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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 26, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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the terrorist attack at crocus cityholi is an act of intimidation; it can be beneficial to those who are fighting russia with the hands of the kiev regime, vladimir putin said. the president discussed with the government and intelligence services the progress of the investigation, measures to support the families of the dead and wounded, and the work of medical and social services. about the most important thing, my colleague anastasia efimova. an investigation must be carried out.
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today for a fair solution to the escalating middle east conflict, and as radical islamists who, by the way, position themselves as true believers muslims professing so-called pure islam commit grave atrocities and crimes during the holy month of ramadan for all muslims. so, by whose hands the monstrous crime was committed is known.
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are not bringing success, hence attempts to gain a foothold in our border territories, shelling, including using volley fire systems of peaceful neighborhoods, civilian objects, including energy infrastructure, attempts at missile attacks on the crimean bridge and the peninsula itself, it is quite logical in this series bloody acts of intimidation, similar to a terrorist attack, fit in with...
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follow the orders of your western curators, fight to the last ukrainian, carry out the command from washington and adopt a new law on mobilization, create. something like hitler yugand in his new edition, of course, to knock out for this new weapon and additional money, a significant part of which can be stolen and put, as is usual in ukraine today, in one’s pocket. by the way, ukrainian nationalists back in the twenties of the last century had such an association as the union ukrainian nationalist youth, who then became part of the organization of ukrainian nationalists. of course, we need to answer the question why the terrorists tried to go to ukraine after committing the crime, who was waiting for them there? it is clear that those who support the kiev regime do not want to be accomplices and sponsors
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of terrorism, but there are indeed a lot of questions. active work to establish all the circumstances of the incident continues, as the head of the investigation reported to the president. events that occurred. march 22 evening the committee restored the full chronology: four criminals in a passenger car drove up to the concert hall, where they began to wait for the audience to arrive, at 19:58 they opened fire on the visitors standing on the street, in the hall, and then in the hall, they poured water on everyone indiscriminately , regardless of gender and age. the attack killed 139 people. 75 of them have been identified today, three children are among the dead, identification of the dead continues, of the total number, this is 137 people, 137 died at the scene of the terrorist attack, two
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died in medical institutions, 40 people died from gunshot wounds, from a combination of gunshot and stab wounds. as a result of the fire , 45 people died under the influence of high temperature combustion products, and 182 people were injured to varying degrees of severity. the inspection of the crime scene is still ongoing, searches and seizures have been carried out, and more than a thousand objects important to the investigation have been confiscated, including from the apartments where the accused lived. consequence. being checked the possibility of violating the safety requirements of the fire extinguishing system in the krok city hold concert hall; for this purpose, remote controls, electronic units and control devices for the fire extinguishing system of the concert hall were confiscated. they are aimed at researching and extracting
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information about the operating mode of the fire safety system at the time of terrorist attacks. with the participation of experts, the contents of the fire-fighting server are being studied. systems for establishing the operability and timely response of all fire safety systems are assigned fire-technical examination. if we talk about those taken to hospitals, 145 people were hospitalized with gunshot wounds and poisoning from combustion products. 52 are already feeling better and have been discharged home. 93 remain in clinics, including five children. as tatyana golikova noted, assistance will be provided to all victims and families of the victims, an issue that the deputy prime minister promised to keep under constant control, but besides this, support comes from all over the country, a billion rubles have been collected by the movement, we are together, in regions, unity actions
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were held, in which 1.5 million russians took part, i want to express my deep gratitude to our medical workers for the assistance that... is not provided to the affected citizens, our caring citizens, for the fact that they showed themselves in this way during this difficult hour, they came to the aid of people in trouble, once again proving that our country is united, and in the face of the most difficult situation, we are together, it is clear, just like emergency workers of various emergency services are also clear, everyone must be prepared for any situations, but here...
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this is a very important characteristic of the current state of our society. let me remind you that the first ambulance in the capital, city hall district, is located in krasnogorsk, this is de facto the territory of the region. arrived at the scene of the terrorist attack at 20:14, in other words, 4 minutes after the call, the mayor of moscow spoke about this at the meeting. everyone who is admitted to the hospital receives assistance from the best doctors in the capital, the regions work closely with each other to work as effectively as possible as a team, relatives of the victims, who come to moscow to identify bodies or to search for their loved ones, we provide...
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nations that incite interethnic and interfaith conflicts, attempts to sow panic and hatred towards people solely on ethnic grounds. according to our requirements, information was deleted from more than 200 resources, including accounts on social networks, odnoklassniki vkontakte and telegram channels, as well as other sites. in addition to outright fakes, a lot of unverified information appeared, which also destabilized to a certain extent situation. even authoritative media outlets noted this, and we had to refute such
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published information with recommendations to media representatives to use data only from official sources. cityhall is essentially an unbreakable chain of the building, and another danger was associated with the possibility of the fire spreading further, and as the governor of the moscow region noted , this was prevented thanks to the work of firefighters. rescuers at work. today we are within the framework of materials that were
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on the walls that were burning, we were able to liquidate, completely extinguish the fire only today at 18:40, search and rescue work continues, and is expected to be completed tomorrow at 17:00. today he thanked the employees of the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs, and the russian national defense guard, whom the president instructed to take all measures to detain the criminals, which was done through joint efforts ; the head of state asked to report regularly on the progress of the investigation; search and rescue work at the scene of the tragedy continues, as experts say they can be completed on tuesday at 17:00 moscow time. meanwhile, the moscow basmanny court sent under arrest three more suspects in the case of the terrorist attack on crocus in city hall, dmitry petrov will tell you who they are. basmanny.
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islomov from tver, father israil islomov and his two sons, amin john islomov and dilovavar. there is information that just the day before, all three were taken to the investigative committee, where investigative actions were carried out with them, and their roles in the organization and conduct of the this terrorist attack. so, according to the investigation, no later than january of this year, the main organizer of the terrorist attack, shamsiddin fariduni, involved john islomov in the criminal group amin, to elect the accused. and on march 11 of this year , delovar islomov, it was dilovar islomov, the youngest son, who was the owner of the very redlo logan in which the terrorists were driving, some time ago they bought a car from dilovar,
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and despite the fact that he himself came with guilty, nevertheless today also... a preventive measure was chosen for him in the form of imprisonment into custody for 2 months, choose a preventive measure for the accused delovaruilovic in the form of detention, establishing detention in custody in this criminal case for one month 29 days, that is, until may 22, 2024. only the youngest son of the businessman appeared in court today with an open face, the eldest son of amin john, their father israil tried. hide their faces, but nevertheless, now the investigation has established the roles of all of them in organizing the terrorist act, so even for the father, a preventive measure was chosen in the form of detention for 2 months. select the suspect ibrahimovic as a preventive measure in the form of detention. thus, we are witnessing how the entire terrorist cell
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that participated in organizing the terrible terrorist attack in crocus city is being revealed. dmitry petrov, ivan panomarenko, andrey vereshcha. news from the basmanny district court building. the united states does not intend to provide security assistance to russia in connection with the terrorist attack in the moscow region. this was stated by white house national security council coordinator john kirby. again he said that kiev has nothing to do with this, but however, kirby also spoke about other terrorist attacks, the ukrainian authorities later admitted involvement in them. un security council meeting dedicated to. before starting the meeting, at the request of the delegation of the russian federation and on behalf of the members of the security council, i would like to ask everyone present to stand to express condolences and support for the government, the people of russia and to honor the memory
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of the victims of the terrorist attack in the moscow region of the russian federation on march 22. i invite you to raise.
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the russian army repelled 11 ak in donetsk
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in the direction the units of the southern group took the more advantageous ones. at ovdeevsky, the center group improved the situation along the front line, zelensky’s formation lost about 500 more soldiers and mercenary officers, seven tanks and four other armored vehicles, including american ones, were destroyed, as well as seven self-propelled guns, howitzers and other guns, 31 czech american missiles were shot down missile systems, as well as 103 combat armor. in ukraine for men. banned from entering several areas at once near the border with moldova, so as not to run away for border. spontaneous riots against being sent to the front occur throughout the country. why doesn’t kiev intend to save? yegor grigoriev will tell you about the lives of ukrainians. well, let me go. poltava.
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once again, several employees of the shopping center are trying to pack a man into a bus, that is, put him in a minibus. further to the front. the scheme has been worked out, people are trying to defend it. the pace of fishing does not slow down, they keep watch day and night. the men stay in their apartments and try not to go out. they dial tck. and they say we’re at the entrance, well, i’m a fool to go out there, i i can’t understand what they are even counting on? the ludolov military commissars began to hate them so much that the commander of the ground forces of the ukrainian armed forces decided to intercede. ogonyka added that he even spoke contemptuously about the dead, who, fleeing from mobilization, drowned in rivers and fell from the mountains. the news feeds contain many reports about the unfortunate drowned people in tisza or detachments of fighting hutsuls. today, tsk, their security companies are mostly staffed with... - the verkhovna rada deputy found out. the people's deputy provides
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an official response to his request. every the second employee of the territorial recruitment centers does not have combat experience, but he has a chance of not ending up in a trench, although for this he is engaged in catching others. it’s strange why ukrainian military commissars are surprised that they are so disliked.
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a bill on mobilization was prepared, the first reading took place on february 7, the mobilization age is supposed to be lowered, grounds for deferment are excluded, since then 4,000 amendments have been introduced, they are now being slowly considered, they are being delayed, this is extremely unpopular, he declares. deputies. frankly in other words, mobilization is a political hot potato and no one wants to do it. the army needs a lot more people. but zelensky does not want to take responsibility for the mobilization and says that it depends on government ministries, and they are afraid of burning their hands and say that it depends on parliament, which then shifts responsibility back. against the backdrop of huge losses of the armed forces of ukraine, the wives of the mobilized are demanding not only to stop the lawlessness of the robbers, but also to return their husbands home.
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in the lnpr, the military of the russian guard worked joint actions of artillerymen and reconnaissance crews with drone crews. the end of the exercise was observed by the deputy director of the department, lieutenant general alexei vorobyov, looked at the conditions in which the units were deployed in the special operation zone, discussed the tasks of the russian guard with the head of the lpr leonid pasechnik, presented awards, as well as memorable gifts to employees who distinguished themselves, thanked for their combat skill, dedication and without bending . a rare example of establishing international relations at the level of deputies of different countries; an assembly was held in geneva
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interparliamentary union, in which delegations from the state duma and the federation council, as well as western parliamentarians, participate. anastasia popova found out how constructive the discussions are, including the ukrainian crisis. the international parliamentary union is the second oldest organization. it represents all parliamentarians in the world, except that the united states has existed here since 1879 and unites almost no representation; they were expelled for systematic non-payment of dues. they joke on the sidelines that the absence of washington allows the organization to work normally, even despite to the desperate attempts of a group of eu and nato countries, which are called the 12+ group here, to dictate their will and develop an agenda against russia. now the situation has changed, you know, now the geopolitical ones are different.
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the topic of ukraine at the meeting was reduced to the level of a specially created working group to promote dialogue between moscow and kiev. the efforts of all geopolitical groups have not yet yielded results. the ukrainian delegation does not want to communicate. the russian speaks openly. we talked about the victims who exist now, about those cases and facts when, to unfortunately, children's bodies were dismantled for organs for... transplantation and those moments associated with sexual harassment of children on the territory of ukraine are simply bashfully silent about this; they believe that this never happened. there was a performance, this time a quiet one; the ukrainians refused to sit behind the russian delegation and persuaded the swedes to switch
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places. finally sweden.
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globally important topics and current problems for the world are gradually switching to discussion of all humanity. anastasia popova, lia bernadsky, news, geneva, switzerland.
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the first bombs fell on yugoslavia on march 24 , 1999 at 19:45 local time. no one could believe that the country could be attacked at the end of the twentieth century. what the west did was completely unacceptable; they directly started a war, essentially in the center of europe. these are the same cores from united uranium that were dropped on yugoslavia during the bombing.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations; russian digital solutions should be taken to a new height, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is happening in general with production, raw materials exported, what is it, our product.


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