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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 25, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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upbringing, showing sympathy , it’s probably not easy for her, you can give advice, i know one prayer, another advice, we haven’t tried a healer, in the end you can move to another table, but the simplest and most necessary thing is to say, i’ll find out more about this, learn more about it, learn more about it, if you don’t know how to behave and what to say, learn more about it, well, can you tell me? did they jinx you? no, tamara nikolaevna, know more about this.
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the terrorist attack at crocus cityhole is an act of intimidation, it can be beneficial to those who is fighting with russia at the hands of the kyiv regime. vladimir putin stated this. the president discussed with the government and intelligence services the progress of the investigation, measures to support the families of the dead and wounded, and the work of medical and social services. about the most important thing, my colleague, anastasia efimova. the investigation must be conducted in the highest degree professionally, objectively, without... any political involvement, a principled approach voiced by the president during a meeting on measures taken after the sithole terrorist attacks. as the head of state emphasized, criminals they expected to sow panic and discord, but were met with unity and determination to resist. general pain, sorrow, compassion, a legitimate desire to punish, as vladimir putin emphasized, are understandable, but to establish all the circumstances not only of the perpetrators, but...
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of the atrocities against russia and its people. we are interested in who the customer is. in the course of joint work between our intelligence services and law enforcement agencies, it is necessary to obtain answers to a number of questions. for example, are radical, even terrorist , islamic organizations really interested in striking at russia, which today stands for a fair solution to the aggravated situation. the middle east conflict, and
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how radical islamists, positioning themselves, by the way, as devout muslims, professing so-called pure islam, commit grave atrocities and crimes during the holy month of ramadan for all muslims. so, by whose hands the monstrous crime was committed is known, but as in any crime, it is important to understand who is responsible. behind its organization, in other words, to whom exactly now it was profitable to arrange a bloody massacre in the russian capital by opening fire on unarmed civilians. the question immediately arises: who benefits from this? this atrocity may be only a link in a whole series of attempts by those who have been fighting our country since 2014 at the hands of the neo-nazi kiev regime. and the nazis, as is well known. never disdained
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to use the most dirty and inhumane means to achieve their goals, especially today, when their advertised counter-offensive has completely failed, this it is already recognized by everyone, it is not disputed, the russian armed forces hold the initiative along the entire line of combat contact, all measures taken by the enemy to stabilize the front do not bring success. hence the attempts to gain a foothold in our border territories, shelling, including using volley fire systems, of peaceful neighborhoods , civilian facilities, including energy infrastructure, attempts at missile attacks on the crimean bridge and the peninsula itself, bloody acts of intimidation quite logically fit into this series , similar to the terrorist attack committed in moscow.
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the goal, as i already said, is to sow panic in our society, at the same time to show our own population that all is not lost for the kiev regime, you just need to follow the orders of your western curators, fight to the last ukrainian, carry out the command from washington and accept a new law on mobilization, to create something like hitler jugand, in the new one, of course. publications, to knock out new weapons and additional money for this, a significant part of which can be stolen and put as this is common in ukraine today in one's pocket. by the way, ukrainian nationalists back in the twenties of the last century had
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such an association as the union of ukrainian nationalist youth, which then became part of the organization of ukrainian nationalists. of course, we need to answer the question why... vladimir putin thanked us today. the head of state asked for regular reports on the progress of the investigation. search and rescue operations at the scene of the tragedy continue, as experts say, they can be completed on tuesday at 17:00 moscow time.
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you applied for a pension at vtb, and there the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is as much as 18% per annum, how skinny you have become and good, dad, i want to be like my grandfather, rich in retirement, vtb, together everything will work out. oleg , i probably have the main fear, well, or one of my fears, this is the fear of artificial intelligence, in short, artificial intelligence will come, he will replace me, including you, with a more efficient person, and then there will be it is written that oleg and boris is a chatbot, well, in fact, we must admit to tv viewers that yes, we are generated by gpt chat, thank god, not yet, well, that’s the truth. but you know, regarding artificial intelligence, a lot of positive things are being said now, and undoubtedly,
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well, digitalization and artificial intelligence bring many new opportunities, yes, but now we want to talk about exactly what is not talked about enough in our opinion , specifically about the dangers associated with artificial intelligence, this is the first point, the second point - what is artificial intelligence, really? uh, this is absolutely incomprehensible to most people, the modern media environment, uh, it often, well, talks about things that actually don’t exist, well , let’s try to figure this out today, what is artificial intelligence, and what is the future of humanity with its active use this very artificial intelligence, and today we will discuss this topic with our guests, bishop fiaktist, bishop of pereslavl and uglich, who heads the working group on artificial intelligence in the commission on science
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and culture, the inter-council presence of the russian orthodox church, there is one, but it turns out.
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artificial intelligence and, well, there’s a program to straighten the brains, but where is the line between probably tv viewers should, well, somehow just right?
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set of data, they can standardize a certain activity, creative, even, it will still be standardization and solving problems like give it, bring it, there is not yet there and therefore the ability to do what is usually attributed to the human intelligence, so, uh, it’s probably too early to talk about artificial intelligence, and in general they say that artificial intelligence is impossible, well, experts in the field of it, there are just different levels. different depth of solution to automation problems, so far. as i understand it, after all , they started talking about artificial intelligence when cybernetics appeared, that is, cybernetic systems are systems from which information is fed from output to input, and in this way it kind of takes into account what it has happened, it turns out this is, well, nonlinear, as it were,
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the behavior of the system, right? well, you see, every era has its own fashionable words , now they say: for many, i think, those who turn on the tv suddenly see a program about artificial intelligence, a bishop sits, sits, they also head some kind of working group in the church, which really is engaged in artificial intelligence, but how did this happen and in general, why suddenly, it seems to some, it may not be clear, and for some it is not clear why the russian orthodox church suddenly became interested artificial intelligence, well, of course, i very much
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agree with yuri about the fact that from...
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work, then theoretically you can never leave the house anywhere, you will have deliveries there, everything you need will be brought to you, brought, you can call a doctor for yourself, you can have a hairdresser, you can have a barber, if you’re not satisfied with the situation, you can have a veterinarian there for your cat, you can do whatever you want without leaving home, and this, on the one hand, is
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very convenient, on the other hand, it leads to such atomization, that is, a person begins to think that... absolutely independently of other people, whereas from the point of view of christianity, humanity is a kind of single whole, and achieving the goal of christian life, that is, the salvation of the soul and the kingdom of heaven, is impossible when a person is separated from other people, when he is outside the community , outside communication, it is clear that on the one hand there is convenience and development, on the other hand, how does this convenience and development affect us or... if you allow one more example, because that’s when in the nineties, at the end networks developed in the nineties, appeared among us in russia, the internet, maybe you remember , was like this...
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because how is it that in real time i ’m communicating with a person from another continent, it didn’t seem like it would give us an impetus for development, but today we see what we see , that some absolutely incredible percentage of traffic, and internet traffic is games and things that a christian should not talk about out loud, all sorts of obscenities, we see that some minuscule amount of internet traffic is spent on something creative, educational , yes, although -
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we’ve already talked several times today artificial intelligence and human intelligence, and you can briefly express there the difference between human intelligence and artificial intelligence, well, even if it doesn’t exist yet, well, that’s how it is thought of there. well, i already said that artificial intelligence is a kind of patterning, that is, we can kind of see some patterns to form something according to a pattern, something like this, and well, human intelligence is completely different, but indeed there are some transitions from quantity to quality , and we see some things just wow, yes i remember those times when computers were large, their capabilities were small. in order to understand what was happening, you needed a fair amount of education, now you don’t need any education to work with a computer, with something like that, it seems like some
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things happen, it seems to be a first approximation it seems that they are absolutely miraculous, there is nothing miraculous there, these are just some other quantitative possibilities, nothing qualitative has appeared there, that is, the ability to experience emotions, the ability to generate some... quantity in quality, but so far all these possibilities that computers provide remain at the level of templates after all, do something according to a template, see a template, reproduce a template, create another template, something like this, so not i'm waiting for something, although i'm not expecting something of quality. although this will of course greatly affect our lives , and you know, there is such an example, and you know that 100 years ago, healthy food was considered high-calorie food, food containing
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a lot of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, was especially considered healthy food, because what humanity was starving, there was not enough of everything, and for a person to feel good, he must have energy, he had to eat carbohydrates, but besides, he was still moving, not only sitting on the couch 100 years ago, and how simply there was little food. there was little sweet, it was inaccessible, then there was a transition again from quantity to another quality, yes, and not that i’m a big fan of dialectics, but it happens, which means healthy food, that is, a person had an excess of food and food became healthy food, where there are few carbohydrates there, well this is all where there is little food at all , for example, a lot of fiber, but the same thing with information, there were times when information was very valuable and inaccessible, but... now it is in abundance, the question arises, not how to find information , but how to protect yourself with information, and from information, but there are things that, like food, are harmful to us,
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like carbohydrates, for example, carbohydrates in our current way of being, no matter how harmful they are, so there is easy information, information that does not have any something with such increased value or content, it is harmful, that’s what the lord just mentioned some examples, yes , well, indeed, it is especially harmful where...
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we are used to easy, relatively speaking, content, to videos, to games, to all sorts of plots, otherwise we then we won’t read the book, our thinking won’t develop, that’s why this is the story, i think that humanity, just like with food, will realize this, will understand that some restrictions are needed in working with information, some kind of culture, some kind of then sport, relatively speaking, is intellectual, yes, and all this will happen, maybe it’s already happening in some small volumes, that’s how we’ll be saved. and you know, i want to tell you about this that there is such a metaphorical, well, in general , tell everyone, a metaphorical story about what artificial intelligence is, that there is a room here, here is a dark room, if you turn off the lights here, here it will be, a box stands , a european climbed into this box, he has such a super instruction for the chinese language, a chinese man enters the room, takes a hieroglyph and
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throws this hieroglyph into this in this... box, here is a white man, looks at the hieroglyph, reads detailed instructions on how to answer, what hieroglyph should be used to answer this hieroglyph, and as if he answers, sticks it out, and the chinese gets it, well, he seems to be satisfied with the answer, throws it in again and gets something, that is, the chinese is satisfied with this communication, but the europeans don’t understand anything that you asked, what he says, in fact, this is artificial intelligence, that is , there is no awareness, lord feaktist, since you - well , head this working group, and uh, on artificial intelligence, and what are the dangers you see, well, what digitalization brings, there is artificial intelligence, but the main ones, you know, we have a whole list of them, it’s quite large, and i won’t
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voice it here now, i haven’t even learned it, yes, but i
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... then you can push to do anything, and why am i saying this, that on the one hand there is an uncontrolled consumption of information, which we have all basically become accustomed to, this is scrolling news feeds, when the plot simply changes constantly , yes, and this is on the one hand, on the other on the other hand, the algorithms that form the feed for us, here is the next danger, that is , if a person, and this is an objective fact, i will say, it is possible, by means of specially selected information , to set up some kind of picture of the world for him to induce him to take some action, then those who controls the algorithms, they can do this, but here the question arises: who controls the algorithms and what goals does it pursue? that is, there is another problem - this is manipulation, manipulation of a person, and that is, the deprivation of a person’s freedom, so... here
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first we get used to this kind of food, i’ll say, then we deprive ourselves of freedom, freedom of choice as well, but i also wanted to continue about the dangers, ask yuri, i just need to knock louder, i’m fine, about the dangers, but i want to continue, just now you also touched upon the topic of information verification and so on, now here’s a new hype, but this is a gpt chat, that is, some artificial algorithms that generate content, and not only is it already an old high. well, old hype, yes, old hype, it generates and texts, and there are pictures, and videos, in principle , it can generate, probably, over time , anything you want there, quite quickly you can actually create some kind of alternative worlds, yes, that is, well, relatively speaking, i want to say, what do you know, in fact , the history of russia, the usa or something else, it’s completely different, here’s a bunch of books on this topic, a bunch of pictures, videos, some historians talk about this topic, the whole youtube is littered with it, here is some new completely
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alternative history. reality, yes.


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