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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 25, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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now new personnel from the government house , dear leonit eduardovich, dear colleagues, we have just completed a meeting with the communist party faction and talked about the tragedy of...
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the tragedy that occurred on friday in crocus city, associated with a terrorist attack during a concert, and of course , discussed what needs to be done in order to increase the safety of our people, and of course, to protect them from criminals, i’m sure you also have a proposal on this topic, we must definitely discuss this too, we are meeting with you on the eve of report government of the russian federation in the state duma on... the police with the factions of the state duma, we summarize the interim results of our interaction and cooperation over the past year, discuss issues of the entire agenda that we consider relevant, and of course, we study in detail, including the opinion of each faction, we work out, we take into account our activities on almost all key issues that are important for the regions and for the citizens of our country. we understand that the position of parliamentarians is formed primarily from feedback from people exactly.
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and the labor committee, yaroslav ivenievich nilov, actively cooperates here with colleagues from the ministry, i hope that this cooperation will also continue. i would like to say a few words about the decisions made. i know that your party has always actively supported initiatives to protect the rights of participants in a special military operation and, of course, their loved ones and members of their families. last year , during such a meeting, dear eduardovich, you spoke about this in detail, and i want to say that a lot has been done, i know that your the faction continues to deal with these issues, i consider such additional adjustment of state support measures to be very timely and very necessary. ldpr deputies were the authors of amendments to the tax code; the bill proposes to exempt a number of categories of citizens from paying state fees when performing notarial acts, not only our defenders, participants in a special military operation, but also veterans and disabled people of the great patriotic war, as well.
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proposals that were made during preparation of the draft federal budget for the period 24-26, i mean here an increase in funding by more than 3 billion rubles for the system of assistance to elderly citizens and people with disabilities, this made it possible to extend our pilot project in this area not only to 34 regions, but for everything else, as well as providing social services to needy participants in a special military operation, this approach will help us consistently build a system. specifically
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long-term care for elderly people, and of course, increase the level of social security for other citizens. another important initiative of your faction is support for workers. it is now prohibited to fire mothers and fathers who are raising children under 16 years of age alone; this is a serious contribution to strengthening the institution of the family, because it is not easy for such parents, which means that the state must simply provide them with additional guarantees for the protection of their labor rights. before we move on to the conversation, i want to say just a few words about a unique event, about sporting event, the game of the future, which... in kazan, the ldpr faction took an active part in organizing the tournament, i know that they helped with the development of the necessary regulatory framework, interacting with the ministry of sports, nikolaevich chernyshenko, i want to thank you for this work, this the holiday brought together more than 300 teams
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from completely different parts of the world, from 116 countries, and demonstrated the unifying power of sports, science and technology, a new chapter in the development of these... in this case for... the government in the state duma, report
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41 of our legislative proposals became laws during the spring session of last year, 19 during the autumn session, the dialogue is sometimes difficult, there are differences on a number of issues, this is how it should be, when the government works with
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the opposition party, this is completely normal, but it is born in the dispute the truth is, now we need to work intensively for the people, as the president said in his message to the federal... assembly, which, in fact, is not a message, but a work program for the next 6 years, but for a further period, which made the message more voluminous, and what he said at the beginning, shoulder to shoulder at the end, not rubles, tons, kilometers, but the people for whom we all work, for whom any political party exists, this is really the way we should work now , when... the country is probably experiencing the main moment of truth in its modern history, shoulder to shoulder, regardless of party cards in one’s pocket, age, religion, place of residence, and so on, and we try to work this way, although in a number of ways key reference points in
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program of the president, we have a slightly more accelerated proposal, perhaps, first of all, because we have worked very very closely with people in recent months and will also continue to work during the all-russian population survey, tell the slushsky the truth, we carried it out during my election campaign campaign as a presidential candidate, we talked to more than a million 100 thousand people who clearly told us their key concerns, these are the issues that need to be worked on, these problems... no i doubt that we will move forward in such close cooperation with the government. of course, today we will discuss what happened on march 22, a monstrous terrorist attack, we have
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already received condolences from more than 100 parliaments around the world, and of course, we need to take very special measures. accept it immediately, we’ll talk about this in a closed part, but at the same time, i’ll say now that we will ask for support. our bill to tighten the conditions for obtaining russian citizenship, a russian passport is necessary deserve, and of course, it is necessary to tighten the rules for foreign citizens staying in russia, the detained terrorists did not speak russian, the question is, what grounds did they have for staying in the country ? in this case , a serious investigation must be carried out in the near future, i am sure that it will is already underway, we have also prepared a block of bills and proposals related to regional development, russia is bigger than
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moscow, we must do this, this is a task at the national level, the president also spoke about it as one of the key national goals, we need to remove the disproportion in how people receive state support and how they live. what salaries they receive for living in the nearest regions, reducing the disproportion in the social and economic situation, by the way, to give credit where credit is due, the government is actively working on this, in the near future it is necessary, i believe, to designate as a goal of national development, once again, the development of the country’s territory , reducing that very disproportion, is a significant feedback and national security factor for...
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and there are questions about doctors, we still have a large shortage of doctors in the country, as mikhail albertovich, murashka the minister of health, who is absent here, answers , we have proposals that we have already outlined to the government, a dialogue is underway on them, i want to say thank you tatyana alekseevna gollikova, we are having a serious dialogue on issues of housing and communal services in... new regions, thanks to marachunov khusnulin on
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the financial block, although colleagues from the communist party of the russian federation attacked him, but it seems to me that here maybe maybe the question that they indicate is not entirely for the ministry of finance, the questions that we have for the ministry of finance today have been significantly expanded and resolved, including work in the course of work on... the federal budget, we have a fairly large number of new bills, legislative proposals, which i will be able to convey today, we really have a desire to continue working on the issues of reducing disproportions in the socio-economic situation of citizens in the regions of russia and on all the others that we have already touched upon and let's touch on today, to conduct the closest possible dialogue, i am sure that it will be constructive, and most importantly effective, and knowing your team,
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you personally, mikhail vladimirovich, we have these questions in the air, i am sure that they will not hang in the air, they will find their solution. i will add about the north-eastern military district, in our affairs with you, as in sports, you need to be yourself, as you said about the games of the future, indeed, a powerful junction of science, technology, and various innovations. the games of the future is a fundamentally new event, not just a sports one, and god willing, we will hold it regularly. here, wonderful, effective interaction, thank you too. as for the svo, many questions have been answered, so i want to say a big thank you, a deep bow, and this is also from the people for whom this was done. we interacted more closely with the government on these issues in the past year than on any other. and it is gratifying to note that indeed. as you said in your opening speech, many, not all, but many issues have been resolved,
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we will work on the rest together, so the ldpr faction is ready for even closer interaction - with the government, given that we live in difficult times, i repeat once again, this is the moment of truth for the country, and i am sure that the tasks that we will discuss today can be... partially or completely resolved in the very near future time, thank you, thank you, dear, you touched on a number of important issues, i literally...
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zhimrota, i think that this is practically impossible if it is not part-time, but we will check, so i ask you to give such information, since this it would be very sad if this were true, but we are with you then together, i think, we’ll look at these, let’s say, options, if they exist, and at least fix them - that’s all. thank you very much, on other questions, i will be happy to listen to your colleagues. on the eve of the government's report to the state duma , the prime minister... docked the berth of the russian segment of the iss to the module. the launch vehicle launched from the baikanur cosmodrome on saturday. the flight followed a two-day
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rendezvous pattern and took more than 50 hours. essentially, the ship made its way to the station, on the way to the station. 34 orbits around the earth, at least initially, an extremely short two-orbit scheme was supposed, then the flight would have taken only 3.5 hours, but on march 21, 20 seconds before the launch, an automatic cancellation occurred and the launch was postponed to saturday, well, along with the postponement of the launch, the rendezvous scheme changed. on board the union of cosmonauts from space oleg novisky, the first belarusian citizen in low-earth orbit marina vasilevskaya , nasa astronaut, tracy dyson. my friend, hello, as promised, today we are preparing pilaf, hey, hey, don’t use the oil first, oh, we need to transfer money home, by the way, it’s better to transfer it from vtb online, it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me, this is someone else who taught vtb, together
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the crocus cityhall attack entered into terrorist group in january and march of this year, this message refers to the investigative committee of the russian federation. well, if you rely on the data provided by the court, the defendants are related to each other, they all have the last name islomov, the same patronymic, all three defendants, according to the court file. is charged with committing a terrorist attack that resulted in the death of a person as part of an organized group, if you follow the exact title of the article of the criminal code of the russian federation, but in the meantime the search engine the operation at the scene will last until tuesday evening, about a thousand people, rescuers, dog handlers and construction workers are working there. work to clear the rubble does not stop for a minute; more than 90% of the collapsed structures have already been dismantled. over the weekend , muscovites donated more than 2 tons of blood for the victims. such data were literally just announced at the moscow city hall. let me remind you that on march 22, before the concert of the picnic group at crocus city hall in krasnogorsk near moscow , a terrorist attack occurred. according to the latest data
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from the investigative committee, 137 people died, three of whom are children. as of this moment, the list of victims includes 119 people, 96 remain in hospitals. all four perpetrators of the terrorist attack are detained in pre-trial detention, and as stated by the president, who regularly receives reports from everyone. law enforcement agencies, the criminals tried to escape and moved towards ukraine, where a window was prepared for them to cross the border. the head of state also noted that a total of 11 people were detained; security forces are working to hide the entire base of terrorist accomplices. vladimir putin will hold a meeting today at which will discuss measures taken after the terrorist attacks in the moscow region. this was stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. the president works in the kremlin, the president continues to receive. all reports in the line of all relevant services, and this afternoon, towards evening, the president intends to hold a meeting to discuss measures taken
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after the terrorist attack, the meeting will be with the participation of the heads of the security bloc, the social bloc and the heads of two regions in moscow and moscow region. we expect her to be in open mode. at the concert in crocus cityhall, at the moment they return home, the authorities at the local level are ready to do everything to help these people. this is kaliningrad airport, relatives are greeting
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natalya krupina. the trip to moscow for the concert was a gift from her husband after winning the mrs. kaliningrad 2024 contest. she literally stayed for a minute at the concert hall buffet, and now she is confident that it was this delay that saved her life. it's right there in the moment. we weren’t scared, we didn’t have time, now the realization comes of what could have happened, how what it could be that my children could be left without a mother, and my parents without a daughter - this is scary , we went to a concert, in short, there was a little bit of a terrorist attack, this was filming by mikhail palkin, he and his family came to the concert from arkhangelsk, in front of the entrance to the hall we stopped to drink coffee, at that time we saw how people were starting to run out, people were screaming, they were running , they were shooting, well, in general, there was no need to think, we had to act, so we simply evacuated, went out into the street through
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the emergency exit. another native of arkhangelsk, ksenia fedorova, was already in the hall on the fourth floor balcony. now she says it was a miracle that she managed to get out? and first of all, it’s very scary, that is, you don’t understand what happened, where, who is shooting, how many of them, what, where, where to run, but at some point i pulled myself together, i had one thought that i needed to leave the building, being on the fourth floor, i realized that i had to go down. in the moscow region , the whole country responded in the very first hours, as tatyana golikova will later tell, the kaliningrad region and st. petersburg were ready to send ambulance teams help. the next morning , lines formed at blood collection points across russia. advertising has disappeared in many cities. on the billboards there are black squares, candles and one word we mourn. absolutely everyone in our country accepted this
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pain as their own. simple proof, spontaneous memorials springing up all over russia, thousands, tens of thousands of people carried flowers and soft toys to city squares all weekend. the question of how we can help is still heard today: many sanatoriums in sochi say they are ready to accept for treatment victims of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall, as well as their relatives. on march 27 in st. petersburg. a picnic group concert is planned, the musicians have already announced that they will dedicate it to the memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall, a similar performance will be held at the mariinsky theater. on the same day , verdi’s requiem is given at the mariinsky theater, which is also dedicated to the victims of the terrorist attack. dmitry akimov and valeria sapegina, news!
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