it would be one step away from a full-scale world war iii. i think that hardly anyone is interested in this. these loud cries that we will come now, we will stand somewhere, well, we will fight one more day longer, that’s exactly how long these fighters they will bring there will be enough. married way, of course, they will tell you anything, the choice
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of the russian people is important to me, i rely on the russian people, and i am very grateful to the citizens of russia for their support, i dreamed of a strong, independent, sovereign russia, we will do everything that depends on us in all directions, the most important, most important broadcasts of this evening, every second, right now in these minutes i see that vladimir putin is watching with you, okay. his election headquarters, the task of his election headquarters, now, apparently, he will communicate with volunteers, we’ll look together with you, let’s make a general entrance. well, now we see that the president, as always, was asked for a general photograph, but you and i know that it is possible that they may start asking for more, and for individual photos, anything is possible, but you and i are watching now everything that is happening, we are watching every second, every
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moment of this important chosen night, by the way, look what is happening right now happens, of course.
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well, it’s just a disaster, not democracy, that’s what it is, well, quicker voting, what is it? voting time ends, ballots can be added until 12:00 at night, because the postmark is put on the post office on those days that have not yet ended, who uh stands and controls? no one, they bought a vote for 10 dollars, and then they bought thousands of
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votes, came in a bunch, threw everything in before 12:00 at night. here's voting, here's democracy, we don't have anything like that, thank you, yes, if we still have foreign journalists, we are ready to show our democratic spirit, well, you are the only one, you were brave, you came here, you are here , and this suggests that all is not lost for the united states, the british bbc worked in the kremlin for a week, and first questioned nadezhda babkina, you raised him, as i understand it, but how...
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putin’s meeting with his trusted representatives, the audience applauds putin standing several times, but putin’s victory is the victory of each of these people who directly participated in his election campaign, and well putin's rivals were also invited to the kremlin on monday. the conversation is open, but we have common goals, these are definitely completely obvious things behind closed doors.
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railway from rostov to donetsk, to mariupol and berdyansk, we will continue this work and soon trains they will go straight to sevastopol, and this will be
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another alternative road instead of the crimean bridge, and so together, hand in hand, we will move on. the personnel, like everyone else here, and the president too, sang the anthem, many discussed it, slavic country, we are proud of you. but we captured what was happening behind the scenes at that moment, but the officer accompanying putin did not know that someone was watching and filming it. supreme commander-in-chief putin. and during his first speech, immediately after summing up the results of the elections, he primarily talks about russian ones. heroes, slush, dirt, snow is falling, and they are sitting there in the okups, well, well, we understand what it is , it’s hard for a person who has not been there to even imagine it, but they are there, after counting 100% of the votes, the president decides again
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to address the citizens of russia via video in the main office of the president in the first building of the kremlin, good evening, a very difficult time in which all russians are more consolidated than ever. let's go. together along the historical path we have chosen, confident in ourselves, in our strengths and in our future. victory on elections are only a prologue to those victories that russia so needs and which will definitely come. pavel, what is known about the president’s schedule for the next week? it is clear that it is hardly possible to talk about an exact schedule now; on such days it is inevitably adjusted, but that’s something. we know, but you and i can assume something. we will identify and punish everyone. of course, this week the president will continue to monitor the progress
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of the investigation into the terrorist attack and the process of providing assistance to the victims. putin's schedule includes meetings with members of the security council. exactly international telephone calls and negotiations will continue. you should expect more calls from foreign countries. in addition , the president is expected to hold an economic meeting this week. we will do everything that depends on us. in all directions. putin’s trip to one of the regions is not excluded, but, of course, given the current events, there may be significant changes in the president’s schedule. you have already seen many times that the most important footage about presidential events appears earlier than others in zarubin’s telegram channel. subscribe, well, in our next we'll show more of the others in the television episode. thank you, pavel, i say goodbye to you for the week. and we will meet with the audience right after andrei kandrashov’s film, belgrade. i'm waiting for you here. sunday evening.
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it was you who stole a dirk from your grandfather at the age of 7, this was for you, the men from the yard said you were a fighter, it was you who was never afraid of a fight, this is with you, she is calm everywhere, this is for you. friends can always rely on you, you can’t stay away, it’s you, and here you are, among your own people, it’s great!
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commissioner for human rights in russia tatyana moskalkova today laid flowers at the spontaneous memorial of the sitiho crocus. now she is in direct contact with the studio. tatyana nikolaevna. hello.
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realizing that innocent, peaceful people died from this monstrous, bloody terrorist act, we have launched a 24-hour hotline that accepts calls and is ready to provide assistance to anyone who needs it, in the chat of the human rights ombudsmen in... . objects of the russian federation list all the names of those people who came to moscow from other regions, there are more than thirty such regions, so that they, our colleagues from the regions, commissioners for human rights in the constituent entities of the russian federation, can proactively respond and...


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