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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 25, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. the west and the kiev government are trying to convince the world that the terrorist attack in crocus was carried out by terrorists. why do they need this false one?
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why the fakes are made so sloppily, maybe out of fear, they not only approve of terrorist attacks, but provoke kiev to commit them, which western officials have been cultivating hatred of everything russian for years, a criminal case against melitopol sectarians, an unregistered religious organization melitopol christian church serving the usa, who prepared the ground for ... energy vampire country. after the russian strikes, ukraine increased its electricity imports by 450%. there is a blackout in kharkov, the discharge of water through the dnieper hydroelectric power plant seems to be going uncontrollably. is there light at the end of the tunnel? the fugitive actor nazarov recites mocking poems. and the agent justifies terrorists without a glance. the cannibalistic reaction of the so
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-called relocants to the tragedy in crocus. what articles were they talking about? so, the investigation is underway, we need to wait for information from our official law enforcement agencies. today's comments on the trail terrorist attacks in the city hall building from the press. presidential secretary dmitry peskov, who rightly drew attention to the fact that so far law enforcement agencies have only preliminary versions, but on the other hand , they are, of course, of interest, especially in light of the reaction of the united states and europe, where they stubbornly insist on the involvement of the prohibited in the monstrous crime isis group, well, let’s say from the latest washington post article with quite predictable narratives, they say russia is too carried away with the special operation in ukraine, ukraine itself missed the blow from the salafis.
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accordingly, obviously nothing to do with it, plus, you can’t list similar notes from the german, british guardian, french franz-24, but in general there is a case where the collective west surprisingly quickly figured everything out, although, as maria reminds zakharov, for some reason there was no such speed of investigation, for example, during the sabotage of the nord streams, or if you dig very deep, during the assassination of john f. kennedy, well, that is, all this is very similar to a massive information campaign, so that it wouldn’t even occur to anyone. suspect anyone other than the above-mentioned islamists, however, the louder they shout about their trail, the more dubious it seems , anton podkovenko was convinced, hello, well, isis seems to be used as a screen, greetings, well, yes, but only screens are with such gaps that it rather demonstrates than hides something. the west launched the version about isis immediately after the monstrous terrorist attack in crocus. they say that people who came to the concert were shot at point-blank range by militants of this group, which is banned in russia.
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it can be assumed that the islamic state is responsible for the deadly terrorist attack near moscow. and the vice president of the united states, kamala haris, even without assumptions, declares that this is allegedly isis, there is no evidence, but the states have iron confidence. no, there is no evidence, in fact, we know that isis kharasan is in fact, by all accounts, responsible for what happened. to divert suspicion from ukraine, to divert suspicion from the united states itself, to set off on the wrong trail, the idea that russia is fighting the wrong enemy, that the real enemy of russia is the islamists, and that it is they who need to be fought and stopped fighting for. and
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fakes began to fly, so terrorists supposedly took an oath to the banned isis. this photo is distributed by the amak news agency. close to a terrorist organization, either they were in a hurry, or the hand of the one who photoshopped this picture trembled, but terrorists, when they swear, raise the finger of their left hand, which is considered dirty in the east, in general, a clumsy lie. and he lies, i repeat, a media structure close to isis, perhaps because it received an order, whose brainchild these terrorists are known to have, the ties remain long-standing and complex. el is a product of american intelligence.
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they introduce themselves as islamists, they speak with a pronounced ukrainian accent, you can just hear it. the scheme of terrorist attacks in the moscow region completely repeats the technology of the sbu, when a recruit is led for a long time and led to commit a crime, they tried
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to disrupt our elections, incited us to pour green stuff into ballot boxes, but one of the detained terrorists admitted during interrogation what happened to him the connection was made by a certain assistant to the preacher, who... the militant listened for a long time on social networks. this doesn't look like isis at all. there, as a rule, there is targeted communication between the curator and the performer, and not anonymously through social networks, as was the case with the terrorist attack in crocus. in addition, isis is now, to put it mildly, not having the best of times, there is no money, no fighters, and the terrorists who shot people at a concert venue in the moscow region were detained in the bryansk region, where they then rushed to cross the border to end up in ukraine, receive the promised half a million to each, or whatever they are promised. for mass murder. to create such monsters, the sbu has an entire department created by the british and americans. killers are trained there, they are trained. the terrorist attack in crocus, according to some assumptions, should have happened in early march, and this photograph was taken at the concert venue,
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it was then that the terrorists spent a long time preparing. a separate unit within the security service of ukraine, fifth directorate. or active.
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well, now to the news from the basmanny court moscow, where today the investigative committee applied for the arrest of three more suspects in the case of the terrorist attack on the crocus in
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the city hall, allegedly, we are talking about members of an organized criminal group ; all of them were brought to a court hearing today, what is known about the defendants and what measures will be taken our correspondent egor grigoriev told us that they were given suppression. we are connected, egor, hello, well, did these characters also go to pre-trial detention center? alexey, hello, until may 22, the islomov family, father and... two sons today we went to the pre-trial detention center by decision of the basmanny court of moscow. the meeting itself was closed at the request of the investigation, i want to talk a little about the family itself, about what version, why they appear in this case at all, the day before they were interrogated by the investigative committee, and it became known that businessman islomov had been for a month he owned the car itself, a white renault, in which... they arrived at the city hall crocus, in which, after committing a terrible crime, they fled,
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he sold this car a week before the terrorist attack, a week before the tragedy, and delovaro islomov is 24 years old, he was born in the nineties , he has one child, his brother has seven children, all registered in tver, two brothers worked in taxis, all have russian citizenship, the father is already retired and according to the case materials, he appears as an accomplice, it is interesting that - all three - two brothers were involved in a terrorist group, shamsuddin friduni, the same one who bought the car from a certain abdullo, as he said during the arrest, and this abdullo has already directly could have taken the car from the islomov family, i suggest listening now -
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there is an interesting point that we cannot call official, because the investigative committee did not confirm this information, but also did not verify that amenchon islomov, allegedly himself and his brother came to the police after he saw that a terrorist attack had occurred, saw his car , which, according to him, he sold to a relative of his sister, maybe it was the same abdulo, we don’t...
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islomova first in january of this years, and already in march of his brother dilovar islomov, this version is presented by the investigative committee, it is very interesting that literally the day before they conducted a search in the apartment. sit on fariduniya and - his apartment in which they lived in hostels and dormitories, which of course allows you to draw conclusions, but of course the conclusions are unofficial. i repeat once again that the islomov family was sent to pre-trial detention until may 22. all details, of course, official details, we will wait from law enforcement agencies, including from the investigative committee. alexey, yes, thank you, our correspondent grigoriev spoke about the arrest of three more. defendants in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus. well, continuing the topic: the west started a hybrid war with russia,
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choosing a line aimed at undermining our country, the words of ambassador to the united states anatoly antonov, who drew attention to the frankly ambiguous statements of the biden administration regarding the terrorist attack in crocus. among the things that they seemed to try to drown in the information noise, but still failed to sweep under the carpet, are the curious comments of bely’s official representative john kirby's house. in particular , he managed to hint that the crimes could be connected with something. there, the internal dissatisfaction of russian citizens with the russian authorities, that is, one must assume he had in mind the mythical partisans, or as the armed opposition likes to say in the west. true, a little later, when the united states latched on to an equally dubious version about isis, this stuffing in kirba faded into the background, and yet it looks very symptomatic, since washington clearly wants, washington clearly wants to see in our rear, well, how the minimum potential for anti-state instigation, and the maximum for terrorist attacks and sabotage, evgenia ni will confirm. evgeny, hello, americans speak quite openly about this. alexey, hello,
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some of the high-ranking officials are directly calling on the ukrainians to carry out a terrorist attack on russian territory. this is no longer just a fight against a state that has challenged and broken the rules-based western world order. this is an open cultivation of hatred towards russians as such. and this symphony pure evil are several of the most notable conductors. for example, general mark mealy, former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff in the united states. demanded that they carry out terrorist attacks deep in the rear, which... there was not, i will quote, not a single russian who went to bed without wondering if his throat would be cut in the middle of the night? let's go back to mark miele, he believed that russia is the only existential enemy of the united states, which is capable of destroying the united states, so he absolutely clearly
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broadcast this line throughout the vertical military-political leadership of the united states, achieving unconditionally. for their own, including personal selfish purposes, because, for example, mark mealy was one of the key lobbyists of the us military-industrial complex, who earn hundreds of billions of dollars from the blood of those people they are trying to dehumanize. if the mile mark is a military line, then victoria, the former us deputy secretary of state, was engaged in strengthening the political country of this russophobic world, where allied countries especially close to the united states can calmly.
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3 days before the commission of this terrorist crime, researching even further, i discovered that victoria is the harbinger of death, this angel of death, who, if he approaches you, rest assured, a civil war is coming in your country, i saw it with my own eyes, she promised the russians several unpleasant surprises in the coming weeks and months, for the americans
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it seems that it is already becoming the norm to say that killing... is good and that in the process of extermination all means are suitable, these words are about america’s best investments belong to senator lince graham? here we are not talking about interstate confrontation, about the fight against some political forces, here we are talking about a total war against the russians, about the destruction of this supposed threat, that’s exactly what we are talking about. including the impact on the civilian population, the same nuland, when she hinted and made it clear that surprises awaited, it is quite possible to understand that she was talking about the possibility of sabotage, terrorist attacks, especially in the context of penetration, attempts penetration of the drg in belgorod and bryansk regions. narratives cultivated
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overseas are trying to remove responsibility from kiev for any organized terrorist attacks, for example, the attack on belgorod. and these attacks by belgrade are attributed to the mythical armed opposition, nurtured by the radical budanov and fighting on nato equipment, and falsehood is contagious, spreading among european, if i may say so, analysts, the same julian ribki, or as he was nicknamed for his ardent russophobic position, jihadi julian, persistently abounds in terrorist attacks organized by ukraine in russian border regions, and after all, it is not only journalists in europe who take this position. we remember the statement from representatives of the european authorities there, including france and germany, when they literally refused to condemn the shelling in belgorod, what happened on december 31, 2023, yes, when more than 20 people died there, including children, but that’s how even if no one tried to hit any military targets there,
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they continue to shoot at ukrainians indiscriminately at concentrations of the civilian population, at civilians... at the moment, the investigation has established specific roles of each of the four performers. the chronology of their actions was stopped literally step by step, starting with the preparation of reconnaissance at the scene of the future crime, continuing. the murders themselves, ending with detention in the bryad region. detailed portraits of non-people in the material by vitaly karmazin. today we can already talk about which of the terrorists
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played what role, and even though their faces are hidden, it is very easy to understand who is where. here is twenty-five-year-old shamsiddin farduni indicating the direction of fire to the other killers. he was generally responsible for executioner route and escape routes. he knew the situation in the hall well, because back on march 7 , wearing a noticeable brown jacket, he went here to another concert and was caught by a random photographer and saw him. he just walked around the foyer and looked around, his behavior seemed strange to me, because all the people who came all immediately went to the cloakroom to hand over their things, but in my opinion, he didn’t even go down to the minus first floor, he just walked around the foyer and looked like a little suspicious, this is the same criminal who, during his arrest constantly shaking, he said that he agreed to the terrorist attack for 500,000 rubles. where did you get it? on social networks, he published photos of expensive cars, lunches in restaurants, lived in krasnogorsk, worked at a factory in podolsk. and so, in single file, fsb soldiers brought fariduni into
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the basmanny courtroom. he silently looked into the cameras and went to pre-trial detention for two months. the second terrorist with a machine gun in his hands, thirty-year-old seidakrami muradali rachabalizada, is the same one who fled through the bryansk forests to the ukrainian border, but was caught by intelligence officers. when you a machine gun was detained here. was with you, yes , no, he was thrown out there before he was detained, yes, yes, he can be easily identified by the characteristic print on his t-shirt, he has no education, he had no work in russia, but he had registration, which in court, in his speech, balizada could not remember , in 2018, he lived in podolsk, here on industrial street, the judge was silent, sitting with a bandage on his head, he was sent under arrest, the term of his detention was set for one month and 28 days, the third terrorist, this one with a knife in his hands, was wearing blue jeans thirty-two-year-old daler john mirzoev. after the terrorist attack began, the operation to capture them near bryansk, this killer climbed a tree in the forest and thought that he would not be noticed, but special forces surrounded the terrorist. already during the interrogation, he stated
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that he did not understand the russian language; he was provided with an interpreter. he has four children in his homeland, he just finished school, six months ago he lived in novosibirsk with a distant relative, worked as a taxi driver, a few weeks ago he came to moscow and rented a house. at what address, remember? inconspicuous door on the first floor of an old brick five-story building, above the entrance is a hotel sign. it was in this hostel in the north of moscow that the terrorists lived while they were preparing an attack on crocus. according to hotel employees, the criminals tried to behave quietly and not attract attention. the hostel has already been searched; the lawyers next door say that all the employees have been taken away for interrogation. you can’t tell me, terrorists came to search them here.
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he was taken to the basmanny court to select a preventive measure. fayzov was brought into the hall in a wheelchair. already in the glass chamber, seeing the journalists, he turned to the wall. now the case of the terrorist attack
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is being investigated by the investigative committee. today, the chairman of the department, alexander bastrykin, was informed about the progress of the case and the appointed examinations. he demanded to study how security and evacuation of people were ensured during the terrorist attack. the investigative team has been tasked with continuing the questioning of witnesses, including those from city hall's staff, as well as a detailed analysis. documents and other data that will allow us to establish how the systems were organized and functioned notifications about emergency situations, did people have the opportunity to quickly leave the building using emergency exits? already roughly understandable pictures of the crime , how the terrorists entered, where they moved, how they came out , 6,200 tickets were sold out for the concert of the picnic group, at 19:55 four armed men at the entrance to the building opened fire, went into the hall of the third pavilion, killing people, moved along faya. to the concert hall they reached it at 20:03. we escaped through the side doors. a ticket hung over the killers and those who were higher, they did not they saw and started killing everyone. by that time, most of the spectators left the hall
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through the left. and the right exit near the stage and those doors at the top that were open, the terrorists walked along the passage from the left to the right corner of the hall and set it on fire, one way or another , the perpetrators of the terrorist attack have already been arrested, the masterminds are being identified, and those who took part in apprehending the killers have already been awarded, governor of the bryansk region alexander bahamas noted the traffic police officers who rushed in pursuit of the hiding terrorists. ministry of defense also reported that the deputy commander of the leningrad military district, general...
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was detained after holding a certain meeting of parishioners, in fact, she became its leader and organizer, but instead of the promised general prayer, which people came to, they were offered a set of fakes and disinformation, openly russophobic talk, dolka, as the investigative committee clarifies, the religious and political event was held by an organization banned in the region called the melitopol christian church, which previously advertised itself as a kind a meeting place with god, but in reality they simply involved the melitopol residents in sectarianism, and even generously seasoned it.
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the pastors of this sect acted very sophisticatedly, the moral ideological split that prepared the ground for complete russophobia turned out to be man-made, the church did not hide its roots, it was registered in the united states, its legal address is american. melitopol residents are still wondering what goal the leaders of this organization set for themselves. let's figure it out. back in december twenty-two, by order the head of the military-civil administration of the zaporozhye region, the sect’s activities were. suspended. quote, in connection with violation of the legislation of religious and public organizations of the russian federation, as well as in connection with the storage of weapons and radio interception communications equipment. this is the clearest example of the work of a foreign agent, when agents of influence were created throughout ukraine at the expense of the funds and money of the united states. as a result, a whole network of agents was created, who then worked in the field. in
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including in the education and training of youth and especially teenagers, the building is absolutely not like a classical church , there is not a single icon inside, the interior is minimalist, conference rooms, a concert hall, a recording studio, classrooms with desks for teaching , children's rooms, a large courtyard with a fountain, park playground, they say that once influential people of the city went to this church, they even helped in renaming the street on which the building stands from zerzhinskaya to... christian, neo-pentecostals and charismatics, sect enough radical views , implying the accumulation of maximum power in their hands , to penetrate government bodies , to oppose the law enforcement system, to seize certain positions, documents, and that is, to act as essentially some kind of hidden sabotage organization, they
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profess an effective faith, that is they think it’s not enough to pray, you need to influence the authorities, it turns out that this is some kind of instrument, a political instrument, this is a very serious dangerous organization, this is the pastor of the so-called church, viktor sergeev, who placed a special emphasis on young people, these adherents are important to me , he said, so the sectarians constantly held youth events, concerts and other religious events, the pastor himself... went abroad after that. how they found weapons and radio interception equipment in his house, now the main sectarian is suspected of collaborating with the sbu, but the sect politicized even earlier in 2004, they did not actively participate in 2004 on the maidan, they actually forced all their adetov accept yushchenko's pro-american position.


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