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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 25, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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now the footage is from the government press service. dear gennady andrevich, dear colleagues, at the beginning of our meeting, i would like to say a few words about the tragedy that happened. on friday in the moscow region in
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crooksit, i want to once again express my most sincere condolences to the relatives who died as a result of this monstrous terrorist act, we mourn each of them, and i ask you to honor their memory with a minute of silence. please sit down, now there is an investigation into these events, those responsible will be punished, they are not deserve mercy, and today our main concern is about the victims of this crime, about the patients who are being treated in medical institutions, about relatives visiting loved ones about the families of the victims...
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help came as quickly as possible, i especially want to thank the doctors, rescuers, internal affairs officers, who promptly, without delay, detained the criminals involved in this tragedy and , of course, all caring people, real heroes who, despite mortal danger, brought people out and protected terrorists, those who were nearby and those people who came to donor centers, who donated blood, your... courage, perseverance, the best
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proof that we do not have the grief of others. thank you very much everyone. i am convinced that no terrorists will be able to enter the country where such people live. well, it is our direct responsibility to do everything possible for their well-being, for the development of russia. and let's talk about this in more detail. mikhail mishustin said about the tragedy in kroku city at the beginning of the meeting with the leadership of the communist party faction. about this meeting. we’ll tell you a little later, now on to other events, how the presidential elections went in the lugansk people’s republic, what difficulties arise during the restoration of the region, the head of the lpr, leonid pasechnik, spoke about this and more in an interview with my colleague nikolai dolgachev. leonit imanovich, hello, good afternoon, thank you for agreeing to the interview, i know it’s a very stressful job right now, a busy schedule, but nevertheless there are important issues that i would like to cover, the russian presidential elections took place in lugansk republic for the first time, residents.
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intimidate him , prevent him from being carried out, question him, but at the same time, in general , both the power structures and units of the armed forces of the russian federation worked as efficiently as possible, as coherently as possible, ensured security, in general, and the holding of these elections in in accordance with all international norms of law, which was generally witnessed by the foreigners present at the elections...
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we elected once again, we elected vladimir vladimirovich putin, of course, this is ours president, and of course we expected such a high turnout, to be honest, we expected this turnout because we had previously worked in this direction and we knew that there would be a
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lot of people, a very active turnout and voting, a high percentage for the current president in the old areas , yes, the so-called ones, which were a people's republic. and until the twenty -second year, in new areas, too, it turns out that people are no different from each other, even those who were released relatively recently were still under the control of the ukrainian authorities for many years, you know, here it is very a lot depends, this period of our being part of the russian federation, our being at home, has shown, shown , after we returned home, we achieved in general... these are the goals we set for ourselves, we realized, made our dream come true, became part of russia, in general, we have seen just huge changes on the territory of the republic, this is renewed construction, these are hundreds of kilometers of restored roads, in the past, over the past
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year 2023, we restored 740 km of roads, up to this, well, for comparison , for understanding, we restored 20.25 km of roads there, when even we began to restore these 20-25 km of roads on our own, in old documents we found that the last time these roads were repaired, some of them were repaired in the eightieth year of the last century, you can imagine what state they were in, and even under soviet rule, quite correctly, you can imagine what state they were in, and what is happening to the residents now. they see it perfectly, but in general, you probably see, you haven’t been our guest for a long time, in general you are there more, as they say along the line of military contact, but you see how our soviet street has been transformed, how our entire republic is transforming, how our cities are transforming , districts, what is their attitude towards people, towards the residents
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of the republic, transport links with the mainland, with other regions of russia, with moscow, first of all, we see that there are a lot of roads. automotive they are reconstructed those that have not yet been reconstructed, but additional means of communication railway, passenger railway communication, railway, how quickly it will appear, because it has already been announced, for example, a connection by rail between moscow and crimea through the southern regions, and how lugansk will participate in such a project, in the same issue with the airport , what will happen someday is clear, now it is... impossible due to circumstances, but in the future, is the possibility of restoring the airport being considered? i want to say that probably, maybe even i will say this, is being considered somewhere in the near future issues of restoring the airport, that is
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, air traffic in the lugansk people 's republic, perhaps it will not be in the same place where the old airport was located, perhaps the runway. will be built somewhere not far from the old airport building, but the fact that it will be restored is absolutely certain. this means the railway, the direction through which... during wartime trains always ran, this is the direction of lantratovka, exit to belgorod, exit to voluyki, today passes in close proximity to the battle line contact , therefore, we simply do not have the right to endanger the lives of the residents of the republic, our guests, and as soon as, in general, the line of military contact moves away from troitsk towards kupinsk, kharkov, as soon as it becomes safe to move along this branch, which, by the way, we have practically brought
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the let's extend this route, and then the train will definitely start moving. including to moscow, leaving lugansk under the slavyanka march, as it was before, that is, this is a question exclusively, let’s say, when the front line will be pushed back, this is definitely security, but a little time, one of the frequently asked questions to our editor, including from the residents of the lugansk region, these are the prospects for the coal mining industry, what to expect as a miner, what kind of prospects do i expect, because...
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we receive subsidies from the state, this story is wrong, so in general, with
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the ministry of economic development, together with the ministry of energy of the russian federation, carried out the corresponding work and planned a reorganization of the coal industry, during which it was decided that some of the mines would be closed, since they no longer represent any absolutely value. those that will go to the mine restructuring department, that is, water pumping will continue, in general, a certain number of people will still work for them, ensure pumping, because the fact is that we have all mines, they are located in such, well, a single hydro -hydrotechnical zone, that is, if one mine is completely mothballed, it will constantly sink the other three there, so leaving the mine without...
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in general, we are now working in this direction, which means they applications have been written
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for five more mines, so in general, today almost all the mines will be transferred to investors, because well, in general , this is the established practice throughout the russian federation, that the mines belong to private owners, they will generally study further maintaining the efficiency and profitability of... coal enterprises, for now these enterprises have been leased to our mines, but with the right to buy out, these are certainly the tasks set. to our investors, fundamental tasks, if they are not fulfilled, these tasks will not be fulfilled by our investors, then the contract will be terminated, there is such a segment as the restoration of destroyed housing, this is a separate topic, it is being pursued quite actively, but any city develops when new residential complexes are appearing, residential neighborhoods, in lugansk and many other
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cities of the republic for a long time there was no large-scale construction, but we know that now several... projects exist, including in lugansk, for the construction of large complexes, how much this can change the situation , how, how large they are in general, because we know that prices are rising, including for rent and for the purchase of jelly, because there is simply not enough, and there are quite a lot of visitors, and luhansk residents want to develop and housing is understandable young families are receiving housing shortages, how do you solve this problem? they said that housing had not been built in lugansk for quite a long time, i will say that you said this very mildly, because i will clarify that the last construction was in the nineties of the last century, after that not a single house was built in the city of lugansk, so i think well, this is such a very serious task, and not only economic, because it is correctly noted that there is a shortage of housing, it
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entails an increase in housing prices, but this is quite understandable. price increase history for rent, well, in general, people still don’t have enough where to live, we see how much the number of people generally staying on the territory of the lugansk people’s republic has increased , according to my estimates, it is much more than it was in pre-war times, much more, therefore , i see two such aspects here, the first aspect is, of course, economic, that with the start of construction, of course, the issue of housing shortage will gradually subside, and accordingly the price of rent and purchase of housing will fall, not the second point, this is of course it’s a political moment, but the residents of the republic must see that we are taking a serious approach to solving this problem, so to build one house, well, as the head of the republic, i wouldn’t really want to, i
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hosted this year, in general, they launched three houses in the city of alchevsk, i came to three sections, well, large ones... for six plots for construction, on five of which the construction of multi-storey buildings will be carried out, on one plot there will be built, well, a kind of cottage village, a continuation of the housing theme, in the republic there is housing, i don’t know how much there is, but there is definitely housing that was
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abandoned by its previous owners back in 1914, and the rights to it were not claimed, but this could be for political reasons, maybe for some other reason. what is the future of such real estate, this includes commercial real estate, and maybe also residential, is it possible to nationalize those real estate objects for which the owners do not lay claim for political or reasons, have left for kiev, or maybe they no longer exist, in general - the question is clear, we are working now over this problem, but because the problem really exists of such housing.
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residents of the former luhansk region who left for russian territory, fearing hostilities, well, there are a lot of apartments for which, in general , utilities have not been paid, since 2014, for more than 7 years, that’s why, well, i certainly think that such apartments need to make decisions, it is necessary to carry out nationalization, convert state income and distribute it to those in need, but... the question is quite complex, the question is ambiguous, because in general, according to the rules of law, the owner is the owner, so what? what to do with all this, the question, in general , is now being worked out at the level of the working group, there is one more nuance, because if an apartment has not been reviewed for 5 years, it is located in an apartment building, after all, it
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poses, by and large, a danger to everyone else, they may break pipes , something can happen, and anything can happen, so here, even from the point of view of some economic issues, so to speak, we are obliged, we simply must make a decision now, again we we continue to supply heat to this... apartment , we continue to supply gas to it, we continue to supply electricity to it, but there is no payment, so we are working in this direction, but so far i can’t say anything definite, i think we are in any in case, we will make a decision on nationalization, but either it will be uh through the court, or some kind of separate mechanism will be developed, some kind of separate road map for nationalization, i’m not ready to answer yet, so...
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there was the city of ravenki, of course , where, in general, well, practically 280 days a year are not there was water, but after we became part of the russian federation and after the military construction company provided assistance to us, in general, a completely new water pipeline was built, that’s 40 km, today, in general, it’s completely on par with water, which means that today day problem with...
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geographically it is located in such a way that lesechansk is the highest point and almost to slavyanoserbsk water was supplied by gravity and flowed through these settlements, but when leaving. ukrainian troops completely destroyed this station and blew it up. and on today, and well, at the time , so to speak, 22 of the second, twenty-third year , we were forced to feed this water pipeline from the radakovsky and slavyanoseversky water pipelines , supply the slavyanosersky pumping stations , supply this water upward, but taking into account the fact that the water pipeline in general are in very poor condition, adding.
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improved, somewhat improved the situation, which means in the cities of kirovsky, improved the situation in the city of pervomaisk, in general, somehow probably improved the situation in stakhanov, but this is not enough, in general, the first stage water pipeline, the construction of a water pipeline, we... or the second one, in general, we have completed, but still the plans, in general, the chairman of the government reported to me, are also the construction of individual sections, including a main water pipeline of about 70 km, which, of course , will provide water to the named settlements with me, well, in general, this will allow us to supply, well, probably, a sufficient amount of water to the city of krasny luch and anthracite, in any case, this is in the plans, just the other day we remembered, celebrated and it’s clear, that 10 years ago
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events took place in the donbass and lugansk region, people were already drawn to russia then, well , the full reunification of the lugansk republic only happened quite recently, and the parallel is this, we see that in 10 years... economically strong, where in general -that our plants and factories will start operating , where roads will be restored, where people will get...
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decent work, decent wages, of course, i really want our agriculture to develop, now to all investors who are involved in the field of agriculture economy, i'm well i provide maximum assistance and maximum service on my part, because i believe that donbass, well, it seems to me, is a mistake to think that this is just some kind of forge of russia, but it seems to me that you can still work out.
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real meat, which dairies will produce milk and kefir and butter from real milk, and not from powdered milk, i really, really want this, and i am sure that today we have prospects for such development, they are quite realistic, after our entry into the russian federation, after, in general, our elections , which were held with our president by our single
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multinational... multi-confessional team called russians, the russian world , we will definitely achieve everything, win and build a prosperous republic in the prosperous powerful country of russia , god willing, everything will be even better, than we dream about it, thank you very much for the interview, for finding time in a difficult schedule, in difficult times indeed, and good luck to you, thank you.
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work does not stop for a minute in crocus cityhall the rubble is being cleared, also to the site people continue to come to the tragedy to
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honor the memory of... during the terrorist attack, what is the situation at this time and what is known about the progress of the investigation? talk about what matters in schools and colleges today, students are taught about the fight against terrorism and the importance of unity in society. how are the lessons going? for courage and courage in one of the schools in krasnogorsk , the commissioner for children's rights, maria lvova-belova, awarded the children who saved people during the terrorist attack. two power units were removed from service. in the rostov region, the circumstances of the fire are being clarified. novocherkassk gres. what information is available at this moment? water was discovered under the rubble in the pioneer mine, where an operation to rescue miners is underway; the well was examined using a video camera. what did you find out?


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