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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 25, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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back in the twenties of the last century , there was such an association as the union of ukrainian nationalist youth, which then became part of the organization of ukrainian nationalists. of course, we need to answer the question: why did the terrorists try to go to ukraine after committing the crime? who was waiting for them there? it is clear that those who support the kiev regime do not want to be accomplices of terror and... sponsors
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of terrorism, but there are indeed a lot of questions, and i regularly report on the progress of the investigation. please also inform about what measures are being taken at the federal and regional levels to support the families of the dead and wounded, how the work of medical and social services is organized. my colleagues and i have already discussed all these issues several times, but... today, as agreed, we will talk about this in more detail. please, let's start work. alexander ivanovich, please. dear vladimir vladimirovich, the investigative committee continues active work to investigate the criminal case of the terrorist attack in the crocus concert hall. the investigation established complete chronology of events that took place. on march 22, 18:54, four criminals in a private
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car drove up to the building of the kroku city hall concert hall, where they began to wait for the audience to arrive. at 19:58, terrorists armed with automatic firearms, being near the crocus city hall building, opened fire on visitors who were on the street. having entered the lobby of the building, and then into the concert hall, they continued shooting at all citizens they noticed, regardless of gender and age. using what you brought with you in plastic bottles gasoline, they approached the premises and left the building at 20:11. while driving out of the parking lot in a stolen car, the criminals hit pedestrians and a family with two minors at high speed. children, children suffered
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persecution on the road, serious bodily injuries, they were hospitalized in the bryansk region during the course, all the attackers were detained leading towards the russian-ukrainian border. during the inspection , two ak-74 assault rifles, more than 500 rounds of ammunition, eight magazines with ammunition were found and confiscated at the scene of the incident. bottles with gasoline residues. the inspection of the crime scene continues with the participation of specialists, criminologists and experts from the investigative committee of the russian federation. in addition, more than 200 inspections, searches and seizures were carried out, during which more than a thousand different objects relevant to the investigation were seized. during a search in the apartment, where. in addition to traces of their hands
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, fragments of fabric and tools that were used in preparing the attack were found in the car of the criminals. a pm pistol without cartridges and a machine gun magazine were found kalashnikov with thirty rounds of ammunition. for all seized items, weapons and ammunition , 90 forensic examinations, ballistic, genetic, and touchescopic, were ordered. the four perpetrators of the terrorist attack were ordered to cancel and were taken into custody. all those exchanged during interrogation and... in court admitted their guilt and gave detailed testimony about the circumstances of the crime, about the customers and persons who assisted in the preparation of the terrorist attack. the investigation also established that three more
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people were detained who provided assistance during preparation of the attack. they provided an apartment for living, a car for transportation, and transferred funds. in relation to these persons, the court is directed to order their detention. initial results of the investigation indicate that the attack was carefully planned and prepared. as a result of the attack , 139 people died, of which 75 have been identified today . three children were among the dead. identification of the dead. deaths continue from the total number, this is 137 people, died at the scene of the terrorist attack, 137, two died in hospitals institutions, from gunshots , 40 people died from gunshot wounds
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, two people died from a combination of gunshots and stab frames, as a result of a fire under the influence of high temperature combustion products, 45 people died , 122 people received injuries of varying degrees of severity, 182 people, 182 people, appointed to carry out 160 forensic and genetic examinations to determine the cause of death and identify the identities of the deceased. 131 people from among the victims and more than 500... witnesses were questioned, from the testimony of eyewitnesses suggests that the fire in the auditorium occurred as a result of the actions of the accused, who spilled gasoline they brought with them onto the chair and walls and set fire to it. in this regard, the investigation
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is checking the possibility of violation of the safety requirements of the fire extinguishing system in the corcos city hall concert hall. for this purpose , remote controls and electronic components were confiscated. and control devices for the anti-blast system of the concert hall. they are aimed at researching and extracting information about the operating mode of the fire safety system at the moment committing attacks. the contents of the fire-fighting system server are being studied with the participation of experts. to establish the operability and timely response of all fire safety systems , a fire-technical examination has been appointed. we work closely with the operational subdivisions of the ministry of internal affairs of russia and the fsb of russia; the necessary investigative actions are being carried out in the case to identify all those involved in the crime, including those who ordered and organized the crime. the investigation into the case continues. the report is finished. thank you,
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tatyana alekseevna, please. vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, for the period. inpatient facilities of medical organizations have passed since the terrorist attack, and 45, 145 people have been hospitalized. the structure of lesions is dominated by gunshot wounds, combined and combined injuries of poisoning by combustion products. to date, 52 patients who were hospitalized due to improvement in condition have been discharged. 93 people, including five children, are under observation at the place of residence and are undergoing inpatient treatment. doctors - continue to fight for the lives of nine victims, including one child, their condition is assessed as extremely serious.
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29 patients are in serious condition, 30 patients are in moderate condition , and 25 patients have improved and are being prepared for discharge. the most severe patients today are concentrated in moscow and federal medical institutions. assistance was provided to 150 patients during this period of time, and this figure is flexible, i think it will change, since people who were able to go home are now they turn to medical institutions, psychiatrists and psychologists from the serbsky institute, the federal medical-biological agency of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, moscow, and the moscow region are involved in providing assistance to victims and family members. volunteer psychologists. during the most acute period
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, at least 50 ambulance teams from the disaster medicine service of the moscow region, the city of moscow, and federal medical organizations were simultaneously at the scene of the terrorist attack. in total , 203 emergency medical teams and air ambulances provided assistance to the victims. considering the scale of what happened in the medical institutions located. in the moscow region , the city of moscow, federal medical institutions of the ministry of health, the ministry of science and higher education, the federal medical-biological agency and the ministry of defense , one and a half thousand beds were almost instantly deployed, including intensive care and surgical, burn beds, all teams arrived to work for provision of medical care, citizens of russia. despite the sufficiency of blood and its components, they unanimously responded to
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trouble and came to the blood donation points to help the victims, and i can say that according to the estimates of the federal medic of the biological agency, over two days off the country’s donor points received 11.82 donors, prepared 4,624 liters of whole blood and assistance in inpatient medical institutions in the amount of 500,000 rubles . who received medical
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care on an outpatient basis. for residents of moscow and other regions, payments are made by the moscow government, for residents of the moscow region, by the government of the moscow region, payments will begin continue as documents become available. a working group has also been created to provide assistance to the victims and families of the victims. in the social fund, operational headquarters in rostrud, and today, proactively, without requiring documents, 22, 22 survivor pensions have already been assigned, of which 19 are three social insurance. payment of pensions will be made as soon as possible as soon as the bank details are provided to us. information and explanatory work with relatives and friends was organized. killed by payment of funeral benefits for the further provision of documents for compensation;
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similar work has been organized with employers; work has also been organized to assign payments for compulsory social insurance against accidents at work. i would like to say, vladimir vladimirovich, that as all the victims and dead are identified, the families will be provided with assistance, and we will do that. we will keep the issue under constant control, i also want to say that in the first hours after receiving information about the terrorist attack that occurred, work to provide volunteers, as well as concerned citizens, joined in to help. on march 23, the movement together opened a fundraiser for targeted assistance to the families of those killed in the terrorist attack, and i report that at the moment ... the amount of funds raised has amounted to almost 1 billion rubles. in places where
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spontaneous memorials are organized , 11,371 volunteers provide assistance at the relief center. on the day of national mourning for those killed on march 24 and today, march 25 , actions were and are taking place in the regions that are aimed at uniting the people of the country and demonstrating feelings. involvement in the events that took place, a total of 250, 257,500 volunteers took part in the action. 11 1.6 million of our citizens became participants in these actions, i also want to say that russian business also joined in the help, more than 42 transport companies, banks, mobile operators, restaurants, large retail outlets and other areas of business, provided the assistance they considered
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possible to provide, and i want to express my deep gratitude to our... medical workers for the help they provide to the affected citizens, our caring citizens, for the fact that they showed themselves in this way, in this difficult hour, came to the aid of people in trouble, once again proving that our country is united, and in the face of the most difficult situation, we are together, thank you, thank you, you and i...
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as if we just immediately found ourselves where we should be, helping people, this, of course, demonstrates the maturity of our society and the willingness to defend our interests , to fight for ourselves, for our loved ones, just for those people who need help and support, this is a very important characteristic of the current state of our society, you are absolutely right, well, we’ll talk about this later, now i wanted to... listen to sergei semenovich sobenin, please, sergei semenovich, vladimirovich, i’m reporting, and medical and social assistance for victims of the terrorist attack, in total from moscow there were 44 ambulances, and the first ambulance arrived within 4 minutes, in 2010 a signal was received
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and within 20-14 minutes the first ambulance arrived and provided assistance, and... everyone who called was outpatient care was promptly provided, 94 people were hospitalized, hospitalized in 14 hospitals, and they are being treated by the best moscow doctors, we had many seriously extremely seriously wounded, 12 people were extremely seriously injured, currently we have not lost a single one, moreover, out of twelve extremely difficult ones, have already been transferred to another category,
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in general, all of our colleagues from the regions of russia, sergei semenovich just said about those people who come for identification or to meet with their relatives who, thank god , were not injured or were only slightly injured , in order to take them home, that’s what i want to say, it is imperative in all regions of russia, where people came from for this event, to take control of all the people who are in need. support, because different life situations occur, someone even lost their breadwinner, and so on, so it is imperative to analyze everything related to this terrible crime.
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and that the most important thing is to receive recommendations and support, i want to thank you and colleagues, federal departments , which today also include personnel, all this interaction continues to this day, for me it was very important in order to make all the verified decisions, sergei semyonovich said about the role of ambulances and medical institutions, doctors, i want to add an important key point when aviation began to operate, and the fact is that the crocus
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is essentially an unbroken chain of buildings, and there was a very noticeable danger that the fire could spread to even more serious objects, this is thanks to the work of firefighters and rescuers. but we managed to prevent it, from the first minutes we received support from people who were nearby and offered a variety of help, our volunteers, as for the rescuers, they work, you know now without a break in change, and we reinforced the specialists of the ministry of emergency situations, respectively, as general workers , people who help a lot. rubble, to process accordingly, i took the liberty of putting a diagram of the hall, it is before your eyes, accordingly, for tomorrow there will be
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the search operation has been completely completed, and accordingly, every square meter of the hall, and the stalls, and the balcony, the floor that is higher, they will be dismantled. literally immediately we understood that people needed information about what happened about this terrible tragedy, so we opened a direct line and a help center, it is now located in the center for supporting defenders of the fatherland, very trained people work there, we strengthened it, realizing that calls there will be a lot, during this time we received about 200 calls, of course the main one... the question is the search for relatives, loved ones, so we carried out a personal reception, our colleagues, and tried to answer all the questions of interest, together with moscow we
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understood how important it is to synchronize our actions, everything related to payments, we accepted a single payment, this 3 million if our resident died, a million if... that night and the government in the person of tatyana alekseevna and the minister toured clinics in the moscow region, first these were four cities, khimki, dolgoprudny, respectively, odintsova
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and yes, i odintsova, respectively, the most heavy, and there were a sufficient number of them, at the first opportunity they were transported to the surgical center. we were able to transfer other federal institutes, which allowed us to save lives, because the doctors, the most advanced technologies were used, we understand that there is a struggle for life, and i wanted to thank all the doctors, because that night they came to their clinics themselves, understanding what happened, and it was very important for us. tatyana alekseevna said about russian. red cross foundation, people all this time they offered all kinds of help, businessmen, and
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russian business. and they said that they want to help, i am grateful to the fund, to all the businesses that took part, but at the moment, in addition to the impressive amount that has already been mentioned, and 420 thousand transactions have passed, 420 thousand transactions of varying volumes for these accounts, we agreed that we will use these funds jointly, collectively. to the needs of those whose families have suffered. you are right when you say that some families, and we have some, have lost both parents. we understand, and you told me about this, including that those who are hospitalized today and those who died, and we must accompany them for an extended period, we will try to do this with dignity.
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once again i want to thank you. everyone for their support, the report is finished, okay, so , colleagues, who would like to add something , provide some additional information, give an assessment, please, igor viktorevich, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, the terrorist attack that occurred on march 22 was for all of us defined the task. which is required, which requires a decision as a matter of priority in the near future in order to prevent a recurrence of the tragedy, as well as providing maximum assistance to the victim. i want to emphasize that from the first hours of the tragedy, all services worked smoothly around the clock and now continue to work. in our work, we paid special attention to the timely blocking of fake information that incites interethnic and interfaith
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conflicts. attempts to sow panic and hatred towards people solely on national grounds sign. according to our requirements , information was deleted from more than 200 resources, including accounts on social networks, odnoklassniki, vkontakte, and telegram channels, as well as other sites. in addition to outright fakes , a lot of unverified information appeared, which also destabilized the situation to a certain extent. even reputable media outlets took note in this regard. it's arrived for us. submit such published information with recommendations to media representatives, use data only from official sources. also among the top-priority measures was an assessment of the work of the supervisory authorities inspecting the activities of the entire concert complex, including fire and anti-terrorist protection measures, compliance with the requirements for equipping event security guards in accordance with the number of visitors, and
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speed evacuation measures. a full assessment has yet to be given, but we can already say that the marchtab of the terrorist attack turned out to be many times larger and incomparable with the provisions of the legislation on the safety of similar facilities. with taking into account the significant increase in the level of terrorist threats, the executive authorities of the constituent entities need to update the safety data sheets of objects with mass stays. as for residence passports, the facility’s security passport must be updated at least once every 3 years, of course, in accordance with the clause in our regulatory legal act, security requirements, changes in
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terrorist threats, but... not updated , available december 17, 2018, to date unfortunately, terrorist threats are not taken into account. in addition, we will try, together with the ministry of emergency situations , to adjust the existing calculation methods used. calculations confirming the safety of evacuation of people in case of fire. these methods do not allow us to consider scenarios of fires during terrorist attacks such as arson. available video recordings of the tragedy indicate a terrorist attack through the main escape routes during a fire. and people were forced to flee in the opposite direction from attackers seek various shelters.
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