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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 26, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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today, vladimir putin held a meeting via videoconference on measures being taken after the terrorist attack at the kroku cityhall concert complex, and members took part in it.
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i thank everyone who saved people in difficult conditions and helped the victims. our society, in these difficult times, has shown an example of true solidarity, cohesion, and mutual support. i know that among those who are now sending words of sympathy to the families of the victims are people of different nationalities, from all regions of our country, everyone. including children, schoolchildren and students. those who planned this terrorist attack hoped to sow panic and discord in our society, but they were met with unity and determination to resist this evil. i ask you to report today on how the investigative actions are going, operational search work to identify everyone involved in the terrorist attack, its customers and... organizers,
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despite our universal pain, grief, compassion, legitimate desire to punish all the perpetrators of this brutal crime, the investigation must be carried out in highly professional, objective, without any political involvement. we know that the crime was committed by radicals. islamists whose ideology the islamic world itself has been fighting for centuries. we also see that the united states, through various channels, is trying to convince its satellites and other countries of the world that, according to their intelligence data , there is supposedly no kiev trace in the moscow terrorist attack, that the bloody terrorist attack was carried out by followers of islam, members of the isis organization banned in russia. we know. by whose hands this
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atrocity was committed against russia and its people. us i wonder who the customer is. in the course of joint work between our intelligence services and law enforcement agencies, it is necessary to obtain answers to a number of questions. for example, are radical, even terrorist , islamic organizations really interested in striking russia, which today stands for... those professing so-called pure islam commit grave atrocities and crimes during the holy month of ramadan for all muslims, for these, like to other, more specific...
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contacts, all undertaken measures to stabilize the front do not bring success to opponents. hence the attempts to gain a foothold in our border territories. shelling, including using volley fire systems on peaceful neighborhoods, civilian objects, including energy infrastructure, and attempted missile attacks on the crimean bridge and the peninsula itself. bloody acts of intimidation, such as the terrorist attack committed in moscow, quite logically fit into this series. the goal, as i already said, is to sow panic in our society. and at the same time show. to his own population, that all is not lost for the kiev regime, you just need to follow the orders of your western curators, fight to the last ukrainian, obey the command from washington and adopt a new law
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on mobilization, create something like hitler yugand in its new edition, of course, knock out for this new weapon and additional money, a significant part of which... can be stolen and put, as is usual in ukraine today, in your pocket. by the way, ukrainian nationalists back in the twenties centuries, there was such an association, the union of ukrainian nationalist youth, which then became part of the organization of ukrainian nationalists. of course, we need to answer the question why the terrorists tried to go to ukraine after committing the crime, who was waiting for them there? it is clear that those who support the kiev regime do not want to be accomplices of terror and sponsors of terrorism, but there are indeed a lot of questions, i ask you to regularly report on the progress of the investigation, i also ask you to inform
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about what measures are being taken at the federal and regional level are taken to support the families of the dead and wounded, as the work is organized. vladimir putin is already trying to connect this with ukraine and says that ukraine is responsible for this. does america have evidence of this? no. and first, let me start by saying that what happened as a result of the terrorist attack and the number of people who died is obviously a tragedy, and we
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should all express our condolences to these families. there is no evidence. and we know that isis is responsible.
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including the american representative with minute of silence, then let them first sue mark milly and handcuff him. dostoevsky, you killed yourself, hence your
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hysterical reaction, but what’s interesting is that even the americans themselves remember this very well, the americans say: wait a minute, millie did it, what the hell, do you want to talk to us about strategic security? you are the main sponsors and owners and how... what difference does it make what kind of hat you put on, what terrorist organization you use as your proxy to solve your problems, we see right through you, we have dealing with a vile enemy,
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with a vile enemy, a hopeless enemy... to hide and sit out, they did not rush to central asia, they did not try to leave there, relatively speaking, through kazakhstan, to board a plane, they rushed to ukraine, where on the other side they their brothers were waiting for them, because let me remind you that many of the scum who showed themselves in the war in syria showed their worst side, now in ukraine. “we will find everyone and destroy everyone, when
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you tell us that, well, what are you, this is isis, and these four will start singing, it is clear that you will say, oh, they were tortured, this is under pressure, that you can’t trust anything, they will tell you everything and give you all the passwords, appearances, and will fight your way through, as they were translated.” so macron, cheer for the crime you committed in africa, here you can fly, the guys there are also serious, yes. there is such an american blogger, jack posobiec, this is what he thinks: i believe that
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ukraine is moving into a new phase of war, a phase of insurgency. and i said specifically that we will see terrorist attacks by militants using false flag provocations, blaming someone else, they say it wasn't us, there are no traces of us there. zelinsky said a couple of days ago that he was russian. i must feel the full weight of this. victoria said this additional funding would provide putin with some unpleasant surprises. this is victoria nuland, when victoria nuland promises nasty surprises, you get stuff like this just a couple of weeks later. typically, isis jihadists do not run away from the scene of a terrorist attack; they usually do not want to become martyrs. they don't mention isis, suddenly isis, which we haven't heard of, has been accused of this for years. in the usa they announced this immediately. it is amazing. you already know it's isis, but you can't tell us who blew up nord stream 2?
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uk mp george gyalloway is, of course, such a specific character, but here's what he says: when the us, uk and others quickly tried to convince me that it was isis who committed this massacre in moscow. i automatically knew they were lying. and this is what i discovered. first of all, i discovered that no one, no one, explained the unannounced visit of the president.
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weeks and months, i explore further and i discover that white house press secretary has some unpleasant surprises coming , john kirby announced that american citizens have been warned to stay away from crowds. the capital of the largest country on earth, here i have four pieces of evidence that make me believe that the united states is a
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nato ally. as the state of ukraine, what is left of the state of ukraine, in fact, those responsible for this mass murder, every time i look, i have the feeling that vitaly milonov works part-time in britain, then there is, well, it’s just very similar in appearance, well , then i’ll show another idiot who pretends to be an expert in... the islamic state claimed responsibility more than once, three times, first on the night after the attack, reporting details that were not yet known by the time his statement was published, the second time, when
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she published a photograph of the militants, the third time, when she posted a video taken by the participants in the attack, thus, every time... when the russian narrative pointed to the guilt of ukraine, the islamic state took take responsibility, it is not typical for them to take responsibility three times in a row, and each time with a lot of details, there were also messages to american intelligence that russia was the target, we heard velayat kharasan propaganda that their target was russia, we knew their intentions, we didn't see the data before these attacks happened, so i have no doubt about who is responsible for the attack, so who?
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they shouted alla akbar three times, what next? after which they began to tell where and what they did you do? name me at least one case that would have happened like this, and so that they would not commit suicide, so that there would be no explosion, so that they would not fight to the end , that they would give up and run, i just want to ask, do you hear, german uncle, are you really an expert? , or they found you on the street for a sardine, although no, there’s a lot of sardine like you, dmitry, well, the guy who’s a specialist from germany is talking complete nonsense, because, if we talk about the tactics of islamic terrorists, there are very different organizations involved, well, or rather well, their signs were different, but they all had a one-story model, and if you look at what these bastards did, it’s
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about 175° in the opposite direction from what they usually do. islamic terrorists, but i’ll tell you this, the version that the americans are imposing is very poorly developed, the most important thing that strikes me in this whole story is that it’s not even stitched together with white threads, it’s generally it’s not sewn together, it falls apart, well, as they say, right in the process of it promotion. first of all, where does this obsession come from? no, no, no, do not blame ukraine under any circumstances, no, this is an exact egil, there are not even any other options, but even in case of any traffic accident.
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then let's agree that , first of all, victoria, mark milley and jack sullivan will be interrogated by our investigative authorities, yes, this can be done not on russian formal territory, let's do it in a neutral country, well, for example, in belarus, if you don't want , you are embarrassed by belarus, you have already inherited there in such a way that you will be accepted there, well, let's go to kazakhstan. so i'm afraid that in kazakhstan you will have questions, but let 's find a neutral country, north korea, iran, cuba, venezuela, there are many options, but
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let's find everywhere, a neutral country where our investigators are, serbia, so, well, probably i hope that, i hope that you are not yet afraid of being accepted in serbia, well , come on, come there, our investigators will interrogate you, you will answer the question. consequences, but then this is
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propaganda pushing the only version, it’s becoming simply funny, it already looks, excuse me, like panic, by the way, i ’ll add a fifth fact to this british man in a hat, and he, by the way, is a fact - he’s so pretty... maybe such an exotic character in appearance , but he cited the facts that were, but i will add a fifth: not long before the terrorist attack was carried out, a very strange meeting takes place, and our oppositionists, these foreign agents, envoys, traitors, traitors, envoys, including a terrorist killer khodorkovsky, yes.
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this is informational and political preparation for possible future events, and i’ll add a sixth fact, this article was published, of course, today in the magazine, the american communist forren affairs, but it was written long before that, by four specialists on russia, one of whom worked in one russian educational...
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this is not a prelude, i think this is not the only material that they prepared, again taking into account the personality of the authors, they are all very non-random guys, and that’s the main thing.
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your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion.
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alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then, then not i know, anton shakin, that means hope! there is still, there is always hope, call sign passenger.


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