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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 25, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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belatedly, but still received greetings from some truth-tellers, whose motives are of particular interest. zelensky can say one thing: biden is third, macron is fifth, there is this michel vermicelli tenth, but the reality is that cemeteries are growing, and the guys, they see the number of dead, they come to their barracks and want to honor the memory of those who died. someone took a picture of this and published it online when the footage was picked up. this has become an element of political struggle, because in ukraine death is best product. we, of course, don’t really care about the internal ukrainian squabbles; who is a toad and who is a viper is not so important, but on the other hand, the more the enemy of political instability rises, the more often the truth that is inconvenient for him breaks through, and the more clumsy the clumsy ones look fakes, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stop fake program on the russia-24 tv channel.
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another 16 patients in crocus have been discharged from moscow hospitals, there is a positive trend in the condition of seriously ill patients, the latest data. analysis of the jokes continues, people continue to come to the site of the tragedy to honor the memory of those killed in the terrorist attack. help and support, regional authorities will pay compensation.
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sent to crimea, which regions will it pass through when it starts working? we understand logistics and economic potential, what will change when an alternative to the existing highway appears? there is a pioneer at the mine, the operation to rescue the miners is ongoing, there are 13 people there, there is no contact with them. for rescue, all technological possibilities are accepted, as is known in the world. at the moment about the water in the mine, how the ministry of emergency situations is trying to save people. and in the european part of russia it will become sharply warmer, does this mean that summer is approaching? or changes in the weather will bring their own seasonal surprises, weather reports, about emergency situations in the south of russia, the north caucasus and polovruga.
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this is russia 24. right now the main facts of this day. in the studio georgy podgorny and natalya litovka. the search operation in crocus city hall will last until tuesday evening. according to the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov, inside the concert hall there are already completely cleared stage, stalls and balcony. about a thousand people are working on site, these are rescuers, dog handlers and builders. our correspondent maria valieva joins the facts live. maria, hello. tell us what you know at this time, how is the issuance of personal belongings carried out? yes, hello, colleagues, we are currently working, we continue to work next to crocus city hall, people come here, take their personal belongings, show license plates, cars are also issued, during the terrorist attack there were 383 cars in the parking lot, they were all checked to see if there were any explosive devices there, now people come with
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documents, take their cars, also take their things, many, by the way, come to the main entrance, but it’s impossible to go there now, everything is fenced off, the police politely explain where it is a point for issuing things, we had a number on the phone, we showed it, they immediately brought us in a very organized manner, brought us to the person who went to the girl and brought her. they give you things almost immediately, but there are a bit of a shortage of interrogators, there are about 15 of them there, that’s probably why we had to wait about an hour; the debris removal is probably ongoing, rescuers are constantly working there. in three
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shifts, about a thousand people work there, already at 2:30 the concert hall was cleared, the stage, stalls and balcony were cleared, and today the governor... of the moscow region andrei vorobyov said that the search operation will continue until tomorrow evening, until 5:00 . now we personally with the rescuers and the filling block have gone through all the seats, the stage, the stalls and the balcony, let’s call it that, have been cleared from the common area. entertainment area, balcony, cleaned, probably in order. the investigative committee is
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now identifying the organizers of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall, and investigators will also analyze whether people had the opportunity to quickly leave the concert hall through evacuation. to caring citizens, to those who showed their best qualities by helping others , an inhumane, terrible event, in its cynicism and cruelty, happened, strength and courage to the relatives of the victims, a speedy recovery to all the victims. people
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continue to come to the spontaneous memorial, they bring flowers, children's toys , light candles, today fifteen-year-old islam khalilov came there, together with his mother this boy led more than 100 people out of the burning building, and today we met other heroes there, these are vladislav roshkov, he is 17 years old and roman referenkov, a sixteen-year -old teenager, together they led more than a thousand people out of the building during the terrorist attack, and also today they told us that 70, approximately 70-80% of the team that worked in... were teenagers, underage schoolchildren. colleagues, thank you, marya valeeva was in direct contact with us. vladimir putin will hold a meeting today to discuss measures taken after the terrorist attack in the moscow region.
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this was stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. the president works in the kremlin. the president continues to receive all reports from all relevant services. and this afternoon, towards evening, the president intends to hold a meeting to discuss measures taken after the terrorist attack. the meeting will be attended by the heads of the security bloc, social bloc, and heads of two regions in moscow and the moscow region. we expect it to be open. before the annual government report in the state duma, mikhail mishustin met with deputies of the parliamentary faction of the communist party of the russian federation.
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our main concern is for the victims of this crime, for the patients who are being treated in medical institutions, for relatives visiting loved ones, for the families of the victims, who will, of course, need psychological and material help. i would especially like to thank
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the doctors, rescuers, employees of the internal affairs bodies, who promptly responded to emergency situations. following this, we detained those involved in this tragedy , the criminals, and of course, all... caring people, real heroes who, despite the mortal danger, brought people out, protected the terrorists, those who were nearby and those people who came to the donor points. who donated blood, your courage, perseverance, the best proof that we do not have the grief of others. the authorities of the moscow region provided compensation payments to fifteen victims of the terrorist attacks in crocus cityhole, and this work continues, about this stated the minister of social development of the region lyudmila bolotaeva. according to her, more than 1,700 people turned to the help center. the decision to make payments to the families of... the victims of the death was made by the authorities of the moscow region together with the moscow government. relatives of the victims will be paid 3 million rubles.
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victims who are being treated in hospitals will receive 1 million, 500 thousand rubles each. will be provided to other victims who are recovering their health on an outpatient basis. in addition, those registered in the moscow region will receive monthly payments. region, children whose father or mother died as a result of the tragedy. as previously reported by deputy mayor of the capital anastasia rakova. not only residents of moscow, but also other regions will receive compensation. it is noted that at the time of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall , residents of at least 40 regions of russia were present. also, the authorities of moscow and the moscow region will take charge of organizing the funeral. the authorities of moscow and the moscow region are ready to provide funeral services, well, the victims are entitled to payments under federal law from the social fund, this is a temporary benefit disability. survivor pensions, disability pensions, and so
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on. now we will try to provide instructions on how to apply for payments. the document acceptance center has already begun its work in moscow, it opened at krasnoprudnaya street 13, which is a 5-minute walk from the krasnoselskaya metro station. opening hours are from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. you can now see your contact phone number on your screens. in the moscow region, you can contact the help center at: krasnogorsk boulevard builders 4 building-1, there is also a social protection hotline for residents of the moscow region, we have also displayed its number on the infographic. a unified information service of the department of labor and social protection of the moscow population has been opened for residents of the capital and other regions. well, today the bank of russia recommended that banks and microfinance organizations write off the debts of borrowers who died during the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. letter about this from the regulator. sent to credit organizations, including consumer cooperatives and pawnshops.
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it is noted that companies can do this without the appeal of the heirs. the central bank also recommended that creditors provide all necessary support to victims based on their application. let me remind you that several large russian banks previously announced their intention to write off or resolve the issue with loans. some large banks have announced that they are doing their own monitoring. numbers that are listed on the websites of those banks.
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the authorities of sochi offered assistance in the rehabilitation of the victims. the mayor of the resort said that the health resorts of this city are ready to receive victims and their families. the ministry of health of abkhazia offered its assistance in the subsequent rehabilitation of the victims. the minister of health of the republic, edouard budba, told mikhail murashko about this. all leading russian airlines have announced that they will provide the opportunity to purchase a free ticket. planes to the relatives of the victims killed during the terrorist attack. later , russian railways joined this initiative. due to the current situation , tour operators have also come forward to accommodate citizens who had to cancel their trips. travel aggregators, members of the association of travel aggregators, namely nts travel, ostrovok, yandex travel and tutu, offer tourists the opportunity to cancel their booking without penalties . we are by law. “we can take the cost of the first day if a tourist cancels the reservation on the day of arrival, and tourist
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aggregators are meeting halfway, now due to the current situation, citizens will not apply these sanctions. almost 500 medical workers were brought in to help the victims of the terrorist attack on crocus city hall. mostly , doctors arrived at their workplaces outside of call, but at their own request, simply learning about the tragedy from the news, and as reported by the ministry of health of the moscow region, an additional 390 beds were opened in hospitals. well , as for the moscow clinics themselves, at this moment there are 76 victims remaining there, some of them in the botkin hospital. about the condition of the patient here on the territory of the botkin hospital, in its flagship building 13 patients are receiving all the necessary care, these are victims of the sitikholi terrorist attacks, they were brought here with gunshots injuries, and one person was admitted with multiple stab wounds. the condition
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of the patients at the time of admission to the botkin hospital was assessed.
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whose members included traumatologists, resuscitators, surgeons, vascular surgeons, all the latest equipment of the flagship emergency building of the botkin hospital was abandoned. currently, two patients who were diagnosed with minor injuries have already been discharged home, three patients have been transferred to hospital bed units, nine patients are in serious condition, the condition of four of them is assessed as extremely severe. psychologists work with all patients. relatives are also allowed to see them, which has an extremely beneficial effect on their general condition, as doctors note. in total, in the capital's clinics, according to the moscow department of health, 76 people are now receiving all the necessary assistance; they have various injuries, burns, gunshot wounds, knife wounds, and carbon monoxide poisoning . many patients are already showing
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positive dynamics, and 16 victims of the terrorist attack in crocus have already been discharged from the hospital. possible to save the recovery of patients. we are seeing positive dynamics in patients who were brought to us in extremely critical and serious condition. this allows moscow doctors to provide 24/7 medical care to them in specialized departments. over the past 24 hours, 16 patients were discharged home. about two dozen more patients are now receiving all the necessary care in clinics in the moscow region. many are also in serious trouble. surgical treatment in hospitals moscow and the region are 97 people. today we have 97 people in hospitals and in-patient departments, these are
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hospitals in the moscow region, moscow, and federal centers, of varying degrees of severity, we have people. is there with all the families we are connected to. four victims are receiving round-the-clock inpatient treatment at the krasnogorsk hospital, three of them were delivered on the first day, they were all admitted in serious condition. in total, we had 13 operations, and the three that remain, received from the twenty-second numbers, and one girl after surgery and two patients are thermal. they were in intensive care and are now completely stabilized, all of them were transferred from intensive care to specialized departments for further treatment, they are in contact, they are already communicating with their relatives, they are already undergoing planned recovery. the total number of victims whose lives were taken by this monstrous, cynical terrorist attack, according to unconfirmed data
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, is 144 people. per night at the place of analysis for...
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herbs. m-freshness from garden to shelf at the speed of freshness only online magnet. do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account? then open a business account on oneshka. today's conversation about important things in russian schools was dedicated to the unity of the peoples of our country, schoolchildren are told about terrorism , how they fight it in russia, how you can... help those affected by a terrorist attack, as well as the importance of following the rules of safe behavior. in addition, children shows a fragment of vladimir putin’s address, which he delivered on march 23. in
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memory of the victims of the terrorist attacks in crocus city hall , students across the country joined the nationwide flower of hope campaign. they make a corcus flower out of paper and pin it on their school uniform. and today, in one of the schools in krasnogorsk near moscow, the commissioner for children’s rights, maria lvova belova, awarded the children who saved people. during the terrorist attack , fifteen-year-old islam khalilov and fourteen-year-old artyom donskov were awarded certificates for dedication, courage and personal courage. only together can we counteract the international scourge of terrorism. the main idea, of course, was for teenagers to understand that there is no need to panic in the moments if a terrorist attack occurred. firstly, how to behave in such situations, and secondly, accordingly, how can they be recruited into groups that carry out terrorist attacks, because first of all, this is not carried out by
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the criminal groups themselves that carry it out, but by the perpetrators recruited by phone or other instant messengers. how these young heroes managed not to get confused in such a difficult, tragic moment is what the guys themselves told. people began to run in panic to the service premises, all this was on the minus first floor, while the terrorists were on the first floor, and those whom we evacuated, none of them were hurt, no one remained there, we tried to evacuate absolutely everyone. the match between the russian and paraguay national football teams has been canceled due to the tragedy at crocus city hall. meeting of the twenty-second round of the russian premier league sochi cska. march 30 may take place with empty stands in the krasnodar territory; until the end of the month there is a ban on holding events with spectators. in many regions , competitions have been canceled or postponed,
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read more. among the rings. all matches of the twenty -second round of the russian premier league will begin with a minute of silence in memory of those killed during the terrorist attack in crocus. rpl stated that preparations for the games are taking into account increased security measures, and the decision on the admission of spectators is made by regional authorities. due to the tragic events , the russia-paraguay friendly match scheduled for monday was cancelled. the march training camp of the national team was completed ahead of schedule. football players and coaches left the base in novogorsk on saturday. after visiting a donor center where they donated blood for victims of the terrorist attack. moscow spartak canceled a friendly match with nevchiy in baku, announced plans to take part in collecting blood, visit the victims and provide financial assistance. the day before, the red-whites received islam khalilov , a fifteen-year-old schoolboy working part-time as a cloakroom attendant at crocus and managed to get more than 100 people out of the building. the young man is a fan of spartak and meeting the team players was his dream. islam was given a tour of
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spartak's home stadium. they gave us a personalized t -shirt and a season ticket for home matches. i understood that if i didn’t do something now, i could lose my life and the lives of hundreds of people, i did everything to the maximum, it was especially scary when i was with a crowd of people, when i opened the door through it, it wasn’t scary what can they do there throw a grenade or open lethal fire, this was the worst, football cska will hold a donor day at its home stadium on a sandy street on april 4, the dynamo moscow players decided to donate. blood, the club is organizing a charity event at the match against rostov. zenit from st. petersburg said that all proceeds from the sale of tickets for the next home match against baltika, which will be held on april 7, will also be used to help fund the victims. hockey ska will play the fifth match of the cup quarterfinal series today gagarin against the motorist. the army team, hosting their rivals in the largest hockey arena in the world, will use proceeds from ticket sales to help the families of those killed and injured in the terrorist attack in
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the moscow region. the same will happen the day before, despite the mourning in russia and the cancellation of all public events in our country, two matches were held in the vtb united league, but they took place abroad, in minsk and astana. the matches minsk-runa and astana-iba began with a minute of silence. cervena zvezda and zenit held in belgrade. football players and fans paid tribute victims of the terrorist attack in the moscow region, the meeting took place on a tragic day for serbia on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the start of nato bombing of belgrade. after the terrorist attack in crocus, western intelligence agencies and experts fear that the next target of terrorist attacks will be the paris olympics, according to a front-page story in the new york times. meanwhile, the president of the russian olympic committee stanislav poznyakov noted the lack of reaction
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from the international olympic committee. to the tragedy in russia. many states leaders expressed their support for us and condemned terrorism. people all over the world bring flowers to memorials of memory and grief. there are almost no indifferent people, because against the general background we see, unfortunately, the absence of any reaction at all from the main olympic organization of the world. i could now have a neutral status in relation to human lives. on a national basis, this is sad. russian. sports in general and many athletes personally considered it their duty to help those wounded during the terrorist attack. due to the tragedy, and this is understandable, almost all sporting events in the country is on pause. big sport is scheduled to return to the capital on march 26 with a khl playoff hockey match, spartak metallurg. however, the date is preliminary and subject to change. stas ridikultsev, alexander salmashevsky, lead.
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