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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 25, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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as essentially some kind of hidden sabotage organization, they profess an effective faith, that is, they believe that praying is not enough, you need to influence the authorities, it turns out that this is some kind of instrument, a political instrument, this is a very serious dangerous organization, this is the pastor of the so- called church victor sergeev placed a special emphasis on young people, these adherents are important to me , he said, therefore: the sectarians constantly held youth events, concerts and other near-religious events. the pastor himself fled abroad after weapons and radio interception equipment were found in his house. now the main sectarian is suspected of collaborating with the sbu, but the sect became politicized even earlier in 2004 . they actively took part in 2004 on the maidan. they actually forced all their adets. and to accept the position of yushchenko,
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a pro-american candidate for the presidency, they were on the maidan day and night. well, sergeev, who fled abroad , did not leave the department at all; moreover, according to the expert, he forced his adherents to stay in melitopol and continue his work, let it be filled in. but to continue, born by revelation from god, our church has become a family and an army for us, this is the main postulate of the sectarians, in fact, they are simply trying to make an obedient, inconspicuous and quite effective army out of people, and how did they manage to crush these adherents under themselves? they are characterized by ecstatic practices, that is , meetings during which people are put into a trance state, they are things...
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according to some us experts, it is the adherents who continue to provide monetary support for this sect who have now gone into the shadows, into underground, can just become eyes on the ground, the fact that there will only be more such underground meetings among sectarians, where extremist ideologies will spread, our special services need to be absolutely prepared for this. stanislav bernwalt and sectarians serving the enemy. now there is a short advertisement about what will happen next on our broadcast. the country is
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an energy vampire. after the russian strikes, ukraine increased its electricity imports by 450%. in kharkov blackout, water discharge through the dneprogest seems to be going uncontrollably. whether there is a a light in the end of a tunnel?
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there are more than enough supplies, but all collection points worked until late to accept everyone who wanted to become donors. according to the ministry of health , almost 40 victims have been discharged from hospitals in moscow and the moscow region. about 100 people, six, remain in hospitals for treatment. discharges of the first patients. klefosovsky was brought down here immediately after the terrorist attack most of the victims were 29 people. mostly severe, but there are also those whose condition no longer causes concern for doctors. in the general ward, ekaterina moroz, who was transferred from intensive care around noon, says that, watching from the outside, she still cannot realize that this happened to her and her daughters. the eldest, 21 years old, will soon be discharged from the youngest, 11, in a coma. we sat down and hid behind the chairs.
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organs and systems that exist. vladimir filimonov, one of the first ambulance workers
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who was at the scene of the terrorist attack with rescuers, took part in the evacuation. when a rescuer carries a patient out of a burning building, they are also somewhat disoriented in the current situation; it is extremely important here to communicate between the rescuers and the available ambulance teams. felcher oleg oleshkov arrived at the krasnogorod hospital, having worked an 8-hour shift, packed a backpack with medicines and bandages, such as he had freely.
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restoration will not take a day, a week or even a month, this is how the top manager of the largest ukrainian energy holding assesses the current state of the independent energy system, it will take months to solve the problems that arose after the jewelry strikes of the russian aerospace forces on the critical infrastructure of the kiev regime, and most likely this forecast is generously seasoned. unjustified optimism, since ukrainian officials themselves
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admit that half of the generating capacity has been lost, and several types of targets have been hit, not only tets and ges, but also network nodes and transformer substations. as a result, kiev has difficulties both with the production of electricity and with its delivery to its destination. as a result: regular announcements of emergency shutdowns in a number of cities. in general, a very clear warning from the russian ministry of defense about which ones. you’ll have to, like the energy vampire alexey, hello, yes, that’s right, stick to europe. the anti-russia project is running out of batteries. ukraine is summing up the results of the most powerful failure of independent air defense. the country's energy system in...
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perhaps the loudest noise was made by the dnieper hs in zaporozhye. despite the bans, publications and the strictest control of the special services, we have a clear idea of ​​the degree destruction, here ukrainians are sharing a video
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of the burning dnieper, and everything is clearly visible from space. they're on the dam now. discharges are most likely uncontrolled. two spans of the dam were destroyed, as well as the second turbine room of the power plant itself. the first, for unknown reasons, stopped working back in 2022, so the blow hit literally the very heart of the power facility. in the turbine room there were hydraulic units that directly generated electricity, at least half of them were destroyed; if such a regime can be repaired, then not very soon. dneproges, like four other stations, are of the dnieper cascade, they are stations that covered peak power, peak load, and this is the most valuable function of s-2, it probably will not be covered even by the four remaining stations, at best, if
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if conditions were peaceful, and in peaceful conditions it would be possible to restore what... it would take, well, i assume, at least six months. if we talk about large cities, kharkov suffered the most. there was a total blackout in the city. now it seems they even launched the metro, but it doesn’t work everywhere with breaks of 20 minutes. according to some reports, the voltage in the network has dropped to 170 v, and electricity is now provided strictly on schedule. a word from the locals. light now. will be given according to schedules, according to strict schedules, for each district, for each street, this schedule has already been posted there, and now it will work. according to the kharkov gauleters, all the substations and the center of the city were destroyed in one blow, along with them the remnants of industry,
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which is now entirely dedicated to war, stood up. the equipment there needs to be changed. in large quantities, and this equipment is made to order, in this regard, kharkov will be de-energized for a long time, and it will be necessary to try to somehow power it from other energy systems, while such external replenishment, one might say, was only enough to start the water supply and sewerage . experts note that the current strike differs from what the russian troops did previously on several points at once: firstly, the choice of target in 2022 and 23 we... hit mainly small transformer substations, causing local but not catastrophic blackouts. now all types of objects are affected, tez, tpp, platinum and key objects of the energy system, it even arrived along the gas infrastructure, underground storage was damaged, but secondly, the geographic distribution of the affected objects and de-energized cities catches the eye, all these
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areas are maximally involved in replenishment military vehicle of the armed forces of ukraine. now we see geographical changes, that is, the attacks were carried out along the front line, in order to precisely cut off the power, just such a black stripe, one might say, to create an unlit area precisely in the front-line zone, this is probably the peculiarity, well, by the way , the reaction of the tame banking media is very indicative , the propagandists from the telethon are sincerely surprised why russia did not strike such a blow earlier, when... the air temperature was lower, because in their opinion it would be more effective, people would freeze in their homes, how can they not hit the civilian population, they can’t wrap their head around it? evgenya teshkhovets, the battery is dead. alfa bank
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the chief ruler of russia, berl lazar, came to
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the spontaneous memorial of sitiho, where the terrorist attack took place, read a prayer there and lit a candle, lazar previously announced the cancellation of holiday events in honor of the jewish holiday of purim, which were supposed to begin on march 23. un security council meeting dedicated to. in the middle east began with a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in crocus city holly. before starting the meeting, at the request of the delegation of the russian federation and on behalf of the members of the security council, i would like to ask everyone present to stand to express condolences and support for the government to the people of russia and to honor the memory of the victims terrorist attack in the moscow region of the russian federation on march 22. i invite you to rise. observe a minute of silence, but after
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this the security council voted and adopted a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in the gaza strip during ramadan. representatives of the united states expressed their condolences for the tragedy in crocus city holly during the discussion. personnel from the presidential press service, dear colleagues, first of all, i would like to once again express my deep condolences to the relatives of those killed as a result of the bloody barbaric terrorist attack. 22 march to wish a speedy recovery to the wounded. i thank everyone who saved people in difficult conditions and helped the victims.
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during this difficult time, our society has shown an example of true solidarity, cohesion, and mutual support. i know that among those who are now sending words of sympathy to the families of the victims are people of different nationalities, from all regions of our country, of all ages, including children, schoolchildren and students. those who planned this terrorist attack... hoped to sow panic and discord in our society, but met with unity and determination to resist this evil. i ask you to report today on how the investigative actions are going , the operational search work to identify everyone involved in the terrorist attack, its customers and organizers. despite our universal
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pain and sorrow. compassion is a legitimate desire to punish all the perpetrators of this brutal crime, the investigation must be carried out in the highest degree professionally, objectively, without any political bias. we know that the crime was committed by radical islamists, whose ideology the islamic world itself has been struggling for centuries. we also see that the united states, through various channels, is trying to convince its satellites and other countries of the world that, according to their intelligence data , there is supposedly no kiev trace in the moscow terrorist attack, that the bloody terrorist attack was carried out by followers of islam, members of the isis organization banned in russia. we know by whose hands this atrocity was committed against
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russia and its people. we are interested in who the customer is. in the course of joint work between our intelligence services and law enforcement agencies, we need to get answers to a number of questions. for example, are radical, even terrorist, islamic organizations really interested in striking russia, which today stands for a fair solution to the escalating middle east conflict? and how... radical islamists, who position themselves, by the way, as devout muslims, professing so -called pure islam, commit serious atrocities and crimes during the holy month of ramadan for all muslims. to these, as to others, more specific, professional questions for an objective investigation of the crime committed in moscow remain.
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to answer, one thing is absolutely clear: the terrible crime committed on march 22 in the capital of russia is an act of intimidation, as i already said, the question immediately arises: who benefits from this? this atrocity can only be a link in a whole series of attempts by those who have been fighting our country since 2014 at the hands of the neo-nazi kiev regime. and the nazis, as is well known, never disdained to use the most dirty and inhuman means for achieving your goals. moreover, today, when their advertised counter-offensive has completely failed, this is already recognized by everyone and is not disputed. the russian armed forces maintain the initiative along the entire line of combat contact, all measures taken by the enemy to
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stabilize the front. does not bring success, hence attempts to gain a foothold in our border territories, shelling , including using multiple launch fire systems of peaceful neighborhoods, civilian objects, including energy infrastructure, attempts at missile attacks on the crimean bridge and the peninsula itself. bloody acts of intimidation, such as the terrorist attack committed in moscow, quite logically fit into this series. the goal, as i already said, is to sow panic in our society at the same time to show our own population that this is not all for the kiev regime.


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