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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 25, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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the consciousness that innocent, peaceful people died from this monstrous, bloody terrorist act. we have deployed a 24-hour hotline that accepts calls and is ready to provide assistance to anyone who needs it in the chat of human rights ombudsmen in the constituent entities of the russian federation. all the names of those people who came to moscow from other regions are listed, there are more than thirty such regions, so that they, our colleagues from the regions, commissioners for human rights in the constituent entities of the russian federation, could proactively respond to help their family and friends. literally two steps away from this place it works today.
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aid headquarters near moscow, behind me there is a red cross, and people still come here in need of this help, i would like to say words of great gratitude to our emergencies ministry doctors, volunteers who helped take people home on a tragic day, deliver them to medical... .
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customers of a bloody terrorist act and bring the perpetrators to justice, well, for our part, we are obbudsmen of both the federal and at the regional level, we do everything possible to help people who find themselves in difficult life situations. the state established payments and established social support measures. for these people, it is very important that not a single letter of these support measures, these regulations and support measures is ignored by anyone, so that everything that is provided for these people is carried out as quickly and clearly as possible, and i would also like to say that today the fourteenth day of continuous, unprecedented... shelling
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of the belgorod region, and there is also there are dead, there are injured, thanks to the actions of the governor of the belgorod region, our federal authorities, children are being taken to a safe place, adults are being taken out, and we are the ombudsmen for human rights in the constituent entities of the russian federation, i, of course, constantly work in temporary accommodation centers. evacuated in order to provide them with the necessary assistance in a timely manner, social, psychological, and simply human, the heart is torn to pieces by the knowledge that innocent people are suffering from this evil, and today, more than ever, our consciousness is probably turning to the need to search for...
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new forms of protecting human rights, first of all, the right to life, the right to national dignity, the right to one’s security. tatyana nikolaevna, do you think enough has been done and continues to be done at different levels to provide assistance to victims of terrorist attacks in russia, both in moscow and in the belgorod and bryansk regions. and such measures always seem to be insufficient, since this is not only a question law enforcement system, but the entire society, and we remember that after the tragic events in moscow associated with terrorist acts, both the public and civil society institutions were more seriously mobilized in
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order to counter terrorist acts, it seems to me that we everyone needs to comprehend today. yes, we received calls to our hotline, people were interested in how to resolve certain issues related to the further provision of medical care, obtaining
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sick leaves, how to pick up property that remained with crocos city, at... this building, and we also received calls about searching for our loved ones, in this case we contact law enforcement agencies in order to consolidate our efforts, and also with the human rights ombudsmen in other constituent entities of the russian federation, since the calls were specifically related to relatives located outside of moscow and the moscow region. tatyana nikolaevna, thank you very much for the interview, the commissioner for human rights in russia, tatyana moskalkova. i came to
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there are 182 names on the general list of those who needed medical help after a terrorist attack, the best specialists are fighting for the life and health of everyone, doctors have everything they need for this. the nature of the damage is very large, so extensive, there are patients with carbon monoxide poisoning, yes, with combustion product poisoning, and there are patients with combustion product poisoning with burns. there are combined injuries, there are combined injuries, when there is poisoning by combustion products, burns, and, uh, injuries to bone structures and abdominal cavity organs, that is, such a very wide spectrum. at the site of the tragedy in crocus cityhole near moscow , the removal of rubble continues, work does not stop for a minute. rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations work around the clock, they dismantle damaged structures using heavy equipment, too.
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flowers are brought to the residents of the spontaneous memorial, toys are lit, candles are lit. a court in moscow has chosen a preventive measure for the defendants in the case of the terrorist attack at crocus cityhole. all four were remanded in custody until may 22. the meeting took place tonight . boris ivanin will tell you the details. arrest for 2 months, such a preventive measure. the ottoman court of the capital elected all four detainees to those who, as the investigation suggests, were the direct perpetrators of the monstrous terrorist attack in the city of sithol. the solution to the fourth one the last defendant was received in moscow at two o'clock in the morning. however, reporters and police spent the entire sunday preparing for the meeting. this morning , security measures were strengthened near the building and a fence was erected. but only when it got dark, an inconspicuous black van delivered the detainees to the court, a decision for each.
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he listened to the court's decision, hiding his eyes on the floor, and then sat down, lowering his head, trying not to look into the cameras, because behind dozens of lenses, thousands of condemning glances of those affected by the tragedy, this is essentially unscheduled meeting, evening, sunday , basmanny court, usually closed at this time, but now open, closer to 20 o’clock the press, which had been waiting outside for the start of this meeting all day, began to be allowed inside, the hearings themselves began after ten. in the evening , the suspects were brought to the basmanny court from the investigative committee, where they were interrogated at the central office of the investigative committee. the investigation
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is personally supervised by the head of the department, alexander bastrykin. a criminal case was initiated under the article of terrorism. the second defendant, rachabalizoda, was charged with terrorism muradali. behind the glass he was treated like an animal in a cage. there is really little humanity in those who mercilessly killed innocent spectators in the crocus. unemployed with incomplete secondary education. four sets of combat ammunition, unloadings, more than 500
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rounds of ammunition and 28 magazines, and two kalashnikov assault rifles with which the attackers were armed were confiscated from the scene of the tragedy. while the suspects were being detained in the bryansk region , a makarov pistol and a magazine from a kalashnikov assault rifle were found and confiscated in a renault car. straightaway after being detained in the bryansk region, the third person involved in the high-profile case, twenty-five-year-old fariduni shamsedin, admitted that he received for... in krasnogorsk, he was a laborer and visited crocus city hall 2 weeks before the terrorist attack. it was taken by a photographer who was working in the lobby of the concert hall on march 7. however, what the detainee himself says about this visit and how exactly he prepared for the terrorist attack remained unknown; the case was heard closed to the press. the investigator stated that the proceedings may concern state secrets.
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elect accused faridun shamsedina preventive measures in the form of detention until may 22. the fourth detainee , nineteen-year-old muhammad sabir fayzov, who before the terrorist attack worked as a barber in the ivanovo region, was brought to the hall in a special wheelchair. he was wounded during his arrest and was taken to court by ambulance straight from the hospital in a medical gown and with a catheter. doctors were even invited to the meeting, ready to provide assistance at any time. however, even his condition was not a reason to soften the court's decision. accused fayzov mukhamat sabir zakirchonovich received a preventive measure in the form of detention until may 22, 2019. the arrest is for 2 months, for now the maximum possible period, according to procedural norms, but in the future all detainees face life imprisonment, and the task of the investigation and special services is now to uncover the entire network of accomplices so that everyone suffers an inevitable and fair
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punishment. boris ivanin, mikhaila verenkov, dmitry vaskoboynikov and pavel varbuzov. news. military personnel who distinguished themselves in detaining suspects in an attack on crocus cityhall presented state awards. the terrorists were captured in the bryansk region; according to preliminary data, they tried to escape to the territory of ukraine. according to the ministry of defense, the fighters were awarded by the deputy commander of the leningrad military district. he highly appreciated the contribution of each participant in the operation, including medals for courage for combat distinction. crocus and pin it to the school uniform. and the flower of hope. they are creating a flower out of paper
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today in one of the schools in krasnogorsk near moscow, commissioner for children's rights maria belova. and tried to evacuate absolutely everyone , buddy, hello, as promised, today we are preparing pilaf, hey, hey, don’t transfer the butter, oh, you need to transfer money home, by the way, it’s better to transfer from vtb online, it’s faster and more convenient,
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a deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family. did you make this wish? discounts, how much did you ask for? up to 50%. refrigerator highers now frost for only 44.999 and eldorado. we're going on vacation, and we 're going. so open a vtb savings account, rate 16%, save up faster, the memory of those killed in the terrorist attack at the sitikholi crucus was honored by the youth symphony orchestra under the direction of yuri bashmet. at closing during the spring festival in sirius, musicians gave a special concert. they performed tchaikovsky's fifth symphony in a hall without spectators. from sochi, reporting by kristina kolesnikova. this concert was originally planned to be completely different. the youth symphony orchestra
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led by yuri bashmet was supposed to close the spring music festival. but everything changed dramatically and the concert was dedicated to the memory of those killed in the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. all seats in the hall are free; this concert takes place without the presence of spectators in the hall only ode and directing team. which provide an online broadcast so that anyone can see the concert. the concert repertoire was completely changed; pyotr cheikovsky's fifth symphony was performed. this work is a symbiosis of drama and tragedy, it touches on the themes of fate and fate. the main universal human value is life. better than peter's brilliant music. tchaikovsky cannot express the state of all citizens of our country.
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yuri bashmet is confident that in such difficult moments, classical music promotes the unity of people. the concert was broadcast on social networks on the culture tv channel. kristina kolesnikova, vlad mashinsky, maria krug, news from sochi. the russian military is advancing in the chasovaya yara area and this creates opportunities to begin the restoration of artyomovsk soon. denis pushilin spoke about this on our tv channel. the head of the dpr also noted that in the near future they will begin to restore housing in the liberated avdeevka. 19 houses have been identified that have relative damage, where now, i think, in the near future we will be able to begin some kind of closure work.
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97 victims of the terrorist attack in crocus remain in hospitals, killing 137 people. our correspondent will tell you what is happening at the scene of the tragedy, we are waiting for the live broadcast. the terrorists who attacked cropus cityhol were arrested for 2 months. the meeting of the basmanny court took place this night. in the future, those accused of committing a terrorist attack face life imprisonment. from
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rostov to crimea via donbass. the ring railway connecting the rostov region with the crimean peninsula will begin operating by the end of 2024. about the progress of work in an interview governor of the kherson region vladimir saldo told our channel. new floating nuclear power plants and power units were presented by rosatom at the atomexpo forum. one of the largest international sites in the field of nuclear energy begins work in sochi. we are waiting for our correspondent to speak directly from the spot. in kroku and sitihole, at the site of the terrorist attack, the rubble is being cleared, rescuers are working around the clock, also to the scene of the tragedy, where...


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