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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 26, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion , so he is alive, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you, get ready, it’s blowing in moscow, we need to write down the missing names, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i owe her. i hope, nadezhda markina, you look very much like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then, then i don’t know, anton shakin, it means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger.
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other institutions take part in this kind of surveys, i would really like to identify them, talk to their participants, managers, sponsors, in general there are a lot of questions, but nevertheless, the most important one problem, you actually identified it, and then all these american versions that the white house... is not to blame,
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they look very strange, this is about what a bowler hat, but we all understand where what is prohibited in russia came from a terrorist islamic state, who created it on the basis of whom, excuse me, don’t believe padorovich solovyov, believe me, believe hillary clinton, who clearly said where the islamic state came from, the islamic state. this is the combat terrorist wing of the cia, everyone knows this very well, and the cia officers, on the basis of the islamic state, in syria for example, sculpted so many structures in which they just changed the sign, and even poured one into another, some, which means they showed up there in some then a terrorist act after which, it means, it was no longer possible to keep them as recipients. finances will flow into something else, this is
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the same, excuse me, i just need to rewind a few pages back. all this is still on the internet, and hillary clinton ’s statements can be found, the same jack sullivan, correspondence in which he says that in syria, in fact, a banned terrorist organization at that time, from the point of view of the americans, it is a terrorist state, it in syria on our side, it’s all there, whatever you want in washington, kids, so that we can blink it all away forgot, are you counting us? komendori , in my opinion, this is a very big naivety, but this naivety, i’ll tell you this, it reveals an absolutely degrading quality of the american, no longer the political class, but the american specialists of the american bureaucrats,
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because it’s impossible to put together some kind of cover operation that is not will fall apart on the third or fourth day, but excuse me, this suggests that we... we are dealing with will be extremely dangerous, extremely cynical, extremely consistent, absolutely infinitely cruel, but absolutely unprofessional people who will try to cover up their unprofessionalism with blood, and the blood is ours, well, please, first of all, i would like to express my sincere condolences on behalf of the team of the center of our foreign partners from more than 40 countries of the world. relatives of the ulbian victims. telegrams of condolences have been arriving since saturday from berlin, paris, rome, belgrade, beirut, damascus, tehran, the taliban and, oddly enough, the anti-taliban opposition from vietnam have expressed condolences. there are many caring
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people who perceived this tragedy as your personal one. operational and investigative activities are ongoing, we won’t get ahead of ourselves, there’s no point in fantasizing either. apparently this person was in a different language environment for a long time, he was forced to use this, so let me remind you that turkey is a nato country. turkey is a nato country, yes, the fact that these are not isis militants
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says a lot of factors, first of all, the fact that this was committed in ramadan, on friday, real muslims will never agree to this. the fact that this was a trained killer was indicated by the composure with which they they killed, someone said that they were recruited from somewhere on the street, they don’t know how to handle weapons, i looked at these footage many times, the one who picked up the weapon sees perfectly well how they walked, how they killed, whoever raises their hand on someone like themselves for the first time, their hands always tremble, but these hands did not tremble, and then they finished off the wounded with a knife, this already says a lot. the fact that tajiks were chosen, apparently the directors of this operation were counting on the fact that anti-muslim and anti-tajist sentiments. today they called me from dushemb and said: “we are very afraid that this could happen.” i told them that russians do not remember evil, and that
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these scumbags exist among all the peoples of the world. oh, they don’t belong to isis yet, which is why isis members, as a rule, blow themselves up. kills on march 22, on the same day, only at 8:00 in the morning in kandahar , 150 people lined up at a bank to receive their salaries, a terrorist militant detonated an explosive device, as a result, 26 died and 50 were wounded , a self-detonation was carried out by a citizen of uzbekistan, asadbet mediarov. according to the taliban's main intelligence department, 2 months ago he underwent training in one of... on the territory of pakistan, after which he was thrown into the province of kandahar, where he committed an act of self-detonation. in the same camp , two citizens of tajikistan were trained, who committed a terrorist act, also a self-detonation, on january 3 in kermani in iran.
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therefore, these guys purposefully fled, but how they did not live up to the expectations of the most important customer. like those who led them, unfortunately, the time of lawrence of ravi, like there are no more normal politicians in the west, that’s it, losers are working, but the blood of our people is being shed. now what i would like to draw your attention to is that in addition to the kharasan velayat , the ansurallah group, jamaat ansurallah, is also based in afghanistan, according to official data there are 150 people there, according to the latest data that the taliban themselves recently told us, there are already 800 people there, mostly citizens of tajikistan, but this already suggests that it is not because of a good life that citizens of tajikistan go to the other side and take it into their hands.
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because of the small salaries, i don’t think that we have good personnel for such positions , we have a terrible shortage of recruits, and then what
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can a district police officer do, so the emphasis should be on the lower level, local police officers, the paradise of the department of the federal security service , give these people good salaries, make a normal social package, so that they only have headaches from service, and not how to get money for food, but unfortunately we have a lot of wrong things, order needs to be taught. first of all to us from ourselves. next in migration policy is it necessary to establish control over the entry of labor migrants into our territory, and how do they comply with this? it turns out that they come to construction sites, after a while from the construction site, they already look at them, they start delivering pizza, some do something else, just not what they need, migrants who come here on a temporary basis should be banned , bring families, tighten the requirements for those who... want, who want to accept russian citizenship, people often begin to accept russian citizenship here,
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who don’t know the history of russia, can’t speak russian, what kind of debt can they have to the country? i don’t want to speak badly about all tajiks, the second pilot, the navigator of the helicopter that was hijacked by the traitor kuzminov, was also a guy from tajikistan, but he fulfilled his duty to the end, so there are a lot of decent people among the tajiks, all of them, of course, are now tarred with the common paint is not allowed. and those who are not in prison, i think they will get what they deserve. now a special military operation on the night of 23:24 again launched a missile strike on crimea 28 missiles hit the crimean bridge and sevastopol. before this, a nato reconnaissance aircraft flew in the black sea. the question is, why was he not shot down? this is the first question. the second question is why wasn’t you called to the midfield this morning? british ambassador, he was not protested that british mines in sevastopol killed
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civilians and caused damage to infrastructure. why was the military attitude caused by the ministry of defense, and also no protest was made to it, they, unfortunately, feel very well, they make demonstrative gestures, go to all sorts of events with our positionaries and completely ignore us, well, it’s time to... restore order in belgorod, how many blows have already been received from these erzezos by czech-made vampires, why is the czech ambassador still here, what he should do here, and czech beer, and czech beer, and a lot of other things , so there are a lot of questions like why , we must finally understand, everyone understand that there is a war going on, a war of destruction has been declared on us, if we don’t take ourselves into hands, if we don’t unite, then we will not be in this war we will stand. we don’t have anything else, in conclusion , i want to say that yesterday
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was the twenty-fifth anniversary of the beginning of nato aggression against yugoslavia, i have a lot connected with this country, well, with the former yugoslavia, now serbia, i go there often, i’ll go there again in the near future i’ll go, when i was there, i looked at all this and thought, god forbid, we will have something like this, here it is in 25 years, now it’s repeated here in the belgorod region, in koshchina in the southeast on our... new lands , the only thing is that i will express an unpopular point of view, but my question is not for the tatjiks, i have a question for our people, well, that’s why i said: because the main question for us is who is the benefit of the purchaser here, yeah, they don’t go anywhere themselves, they are brought, they are registered, they are used, they are not responsible for them, they they are cutting money, these are ours , who are corrupting everyone possible from left to right in order to drag them here, so
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now, when the investigation begins how these citizens ended up here, the question is who is for them
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and if it is a criminal group, even ethnic, doubly toughening there must be a deadline, that’s when we now began to see how some young people there are going to knock down the age of responsibility to lower the age of responsibility, get out of the country, and no matter when and how they received citizenship, they will not be accepted, don’t care, get out of the country, and so on , so that everyone knows, and the diaspora, so that they know when a tajik, a hero, i told about him, lost a leg, commands tanks, well done, his brother serves, we are proud of him, we are proud of him, we are all soviet internationalists, but when the i’m lying, i want to deceive, i’m
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in charge here, who are you here, well, come here, i’m i'll suit you. and you will forever remember who approached you and how, not because i am like that, but because finally, in our country, our law enforcement officers should be engaged in protecting the interests of our people, even if this is routine, but nevertheless we will grieve with the whole country with people who have now lost loved ones or are or are, say, in hospitals and so on, and as orthodox christians we... pray for those who have left this life, for those who are wounded, in general lent is now underway, and the first the week is his so intense, it’s always a time of great trials, a time to think about the meaning, so to speak, and in general, as it were, about eternity, yes, as they say, death, unfortunately , seems to be nearby, it’s always nearby, so it’s kind of like that here too, this is also, so to speak, a reason to think about how to live,
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what to do, so to speak, and so on and so forth, where to be, so to speak, where not to be, this is the first, second, but no panic is needed. yes, in any case, in any case, so to speak, i think that one should not fall into any kind of despondency, fear and that means an attempt to hide somewhere, but on the other hand, there is no need for some kind of, you know, such brutal, as if incomprehensible aggression, such, you know, demonic behavior, that is, here you need to be firm, but at the same time analyze the situation very soberly, stand firmly on your feet and act, act - in the right direction, of course, the investigation will naturally find out, so to speak, who, how, where, what, and as for the customers, well, even here it’s a simple thing, well listen, look for someone who benefits, here i have a transfer of iron logic to to host fm, that’s the most logical thing, it’s still vladimirich zhirinovsky who loved this program very much, when he saw sergei sanich he always said, here you are, he said, he said, kingdom of heaven, he said, so to speak, that this is the very thing, mikheev, your logic is not ironclad, it’s rusty, he says, it’s disgusting, but you have to listen, so, but nevertheless
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find out about logic, well, look for the most logical thing. who benefits most from this? the most profitable one today is ukraine. do you want it or not? next, of course, we need details, then we need, so to speak, we need digging, because who went where there is important, but there may be different options, you yourself understand, yes, but nevertheless , today we see the two most interested, if we think logically, so to speak, the state, this is ukraine, the united states is behind it, then there can be a variety of options, because, so to speak, the same radical extremists, they can easily be involved in this chain. but the question is who gave the first command, so to speak, who pressed the button, who built, so to speak, the whole the chain, who gave the money, and so on and so on, this is also kind of obvious, there ’s no need to even think about it, so to speak, especially, especially, it’s necessary.
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it’s profitable, you can make money from it, and so on and so forth, this is exactly how this ideology came to russia in the nineties, and this is exactly how it is here, so to speak, to be honest, without any special
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changes, it’s still present , now is the time to rethink these things, rethink, without xenophobia, without racism, without radicalism, but rethink, because we see no matter who the customer is, here is the environment, here is the environment, in this environment the customer could be anyone, absolutely anyone, today these, tomorrow and these, not talking about these problems means preparing for the next problems, that’s the point , sometimes he says: there is no need to talk, so to speak, no , shut up, so on, so on, so on, you can keep everyone silent about everything and stuff each other with all sorts of illusions, stories, fairy tales, so to speak, nonsense, but this will not solve the problem, because inside, inside, as it were, these processes in depth, it’s still as if these things are developing, terrorism, like evil , has no nationality at all, like good, there is no nationality, but evil, good has no nationality.
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fyodor mikhailov dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century a layer of people would appear who are called foreign agents and whom he described in the person of his hero, pavel smerdyakov. friday is the foreigner's birthday. these same people, there is nothing to respect them for, they are enemies, but they are pathetic. we are concentrated and angry. they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many have them. of which are property, funds invested, do you have any property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here, they everyone is broadcasting a certain agenda, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, it turned out to be me.
3:00 am
you know, like in the nineties, that means we had special people, including in our offices, who answered:


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