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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 25, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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opened today on the territory of sirius, this is one of the main exhibition and business spaces in the world of the nuclear industry, what is being discussed and what decisions have already been made, we find out from elizaveta khramtsova, she is joining the broadcast. lisa, greetings again, now a message is coming that rosatom has already agreed with kyrgyzstan on the construction of small hydroelectric power stations. what other news is there by this hour? daria, good afternoon, a really extensive business program, issues of science, economics, medicine. well , of course, energy is discussed here in sirius, the atomexpo 2024 forum started with a minute of silence, here the participants of this, perhaps the main event in the nuclear industry in the world, paid tribute to the memory of those people who became victims of the inhumane tragedy that happened in cruxitehola last friday. this is an international platform, now, perhaps, the center of world energy, they talk about current technologies in...
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safety, and of course, they talk a lot about technologies of the future, the forum is very representative, more than 500 participants came from more than 70 countries around the world . together with you, we will discuss the fourth generation of atomic energy, talk about thermonuclear fusion, talk about other contributions of our technologies to the development of humanity, and of course, we will do this together, only together with all countries.
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world, in the global calendar of nuclear events, this is especially important for the discussion about the future of nuclear energy, about the role of nuclear energy, which occupy more and more space in the discussion of guarantees of more innovative approaches to ensuring the future of humanity. well, of course, extensive scientific program, the national center for physics and mathematics, is working together with its partners on the development of artificial intelligence, they will discuss it with partners. what achievements does russian and world science already have in this, of course, most important area, according to the head of the national center for physics and mathematics alexander sergeev, now humanity is at the stage when it is important to determine the criterion of who will determine what artificial intelligence supplies us with knowledge or just data and in general, who should take are you responsible for making this or that decision? of course, the decision must be made by natural intelligence, the decision must...
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be made, but the plenary session, which will begin in the near future, today will be devoted to clean technologies, russia insists that we can only ensure a sustainable and safe future together, this concerns not only cooperation at the state level, but cooperation at the company level, both business and representatives of other states are represented here, including ministers from hungary, turkey and other countries will host today.
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welcome to asia, we invite you on an amazing journey to the very heart continent and even cloudy weather. cannot spoil the mood, because spring has come, central asia is celebrating the main holiday of navrus, the new year according to the astrological calendar. today we will talk about this, perhaps the oldest holiday in the history of mankind, and let’s not forget about other important events of the week. march 21 is a special day, the beginning of a new solar cycle. navrus in sfarsi translation means new day. with special celebrations, this event has been celebrated for a very long time, when no one can say for sure, but the count is counting for a millennium, the event spiritual, mystical, awakening of nature, the beginning of a new life, today in central asia they continue this ancient tradition. these
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days the holiday is literally everywhere, people are walking on navrus, everyone is everywhere, in almaat a whole festive caravan passed through the city, mobile yurts on wheels, camels loaded with silk, powerful boots. welcoming the onset of spring, across kazakhstan, 2 million children simultaneously played dombra. on obaya square in almaat , the traditions and cultures of all nations celebrating naurys were united under one shanyrak. congratulations from president atakaev, important words about unity. this year marks a new stage in the development of our society; we have identified fundamental values ​​that
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resonate in the hearts of all our citizens. navrus personifies the unity and solidarity of our people; it is the cohesion of nations that is a reliable foundation for the sustainable development of the country. navrus vividly embodies our good aspirations. in uzbekistan, because of the rain , the main celebrations moved the stage of the humo ice arena, this also has its own symbolism, because the mythical bird khumo, the messenger of good, a symbol of happiness, navrus, as people say, is a holiday when the soul rises. the president of uzbekistan in his congratulations speaks about the transformation of nature and the country of every person. as the seasons change , wonderful transformations occur everywhere. a new day, a new time is coming, the breath
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of new life is felt, nature awakens, the heart is filled with joy, the country is transforming and becoming more beautiful every day. about a good tradition on the festive stage, representatives of all peoples of multinational uzbekistan. navrus is so unifying. by the way, the rain on navrus is a good example. after all , initially the day is associated with agriculture, and every peasant, or as they say in azi, dikhanin, knows heavy rainfall in the spring to a bountiful harvest and prosperity. how can one not remember the hit of daler nazarov, perhaps the main singer and composer of modern tajikistan, beloved throughout central asia and russia. if anyone doesn't know, this is a mandatory recommendation. the music of daler nazarov is a combination of tajik-persian folk, modern motives, but also a relevant song for acquaintance: chucky chucky buron. capoi cap.
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by the way, about the music of navruz, the main instrument of the holiday is karnais, forsi is translated as a loud or calling trumpet. they say the kornai is as ancient an instrument as the navrus holiday itself. it was made from animal bones, then switched to metal. now it's copper and brass. karnai's sound is powerful and low, with a range of approximately one octave. musicians usually hold the instrument at an angle with the pipes facing up. to direct sounds in different directions. by the way, it would be more correct to call
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karnai is not a musical, signaling instrument. it was used in battles, during hunting and in city life to notify about important events. in march, kornai is the gloshata of navruz, the rise, spring has come. nanouniversity and tajikistan blossom to the sounds of kornai. they began to prepare for the celebration. trees are planted in advance, cities are turned into blooming gardens. this year navrus fell during the muslim holy month of ramadan, so among the obligatory treats was neshshalo, whipped egg whites with syrup. fasting people open their meal with this dessert. and a little more about rain the sign is, of course, good, but globally there is still not enough water. and an important event this week. uzbekistan and kazakhstan agreed to install transboundary water meters. it is assumed that...
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it is carried out using structures called water-measuring posts or gauging stations, and these hydrological posts are equipped with various devices, uh , different levels of automation, which allow us to monitor the water level in the river, the amount of water that flows in this river or canal, or based on measurements from level to draw conclusions about how much water we have flowing in the right direction in our water body. is this a unique project or is such systems already in
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use somewhere? the uniqueness apparently lies in the fact that countries want among themselves - i also remember this holiday week in asia. a meeting took place in doha between the prime minister of kazakhstan alzhas biktenov and emir kator, who officially launched the implementation of investment projects worth $17.5 billion. among them are the construction of the aktabek gas pipeline, the second line of the fuel the beineu main line at the shymkent base and several new gas processing plants, as well as
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a power plant with a 1,100 mw combined cycle gas plant and a 350 mw hydroelectric power station. dedication to russia will not arrange an entrance school exam in the russian language for children of migrants. the department rejected the corresponding idea of ​​one of the state duma deputies, since it - quote: will lead to restriction of the rights of minor foreign citizens and stateless persons. the sowing campaign began simultaneously in four velayats of turkmenistan cotton plant. according to tradition, the first selected seeds were planted in the ground by local elders, who prayed for a good harvest and... the welfare of the people, after which modern mechanization teams of cotton growers began work. an unexpected goalscorer, kakshitaovsky akzhitpes , the team played a friendly match with the chinese, and it was difficult to recruit 11 people into the starting lineup, injuries prevented them, when another player was already injured on the field, he had to be replaced by the assistant coach, who, not surprisingly, scored the winning goal , it's stormy
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celebrated the matter. perhaps just such a goal-scoring forward is not... the strength of the kazakhstan national team in the nations league playoff match, from where one could get to the european championship. the kazakhs conceded five unanswered goals from the greeks. a painful defeat, but this qualifying campaign in the republic will still be remembered for a long time. in kyrgyzstan, holidays last for 4 days. thousands of people came out to the main square in the capital of beshkeki, alattou, despite the cloudy weather. bright clothes, traditional decorations, non-stop music and kind wishes for the new year. i wish every kyrgyzstani that this year becomes a year of success, great achievements, unity and economic growth. congratulatory speeches sadyr japarov told citizens about the transformations in the country, which are indeed changing very dynamically,
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by the way, one of the innovations was thought about here after the elections in russia, we are talking about the implementation of the system. it’s always about renewal, a topic that is incredibly relevant for the whole of central asia, rapid transformations in each of the countries in the region, for example , in kazakhstan last week meeting of the national kurultai chaired by president kasym zhumar- takaev. in general, kurultai is an ancient institution of type democracy. at such meetings, issues of war and peace were decided , positions were distributed, today it is an advisory body under the head of state,
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which includes representatives of civil society, experts from a variety of industries, they talked about... what the kazakhstan of the future should look like, in particular takaev proposed changing the coat of arms of the republic. according to takaev, the current coat of arms is too complex for perception, precisely because of its eclecticism and signs of the soviet era, concerned citizens and young people complain about this. we asked a specialist in the field of heraldry to read the current coat of arms of kazakhstan for us. tell us what kind of symbols are present on the coat of arms of kazakhstan and what they mean? modern. the coat of arms of the republic of kazakhstan was preceded by the coat of arms of the kazakh soviet socialist republic, which repeated the coats of arms of most of the union republics. in the ninety-second year after kazakhstan gained independence, the current the current coat of arms, although it has been adjusted several times, is based on
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the same composition, the center of this composition is that the element of such kazakh food culture is the roof, the internal ceiling of the yurt, here is a crosshair with a crosshair like if only symbols... the sky, such supports are suitable for it, but actually this yurt stands for the steppe, a dwelling, a symbol of a house, a symbol, well , accordingly, a symbol of the homeland, but other elements are added to it, golden, winged horses, well, they are known in the european tradition like pegasi, but in general this symbol of the bloody stake has long existed for many millennia in the traditions, legends, of asian peoples, and the prototype of these golden horses became a real archaeological artifact, this is one of one of the finds on the territory of kazakhstan,
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according to tradition, from the coat of arms of the kazakh socialist republic was the five-pointed star present in the coat of arms is borrowed, it is also an ancient symbol, it should not be associated only with the soviet union and the red army, it was on the shoulder straps of the officers’ army, this is the final star indeed... it has been found in heraldry for a long time, but in this case it is also present, the inscription kazakhstan, it was just edited, once it was in russian letters, theoretical, then they switched to the latin alphabet, now this, now this is the latin inscription , to what extent the current coat of arms complies with the rules of heraldry, the rules of heraldry are not the laws of the russian federation or any state, the rule is just a recommendation, there are some well basic... requirements for the coat of arms, for example, not a combination of certain colors, because they the combination with each other is simply lost, but in general, from the gerological point of view
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of the gerbo of kazakhstan, i cannot foresee any special claims, it’s just that it was compiled not in the traditions of european heraldry, where there is a shield of a certain type, but the heraldist still operates with some symbols , but... to fully understand the scale of national history, a clear guideline is also given, according to takaev, kazakhstan is the direct successor to the nomadic civilization of the great steppe, namely
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the golden horde. golden horde, aka ulus jochi was originally part of the mongol empire, but after the collapse of the latter it continued to exist as a separate power and existed as such from 1269 to 1459. the horde occupied about 6 million square meters. kilometers, its northern limits extended to kazan. the northeastern border ran along tyumen and tobolsk. the extreme southern border was derbend. in the west, ulus bordered on the european black sea coast, but the southeastern province, where the khans of the ak horde, that is, the white horde, ruled, included northern uzbekistan and kazakhstan from the caspian coast to lake balkhazh. economically , the golden horde relied on a combination of sedentary and nomadic farming typical of steppe states. however, it brought in most of the income. tribute from conquered and vassal peoples, for example, furs and precious metals were sold to europe, the middle east to china, and the centralization of power was ensured mainly through
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a powerful power bloc. almost all men aged 15 to 60 were subject to conscription into the army. this allowed at any time to assemble a huge army, at that time up to 200,000 people, which, moreover, was very mobile, because it was based on horse archers. marksmen were famous for their ability to hit a target from a distance of 100 m while moving. and a little more about other events of the past week. on the border of kyrgyzstan and uzbekistan, another underground tunnel about 130 m long was discovered, which was dug with special knowledge of the matter. there are two-meter ceilings, high-quality lighting, and, of course, reliable camouflage. the entrance and exit were located directly inside private houses on both sides of the border. all this has been used for smuggling for a long time. but now the shop has been closed. no apologies on camera. the ministry of internal affairs of kazakhstan will no longer record and publish the repentant monologues of detainees on social networks. however, people
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have the impression that instead of a real punishment, someone can get away with routine excuses, so now the police will start filming community service with the participation of such offenders. the people should know that everyone is equal, we live in a legal state, everyone is equal before the law, what kind of conventional star will say: i don’t want to be filmed, there at this moment i will also learn to fight, but the main purpose of the type of punishment of community service is precisely public reproach. the fight against vaping in kazakhstan is reaching a new level. volunteers on the streets of astana offer e-cigarette lovers to exchange them for punching bags, gloves or tennis rackets. as stated, there were many willing people. and, let me remind you, earlier, majelis adopted a law according to which the production of vapes in the republic, as well as their import, is completely prohibited. and we return to
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the holiday, like this, a navrus meeting. they set up a whole town, where they presented the turkmen way of life, traditional yurts topchins with steaming cauldrons, here is an oriental bazaar in all its splendor, colorful goods and lively barkers, indispensable participants in all festive celebrations of the turkmens. an important part of the holiday, gastronomic, they are treated to turkmen national dishes , pishma, chapati pilaf, sprouted wheat is also a must on the table. in general, each country in the region has its own
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gastronomic traditions associated with the holiday, but the obligatory symbol is sprouted wheat. everywhere it is prepared differently, but one of the central dishes is sumalak. the sprouted wheat is ground and squeezed, then boiled in boiling oil with flour. cooking sumalak is a whole ancient ritual. friends and relatives gather around a large cauldron, but not only that, the process itself very quickly brings people together. the mass must be continuously mixed in two your hands can't handle it. while cooking, women sing national songs, dance, tell each other interesting stories, and also interpret the drawings that form under the lid of the cauldron on the surface of the sumalak. this is such a delicious and bright holiday, let navrus bring renewal to your life, fill your home with happiness and joy, and for more joy, don’t forget every week, we meet here in the center of asia, take care of yourself.
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the work does not stop for a minute, the rubble is being cleared at the svetiholi crocus, and it is also appropriate people continue to come to the tragedy to
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honor the memory of the victims. terrorist attack, what is the situation at this time and what is known about the progress of the investigation? talking about important things. in schools and colleges today they tell students about the fight against terrorism and the importance of unity in society. how are the lessons going? for courage and bravery in one of the schools in krasnogorsk , commissioner for children's rights maria lvoova belova awarded the children who saved people during the terrorist attack. two power units in the rostov region are out of order ; the circumstances of the fire are being clarified. novocherkassk gres. what information is available at this moment? water was discovered under the rubble in the pioneer mine, where a rescue operation is underway and the well was inspected using a video camera. what did you find out? in crocus cityhall, the site of the terrorist attack is clearing out
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the rubble. rescuers are working around the clock, and people continue to come to the site of the tragedy, where a public memorial has been formed, to honor the memory of the victims. our correspondent maria valieva joins us live. hello, tell me how it is?


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